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Cheah 1

Matthew Cheah

Mr. Smith

IB English HL1

08 November 2020

Life’s True Value

Regarding his thoughts on life and death, famous 19th-century philosopher Arthur

Schopenhaur explains that “mostly, it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things.” The

eminent German theorist, renowned for his theories regarding nihilism, could have never foreseen

the momentous weight his words would have gained decades later, when his home country was

thrown into war along with the rest of Europe in 1848. Schopenhaur’s words and the subsequent

Revolutions of 1848 capture the paradoxical relationship between war and life. Poet Ocean Vuong

touches upon this same idea in his elegantly sentimental war poem, “Kissing In Vietnamese.” In

the poem, Vuong utilizes extended similes, vivid imagery, and juxtaposition to illustrate how one

comprehends life’s true value through experiencing the abject chaos of war.

Throughout the poem, Vuong primarily utilizes extended similes to forge a connection

between his grandmother’s love and her experience at war. He frequently compares her expressions

of affection to the violence of warfare, such as how she kisses “as if bombs are bursting in the

backyard” and as if “somewhere, a body is falling apart” (Vuong 2, 5). He does so to highlight the

connection between loss and love, in the sense that one fully appreciates life through experiencing

the trauma of death. War, a scene of explosions and corpses as Vuong describes it, allows the

grandmother to truly comprehend the value of life, simply since she has lost so much before. She

expresses her affection for her grandson in a savory way in order to preserve his existence, hence
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why she kisses “as if to breathe you inside of her,” holding “you as if death also is clutching your

wrist” (Rottmann Llines 12, 16, 17). Love is the grandmother’s form of protection, a habit she has

adopted after witnessing death so many times throughout the war. She clings onto those she cares

for and tries to make them a part of her since she completely understands how precious their lives

are, keeping them close to make them inseparable from her so that she may never experience the

heart-shattering tragedy of losing them. She “kisses as if / history never ended,” appreciating life

with a universal intensity that refuses to tremble in the face of either war or peace (Lines 18, 19).

Ultimately, Vuong uses extended similes to capture this idea, illustrating masterfully to readers the

unabating passion that one regards life with after returning from the death-heavy scenes of war.

Overall, poet Ocean Vuong utilizes extended similes, vivid imagery, and juxtaposition to

convey the idea that war teaches those that experience it the true value of life by unleashing to

them carnage and destruction. “Kissing In Vietnamese” testifies to the beauty of life and the

atrocity of war, discovering a silver lining between the two in which only understanding exists.

Unfortunately, this idealistic notion oftentimes proves to be ungrounded in reality. Veterans

returning home from years of mentally-destructive combat and gore are often treated with

complete indifference from the citizens of the country they fought for, who are incapable of

comprehending the full drudgery of war, being physically removed from it. As a result, many

returning veterans face a life of solitude and alienation in their supposed times of peace. They lost

and understood the most, only to lose everything once more.

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Meets Standard Approaching Standard Below Standard

(5 points) (3 points) (1 point)

Hook Strategy/ The hook is creative and The hook is somewhat The hook is either missing
Introduction engaging, introducing the engaging, though it could or completely lacking in
(10 Points) main topic of the essay in be more creative in creativity and engagement;
an interesting fashion capturing the reader’s there is no clear transition
while also making a clear attention; the transition to between the hook strategy
and smooth connection to the poem is evident, and the poem being
the poem though not very effective discussed

Thesis Statement Thesis is clear, concise, Thesis attempts to answer Thesis is vague,
and argumentative; it the prompt, but is not underdeveloped, and/or
effectively and accurately specific or concise inaccurate; it does not
addresses all aspects of enough to provide clarity answer the prompt or
the prompt for the argument focus on the author’s craft

Topic Sentence The topic sentence is The topic sentence does The topic sentence is
clear, concise, and support the thesis unclear, ambiguous, or
argumentative; it statement and provide missing altogether; it does
effectively supports a focus for analysis in the not support the thesis
specific argument defined paragraph, though the statement or provide focus
in the thesis statement and argument could be more for analysis
provides a focus for clear and concise
analysis in the paragraph

Textual Evidence Paragraph includes at Paragraph includes at Paragraph lacks the

least 3-5 pieces of strong least 2-3 pieces of textual necessary amount of
textual evidence, with evidence, though some textual evidence to
context for the reader’s context is missing for the effectively support the
understanding; all quotes reader’s understanding; thesis; context is missing
are woven and cited some quotes are woven and quotes are woven and
correctly and cited incorrectly cited incorrectly

Analysis Commentary Paragraph provides ample Paragraph includes Paragraph is limited in the
commentary after each commentary for each essential amount of
piece of evidence that example, though the commentary needed to
effectively explains each analysis is limited in express a thorough
example and provides the nature and does not understanding of the play;
necessary analysis to thoroughly explain each analysis is simplistic and
support the thesis piece of textual evidence does not effectively prove
the thesis
Cheah 4

Conclusion Paragraph Conclusion is Conclusion is concise in Conclusion is

(10 Points) enlightening, inspiring, its summation and does considerably
and relevant to the reader; leave the reader with a underdeveloped and/or
it effectively connects relevant and interesting simply repeats ideas
back to hook idea or idea to consider, though it presented in the
leaves the reader with an is somewhat repetitive of introductory paragraph
interesting idea to the thesis and introduction
consider paragraph

Syntax & Grammar Sentences are varied in Sentences are varied in Sentences are simplistic
syntax, proving a syntax, commonly using and repetitive regarding
complexity of writing compound-complex syntax; there are common
with compound-complex sentences, though there errors in grammar and
sentences and purposeful are a few errors in punctuation, such as
simple and compound grammar and punctuation fragments, run-ons,
sentences; there are no missing commas, etc.
noticeable grammar or
punctuation errors

Academic Vocabulary Academic vocabulary is Academic vocabulary is Paragraph’s diction is

used throughout the attempted throughout the common, slang,
paragraph, bringing a paragraph, though there is sophomoric, and/or
level of sophistication and some slang or un-academic
complexity to the sophomoric diction

Total: /50 Points

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