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Evaluation of residual strength of corrosion damaged concrete structures

Conference Paper · November 2014

DOI: 10.1201/b17618-63


7 972

2 authors, including:

Hua-Peng Chen
University of Greenwich


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Evaluation of residual strength of corrosion damaged reinforced concrete
Jaya Nepal & Hua-Peng Chen*
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Greenwich, Chatham Maritime, Kent, ME4 4TB, UK.

*Corresponding author:

ABSTRACT: Corrosion in reinforcement is one of the major problems in the durability of any types of
reinforced concrete structures exposed to aggressive environment. Deterioration caused by corrosion reduces
the durability and the safety margin of concrete structures to an extent of serious structural failure, causing
huge amount of costs in managing these structures. This paper aims to investigate the effects of the
reinforcement corrosion on the residual strength of corrosion damaged reinforced concrete structures exposed
in aggressive environment. A new analytical method has been proposed to evaluate the residual strength of
concrete structures with corroded reinforcement failing in bond. The results from the analytical predictions
show that the proposed approach is capable of predicting the residual strength of corrosion damaged concrete
structures. A sensitivity analysis has also been carried out considering three important factors: geometrical,
mechanical properties of the concrete and type of the corrosion product. The study concludes that residual
load carrying capacity of corroded concrete structures decrease significantly due to bond strength loss.

1 INTRODUCTION effects of corrosion on the structural behaviour of

deteriorated RC structures would enhance in making
Reinforcement corrosion is a global problem in the effective and reliable decision related to the
durability of the reinforced concrete (RC) structures. inspection, repair, strengthening, replacement and
It causes considerable cost and safety threats to demolition of such structures.
infrastructure. It has been reported US$100 billion is Many investigations have been carried out during
spent annually worldwide on corrosion related the last three decades regarding the prediction of
maintenance and repair of RC structures. In Western corrosion initiation but comparatively few
Europe, 5 billion Euros is spent annually in repairing investigations have been undertaken in corrosion
corrosion damaged concrete infrastructures propagation and even less with the residual
(Markeset et al. 2006). Corrosion of reinforcement structural capacity of the corroded RC structure
(rebar) affects the performance of corroded RC (Torres-Acosta et al. 2007, Wang & Liu 2010).
structures in different ways. They mainly depend on Limited studies have been carried out to investigate
the loss of rebar area, cracking in concrete cover and the effect of reinforcement corrosion on the
bond strength degradation between rebar and mechanical characteristics and load carrying
concrete. Corrosion progress in concrete structures capacity of corroded RC structures where
affects the mechanical properties of both concrete reinforcing bars were corroded by using accelerated
and reinforcement. These changes in mechanical corrosion technique (Du et al. 2005, Azad et al.
properties along with decreasing size of the rebar 2007, Torres-Acosta et al. 2007, Chung et al. 2008,
and increasing crack width in the concrete cover can Azad et al. 2010, Zhang et al. 2012, Yang et al.
lead to significant reduction in the residual load 2013, Chen & Alani 2012, Chen 2013). Recently
carrying capacity and stiffness of the RC structures some theoretical approach has been proposed by
(Du et al. 2005, Huang & Chen 2013). In order to Wang & Liu (2010), EI Maadway (2005) and Tapan
estimate remaining useful life of deteriorating RC & Aboutaha (2008). However, the effect of bond
structures, the present condition of existing strength loss on residual load carrying capacity of
structures needs to be correctly assessed. corroded structures is still less understood.
Investigation of corrosion on load carrying capacity Loss of bond at the bond interface between
of the corrosion damaged concrete structure is reinforcement and surrounding concrete indicates
essential for the effective and reliable infrastructure that the design guidance for ultimate moment
management. Improving the understanding of the resistance, which are dependent on strain
compatibility at all sections, may become invalid in the cracked concrete has been considered by
and shift to a new compatibility condition (Eyre & adopting bilinear tension softening law of cracked
Nokhasteh 1992). This in turn changes the overall concrete as shown in Fig. 2. In the cohesive crack
behaviour of the structure. This paper presents a new
theoretical approach for evaluating the structural
condition of corrosion damaged concrete structures.
The applicability of the proposed model is
demonstrated by comparing its predictions with the
published experimental data available. The results
from the present analytical prediction are in good
agreement with the corresponding experimental
results. Influence of cover depth on flexural strength
capacity of the corroded RC structures failing in
bond has also been discussed.


