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NISSAN FORKLIFT CORPORATION (SAMPLE) Operator's Daily Checklist and Safety Inapection LTA, Class 4 & 5 IMPORTANT: Check each item listed at the start of each ehift/work period. Nolify your supervisor and/or Maintenance Department it there are any problems with the forklift, DO NOT OPERATE A FORKLIFT WITH ANY MALFUNCTION. FORKLIFT DETAR Oca ors ca leset, SeriavUnit Number: Hours: avg an check lowing in Pri ry ai loans mcs. hos ch am sir a8 Gand (Ker No Ged (NG) MFORTANT te ee ING ey by ‘ten and om n conmene sec + ok ne Viet check tame # ok No ‘Operedora cack te 01 | YER Rev: eral Beal Wor, tops ivacrioala 7] BEB Ron Property ace onesie coves oven 08 | ELA Used Secrest bem, domuged, cove mscing ie ‘SeiceSraiesfrston OK ina, oaeetindng, grabbing 08 ‘Tres Wels: wear, daneged, ag Tato Uo dM 8 asking Gri ton OK inage proper aivetrant oe Engine OF wl dy akg 2 ‘Srt Sake Creu proper operator corset adhtinore Hee Gov ey hng 2 Test reparitouer neon wea diag ewan! ae Scho ioe Radi uid vol covation of hasan sonoma ake 3 TE: bowe-bindng. asive fy dais ao cal Fuel Tar Wve, condition ofinos toeee-oornacoe, eck 21, “Carriage and Attache) oparaion, mounting leak 1oeseaaee cH Baie: cenacaians-aeros, dale 0 change, eetne eeleaka | Be “Gat! Lavers: cperain, rip and fe tum to maul pclae ic ‘Gonos Parola Shes Hl damaged, nose, ming “Grocizne Contos ose/biaing fad evi padion OK ie ‘Gvethad Get bent dered, cracked oe. mint, = Engin: Runs rough sng leaks nly operation if Wearing labs Decale, Contre Mira wrestle noareaa wang | 37 Sieorng basal, ok ci oleae [e ‘pw Read Ste reece, deroeed eve, pe cael Waring Light (acu pe) Soc, operators ce Data Pate Capacly Ase reine, demoged, uwendedi mathe ‘Bec Al Wear opera cet baat ie Gaugir-bsiuris nopeble,urendebe, darayed, aes asdf worarg bolts: Newning cpeaional we Bike Sse Io demaged inane faerie fd oval ake 1 esd Tal Wartng Waring ips ones mauning. raged, ring Aadcitionsl expianation(s) of NG probleme indicated above: Operator's Name: ‘Supervisors ApprovaliOK;: Date of lospection/ Checks we tare ‘sare ta ng with fuel. (© Make sure that there are no open flames or sparks In the vicinity of the engino, ‘Use only unieaded tuel in the fue! tank of ‘gasoline engine equipped vehicles. Use ‘only diesel fuel in the fuel tank of diesel ‘engine equipped vehicles. ‘The fuel inlet is ooated on the body on the lft rear side. . When refiling the fvef cheek tse indication abe ane’ donot uso the wrong {uo by mistake. Turn ‘the fuel cap countercioclavice to remove i. Ifthe fue! cap has the optional lock and key, insartthe key into fre kaghole onthe bul cap and ‘um the key clockwise for locking or tum it counterclockwise for unlocking, Attar refiling, be sure to tur the fuel cap clockwise until h cboxs twice oF more. GASOLINE TO BE USED 1» Except Germany: Regular (unleaded) '* For Garmary: Nompal ganofne leaded DIN 61 £200 ar narmal unisedee DIN 51 607. center the fuel tank during refilling, as i may cause damage to the ECCS ual system components. © De not use fuel that has been stored for @ long time. Such fuei may adversaly affect engine performance or shorten i sowice life, because of possible contaminants in the fuel. tf the tue! spills out of the tuo) Inlet, wipe it off and completely clean the aroa by the inlet, 80 DIESEL ENGINE FORKLIFT “The diesel engine ie designed to mun only on dlicoe! fuel wth at lacat 2 minimum of 42 cetene ating For LPG fueling, refer to page 111. Rt Y wien ENGINE OIL LEVEL ‘To chock tha oil ava, pull out the leval gauge, wipe tetean ane reinsert; remove again to vead the oil level . ‘The level should be inthe proper area. ‘Alc checking ihe oi level, be sure to retura tho ‘oll love gauge to the origia! postion, 8 AN 10 not Fun Tre engine agite level is lower than the minimum indicator (Low) mark, as the engine could be ‘damaged or seize up. if the engine olf level 1s lower than the minimum indicator (Low) mark, add engine oil through the oll inlet untit'the oi! fovel reaches the specified amount, NOTE: When checking the engine oil, be sure to do iton a level surface before starting the and at least 5 minutes after the is stopped. ewceza REFILLING ENGINE OIL 1. For tefiling the engine cil tank with engine Ol remove the ol flr cap and siowly pour (Nissan Forktt ecommended Moter Oi into the tank while checking tho of! level wth the ‘il level ‘gauge unti the oll reaches the ‘specified of level ech 0 25 not to contaminate with dust and foreign substances. if the oil spills, immediately wipe it away. @ Make sure that the oll filler cap Is tightened. If the oil filer cap is not properly lightened, engine problems ‘may result. Reviced: November 2010 2. 5 minales alter refiling the engine i, check ifthe ol love) is betwoon the upper lit and lower ini (Ufndicator marka with the et fevel gauge. Restore the oll filer cap and oll level gauge to ther respective arigal postions. a2 ‘engine is hot. Serious bums could be caused by high-pressure fluid escaping from the radiator. ‘® Wrap a thick cloth around the cap and ‘carefully remove the cap by tuming it a ‘quarter turn to allow buitt-up pressure to escape. When all hissing, steam and Fiquid ctope, slowly turn the cap all the way off. ENGINE COOLANT LEVEL Visually check the amount of coolant in the reservar taak whan the engine & cold the ‘caolantievatis Bolow the “MINT level, emove the reservoir tank tler cap and add coolant uti he MAX’ level is reached. I the reservoir tanks empty, check the coolgnt vel n the radiator. I there i ingulficient coolant in the cadiator, pour “ ‘coolant ini the radator up to the cep and also [pour il into tho seaeevoie tank up to the “MAR” level Hit becomes necessary 1 repeatedly ad ‘coolant, our cooling system should 22 inspected by your Loca! Aulhorzed Dealer 83 CHANGING ENGINE COOLANT |. Opes the acistor cep and dria eek tain the coolant Then ts the cooling system 2. Close the drain eock sacurey 9. ill he radiator wath naw eosin (nix S0/50) > fo the fle opering. Fil the rmsarsci ank up 2 the MAK" ove. Thea put en the ncintor cap, 4. Run the engine to tha normal operating lenperaure on dash meter pane 5. Stop the engine, and alter it completay aoc ‘don, refil the occlu ep 16 the radi ier ‘opening Flthe reserve, Revised: January 2014 [| i REFILLING ENGINE COOLANT 1. Refilthe engine coolant inthe reservoir tank 2. Romove the cero tan filer cen. 8, Ifthe reservotank is empty, rfl the radiator and the reservo tank with the coolant atthe same tine, For refiling the coolant in the radiator, remove the radiator cover fist and then siowiy turn the radiator cap while wrapping it with a cloth to remove it. Afar removing the radiator cap, fil the radiator wth coolant 4. After refiling the cook reservoir tank filer ght, tighten the ‘and radiator cap Revised: January 2011 i. change the coolant when the engine is hot. NOTE: Refer to page 74 for the proper mixing ratio of antifreeze solution to coolant. coated surface. If it adheres to the coated surface, wash the coolant away with water. Be sure to use the long-ife coolant specified by NISSAN FORKLIFT CO., LTD. The cooling performance and anticorrosive treatment cannot be assured if another coolant is used. © Do not refill the coolant above the “FULL” level of the reservoir tank. If it exceeds the “FULL” level, it may spill out as the engine is warmed up. Carefully refill the coolant so as not to contaminate it with foreign substances. 