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1 What kind of person do you consider interesting? 1 a serious and focused person/ una persona seria y enfocada
What time do you usually have your
2 breakfast/lunch/dinner? 2 breakfast at eight o'clock and lunch at one o'clock and dinner at seven thirty
3 Which do you think is the most interesting sports?
4 What are your parents like? 3 the most interesting sport is soccer/ el deporte mas interesante es el futbol

5 What things do you dislike shopping for? 4 my parents are cheerful and hardworking/ Mis padres son alegres y trabajdor.

6 Which do you think is the most dangerous sports? 5 I don't like to eat olives/ no me gusta comer aceitunas

7 Tell me something about your husband/wife. 6 the most dangerous sport is extreme cycling/ El deporte mas exrtr. Es ciclismo
7 my girlfriend is beautiful and smart/ Mi novia es Hermosa e inteligente
8 What kind of people do you like to meet?
8 good and happy people/ Personas de bien y alegres
9 What did you have for dinner last night?
9 last night I had a delicious lomo saltado for dinner/ Anoche cene lomo saltad.
10 What are the occupations of your family members?
11 What kind of things do you often shop for? my parents are teachers and my sister is a baby/ Mis padres son profesores y mi
10 hermana es una bebe
12 Tell me something about your children
11 things to cook like vegetables and meats/ Cosas para cocinar verduras y carn
13 What foods do you hate?
12 I don't have children yet/ No tengo hijos aun
14 What sports do you play?
13 nuts and tomatoes/ Frutos secos y tomates
15 What did you have yesterday for breakfast/lunch?
14 I play soccer and basketball/ Yo juego futbol y basquet
16 Do you sometimes eat outside your house? Where?
15 Juane at breakfast and chaufa at lunch/ Juane en el desayuno y chaufa en alm
17 What kind of restaurants you like?
18 What do you and your family like to do together? 16 Yes, sometimes we eat in the chicken shop/ Si aveces en la polleria

19 What's your favorite place to shop?

17 I like chinese restaurants/ Me gustan los restaurants chinos
20 How often do you eat in a restaurant?
18 We like to eat and spend family moments/ Nos gusta comer y momentos
21 Describe your family
19 my favorite place to buy is the supermarket/ Mi lugar favorite es el supermerc
22 Do you like vegetables? What's your favorite one?
20 once a week is safe/ Una ves por semana es seguro
23 What can you tell me about you?
21 my family is extensive and they are all happy and dancers/ Alegres y bailarine
24 Who do you like to go shopping with?
22 yes, I like them and my favorite is broccoli/ si me gustan y mi favorto el brocol
25 How often do you eat fruit?
Do you like shopping? Why do/don’t you like 23 I am happy and fun soy alegre y divertido
26 shopping? 24 mostly alone mayormente solo
27 What's your favorite drink? 25 with little frequency con poca frecuencia
28 How much of water do you drink?
Do you often watch sports? If yes, what sports do you
26 if I like to go shopping, like polo shirts and jeans si me gusta ir de compras
29 watch?
27 my favorite drink is barley mi bebida favorita es la cebada
30 How often do you have family get-togethers
28 a liter of water a day un litro de agua al dia
The sports I watch are varied like soccer and basketball los deportes que veo son
29 variados como futbol y basquet
30 now in quarantine very little ahora en cuarentena muy poca

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