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Essential Coding Concepts-1

Week 4
Course Title: Game Development and Modeling
Instructor: Nauman Ahmed
• Instantiate
• Invoke
• Prefab Instantiate
• Prefab destroy
• Playerprefs and data storage
• Understanding Vector Arithmetic
• Vector Distance and Direction
• Magnitude of a Vector
• Vector Normalization

• Instantiate can be used to create new

objects at runtime.
– Examples include objects used for projectiles,
or particle systems for explosion effects.
– public static Object Instantiate(Object original);
– public static Object Instantiate(Object original, Transform
– public static Object Instantiate(Object original, Transform
parent, bool instantiateInWorldSpace);
– public static Object Instantiate(Object original, Vector3
position, Quaternion rotation);
– public static Object Instantiate(Object original, Vector3
position, Quaternion rotation, Transform parent);

• Invokes the method methodName in time

– If time is set to 0, the method is invoked at the
next Update cycle. In this case, it's better to
call the function directly.

Invoke("LaunchProjectile", 2.0f);

• Unity’s Prefab system allows you to create,

configure, and store a GameObject
complete with all its components, property
values, and child GameObjects as a
reusable Asset.
– The Prefab Asset acts as a template from
which you can create new Prefab instances in
the Scene
– When you want to reuse a GameObject
configured in a particular way – like a non-
player character (NPC), prop or piece of sce
Prefab Instantiate
using UnityEngine;
public class InstantiationExample : MonoBehaviour
// Reference to the Prefab. Drag a Prefab into this field in the Inspector.
public GameObject myPrefab;

// This script will simply instantiate the Prefab when the game starts.
void Start()
// Instantiate at position (0, 0, 0) and zero rotation.
Instantiate(myPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity);
Prefab destroy
using UnityEngine;
public class InstantiationExample : MonoBehaviour
// Reference to the Prefab. Drag a Prefab into this field in the Inspector.
public GameObject myPrefab;

// This script will simply instantiate the Prefab when the game starts.
void Start()
// Instantiate at position (0, 0, 0) and zero rotation.
GameObject g = Instantiate(myPrefab, new Vector3(0, 0, 0),
Playerprefs and data storage
• PlayerPrefs is a useful built-in utility that makes it easy to
persist certain types of data between scenes.
– PlayerPrefs is accessed like a hashtable or dictionary.
– You can use the included SetString(), SetInt(), or SetFloat()
methods to set a key/value pair.

void SetLanguagePreference(string language)

PlayerPrefs.SetString(“language”, language);

void SetDifficultyPreference(string difficulty)

PlayerPrefs.SetString(“difficulty”, difficulty);
Understanding Vector Arithmetic
• Addition

• Subtraction

• Dot Product
Understanding Vector Arithmetic
• Cross Product
Vector Distance and Direction
• The length of the line shows its magnitude and the arrowhead
points in the direction.
• And it doesn't matter which order we add them, we get the same
Magnitude of a Vector
• |a| = √( x2 + y2 )

• Example: what is the magnitude of the vector b = (6,8) ?

– |b| = √( 62 + 82) = √( 36+64) = √100 = 10
Vector Normalization
• Normalization consists of dividing every entry in a vector by its
magnitude to create a vector of length 1 known as the unit vector

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