24 Mouser BRAKE FLUID Check the brake fui lave in the brake fit reservoir tank inside the Ea onthe let side of tho natrument panels wan the proper range. the (velis owe than the "MIN level, refilthe resent tank with Niscan Forktt recommended Brake Flue. At tne same time, vaually chook the outside anc ‘periphery ofthe recervor tank for brake fluid fealeage or staining Idonly. If brake fluid leakage or staining is detected, immediately report it to your Supervisor or contact’ your Local Authorized Dealer to Inspect and repair ft. Do not operate the forkiit until it is completely repaired. tf brake Hluid other than that specified bby NISSAN FORKLIFT CO., LTD. or old brake fluid Is used, it may cause deterioration in the performance of the brakes end could potentially lead to an accident. Use only the specified brake fluid, ‘# Be caretul not to silow the brake fluid to emai contact with the coated surface, because the brake fluid can degrade the coated surface. ‘© When refilling the brake fluid reservoir tank with the brake fluid, be careful nat to mix dust and foreign substances in the fiuid. ‘#1 excessive amounts of the brake fluid are used, immediately report it to your supervisor or contact your Local Authorized Dealer to inspect it. REFILLING BRAKE FLUID ‘Tur the brake reservcirtank cap cotnterclockviee 20 remove it, and slowly pour the brake fuid (Nissan Forkltt recommended Brake Fivi) into the tank until the fui level reaches the "MAX level ing the brake tr tank with brake fluid, be careful not to ‘mix dust and toreign suostances in the fluid, (© Ifbrake fluid other than that specified by NISSAN FORKUFT CO, LID. or oid brake fluid is used, it may cause deterioration in the performance of the brakes and could potentially lead to an accident, Use only the specified brake fluid. ‘© Be careful not to allow the brake fluld to remain in contact-with the coated surface, because the brake fluid can degrade the coated surface. If the brake fluid adheres to the costed surface, immediately wipe it off and clean the area so that no liquid remains on the coated surface, ‘© If excessive amounts of brake fluid are Used, immediately report Mt to your supenisor or contact your Local Authorized Dealer to inspect it 5. BATTERY FLUID LEVEL FOR NON-MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERIES (pen the top panel, and then check the Fuid levelin each battary col, REFILLING BATTERY FLUID Hthe electroyte (battery uid) is insufficient, remove the caps from the batteny and carefully refi the respective batlery cols with ditiled water oniy unil the Mid level reacts tho “UPPER LEVEL" eo as ret to contaminate the ‘uid wah dust ane forsign sukstances, ‘Al fe same tne, vsualy inspect the batten body for cracks ot darage. there i any damage, Irorodatoly replace the balay wi ann one, ‘Aster refiing the battery with distitod water, tighten the respective caps tightly. the Eatery Revisod: January 2011 fiid ope ou, woah & away with weter and wipe dlown the wet surface, there are no sources of ignition or open. fame. '* Do rot allow » person who does not have knowledge of the battery and its handling manner inspect or maintain the battery. Because the battery fluid contains sulfuric acid, be sure to wear personal protective equipment (PFE) (goggles. rubber gloves, etc). Be careful not to get the fluid in eyes, on the skin or clothes, ottierwise it may cause blindness, bums ‘or damage to the clothes. If the battery fluid contacts part of the body, Immediately wash it away with a large: amount of cool water. I the fluid gets Into eyes, immediately flush the eyes. and consulta doctor 25 soon as possible. If the fluid is swallowod by mistake, immediately gargle repeatedly with a large amount of cool water, drink ‘much water and consult a doctor as soon, ‘as possible. ‘If battery fluid flows or leaks out of the eattery, immodiatoly noutralize it with an acid neutralizer (sodium bicarbonate, staked lime, sodium carbonate, etc) and ‘then thoroughly wash it away with water, because It may cause corrosion of the floor er parts. ‘* Donot put anything metal, such asa tool fon the battory. H metal contacts the ‘terminal, it may cause not only a short clrcult but a burn or explosion because the hydrogen gas produced by the battory may catch fire from the spark generated by the short circuit. ‘* Check the battery fluid level once a week ‘to preventih battery from running short Of the electrolyte. If the battery is used ‘with insufficient battery fluid, the battery may explode. When refiling the battery with the battery fluid, do not pour the ‘fluid above the “UPPER LEVEL”. ‘21 the battery is used when the battary ‘luid level is below the *LOWER LEVEL”, it may shorten the service life of the battery and may cause explosion of the battery because insufficient battery fluid ‘promotes deterioration In internal parts ‘of the battery. (¢ Be careful not to wipe down the top of ‘the battery with a dry cloth, not to cover the battery with a vinyl sheet or not to Gust the battery, because this may generate static slectricity and potentially cause the battery to explode. 08 Do not touch the battery with a charged body, otherwise it may cause an ‘explosion of tho battery because of lanition trom static electricity. ee battery cabie is disconnected (tor example, when the battery is replaced). Set the time land date again. men geermweemeniietineennen vt AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLUID LeveL 1. Stop the engine ster iding for about 10 rites. 2. Open the top panel and check if thera is leakage of the automatic transmission fad. ‘Then, pul cal the level gauge end wine down the ip of the gauge with a clean cloth, 2. ser the level gauge to the limit and gently pullit ot agan. 4. Make sure thet the fluid acheredto the tip. of the level gauge is not extremely wom, tlscolored er contaminated by tereign ‘substanoas, nd aiso check i the Haid level 's within the proper range. 8. If the tid is insufision, efll she automatic transmiasion with the spectied fuid 60 that the level gauge roads the proper range. insufficient automatic transmission fluid, because the forklift may be disabled from running. ‘#if the transmission fluid is oxtremely worn, discolored or contains foreign substances, immediately report itt your supervisor or contact your Local ‘Authorized Dealer to Inspect it a REFILLING AUTOMATIC. TRANSMISSION FLUID. Automatic tranemission fuld can be eddes {rough the levei gauge role. Checking the fic love! sit the feve: gauge, pour the Nissan Fort recommended Automatic Fld (Refer to Page 96) into the level gauge ie unt the Fuld level isin the proper range. fluid other than those specified by NISSAN FORKLIFT CO,, LTD. Using non ‘specified fluids may cause a malfunction im the torque converter. Be sure to refil the automatic transmission with the ‘specified quantity of the Nissan Forklift recommended Automatic Fluid (Refer to Page 36). Be careful not to mix dust or foreign substance in the transmission fluid during refitting. Revised: January 2011 HYDRAULIC OL, ‘Check the cil level in she hydrauic ol tank. 1, After visually checking for oll Wakage, turn the hydraulic o filer cap located on the right ‘side ofthe oporaior’s wnat to remove i. 2. Wipe down the levet gauge attached 19 the cap with 2 lean cloth Insert he clean level gauge into tho hydraulic ol filer (de aot Screw the level gauge in) and pull out gain 3. If the oll lve! that can be checked on the level gauge 's between tho two indicator finas marked on the level gauge, Une quantity ofthe hydraulic of ic acral Revieoe: January 2911 NOTE: For correctly checking the hydraulic oit level, park the forklift on level ground and stand the mast vertically with the fork lowered to the limit (contacting ground). REFILLING HYDRAULIC OIL Remove the hydraufc al filer cap, White ‘checking the hydraulic oll level with the lovet ‘gauge, pour the cpecifad hydraulic of (Nissan Pralft escammended yeas Oi) into the a filer until the vel nthe proper ares. those specified by, NISSAN FORKLIFT CO, LTD. as It miay cause not only deterioration in the performance of the forklift but could cause mast drift resulting in a possible accident. © Carefully add the hydraulic oil so as not to mix dust and foreign substances in the oil, STEERING WHEEL ‘Turn the etesring wheel to the right anc eit. A play in the ex cumnference of ess thar 1.18 in (80 am) aiding © normal. “A thoro is excossivo play or loosanese, have the steering whee! acfusted by your Local ‘Authareed Desler. sme TIRE PRESSURE (Pneumatic and compact pneumatic models): NOTE: ‘The pneumatic type cushion tire without inner tube (so-called tubeless tire or non-puncture: tire) is supplied. This type of tire does not need lo have a tire pressure check performed. U.S. manufactured models only Unit: psi (kgf/cm, KPa) Ven Fares Gael Tepes Tien FSten 20% 650-1070" OR Too) 20 ten, 25t0n,2.75 en | 706019712FR 102 (2.0, 700) Bien 50168 26S 702 0,700) ‘soun 280-1516 Tx. 700) GREE RELS BoneTaeR 148 100, 3605), AIF 2h TPR "Ta @9, S00) Vaticie ea re eo rape TBs fasion 20% | SOOBER 722. 700. 20ien 25100 275 %00 | BOOT IOPR 102 0, 700) 23 on 8000 50-10/107R)| 1020.0, 786) res i 5t0n z 50-1071 268 12880, 900) followed. Refer to OSHA 1910.17, ASPI t3 ton 15100, 500-8 02 (7.0. 760) © Always use the correct procedures when | aie? ta07-9/ 26R 128(80, seo) servicing or replacing pneumatic tites on ‘multi-piece rim sets. * Failure to use the proper procedures can ‘and ri sWhen inflating ot deti suttable safety cage or barrier shall be used. ‘© Only property trained personne! should replace pneumatic tires on multi-piece rim sets. pat ‘types, as this could affect bility. '# Uf the tire pressure is not correct it can affect thé stability of the forklift, potentially resulting in a tip-over, and it can also cause bursting or promature wear or explosive separation of the mutt-piece rim set. ‘¢ When checking the tire pressure, do not face the tire side to avoid a danger because the tire pressure is very high. © This could also result in death or serious injury. 89 Revised: November 2010 CUSHION MODELS STANDARD TIRE SIZES vers Te Tos Teo wad camel Fonttbne) wear Sando 189125109 204 Fea Sioe) 1516 “load i Front Dine) Birt Standard Hi 2010, 28100 a Reg Sie ease Sanders } Font OF) Breas Sanaeed cy 2am 20m, 9809 | Rear ee) e256 "Heed i Fret Bee Sanued ia som One) oO ; Roar (Si) weer? “la | > Fre (ve) Bei8 Sta j 3813610 Rear Sew) weave ile ‘of premature wear to the tire, wheel hub and/or steer link ‘This may affect the overall stability both while traveling and during toad handling, which eouls ‘cause a lip-over oF loss of load condition. wae MAINTENANCE ST TIRE REPLACEMENT when it is jacked up. Doing so could re- ‘ult in serious injury or death, © Use a jack with a capacity of 3.0 tons oF & SAlwove Ba ‘ona ‘and coll surface. # Unload cargo from the fork, '* Do not start oF stop the engine or aper- ate control levers from any position oth- ‘erthan ine operator's seat. ‘¢-Make sure that the selector lever is in the neutral position, 4 Use hardwood or plastic blocks that do ‘ot slip easily and are strong enough to withstand the fork! weight. Do not use broken or cracked blocks or metal blocks that stip easily ‘Use wooden blocks of the folowing size. Height: Allows the Block to tight fit be= tween the backward titted mast and the road surface, a ‘er then the longitudinal length of the mast ‘9 Length: 0.79 t 3.57 in (20 t0 40 mr iarg~ ‘er than the width of the outsise mast, ‘#0 prevent the forkit from leaning, do not place wooden blocks of altferent heights under the right and loft masts. NOTE: ‘There are two types of whee! nut wrench: ‘es: 8 large one for the front wheels and a ‘small one for the rear wheats, Front tire 1). Place the orkifton a level and solid surface. 2. Start the engine and rato the cartiaga about 2.84 in (250mm). 3. Place chocks behind the rear wheels to prevent movamnont ofthe fori. 4, Loosen tha whéel nuts one ar two tums each by timing them counterclockwise. 5. Tik the mest fuly backward and place a wooden black undaf euch side of tha outer mast Tithe mast forward until the front tres are raieed trom ihe surface. 2 trollever quickly. Doing so may cause the mast en wooden blocks on the ground to bacome unsta- bie. ‘* Stop jacking up the forkift when the ‘res are clear of the ground. Jacking up the forklift excessively high could cause it to tip over. 9 1f the front wheels are lifted for a tong ‘time by means of the mast, the mast may Incline backward by itself. To prevent this, be sure to insert 2 wooden biock that goes from side to side of the frame. '* Do nat remove wheel nuts until the front tires are raised from the ground. 7. Suppon the forklift by putting additional ‘wooden blacke under €ac sic ofthe front fend frame as shown on page 91. Stop the engine. Romove the wheel nuts and replace the front tie. ww A ing the wheel tim, do not remove rim set bolts and muts hhofore releasing alr. ‘* Never get under the forklift while it is ‘supported only by the wooden blocks, % Reinstall the wheal au's and teraporriy Lighten them inthe secuence chown on page a ° a face and each hole in the rim is counter. ‘sunk #0 that they can it with each other. ‘After attaching all whoel nuts, make sure that each aut tightly fits with the counter- sunk hole. iFwhee! nuts are attached in the ‘wrong direction, they may loosen easily and may cause bolts to break and the wheel to come off, 10. lat the engine and remove the wooden blocks from tha undorsce ofthe frame. ‘T-Lower the fork slowly by siting the mast fully beckward. Remove the wooden block from under the mast, and remove the chock, V2 Tighten the whee! nuts to the specified torque in a crisscross fashion. Refer 10 the “Tightening torque" table on page 86. 18, Adjust the ire procsures to the value ‘spectied inthe “Tra prosoure" table on page 29, 14, After replacing a tre, ive the fotki « short distance and check the tightening toraue of each wheel nut again 93 To replace a tre, contact your Local Authorized Dealer. 1. Place tho forliton a love and sold aurtace. 2. Apply the parking brake, and place chacks [behind the fot tres to peavent movernent of the fork 8. Place thejack under the cutout perton at the bottom of the counterweight, a8 shown in the above itustation Revised: January 2071 When It is jacked up. Daing so could re- sult in serious injury or death. ‘¢ use a jack with a capacity of 2.0 tons or 4. Loosen the wnest nuts ene or to ture gach _By timing them countercleckis. tires are raised trom the ground. 5. Jack up the forkllt slowly unt the roar thee ‘lear the graun, and suppor the fork ay putting wacden blocks under ezch side of the tear end frame as shown inthe itastraon, Revived: July 2019 Jacking up the forklift excessively high ‘could cause It to tip over. ‘© Use hardwood or approved jack stands (013.0 tons or more that de not slip easily ‘and are strong enough to withstand the forklift weight. Do not use broken or cracked blocks oF ‘metal blocks that silp easily. 6 Remove tho whco! cuts and replace the rear tire. 2 im, do nat remove rim set bolts and nuts before releasing air. Never get under the forkdift white it is ‘supported only by the wooden blocks. Reinstal the whesl nuts and temporarily ‘ightan them in the sequence chow i the above ilustation Remove the wooden blocks and lower the fork eowdy unl he rear whoo! foucries the ‘ground, Then remove the chocke andthe yack, ‘Tighten the whee! ute to the species torque in a crisscress fashion. Refer to the “Tighroning torque” table on page 25. 