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32 5. In my room. ‘My room isn't big but itis very nice. It has green walls, a white. ceiling and a white door. The furniture is yellow and red. There is one window with blue curtains in my room. I have three pot plants on the windowsill, I water them every day. They look beautiful. In front of the window there is a yellow desk and a yellow chair. I do my homework at my desk. You can see ‘@ computer on a small table next to the desk. There is a printer on a red shelf, just above the computer. I type e-mails to my friends and print news from the Internet there. ‘There is a wastepaper basket under the desk. To the left of my desk there is a bed. My bed is yellow and blue. It is very comfortable. There is a red bookshelf with books above my bed. There is a big poster of a giant blue whale between the bookshelf and the window. There is ¢ small mirror on the wall to the right of my bed. LUpposite the window there is a big yellow wardrobe. I keep my clothes and toys there. There is a thick blue carpet on the floor. In the corner of the room there my cat's basket. My cat sleeps there nearly all day. There isn't a TV in my room, I watch television in the living room. T like my room. ZI is very cosy and comfortable. 5. W moi pokoju. Mo} pokoj nie jest duéy, ale bardzo tadny. Ma zielone sciany, bialy sufic i biale drawi, Meble sa 26lte i czerwone. W moim pokoju jest jedno okne 2 niebieskimi zastonkami. Mam trzy rosliny doniczkowe na parapece, Podlewam je codziennie. Wygladaja picknie Pod oknem jest 26lte biurko i 26Ite krzesto. Odrabiam lekeje pray moim biurku. Mozesz zauwazye komputer na malym stoliku obok biurka. Na czerwone} pétce, tuz nad Komputerem, jest drukarka. Tutaj pisze e-maile do preyjaciot i drukuje wiadomosci z Internetu. Pod biurkiem stoi kosz na émiecie, Po lewej stronie biurka ‘znajduje sig 10zk0. Jest 261to-niebieskie i bardzo wygodne. Nad fozkiem znajduje sig czerwona polka z ksiq2kami vomicdzy potka z ksiqzkami a oknem wisi duzy plakat przedstawiajacy ogromnego, niebieskiego wieloryba. Na Scianie, po prawey stronie fozka, jest mate lusterko. Po precetwne} stronie okna stoi duza, zolta szafa, ‘Troymam tam moje ubrania i zabawki. Na podlodze lezy iuby, ulebieskt dywan. W rogu pokoju Jest koszyk kota, Moj kot spi tam prawie ealy dzief. W moim pokoju nie ma telewizora. Ogladam telewizj¢ w duzym pokoju Lubig m6j pokoj. Jest bardzo prayeulny i wygouuy. 33

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