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Eutrophication and Denitrification of Zostera Marina

in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey

Ryder Lynch

The Barnegat Bay watershed is arguably a unique ecosystem for New Jersey. The watershed is a

habitat for hundreds of species both fresh water dwelling and saltwater dwelling due to areas of

brackish waters, which are connected by rivers and flood into bays and inlets, connecting to the

ocean. Also within the watershed are various forms of plant and algae life, but more familiar to

our area ​Zostera Marina, Ulva Lactuca ​and ​Spartina Alterniflora. ​These seagrasses are vital to

species such as ​Mercenaria Mercenaria, Callinectes Sapidus a​ nd ​Tautoga Onitis ​who use the

beds as protection and breeding grounds.​ ​Eutrophication,when bodies of water become overly

enriched with minerals and nutrients and cause intense algae growth (wikipedia), and

denitrification, a process facilitated by when nitrate is reduced and produces nitrogen oxide

(wikipedia), are processes that affect these species. However, eutrophication is not common in

our watershed. Researchers have used ​ Z.Marina, U.Lactuca ​and ​ S.Alterniflora ​as indicators to

see what makes them so susceptible to decay and overproduction of nutrients such as Phosphorus

(P), Nitrate (NOз), and Nitrogen (N) in other bodies of water around the world. Using research

that discusses currently living and extinct forms of specifically ​Z.Marina, ​this paper will discuss

findings of the characteristics on why ​Z.Marina ​is changing, or has increasingly become

non-existent in the Barnegat Bay watershed, and conclude on how we can use the species further

to continue the study.


Z.Marina i​ s a vital habitat for breeding and niche for species in our area such as ​Mercenaria

Mercenaria, Callinectes Sapidus ​and ​Taitoga Onitis.​ While it is a vital habitat, there is a lot

damaging the ecosystem that is natural and unnatural. Boating, swimming, overfishing,

recreational sports, illegal dumping, and wake zones throw off the natural flow of the ecosystem

and damage seagrass beds and harm wildlife. Natural damages occur when there is an

overproduction or an uncontrolled release of N, NOз and P, which enters the water column from

the soil and sediment when the beds are disturbed by any of the above unnatural factors. This

process causes algal blooms, and kills off seagrasses, and is why in most recent years we have

not seen ​Z.Marinia i​ n Barnegat Bay. This could also lead to extinction, which was researched in

a study done by Marieke van Katwijk, Arthur Bos, Peer Kennis and Rob de Vries titled

“Vulnerability to Eutrophication of a semi-annual life history: A lesson learnt from an extinct

eelgrass (Z.Marina) population”, on an extinct species of ​Z.Marina ​in the Wadden Sea

(Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands). Other contributing factors to this research of

Z.Marina e​ xtinction were suffocation, which occured when there was a large amount of

macroalgae, or ​U.Lactuca ​which laid on and covered ​Z.Marina ​and restricts sunlight. This

process further restricts ​Z.Marina ​from being able to conduct photosynthesis. Without proper

conditions for photosynthesis, the niche for ​Z.Marina ​is disturbed and causes rapid decay. The

decay of ​Z.Marina ​releases N from the shoots, and allows ​U. Lactuca ​to thrive, seeing as

U.Lactuca ​gains its nutrients from the water column. This leads to algal blooms, which begins

eutrophication, then red tides (dinoflagellates). Combined research uses ​Z.Marina ​as a NPI

(nutrient pollutant indicator), direct effects of nitrogen and ​Z.Marina​, how denitrification effects

Z.Marina,a​ nd how other dinoflagellates (​Pyrrophyta, Gonyaulax Spinifera, Prorocentrum

Triangulatum, Exuviaella spp., a​ nd ​Heterocapsa Triquetra) e​ ffect brackish coves, where

Z.Marina i​ s also present.


Throughout my research over the semester, my main research question has remained the same.