Assuming mean annual corrosion current density

Figure 2. Bilinear tension softening curve for cohesive
(icorr), the uniform corrosion depth or the radius loss
cracking in the concrete cover.
of the rebar can be defined as x= Rb – Rbx in which Rb
and Rbx are the initial and the reduced rebar radii,
respectively. Its corresponding corrosion level (xp) model, the stress transferred through the cohesive
can be defined as the ratio of weight loss of the rebar cracks is assumed to be a function of crack opening
to its original weight in percentage. The corrosion (softening curve), expressed as
products formed are expansive in nature. Due to its   f (a  bW ) (1)
expansive nature, radial and hoop stresses are w t
developed at the rebar surface. When this hoop where σw is the tensile stress acting in cohesive
stress on the concrete surface reaches the tensile cracks; ft is the maximum tensile strength of
strength of the concrete, radial splitting cracks are concrete at onset of cracking; W is the normalised
formed at the bond interface and these cracks crack width defined as W = ft w(r)/Gf in which Gf is
propagate until they reach the concrete surface (Rc). the fracture energy of the concrete; w(r) is the actual
The concrete cracking process due to reinforcement crack width at any point r between Rb and Rc as
corrosion has been investigated analytically by Chen shown in Fig. 1; coefficients a and b are bilinear
& Alani (2013) and Chen & Xiao (2012), coefficients. This value depends on the pre-critical
considering thick walled cylinder model as shown in stage and post-critical stage of crack width given by
Fig. 1. Eq. (2a) and Eq. (2b) respectively,
a 1 ; b  if 0  W  W
Concrete W
W 
Steel rebar, Rb a u ;b if W  W  W (2b)
W W W W cr u
Clear cover, C u cr u cr

Cover in which  = coefficient of bilinear softening curve;

surface, Rc Wcr = normalised critical crack width and Wu =
ultimate cohesive crack width. The normalised crack
widths are associated with actual crack widths and
can be determined from experiments for the any type
of concrete. In the CEB-FIP model code 1990, the
Equivalent coefficient  is given as  = 0.15; Wcr and Wu can
crack be evaluated from concrete strength, fracture energy
and maximum aggregate size (Da).
Figure 1. Idealization of cover concrete as thick-walled Considering the bilinear softening law of cracked
cylinder model for predicting concrete crack development and concrete, normalised crack width at the rebar surface
residual strength evolution. of thick walled cylinder can be expressed as
The cracking in the concrete cover has been
considered as cohesive in nature and residual stress
1 E  The adhesion stress acting between rebar and
W   u  aR  (3) concrete is given by
bx b l  R
   f bx
 t

  
o b
n A f cot  tan   
st rx cohx o o
where lo = nc lch /2πb is the material constant in T  (6)
adx D S
which nc is the number of cracks taken as 3 or 4 for bx r
thick walled cylinder model and lch is the where nst is the number of stirrups; Arx = πDbxhrx is
characteristic length introduced by Hillerborg et the reduced rib area; Dbx is the reduced diameter of
al.(1976) ; E = Ec/(1+θc) is the effective modulus of the rebar and hrx = 0.07Dbx is the reduced rib height
elasticity of the concrete in which Ec is the modulus of the rebar. fcohx =2-10(x-xc) is the adhesion strength
of elasticity of concrete and θc is the creep coefficient in which xc is the corrosion depth
coefficient; ft = tensile strength of the concrete and corresponding to the through cracking of the
ubx = axis symmetric radial displacement at the rebar concrete cover; δo and φ are the orientation of the rib
surface. and the angle of friction between steel and concrete
The mass of the corrosion product responsible for respectively. Parameter tan(δo+φ) can be estimated
the radial displacement ubx and reduced radius of the from 1.57– 0.785x. Sr = 0.6Db is the rib spacing in
rebar Rbx can be estimated from which Db is the original diameter of rebar (Wang &