1-Adjust the fire proseure to the value ‘specified inthe Tie pressure” table on page ae, Alter replacing a tre, rive the forklift 2 sheet Cistance and check the fightening torque af fbach whee! rut again. ese wee Bibione » Tightening torque Unit: feb (Ne) Ti series Ter series IFT ies Meda Fen 8 ten 3 oton,28tan | 27810, 20 ‘20 1.75 108 en 12165-1549 Toto, 258m | 275%0n, 3000" | ae 15000, 1.28 28) , Vswiss | wiwNT” | Sewase | aiewase | iadwies | Twa Sina tre Gari22 | @esroase | Gatrosse) | Geroass) | a7t02%) | (196% 265) 12516188 | Bee s0e | see tose | ses 050s ‘rsrwa2eya | (ose esayt | Gsvtoeverr | (a9 e86yt . Stance Foaie ies | aaeioeaa | daaiobes | alaio 6a Front aorto2207s | esto 7scr2 | (oasis zsh? | eas 7382 Preuraic- |(O%) | Dosble Fst 166 | Gyssewsce | @seewsce | GHre0 506 we med we (oraz | Gaswesarr | (asioesart | (E3910 s06rt » | bie | aastosa2 | asaiear | aie sat Speci | Gaeiosaye | (698i 73572 | (eeata 785% | (68am 735h2 rec _ > _ (972207 Few ee Tas 148 | i29mH1es | iaswIse | Wowie | iets | TodwII See) Geriome | demos | 6710226) | (210702862) | (48710290) | (12610 108) Batt Nut 4: Inner whee! “ 2: Outer whee! aut “3: Hub nut (Quler rub) “2; Whee nut 5: Wheel composite nut ~ rit lb (Men) crer Gry caire Front a) sain 186 T4810 107 Teint Geshlon Tre Model (167 9 220) (1970208) (248 19298) fou Grea). ub 3 martes by whee beating nt ling longue as noted Senice Manual cs DRAIN PLUG: FOR FUEL TANK CLEANING Remove the drain plug before washing the inside fof the fuel tank Te do this, turn the dein plug ‘counterclockwise, 19 Whea removing the drain plug, be caret not 10 o8e the paoking, Before instsling the drain plug, be sue to install the packing Tightening torque: 18 to 28 fielb (25 to 39 Neem) ‘Revised: buy 2010 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS Teme ‘Speaiteations Romane Enoine 0 | Gosetne AS St Refer RECOMMENDED Biel AF SAE VISCOSITY NUMBER Gaara | Tavenision (ranaa) [APG oS Aetarto Page 27. Dire APGL4eré ‘Grease [Croce NLL ‘We! been NEGLE Aim roan base ‘eat and oan gue bor_| NUGL2 Power eeerng al Hyciauhe ATES VOR? = ravi of pcs of 150. W632 Weerpoat 3 Auroral vananionion id “ype DEXTHON or 26-338 oF = Broke Fad DOTS FMVSS Ne 118) FRY SS: Federal Matar ahi Saleh Sina rome ~ Pacaner ares (Ey | sn shoo! sane) ow. [SAE VISCOSITY NUMBER CHART. GASOLINE ENGINE OL am aa DESELEVGME OL. 1 + not avaaan yosmay ua SAE 108-9. However comer ang SAE S98 sangeet PP | ae rag ‘do doo 8 10 20 a0 “Tampernire Range Anite Belore Next C1 henge RECOMMENDED SAE VISCOSITY NUMBER ENGINE Fan belt ‘Chock the bolt doflagtion by applying moderate thumb pressure al a point rridway batwesn the ‘Puloys. f necessary, adjust the belt deflection, Fan belt detiection: Kat, Kas 043 to 0.51 in(11 to 13 mm) ana2 0.43 t0 0.61 in (11 to 13 mom) ‘the parking brake Is applied securely. ‘¢ Keep hands clean. o FUEL FILTER Draining water from water separator (QD82 diesel engine forklif} lithe fut titer warning fam tluminates while the ‘engine ie runving, drain ary water that is in the fue! iter Proceed aa follows! 1. Open the top panel. Refer to "Top pane on page 63, 2. Piace & contsiner under the fue ker 3, Pul the eauoer under tho water drain cook, and then loosen te waigr rain cock 440 8 tums to drain the water. 4. Altor tho water has boon completely daved, ‘ghten the drain cock. Reviend: July 2010 ‘SNever"allow open flames, smoking or other sources of Ignition in the area of fuel titer. ‘© Every patt remains very hot immediately after the engine has stopped. Wear pro- tective gloves and perform the operation carofully 50 as not to touch heated paris, ‘around the water drain cock. ter drained. Hf fo0k splashes over parts, wipe it off completely. ‘tf operation is continued for a long time while the sedimont chamber (fuel filter) level warning lamp is fi, the fuet injec- tion pump might seize up. Ar purge (diesel engine forkitt) NOTE: ‘Air purge operation for diesel engine (0032) vehicle Is unnecessary. ‘When ceiling an empiy uel tank andlor draining ‘water rom the water separator, purge the ar out ofthe ful system. Proceed aé fois: 1. Loasen the air purge screw at the uppar part Til fet en Revised: January 2011 2. Move the priming pump up and down untilnc furthor 2i*blaed comes aut of the air purge 8. Tighton the sir purge screw. otherwise aiarge amount of fuel may ‘spout out. ‘© Fuel may spout out from the alr purge ‘screw hole during air purge. Be sure to block the hole with = cation cloth or a ‘similar {tem to prevent tue! from splash- ing over surrounding parts. ¢ Hf fuel spilis during replenishment, bo ‘ure to wipe if off. Note: After draining water trom the fuel filter, perform air purge operation. 26 CHASSIS AND BODY Brake pedal ‘When the engine is running and the brake pedal is fully depreseed, the distance betwoon ths up= ‘per surface ef the pedal pad and floorboard should be 226 in (80 mm) move When this distance approaches the prescribed late, nave tne rae a by your ce Authorized Dealer. , Pedal tree play “Tre stander ire pty ofthe peda is a flows: Urata me) 2.08% 0:1261 103) Parking brake lover Make sire that he perking brake works property wen pulled and than rtune 1 is erga = lease) positon Pulling force at gripping position: {56 to 66th (245 to 294 N) 90 Lift chain’ (Check the lt chan tension periogicaly. Set the Fork level sf a positon 0.79 to 1.18 in (20 to 30 men) from the ground anc pust the midpoint cf ‘the it chan win a Eger. Detection: 0.98 to 1.38 in (25 to 35 mm) U there jaa dllerence latwean the right and oft chain defection, er # the deflection isnot within the speciiog rango, avo the chain aductod by your Lo@al Authorized Deaier. Revised: January 2011 eS ouerea| uouza6| Monto (¢ When forkiit is operated, apply acoat ot Fuses grease to the contact surface of the lift Lubrication points Lubricate the folowing pointe periodically in ac ‘ordance with the Penaie Maintenance and Li brication Schedule chant. Mast Apply a cast of grease to the thrust metas and lies. Note: ‘¢ The lubrication interval will vary with working conditions. During months in which working conditions are severe, It will be necessary to grease the parts fre- quently. roller and inner mast or outer mast. 100 ‘Tne se b0xis installed in ont ofthe battery un- dor the top panel, Remove tho fuse box cover and viaually check if the fuse is blown. ifthe fuse is burned out, replace it Momiss9| Air cloaner 1. Remove the three clamps securing the air Gleaner case and take the elamant out caretuly. 2. Clean ve element by tapping it by hand or blow very ow pressure comorussod arto from: the inside. 3. After cleaning, visually check the element ‘and replace if ite stil dey, ways wear a dust mask and dustproot glasses. OSHA requires that sir nozzles be used to reduce pressure to no more than 30 psi (2.1 kat/em?, 206 KPa). 