Why is ​Z.Marina, U.Lactuca ​and ​S.Alterniflora ​so easily affected by one another through

processes of both eutrophication and denitrification? Also, why is ​Z.Marina ​the only seagrass

being used as an NPI (nutrient pollutant indicator)? As summarized above it is clear that

Z.Marina i​ s important and needed in the environment to fulfil niche requirements for various

species, and that natural and unnatural occurrences are taking effect on the species, making it

non-existent on our watershed for the last few years. This issue is important because the

Barnegat Bay watershed is right in many of our backyards, and it is our job to protect it, and we

are failing at that.


The first study I researched was by Michael J Kennish and Benjamin Fertig and it is

titled, “Application and assessment of a nutrient pollution indicator using eelgrass (​Zostera

Marina) i​ n Barnegat Bay - Little Egg Harbor estuary, New Jersey”. Published in “Aquatic

Botany, Volume 96, Issue 1”, Kennish and Fertig discuss their research on how they used

Z.Marina a​ s a bioindicator in the Barnegat Bay watershed when focusing on production of leaf

N. My initial questions for the paper were why was ​Z.Marina ​specifically targeted as the

bioindicator and is eutrophication affecting the barnegat bay or is it spreading throughout. The
hypothesis of the study was to research an already eutrophic location and to indicate better

results using ​Z.Marina a​ s the NPI rather than scanning the entire watershed at once. Kennish and

Fertig dedicated 10 sections based on markings of ​Z.Marina b​ eds. These fields were selected due

to lack of field work, so they hoped their results would have come back more inclusive. On three

separate dates, June, August and October, 3 samples were taken from each and pulled around the

average projected growing season for ​Z. Marina.​ In total 90 samples were selected, and only 77

were deemed useable due to lack of growth. Kennish and Fertig used three different Yellow

Springs Instruments, or YSIs. The models 6600, 600 XL and 650 MDS were all used to calculate

the quality of water in the sample locations. Once the data was collected a matrix was created

using the Proc Distance, SAS inc software, and then formatted into a two-dimensional plot.

These results concluded as non-normal, so the results were not verifiable. Another method that

was attempted was separating the shoots from the roots and rhizomes, then drying them at

50-60℃ (122-140℉) and then using the Carlo Erba NA 1500 S2 elemental analyzer to test for

carbon and nitrogen. While this was deemed successful, it did not provide much to the study,

seeing as Kennish and Fertig had knowledge of this prior to beginning their research. The major

finding of the study were that during the months of collection, that O₂ was dissolved during

June-July and the water temperature was lower than anticipated. During August-September, O₂

was still dissolved and water temperatures were intermediate, and during October-November, O₂

was still reported as dissolved but was high, but water temperatures were also higher than

anticipated. There were no gradients detected, but the data was varied inconclusive while using a

secchi disk. 3 studies in the north and 3 studies in the south were co-varied, but eventually

showed no significant relationship to leaf N production. The future directions of the study from

Kennish and Fertig were to use the NPI and allow it to be more readily available to those who
are researching eutrophication. The conclusion of this research was that the results using NPI

was not a correct approach to reflect on eutrophication status.

My second study research was by Marieke van Katwijk, Arthur Bos, Peer Kennis and

Rod de Vries. The research was titled, “Vulnerability to eutrophication of a semi-annual life

history: A lesson learnt from an extinct eelgrass population. It was published in the Biological

Conversation. The research question weas to study the extinct seagrass from the Wadden sea and

compare samples and seed banks dynamics of impacted sites. My research questions were how

can this information benefit here in the Barnegat Bay and are there any similarities in studies

between this article and other articles I have researched this far. The research questions in the

article were why were ​Z.Marina b​ eds increasing and decreasing at an alarming rate for each

season compared to previous years, why or what caused the seagrass to die before germination

and how is eutrophication playing a role and prohibiting results. The hypothesis of the paper was

to conduct a transplantation experiment that may show the relationship of survival of seed

producing shoots and macroalgae. Furthermore, both testing sites may produce better results and

give clues to why the beds are heavily impacted by eutrophication. Additional hypothesis state

that transient seed bank density of the population was lowered by eutrophication due to reduced

seed production (not limited to algal growth in the summer months). Sampling was conducted by

