Pasive Voice Present Andf Continuous

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A) When we want to have the complement in active voice to get the attention.
B) When it is not said who is specifically the subject in active voice.

1. TENSE: Simple present.

Structures: Active voice: Passive voice:

A. Affirmative The students read an interesting An interesting book is read by the

book. students.

B. Negative You don’t write a Shakespeare A Shakespeare article isn’t written

article. by you.

C. Interrogative Do players practice football? Is football practiced by players?

ACTIVITY 1: Write 5 sentences in ACTIVE VOICE, and rewrite them in PASSIVE VOICE;
affirmatives, 5 negatives, and 5 interrogatives. As the examples given.

2. TENSE: Present continuous.

Structures: Active voice: Passive voice:

A. Affirmative The students are reading an An interesting book is being read by

interesting book. the students.

B. Negative You aren’t writing a Shakespeare A Shakespeare article isn’t being

article. written by you.

C. Interrogative Are players practicing football? Is football being practiced by


ACTIVITY 2: Write 5 sentences in ACTIVE VOICE, and rewrite them in PASSIVE VOICE;
affirmatives, 5 negatives, and 5 interrogatives. As the examples given. (Present continuous tense).

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