101 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION SCHEDULE FOR EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Engine Family Name: 7NSXB02.147C, 7NSXBO2.548C Engine Model: K21, K25 . Before deivery of your new ‘oth, your desler provides pre-deliveyingpection and adjustment sevice specified by the factory and dasigned to ensure ‘salisfaciory pertormance. The following lables lit the servicing required to keep your ferkift opecating al oaak mechanical condition, and ghouls be al tended to as incicated below, preferably by your Local Authorized Dealer. TTAINTEN ANCE OPERATION THAINTENANGE WTERVAL FPesece mtinteinee heudbe primadaterspeciad Months 12 9 4 5 6 7 8 8 1 ew SRS LET SHC e meme oramuncwer — acatectiows 2 4 6 8 10 12 MW 10 20 22 24 ww ENGINE COWPAWETI@ENT WAINTENANGE (EXCEPT LPG FUEL SYSTEM) 1. toake exhaust vahe dewanoe pong temp) A x z z x x 2. Brie be onten Sb 7 3. Ergin a w aR ® ® ® ® 4 Ol fier o) RR R R R R 3 Engine eaalre @LOD 7 Air cana eer © eo 6 € 6 & € 6 © 6 € ® 7. Seat pigs ©. Tat R POV wake io) 7 7 1 TT OTE: (0) More tequent malnienance is necessary under dusty or other dy operating conditions. ‘Aborovilions!1 = hapa. Caneel crmpace nrosteay. R= Repiage A = Act C= Coan D= Oran ‘iltons ted above tbe main in def nest td kee emia con! sles cpteang at design kee. Faure to mtn the asters cos compromise the waranty. For refornce: Nevnal again extra and Hine ete os cman andy arenes an 1,200 hous or ee bene ys (rocker) cover in an way. Doing #0 could violate EPA/CARG regulations and possibly void the warranty on your Nissan Fork. (focker) cover may be removed for maintenance checks but the original cover must be installed as soon as maintonancs checks aro + You must netity your Local Authorized Dealer i olthor the Vaive (Rocker) cover or label is damaged and needs to be replaced. Reviaed: january 2071 103 pg ncenenree nents nner wee TWAINTENANGE OPERATION TWARTENANGE INTERVAL Pvc aictenaace shoul bs performed ater apectied Months 12 9 4 5 6 7 6 8 1 mw 8 SENT re cmemetmonmecrtsus een tedecthous «2 § «0 «8 «10 1B Me 10 38 20 88 ENGINE COMPARTMENT MAINTENANCE (PG FUEL SYSTEM) 1, Piakig ar pipe conanter ponton fo gas hakage a 7 2 Torin voponer op BD Do 0 dD 0 DD Oo 3D 3. tec ort © a © Ro NOTE 6) Mona toquant maintnonacn we anceneany cae ‘Abbreviations: 1” hepoct Cost cr epoca necocay, lyon tr tiny patina conditions: “Replace A= Aaucl C= Clan B= Dra ‘aims ikted akowe mst be maitanet order to meet er ep emission ctl systems operating a esi lve Future to main he satan could canpeomiza the waranty For reference: Norra spring eonkions and ine is base om land ay eneronment ard 4200 hows ot leks Grey, 103 PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION SCHEDULE FOR EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTENANCE Engine Modet: 0032 . Bolore delivery of your new fork, your desler provides a pre-delvery inspaction and adiustment sevice spectied by the factory and designed to ensure tatsfactory performance. The fellowing tabee list the Servicing required to Keep your fork operating at peak condition, and should be at- tonded to a8 indicated bekcwy preferably by your Local Authorized Dealer. TWANTENENCE OPERATON TWAINTENANGE TERVAL Pefedicrainenance shouldbe peer at seced Mantis 12 8 6 8 8 7 8 8 HN oe Treva have eepengin mentees were! aacsottaus 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 18 18 2022 wm 88 ENGINE COMPARTMENT MAINTENANCE (EXCEPT LPG FUEL SYSTEM) Tie & emia vine Sane peta em} na a z x =x . 2. Ore bak arson a ml Engine oh w ROR RR RR RRR RP R a Oiler © ROAR RATA RR RRR TTR z 6. Water xpariar D D 2 @ 7. Ar sbsrer element a Ce . 8D Engh ee ram @ A_A_A_A AAA A AAA . 0 eNom! 2B NOTE: (1) More frequent malmenance is necessary under dusty o other diy operating conditions. 2) tr ongine dowor ocroases, stack exhaust snake s tad or angina noise creases before he matotonance par comes, check and, I ncoesan, ‘Sdjst the il injection sozale tering pressure and tne fe! spray patton. ° ‘Abbreviations » nese Coneat ot epee nacossay. B= Rapiace A= Adj € = lean D = Dain ‘ltrs it above ms: be msisaios ne'er next ad 89 oicton conte 2ytes opstINg 3 sign el, Falta he yee coud oreruise he vara FForroteranee: Nema cpenting oondtore and tree basta clnoa sv dy errenmert and 1 200 Rout res ne 98. =| R b — f | | Revised: January 2011 304 me MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE CHASSIS AND BODY MAINTENANCE ‘The ingpectiontuerioe toms lated below are described in Hie chapter ‘Tho gmboi inthe timing colren have the following meaninge: 1 inspectoniservce in accordance win (ia oceupatenal safety and heal regulations ‘Sr inepeatoniservce reommensed by Mzean Fark +The iepactomsenace timings shown Gala: are kased on the azsumpticn tht the Foti a cperatd fer 200 hours in a month When determining the Ingpoctanieamiee bning, take mo secaunl Une aeteal working Sandton othe fl. Ting Bale ifesed nape Inspection/ service tam a Wien Fae 200 240 1. “iipodin eg Raia 3 . FT rapes of ape guy oR Ta = = 2 . 2. Inspection of storie tarariasion id ee nate over 1.203 wring hows) Tiaeaan AT a pom 5 [CErscezsy Tneoan of eal spond recess —[ 3 ‘5 Inapection of een gow of el Goong pacton taal WaneTaaan STI 7 Repeasment of rea gow of Enon (oro 1200 warng hos) y alone TD monte Aztcaion of wheal bang grate (oven 2400 warn hae Factor ot hel orn er lonsane (rapecTaaGuana ol aD Cac GL Raper oF eog le Fay pin Fe press =. 2. Toten afte for weer Te TE fepeaien fehl na . . 7. asain aks fd al * . epee a ad (er 2095 tng oe) Trane of ae pa . 108 Ting ‘SeiFimposed wspecion {aspection/service tom Tionae Weng Fs 200 17. tnspertorladjasmnant ching Grae paca 2 78. nagecton of brake fing or wea TB. Agjstrent af shoe coaiaee 20, lnspactionadjestnent of and bal speraion oe Ti. speci cf steering wheel ot play and boswrwse = Beehive $ | 28. hapacton of eletrng oytem tel pressive Trecoseay, | 24. ection of heroic foi vel oe morte 25. Raplacamact of hycranie ich {ovary 2.400 working hours % monihe 26 Replacement cf iron Fer : {rer 1.260 working hous) TE monte 22. Giring of suction Fear (reey 2.400 wort hour) FE. parton oThyraals prosrae Trecessay 23. lnspecson clio = . 30. napestion of eamage Feit Wraceceay 31, napectr/adiesunant ci ShaA tensor = . 32. espacio a ena role cd 3. aspartic ladjssirenk of mast aller 7 Wressscany ‘3 Asjusenan of meat ler chararoe Frecossary 25. Inspection of mast operaion = = 26. Inspavion of oyinder operation . = 3 napestion of vida . = 38, Anetng eee ‘or satin ached che [3 nepacbonrepce nen oT Rane Frnecassary Bur replacement —o7 LUBRICATION CHART ; ‘Seba oil mF eee | ae ete | or aire © ccna | Rae | Ree P awee | tee | Wowe secnew [ene ae OWA ome NiSLNe® Domo susie Ont Omae 0 pcre how Oaaena vas ours O tress (gsc for tne SSrmtiel poton ) 107 @ crs thar (9 ses ox"Grange ——{__ B [- Si tte eipy eons G2bnewst en ashe —_ SEs | Saya Teron ! (_aeohaus) rain ! cine oxo ‘ine bear o cine ects: 2 Desi engno iF ‘ssonout) Pontes Se ing . fj t- Fue einer Le ‘Tirender se Tove ear (A) fs a unseat ‘hom tel Foi-0 |e " ‘conte Pos ies using sormin sve LG ae Tet met onan Revived: July 2010 PUTTING FORKLIFT IN STORAGE Pasting the fort in eterago insoles storing the fork atthe and of each wring day c storing the frit over 2 long pried of tine Be eure to observe the precautions fer fomitt | storage. DAILY STORAGE. Atthe ord of tha working day, check the for Aiwaje park in the designated locaton. Paty the person responsible for maintenance hocks under the testo prevent the fit kam ad take tho proper remedial actions or sewn by Sel Check be ki for water and qugat your Local Authorized Dealer 0 pet- aleskagoo, and oor maanesons. form repairs. Do not operate the foxkitt Weep he body an areas euncunding te Giver UM the mattunction is comected, seal cian, Make i 3 Tabi to aaye keep tho ton lean. Revieed: January 2011 108 we axons STORAGE OVER ALONG PERIOD OF TIME ‘When the operation of tha fort ie completely suspended for a given period of time, take the fallewing measures ard stone the fort in 2 dey Pre-storage servicing 1. Lubricate the forklit as per “Lubrication Scheduls*. Chango the ol, and coal oF exposed aruas of hysrauiic'cyindore with ‘corosion resistant grease. 2. Completely remove cooling water or fi the radiator with anttreeze to prevent the engine from freezing. 