8 16m2 permanent plots which were established at locations in September in 1990. Vegetation

was predicted to have higher seed bank density. Dispersal was scattered over a large area and

seeds were evenly distributed which possibly prevented macroalgae coverage. Separate shoots

were placed in two areas, with an increased amount of macroalgae coverage and once without

any macroalgae coverage. 6 planting units (37 plants per site) were planted in a hexagon shape
surveyed. Statistical analysis estimated that normal biomass and seed density were residual of an

ANOVA model. The major findings were that seed bank density was not recorded due to being a

part of a separate restoration study that contributed to sediment disturbance. Aboveground

seagrass decreased rapidly after the first survey, and belowground biomass decreased slowly

after the survey. Both occurred during winter months. After another 9 weeks there were no

significant changes to the seed roots. The future directions of the study were to show seed

density in densely vegetated than sparse sites. The main weakness of the study was not

mentioned in the research, but personally I feel as if the other occurring restoration project

greatly impacted this study, and if that had not been taking place, then this study may have been

more conclusive.

The third study I researched was also by Michael Kennish, Benjamin Fertig and the

addition of Gregg Sakowicz. The title of the paper is, “Changing eelgrass (​Zostera marina)

characteristics in a highly eutrophic temperate coastal lagoon. The paper was published in

Aquatic Botany Volume 104, Kennish, Fertig and Sakowicz discussed how there has been a

decline in ​Z.Marina​ beds in the Barnegat Bay and has been declining due to nitrogen enrichment

(not included, but most likely from ​U.Lactuca​) and their study on shoot density, biomass and

blade length. The N loading hinted at signs of eutrophication, but no further evidence were

found. The questions of the paper were to research biomass of ​Z.Marina a​ nd to research the

decline of ongoing nitrogen enrichment, to further research decline of shoot density and to see

why ​Z.Marina ​is affected, and to research decline on blade density. The hypothesis of the paper

was to locate any unknown stressors, although the majority points towards over nitrogen

production. The techniques used in the research were quadrant sampling. ​Z. Marina b​ eds were

tested in 2004-2010 in 12 different locations along the Barnegat Bay. The locations were
permanently placed using a GIS unit called Trimble GeoXT. The quadrant sampling methods

using the Trimble GeoXT and a Seagrass Net system were haphazardly tossed at stations to

obtain proper information. Macroalgae cover was present during most sampling days and it was

an issue to sample ​Z.Marina. ​60-70% is considered pre-bloom and anything over 80% is

considered a full bloom. At the time of this particular pull, results sat at 75%, so not entirely a

pre-bloom, but also not entirely a full-bloom. All samples were collected and sorted by their

density, however evidence of scarring, boat interference, epiphytic loading and wasting disease

was present. The major findings of this study were that seasons greatly impact ​Z.Marina a​ nd the

bloom or eutrophication process. After the study was finished, there was evidence of 82%

dissolved O₂ and pH at 73%, but it is not significant to eutrophication. There were no further

plans mentioned in this study, and there were no mentions of weakness, but I personally think

this study was too large and two broad, which is why their results came back practically


My final research I studied was by David Velinsky, Bhanu Paudel, Tracy Quirk, Michael

Piehler, and Ashley Smyth. It was published in the Journal of Coastal Research. The main

research points for this study were how does denitrification compare to eutrophication and does

denitrification helps or hinders estuaries. The presence of denitrification provides important

mechanisms for inorganic nitrogen in estuaries that are subjected to frequent eutrophication. The

hypothesis for this study the process of denitrification may help scientists study and grasp a

better understanding of nitrogen production in estuaries. Six sediment cores were taken from the

salt marsh in May (spring), July (summer) and October (fall). Creek water was collected and

sampled for nutrients and chlorophyll. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, conductivity and

salinity were also collected using a YSI 556. After collection, it was predicted that July
(summer) produce the most denitrification and was followed by an additional sampling of

vegetated marsh and vegetated marsh that was thinly impacted by denitrification. Samples were

collected and tested for signs of denitrification. Within 12 hours of collection samples were

transported on ice slabs to be submerged and aerated in a water bath in an environmental

chamber. This allowed for production influx of nutrients and dissolved gases to become present

and measured. After, calculations were based on assumption of steady-state gradients and

calculated using the equation (C out -C in) x F/A. Water samples both from adjacent creek and

core incubations were analyzed for NO, NO4 and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP).

Nitrate-nitrite and NH4- N concentrations were determined using an alpkem 300 segmented flow

autoanalyzer with detection limit of 0.006 and 0.005mg/L for NO and No4, and0.002 mgP/L for

SRP. Effects of marsh and season and their interaction on denitrification and dissolved inorganic

N (DIN) flux rates were tested using an analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences in

water-column chemistry (e.g., dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrient concentrations) among

marshes and differences in soil properties among marshes and depths were tested using ANOVA.

Major findings of this study included periods of active denitrification, salinity was extremely

low, and temperature averaged at 19 celsius (may), 25 celsius ( july) and 15 celsius (october), all

occurring at the midbay site. Dissolved Oxygen came inconclusive as it was vastly different

among marshes and showed no significant data. Sediment was between 23%-65% and was

highest at IBSP. The present study identified Barnegat Bay marshes as an important ecosystem


removing nitrogen via denitrification. The study identified almost similar rates of denitrification

between vegetated marsh and OMWM ponds, but had higher denitrification rates from vegetated
marsh on a thin layer of sediment. On average, the study estimated that approximately 28% of

the TN load to Barnegat Bay was annually removed by salt marshes.


After all of my search, I still feel as if ​Z.Marina​ is a vital and important niche and habitat for

species such like ​Mercenaria Mercenaria, Callinectes Sapidus, a​ nd the ​Tautoga Onitis​ and that

we need to really focus on what we put into our watershed, due to the processes that follow when

there is an overproduction of N, NOз and P to make sure all seagrasses are living equally. With

all the research I have done, I have definitely come to the decision that studying the issues of the

past, such as the study on extinct ​Z.Marina​, that even though it may not be happening here, it is

important to make sure that we understand the species as a whole. Furthermore, my knowledge

on seagrasses and how they are affected has definitely grown, but I personally feel as I should

continue to research the topic and see how it grows in the coming years. I also feel that it will be

an ongoing struggle as this research is constantly growing, even with the current lack of

Z.Marina​ in our watershed. Making sure this problem is well known is also super important,

seeing as our own water activities are to contribute to this issue. These habitats are so unique, but

are also so fragile that it is important to protect them before they are gone for good. Keeping a

focus on extinct seagrasses who also went through these issues are also to keep research on, so if

something similar happens here we know how to fix it.


Kennish, M.J., & Fertig, B. (2012). Application and assessment of a nutrient pollution indicator

using eelgrass (Zostera Marina L.) in Barnegat Bay -Little Egg Harbor estuary, New Jersey.

Aquatic Botany, 96(1), 23-30. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2011.09.005

Kateijk, M., Bos, A., Kennis, P., & Vries, R. (2009, September 09). Vulnerability to

eutrophication of a semi-annual life history: A lesson learnt from an extinct eelgrass (Zostera

Marina) population. Retrieved December 03,2020, from

Fertig, B., Kennish, M ., & Sakowicz, G. (20112 September 20). Changing eelgrass

(Zostera Marina L.) characteristics in a highly eutrophic temperate coastal lagoon, Retrieved

Deember 03, 2020 from



David J. Velinsky, Bhanu Paudel, Tracy Quirk, Michael Piehler, Ashley Smyth; Salt

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Kennish, M., Haag, S., & Sakowicz, G. (n.d.). Seagrass Demographic and Spatial Habitat

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