 2R u  u2 
b bx bx
Liu 2004).
The confinement stress Tcnfx=kcnfxPcnfx where kcnfx
is the coefficient of confinement stress evaluated
 M 
12 from nst Cr tan(δo+φ)/π in which Cr is the shape
R   R2  rx  (4b) factor constant taken as 0.8 for crescent shape rebar.
bx  b  
  Pcnfx is the total confinement stress contributed by
the cracked concrete (Pcnfx,c) and the stirrups (Pcnfx,st).
where αm=1/ρr - γ/ρs in which ρs is the density of the By adopting the properties of the thick walled
steel; and ρr = ρs / γγo is the density of the corrosion cylinder model with cohesive cracks, Nepal et al.
product where γ and γo are the molecular weight (2013) has modified the expression of confinement
ratio and the volume ratio of the corrosion products stress given by Giuriani et al. (1991), expressed here
to its parent metal, respectively. Depending upon the as
type of the corrosion product formed, the value of w
the volume ratio (γo) lies between 1.8 to 6.4 and 1  bx
corresponding molecular weight ratio (γ) lies  C  w
P   f u (7a)
between 0.78 to 0.35 (Bhargava et al. 2006). cnfx, c  R  t kc w
 bx  1
P   st st   E 2 bx  1 bx  a (7b)
cnfx , st  D  z  st  D o
 bx   2 D2 st st
st st
3.1. Bond strength evaluation
where C is the clear cover depth; kc is the constant
Ultimate bond strength of deformed bars which is taken as 167; wbx is the actual crack width at rebar
essential in the design of RC structures depends on surface; Ast is the cross-section area of stirrup leg
adhesion, friction and mechanical interlocking at the with diameter of Dst ; Δz is the spacing of stirrup; Est
bond interface. Corrosion in the rebar affects the is the modulus of elasticity of steel; αst is the shape
bond properties between rebar and the surrounding
factor of stirrup taken as 2; a2, a1 and ao are
concrete by changing the shape and angle of the ribs
of deformed rebar. It also influences the mechanical coefficients related to trilateral local bond-slip law
interlocking and confinement between rebar and the of the stirrup (Giuriani et al. 1991). Bond
surrounding concrete by reducing adhesion and contribution due to stirrup has limited value. In this
frictional force caused by the accumulation of paper it has been estimated according to the
corrosion products and cracking in the concrete expression given by ACI Committee 408R (2003).
cover. Considering these effects, deterioration of the Corrosion stress due to accumulation of corrosion
ultimate bond strength at any corrosion level can be product at rebar surface is defined as Tcorrx = μx Pcorrx
evaluated from three contributions, i.e. adhesion in which μx is the coefficient of the friction between
stress Tadx, confinement stress Tcnfx and Corrosion corroded rebar and cracked concrete defined as 0.37-
stress Tcorrx (Coronelli 2002). 0.26(x-xc). Pcorrx is the corrosion pressure. The
corrosion pressure acting at bond interface can be
T T T
adx cnfx corrx
(5) evaluated from (Chen & Xiao 2012).
f 

 1 
a  bW 
bx  

corroded tensile steel; Asc = initial area of un-
corroded compression steel with diameter of Dsc; εcc
P  t
 W 
corrx 2
1  b l  R
 o b dr
 dW

   bl bx
bx o R 
 (8) = ultimate stain of concrete = 0.0035; λ = 0.8; εst =
strain of tensile steel; εsc = strain of compression
b 
steel; c = neutral axis depth from the edge of
compression zone; fst = tensile stess acting at the
where W=c1δ(lo,r)+c2 is the normalised crack width
centroid of tensile steel; fcd = 0.85fck/ γc is the design
in which δ(lo,r)=1/lo(lo,r)-(1/lo2)ln(|lo-r|/r) ; c1 and c2
strength of the concrete in which fck = characteristic
are the functions of Wbx to be determined by two
compressive strength of the concrete and γc = partial
boundary conditions W|r=Rb=Wbx and W|r=Rc=Wcx;
factor of safety of the concrete taken as 1.5; s =
βbx=1/[1+{bloWbx/(a-bWbx)Rb}] is the stiffness
equivalent compression zone given by λc ; η and λ
reduction factor and ϑ is the Poisson’s ratio of
are coefficients of 1 and 0.8 for fck ≤ 50 MPa.
concrete. Once normalised crack width W is
available other parameters such as dW/dr and actual
crack width at the cover surface wc can be