5. In order to protect the inner walls of the cylinders against corrosion, remove the spark plugs irom gasoline engines and injection nozzles from diese! engines, and ‘spray a small emount of lindo the cylinders. ‘Thee turn the moter Over sawaral times it the starter so that ol is dsinbuted {troughout tho cylinder. Final, replace the plugs o injection nozes, 4, Remove the battery, charge it and store it indoors in low fire risk areas, 5. When storing gasane-engine forite Iinciusing dua ue! (LPG) fekits) for ate ppatied of timo, illo the engine until all the gasolne = used up. Otherwive, the remain gasoline wil decompoge and tun into a rubbery substance, making it very ciffeut to start the engine. Servicing the forklift in storage 1. Petosicaly check the specie grviy and level of the batery hid Charge, and replenish as nacessa'f: 2 Check varieus sections of the fovklit ter stans or corrosion. Clean such areas ard ‘coat witha corrosion preventive agent 109 NOTE: ‘© Whon the forklift cannot fe stored in- doors, park it on level ground. Cover with a watorproot sheet or protective covering. ‘* Whon storing for 2 long period of time, be sure to consult your Local Authorized Dealer. Post-storage servicing 1. Remove corrosion resistant grease ccaled fon the exposed areas of the hydraulic evince. 2. Chock ubrication of all sations a the forklift and cooling waterloval.fthare areimpurties forthe leval is ow, change the eeclant or fap ‘upto tho proseribod level. 3. Check the battery Rid tevel and specie ‘gravity Be sure to completely charge the battery before putting it back an the Farkit. ‘When cornoating the battery cables, make sure thal the positive and negative terminals ‘are convected conccly 4. tn order to fubricale tne inner wale of the ceyligders, remove the spark plugs trom gaboline engines and the injection nozzles from diassl engines, ard spray 2 mal amourt of engine ol into the eyindrs. Then ture the motor over several times with the starler fo thoroughly distribuie of in the ‘vind, and relace the plugs or inaction norzes, Revised: Janvary 2011 5. As soon asthe engine fs sated, make sure ‘atthe of prasure warning lamp tir of and cortinus to warn up the engin 20 thal the vataue eectone ef the engine ae Slick worked in, Alto check toe iRewumerts, nesting iamee an6 waming Tamm 0 make eure tat they are opeeating propely. ~ 1. Folow “Function Taste” on page 07. Revised: july 2011 DAILY CHECKS: a er Care” on page 78, and the applicable visions of local laws and regulations. a0 pro- NISSAN FORKLIFT GENUINE rapiatuig Nis os (Gneluding lubricants), be sure to use Nis- san Foridft genuino parts or the equiva- ents guaranteed by NISSAN FORKLIFT 60, LTD. ‘Any irroguiarties arising from the use of parts other than those specified above ‘Shall not be covered under warranty. wae DISPOSAL OF PARTS AND MATERIALS PRECAUTIONS FOR USING LPG MODEL i, long-iife coolant, paint, rags, battery fluid and batteries shall be disposed of according to the applicable provisions of the local laws and regulations. ‘Also consult with your Local Authorized Deater. KOs |= frit eette on your clothes and the surface ‘around you, displacing oxygen neczssary Tor breathing. ~ ‘© Open flames can cause fash tres, © Chock all connections for damage orfeaks. {she forklift wil not start after you change. cylinders, nave an authorized, quaitied me- thane cheek ‘© Innernal combustion forklifs ate not ree- ‘ommended forse in enclosed or confined ‘spaces because of the possible bullé-up of ‘carson monoxide gases, which ars color Jess and odortess, and could cause uncon selousness and/or death. nn wen hanging LPG Ciquld petrocum gas) oy Ind, pase letow thee bu aes: ‘¢ Never stow open firras or ober acursee cf ‘grin nthe a, (9 Wee peccora protective eguicment FE (e sale ghsses, glove) ¢ Change only il vntlaad ees, 1 Do net use a park ea fee. 1 De not spose Srecty 10 the sun for exer erode ot tne Inspect equlomen: pipe conmcsone for gas legis at rating eectans, | Oui a percon whos friar with roping LPG ‘shou relece Be cine © LPG isheaverthan ai, Recommended LPG Fuel Type: Niassn Fodlit recommends the use ofthe HOS LPG. Use of ary other gue may cotey thy ‘etowing: ircreasedemssone, ncreasod ‘manterance, ad desraated perfoorance Nicsan Fev dove not ecommendany ful esie elds or cleaner. Revised: July 2011 CYLINDER SIZE (1) Except US models Venice Grincer eassitation | ~Gamty | wants] oa inter siae “ aoooreaooos | S82USe | say | zen | 258m Giowsowd | TIM | cteng | adam) | (oe0mm (2) US models (*} vende woot wien | woitentea | Bjamoter | Lonate _elassiticatic ety ‘Discharge waive (Reo) woMs11 . Syindersie | _vwvrcirs =e se * me LPG CYLINDER HANDLING 2103 ton ° INSTRUCTIONS (all except U.S. 12 38% te 1 ree produced LPG cylinder unit) Siac cao | tty | mm | ae | wm | aware | LPG olindr replacement * Aluminum oylinder ony, steel oyincereizes may vary © Never replace LPG cylinder near open flame, sparks or other ignition source. @Use LPG qylinders with the capacity shown in the table at left. ow The oytinder is inctaled on the fork with the discharge valve on the let side whan viewed from tha roar of the forklt, The high-pressure hose is connectad tothe discharge vabie vith @ threaded gerow tyse cocnectar oF a quick-cou- pling device, The LPG oyinder replacement pro ‘cedure with the thread soraw ype device ie described on pages 112 to 117 (these pages ate for outside the US & Canada). SWING-OPEN TYPE LPG CYLINDER MOUNT (option) During fork cowico precedures requiing opering of the top panel. the LPG oyfinder riount must frst be moved to prevont i from n= terfering with the operator's seat. The optional swingropen type oyleider meunt providas easy and convenient cylinder mount movement. Fol- lows tha procedure outlines alow to replace the LPG cyinda’ on ewingropan type cyinasr mount ‘equipped vehicles. 1. The ojinder discharge valves lacated on the Fight side when viewed from the rear of the ‘orkit (swing-hack mount equipped forkits have the diesharge valve onthe let side). The disconnection procedure fer the high peosaure hose and the LPG cylinder is the Same for both the swing-back type mount and the swingroper ‘ype mount. Perfor stogs 1 and 2 at described under the tam for the swing back mount 2, Loosen the hancle and reisaee it to allow the ylindeeta drop, with the mount in the pen position. Re- place the LPG eylinder only with the mount locked to the top of the‘counterweight Note: The cylinder ts hoavy. Hold the oylinder firmly during the replacement procedure. Follow the removal procedure in the ro~ Verse order te install the new LPG cylinder. us Inder taking care not to twist the hose. Make sure that the tock handle is in the locked position at the completion of the re- placement procedure. uous7os uowerzs| OPENING LPG CYLINDER EQUIPPED — Swing-back typo, side type: FORKUIFT'S TOP PANEL 1. Release the Kick lover forthe LPG cylinder Swing-open ype: mount and tip the LPG oylinder backward 1. Lit the tock pin at she side of the LPG cylinder mount. Rotata the cylinder ‘approximately 90 degrees toward the rear of the mount. 2. Open the top pana. Refer to “Top pane!” on page 69, Revised: July 2010 {evring-back type) oF pull out (aide type). 2 Slide the operato’s soat to the frortmast positon, fuly inclme the backrest Jorvard {and open the tp panel. Refar to Top panel” ‘on page 63 4 me Suc cousing pat nmancitre mate eat cosoneh Rutter pein CYLINDER REPLACEMENT PROCEDURE WITH QUICK COUPLING For Nissan Forklite manufactured cutside the us. 1. Turn the discharge valve (red) at the cynder ‘ide to the right unl the valve i» completely losed. Place the fuokchangs switch in the LEG posi- tion, Wait unl the engine etope naturally (uel ie exhausted). Tum the igition swateh to the OFF postion, 18. Recommended LPG Fus! Type: Nissan Ferklft recommends the use ofthe HDS LPG. Use of any other grade may cause the following: Increases emissions, incveaned ‘maintenance, and decreased periormance, Nissan Fordit does not recomemercl ay fuel system dives or cleanes. 6 coupling with @ mal ‘or similar object during the removal pro- ‘cedure. Doing so can result In counting distortion, other damage and a fire haz ard, ¢ Be sure to install the protective cap to the malo assembly side cap ring after cylinder (container) removal. '# Do not operate the refuel valve (green or gray). It is very dangerous to open the refuel valve, because it causes LPG to leak out. Revised: July 2011 ry A Ie ons |. Disongage tho connecter of the LPG fuel meter or NISSAN FORKLIFT manuaetres cutee Prgiten Fema cesteg (Pignasenae Rose ste 2. Hold pant P of the female couating on the Figh-preseure hase sido wih ane Nand ancl push it coward tho shut-off vave, wile Siding the locking part of the coupling reward the high-pressure hose with the coher hand ‘The male coupling on the LPG cylindor side and the foraie coupling repel each other and are de~ ‘ached wih a anap by force of the springs in ‘hom, The eouplnge snap when they are d'sen sage 3. Hold the female coupling and pull it out siragh. 4. Put the supplied protective cap on the male couping . (# Whon connecting the high-prassure hose to the LPG oyiindor, ronove the protoctive cap jnom the male coupling. © Align the female coupting with the male ‘coupling, and push the female coupling ‘againat the chut-of?vaWe with the part Phe with @ hand, The locking gait of the ferale ‘coupling then automaticaly sides towards the high-pressure hose, 18 When you further push the coupling against the vale, the locking past automaticaly sides ‘and engages with the male coupling with a nep. (The coupings snap when they are fengaged and locked to each other) The ‘connection of te high-pressure hose to the LPG eyindar ie now complete. 6. © Slowly open the discharge valve to the ful: ‘open pasion. (Do nct open the discharge! valve quick, because this may activate the! pressure check valve so that the gas cannot flow ropary) Place scapy water over the high-eressure hose conection to make eure thal no gas leaks occur Aftor making sure that there ave no gas leaks, turn sha ignition ewitoh %0 sta. the engine, t the engine does not start, the pressure check valve may activate to hamper the gat flow. In that cave, turn the igntion ewitch to the OFT position, close the discharge valve, slowly ‘pen it and repeat step 1 above, If any mattunetions such a@ gas leaks are nated, close the discharge valve and have the LP gas system checked at your Local ‘Authored Dealer er FOR AREAS OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA “Tar the cuiek coupling ring nutto the ltt coun- terolockwvise when viewed from the hose). Tum the auick coupling 29 the left when siewed rom the discharge valve) ana pul he hoes and co pling ree ofthe assombly. ‘The symbol (S-C) is stamped on the fog ru. (S) indeates the tightening drectin. (O) Fd-cates the loosering direction. (oF similar object during the removal pro- cedure. Doing so can result in coupling distortion, other damage and 2 fire ha: ard. © Be sure to install the protective cap 10 the male assembly side cap ring after cylinder (container) removal. COUPLING CONNECTION PRECAUTIONS ‘© Inspect the male assembly side for dust or other foreign material. Clean the as- ‘sembly if raquired. the female side as- sembly O-ring is dry, apply a small amaunt of oll nad geanea to 1 £0 that it rotates smoothly. Take care not to damage the O-ring side facing the malo assembly during the ‘eonnection procedure, ¢ Connect the tock ball. Check that the ring ‘nut has returned to the specttied posi- tion. Turn the ting mut to the right to thread itinto position. [After replacing with a new cylinder, pro~ ceed as follows: ~~ 17 hose, do not stand where the remaining LPG may splash you, otherwise you may be seriously injured. ¢Do not disconnect the high-pressure hose when the engine is running. This could cause discharge of LPG and poten- ‘al serious injury. monerer} oweroe ‘Stationary yee ‘Swing-open type REMOVING LPG CYLINDER CHANGING LPG CYLINDER nore: . 1. Tum OFF (clots) the oylncee vave seve (US, manufactured mode's) ‘The LPG cylinder removal and installation ‘the engine is running. 2 ae 100 pes. inde: holders, ex Proeedures are the same for both the sla- 2, Whon the angine stops, tum the ignition Treated bag nS otnsee tionary type and the swing-open type. ‘witch i the GFF povton. (1) The stationary ype is soured to the upper & Sowlyunthrend he hose iting surface of the counterweight (FD and Pill the buckls to unfasten it, and then put GIF saris for). b the tank clamp band over in the forward The ober yo i toe nig MEAMCFNCKIS eeked in placetntnecnen —Shedten 12 other type is a swing-onen type. It is ing-open type ont * opened 60" nthe ht rear deci ta erwelht win ent 5. Remove the LPG oylindr feam the holder. ‘coal TF2 and G1F2 series fokiis). ee f oceyinaee Iecaing LP evnge locating wn een INSTALLING CYLINDER 1. Check the LEG hose and ting for damage, and check areas for possible leakage. Notly your supervisor of any leaks, 2. Chock tho condition of the O-ring, Refer to page 117, 3.__Lift the fll eye into positon 4. Place the ciama band onto the LPG oytindor, ‘and then lack with the buciee, the empty cylinder just removed, ensure ‘you have @ firm grip on tank before lift: ing into holder, (¢ Mako sure that the cylinder isin the cor- rect locating pin, so It will be positioned correctly and not slip from holder. (¢ Moke sure that the LPG oylindor ia securaty hold in place by means gf the handle and the Figh-pressure hace ie free fram twisting. This reduces stress on hose ard tank fteg, and will keep tank in position and not damage hose, Do not operate the forklift with the LPG. {fuel tank overhanging the frame of fork- lift, Damage to tank, serious injury or death may occur. ue ‘¢ Fuel tank locating pin must be properly positioned to eliminate fuel tank over: hang. 2. Sonnac the hose alter the onder ie ookes into the normal epeating postion. Tum on the valve and recheck for leaks, Retun safety equipment to storage. ile seated in the oparato's saat, turn he ignition swich to the ON postion, ‘Check if ne oylinder bracket lock indicstor light on the dash is of (Refer te page 35.) I the Hght is on, tum she kay off and check that the swing mount is secured and locked. 10. Check tthe switch is damaged. Revised: Juy 2010, ers should make repairs and/or adjust- iments to the switch, latch or bracket, 320 I Flop and ished poison Laton ive perating procedure: A To luly close the bracket, pross down on the cond ofthe bracket with ha lafthane, had the latch ver up wilh the sight and, and release the bracket. The brackol musi be in the ful up position before rotating to the ‘ack postion on the ‘ore. A minimum force Js Yequited to iit the bracket to the full up positon. Excessive force may cause damage ithe latch lover ot roivese. 121 DANGER PROPANE FLAMMABLE REFILLING LPG CYLINDERS ‘should refill LPG tanks. #¢ Do not refil cylinders while mounted on 2 forkift. (© Make sure that you know and under stand the proper procedure for filing an LPG eytinder. ‘* Know all local fire codes. + Ifyou have any questions about refitting LPG cylinders, please ask your supervi- sor. If problems with filing accur, call your LPG supplier. ‘The weight scale method 10 fil the cylinder i highly reeommended to protect the ondrenmant ‘and to reduce fre hazards. This methed will e- duce overiing and the discharge of LPG into the environment. © Store fall and ompry yinders according to local fre codes, © When filing the LPG cylinder with LPG, stwaye observe the loos! laws and regulations. a2 see PERIODIC MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Bere delivery of your new frit, your dealer proves a pre-dciveryinapecion and adjustment service soecied by the factory and designed to enstre i sntstactory perteenance. The folowng tables It the senting requied to keep your frit cperating a peak mechanical eonditon vita mostng EPA & CARD Envaton egeir ‘monis, and shouldbe atlonded to as nicated, preleraby by your Local Authoczec! Dear, WANTENANCE OPERATION ‘WAINTENANCE INTERVAL Pade ndnrarce shoe bw paonred ater Mane 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 woo ae * _Siapcertonaetar SO MERTSNNI oeccerms 28 Bete = The Foe sveren, "T_iping or ane coorecar pooner pa ealage v 2 Teri vapor 5 3 Fp a ie cowecis pa Barge Mossi bes oUF ope ir sen ara | ing orb anc pr gags 7 | SUG Rates 7 é é z ® | Ro: cosner ne pnd eacea net pm commciom for gus ata wh uy a | | bests: t= napect. Conac or rpace Fneouseay. D'= Oran C= Clean R= Replace, ‘Ao fete Mainanaacn Schuhe on page 105 NOTE: Niszan Forkift commends a complete tear down, inspection, and yesealing ofthe vaporizer before 6000 hours of sere, ‘Tis maintensneo is necessary for unis that are not runing the recommended MDS grade LPG, or using an uk fuel anit. 133 Revised: July 2011 DRAINING OF TAR FROM THE VAPORIZER (LPG - gasoline dual fuel fonelft) ‘The vaporizer is an apparatus used during LPG operation to control and reduce fuel pressure ‘wits the LPG oylindar and reguate vaporize tion. The vapatvction process produces tar (icky quid) which accumulates in the vaporz- When orif tar accumulation becomes excessive, femiesion levels and iting speed. adjustment Revised: July 2014 ‘could be adversoly atfected, Tar must be purged Irom the vaporizer at laast once 2 month 1. The tar purging crocedure should be pertormed wien the engine at the ‘Operating temperature (war). 2. Shut off (close) LPG oylinder tan, (red) sischarge the valve-and then ide, 3, Turn the ignition koy tothe OFF postion, 4. Get off the font ater puting out the key 10 ‘open the top panel. Rete to “Top panel” on page 68 Puta coth fr cateoting tar on the outlet. Fortha valve cackiype. open the purge valve ‘cack. For te plug @ol) type, stowiy emnove the plug ‘2 Tarvill i, Whoa ft stops, the procedure is complete, 8. Clase the purge valve cock or fx the purge pug (bald. IP tar adheres to the body or Sureusng eas, completly woe to wath a cto 9, Chose the top pana! to complete the work: sm ing parts at high temperature, as it may cause bums. Whenever operating the purge valve cock or plug, always wear pro- fective gloves. Note: ¢ tyou removed the battory to gain access to the drain, itis necessary to do an “Idle ir Volume Relearn” see pages EC-49 | and EC-S0 in the Chassis Service Manual. '¢ Nissan Forklift recommends a complete ‘tear dovm, Inspection, and resealing of the vaporizer before 6,000 hours of service. This maintenance is necessary for units that are not running the recommended HD5 grade LPG, or using ‘ap unknown fuel quality, Stopping Geoofine engine vehicle: Te slop tho engine, tum the ignition key to the OFF postion ee wowisia| LPG - GASOLINE DUAL FUEL FORKLIFT 7 3 when turning the engine off after LPG op- eration: 1. Completely close the discharge valve Ged). 2. Press the fuet-change switch to set the, neutral position. 3. Let the engine idle unt tt stops. 4. Make sure that all of the rematning LPG (in the piping and other roceplacies) has ‘boon used. After the engine stops, turn ‘the ignition key to the OFF position. IF the fork fe not used for several hours after the operation, park the fork- Tit withthe fuet-change sartch set to the GAS position. This helps the engine start ‘more easily the next time. ‘© After completion of operation and be fore storing the fork for an extendod period, completely ciose the discharge valve (Ped. Chock the engine for gas leakage. Refer to “LPG cylinder replace: rant” page 172 * Inthe event of LPG loakage, an accident or some ther malfunction, immediately and completely close the discharge valve ‘red. Have your LPG systom checked at your Local Authorized Dealer. 128, won| LOAD CHART ‘The load chart, attached to front pane, indicates all necescary information regarding the lyps of attachments, iting capacity, et. Revised: January 2011 [omcrox, NISSAN CE fous TSI om = Loud ht abel aurea al — es oars owazs0| For countries where 2 fork with the CE mark ing muet be used. — count ome’ secure LOAD CHART LABEL, CHASSIS SERIAL NUMBER “The load chart label is attached to he right side ofthe front panel scout: ‘The chassis sorial number is stamped on the front panel, 126 wwe IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: GASOLINE ENGINE (K21, K25) DIESEL ENGINE (QD32) SPECIFICATIONS. Main Truck Specifications ed har Nose “18 tn €8090 0) 5.75 107 (8800 bo) 2.0 10n (4000 BY (aie wae Re, Sarr, TERT, ‘oat eT aes) Tae) 320) Tiron Fe se eo Tea) a o3e ies ead each ea) ea05 ven Tove re z a = Saag TRAST nine waa wie Fae ewan Sages as) ara ies aie) Travis Laem) wea Tiana) asi) Reiteeeed | nr) sarees eater Esai otha Ti eit | ory co) ‘aaa ‘reas Taheignt | wm) Baa, BETH wae iia Rial ear G05) sic Sno) oo Fo) Tea Ta era Ta oa oo Tae) a8) saa) coe Sages oem eoae ue 56) ee Batio ire om Cr 237 ORS) Tar coe), er se iso 62 0) eae ‘eran aa [oa ne Tea Fes tert a Te) Fat wh awed ee i GOI Fer) rw, Fat ded ew Tasha aera na Ta sei Tim Pm aah EG) aa Brcund cleaves Under pewreren | Exar B03) or Ba 38), hoe fone | F505) Ea) Sacer 10 wre ee Ft seis ~ cy a) pany Eats [tinny Tesi) a0 RY in | otoad” FRM Corarencd Tah STB 127.0 (550)_ Ferme ratass [rao Tar EEO} seed 9 [toed FPN inevsoc) 61 OOF 118.1 (600) 178.7 (0) tiaseent [La Fale aren Hors ‘sre nes [Ro oad FEM Give), 427.7 (650) TEP? (B50) Tat 80) Gray Tease [ aaa ia ee iia tea [Ne faor FEM mnie) 476.4 1500) 367 15807 16.1 13903, Se LS a0) Ter) ay "8 Retest FEM vee) ‘98. (590) aA GO) 98.400) cnn [ES Pati) 5.08) Suse Sm Sees | PW ssa ary eae Lowering speed iting uae FER preva) SB (80) Bas (680) AS 0) a FReieae FR Grenraes) Bas OH) Sar 06) oT OS, Say tenes sso) Has G0 sen wa Te ad [FPR Grmmfeecd 72.8870) 725 G79) Tae GTO), scan [Babes | rity rates Tee Teta ine oes Teed Ci Tes tae Traces) Te eA, Cowen = "saab Teo Teast Dorp a a a = Nelows = Bart 3a) e501 2982 1890) ara ra a ra aT Coxe Tata ant ED a a Tanwg [ Sak 8 03 TORT TCR SGT ao" bes Te Sos) saa) Fr 6055) ra eH ca ca 2 | Cclaosioa cunt 198 (2068), 126 (2005) 126 (2065), 8 [aero SERS Fin secenend Seti Sew Rav Seage | Retiave Ta eHEHE Trew aE 129 1F2 eovies en Mec zownlaooo wd 2.0 ton (s000 18) (20 ton (4500 eee Bie Tao Ea HT Tere ae 7660) 7) Fa Sar ee aa Tar aor Io Teaco asi we eae sie) a8 Fmd | oe a * . baad Ec eae 7 1 2 Saag ia ath) ini arom wae weacead Tage em watieo sea) was Ove iy Bata re ney ricoy (628 (1640) Gad (read) Haldane Ow wa mare waa eh omar an eames ) rma oe) erry oo wae sear mail Wore ae e005 B50 (0) ‘eat Farag a 77 ey Ta Gor Taco Tar ag ine rae ‘aac vas ra a Sage hs Ha arate Rone Tani araies ars a08 wats) ews ai Teast a) aes Teron wig mae [Oa Berl eave wes Ba ao Fah a aa serra “Era 7 rea an ED er Set 600.5 Tis hooray e880.) Tae [atom a0 Ea sac Grand devon Corpo PRD 3303 zane T3017 there [We era et erst 130 AEP series ae a 20 wnC4c00 8) 20:en (400018) 2oten (noes Tareas | Tare SR TT 20 O00 Tata FRM Gormioec) 37S E50) 378 (7H) WI TO Fay [Ealind _[ rere Toe ‘asain mow aia [Fen ree eae TBAT aaa ea Lite Senos ering Leal FFM immiaoe) T9260) TRO TTT TiaT OO "9 [hotbed FEM Genisen)_ a8 Tea) 138 (635) 02 aS) [Rite arte Taso ea sae 30 8“ Ne ad FAM renione), Teo eT 1299 (ee) 728.5 (88) conang {Pais —[ Feige Sey sex Sear "8 Tio ed PPRA rae) Baa (oa) Crico au G00) