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Magnets and pain project

By: Zahida Gomez and Alexis Southard

Period 7

December 8th, 2020

Table of contents:



4)post test

5)change in pain


This project does support the idea that magnets do support or get rid of some pain. In the

first part, both the active group and the placebo group experienced pain they wanted to get rid of.

In the post test,the people who were using the active magnets had more pain than those who had

the placebo. In part 3 of the experiment “change in pain” the placebos didn’t receive much

progress at all. The people with this was a double-blinded procedure because the patients didn’t

know what was going on until the end of the experiment. Not as many people were getting

experimented on so it is harder to tell what the majority had less or fewer pain and why. A

certain number of pain scores could mean something else to other people, for example, a 6 in

pain could be a 3 to someone else. However, this experiment could help researchers, since

magnets get rid of pain they could create something new using magnets that help out people.

Maybe different types of magnets relieve certain amounts of pain or different sizes so there could

be more research on that.

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