3.2. Residual load capacity deterioration due to

bond strength loss
Bond is the interaction mechanism that enables the
force transfer between rebar and the surrounding
concrete. Without bond, composite action in RC
structures cannot occur (Wang & Liu 2010). When
composite action is disrupted, load carrying capacity
(flexural capacity) of RC structures is also disrupted. (a) (b) (c)
In this section flexural strength deterioration of RC
beam failing in bond is presented. Figure 3: Flexural analysis of a RC beam section: (a) typical
In good bond condition, bond strength (Tubrqd) reinforced concrete beam section; (b) strain distribution; (c)
equivalent stress distribution.
and corresponding development length (ld) required
to prevent anchorage failure is given by
In corroded beam when Tubx is less than Tubrqd,
f D
yk b tensile force generated in the corroded tensile steel is
T  (9a) given by
ubrqd 4l
f  n D l T (10)
D f   C   stx b bx d ubx
b yd  (9b)
l 
d 1  0.15   1 
From Fig. 3, in un-corroded perfectly bonded
4f  D 
bd  b 
beam following strain compatibility condition exists
where fyd = design strength of tensile steel given by 
fyk/ γs in which fyk = characteristic strength of steel st  d  c
and γs = partial factor of safety for steel = 1.15; fbd is  c
the design bond strength can be obtained from
Eurocode 2.  '
sc  c  d (11b)
At any stage of corrosion, when Tubx is greater  c
than Tubrqd, the compatibility condition as given by cc
design code is valid. If not, due to insufficient bond But the strain compatibility of the corroded beam
strength, a new compatibility condition will exist. To lies between un-bonded and bonded condition
consider this effect in evaluating flexural strength of (Wang & Liu 2010). Hence assuming deformation
corroded RC structures, a simply supported RC of concrete at the steel level is mainly due to plastic
beam as shown in Fig. 3(a) subjected to flexure load deformation occurring within the plastic equivalent
is now considered. Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 3(c) show the region (Leq), new strain compatibility of corroded
strain and stress distribution across beam section beam can be expressed as
under initial un-corroded condition of reinforcing
bars as given by Eurocode 2, respectively.  d c
stx  g x x (12a)
The symbols in Fig. 3 are defined as: b = width of  x c
ccx x
beam; D = overall depth of the beam; d = D-C- Db/2
is the effective depth of beam; d’= C+Dsc/2 is the  c  d'
distance from centroid of the compression steel to scx  g x x
x c (12b)
edge of compression fibre; Ab = initial area of un- 
ccx x
MPa; Ec = 37 GPa; ld =460 mm and fbd =3.68 MPa
are obtained from Eurocode 2.

Figure 5. Analytical estimate of normalized bond strength

versus corrosion level, compared with experimental data
available from various sources
Figure 4. Analytical estimate of surface crack width versus
corrosion level, compared with experimental data available corrosion level and compared with the published
from various sources experiment data of various reference literatures. In
Fig. 6, the normalized residual flexural strength is
The results in Fig. 4 show the analytically calculated by dividing the flexural capacity of
estimated equivalent surface crack width as a corroded element by the capacity of the non-
function of corrosion level in percentage. The corroded element. As observed from Fig. 6, the trend
estimated results are then compared with published of the flexural strength deterioration estimated by
experimental investigations (accelerated or natural the present study shows the good agreement with
corrosion) obtained from various reference
literature. It can be seen from Fig. 4 that the
estimated crack width increases as reinforcement
corrosion level increases, agreeing well with the
referred experimental results.
Fig. 5 shows the results of normalized residual
bond strength versus corrosion level estimated by
the present analytical study and compared with the
published experiment data obtained from various
references. The normalized bond strength
corresponding to each corrosion level has been
obtained by dividing the ultimate bond strength of
corroded element by the ultimate bond strength of
non-corroded element.
Here again, the trend of bond strength
deterioration estimated by the present study is in
good agreement with the experimental investigation
of the reference literatures. At first, at low level of
corrosion (<1%) bond strength increases by about
50% but further increase in corrosion leads to Figure 6. Analytical estimate of normalised flexural strength
considerable reduction of bond strength. This rapid versus corrosion level, compared with experimental data
reduction in bond strength is associated with available from various sources
decrease in corrosion stress; mechanical
interlocking; friction and confinement stress the experimental investigations of the reference
(provided by the surrounding concrete cover) acting literatures. At initial stage, the flexural strength of
at the bond interface caused by increasing corrosion the corroded beam remains almost same as the un-
product and widening of cracks in concrete cover. corroded beam. When corrosion level is about 5%,
The residual flexural strength estimated by the considerable deterioration occurs. The reduction in
present study is plotted in Fig. 6 as a function of the flexural strength is due to the significant reduction in
bond strength, which is required to ensure perfect
bond between rebar and surrounding concrete and
prevent beam from anchorage failure.

Figure 8. Analytical estimate of normalized flexural strength

versus corrosion level for different cover depth

This paper presents a new approach for evaluating

Figure 7. Analytical estimate of flexural strength and bond the residual strength of corrosion affected RC
strength versus corrosion level structures. The application of the proposed approach
is illustrated with the numerical example. At first,
Deterioration process of bond strength and crack growth in concrete cover and bond strength
flexural strength caused by reinforcement corrosion deterioration caused by corroded reinforcement and
is presented in Fig.7. At about 5% mass loss, bond are evaluated by analytical investigations. Then the
strength is decreased by about 60% whereas flexural flexural strength of corroded RC beam failing in
strength decreases by about 10%. When corrosion bond strength is evaluated by using the proposed
level reaches about 5%, there is significant reduction methodology. The analytical results for crack growth
in flexural strength caused by decrease in bond together with the bond and flexural strength
strength and corresponding anchorage failure which deterioration are then validated by experimental data
occurred before yielding of the steel and the available. Growth in surface crack width with
surrounding concrete. Similar trends in reduction of increase in rear corrosion is discussed and the effect
flexural strength results were observed by Azad et of reinforcement corrosion on the bond strength and
al. (2007), Azad et al. (2010), Chung et al. (2008) corresponding flexural strength is analysed. The
and Lee et al. (1996). It is interesting to see that at behaviour of flexural strength deterioration
about 16% mass loss of the rebar, bond strength associated with bond strength loss has also been
reaches to 25% of its residual strength while flexural investigated. On the basis of the results obtained
capacity maintains 45% (approximately) of its from the numerical example following conclusions
residual capacity. This clearly shows that, corrosion can be drawn: a) The proposed approach is capable
in reinforcement has substantial effect on bond of evaluating the crack growth and residual strength
strength and so as on the flexural strength of (bond and flexural) deterioration of the corroded RC
corroded RC structure. structures; b) Cracking in concrete cover increase
In order investigate the effect of cover depth (C) with further progress of corrosion; c) At low
on flexural strength deterioration of corroded RC corrosion level (<1%), bond strength increases.
structure is presented in Fig. 8, by considering cover However, with further increase in corrosion, the
depth of 40 mm; 50 mm and 60 mm. The results bond strength decreases significantly; d) Flexural
indicate that flexural strength deterioration decreases strength decreases significantly after 5% corrosion
with increase in cover depth in corroded RC level, this is associated with significant reduction in
structures suffering from bond strength bond strength and corresponding anchorage failure
deterioration. This may be due to increase in occurred before yielding of steel and surrounding
resistance associated with higher cover depth. concrete. About 16% mass loss can cause 75% loss
in bond strength and 45% reduction in flexural
strength. Therefore, bond strength is much affected
5 CONCLUSIONS by corrosion than flexural strength; e) Increase in
cover depth can reduce the flexural strength
deterioration rate of corroded beam failing in bond.
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