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Why the Canadian Supreme Court Selection Process Is Superior

The Canadian Supreme Court selection process is superior to the American Supreme

Court in that it is less politicized. The two main arguments I will be talking about is why the

Canadian Supreme Court selection process is better and how much less power the Supreme

Court has in Canada. There are no qualifications required to be a judge in the American supreme

Court. The constitution does not put any restrictions on who the president may appoint. Rather

than the Canadian Supreme Court qualifications, which requires the candidate must have been a

member of the provincial or territory law for at least ten years. However, these qualifications

might seem a bit irrational. It's necessary that they have these requirements due to their job's

importance. The Canadian Supreme court also doesn't allow anyone older than 75 to be in the

supreme court. Which is a good thing because it allows younger people to enter the job position

rather than the United States, where you have some people dying since you can keep the position

until you die. The American Supreme Court has so much power when, in reality, they should not

be able to control so many aspects of our life. For example, the United States president can pick

who they want to become a judge in the Supreme Court rather than in Canada; it is not up to the

prime minister to decide, allowing it to be fairer and less political.

In conclusion, the Canadian Supreme Court process is superior in many ways. The

Canadian Supreme Court makes things less political while also making sure the Supreme Court

candidates are picked fairly. The Canadian supreme also has a lot less power than the American

Supreme Court.

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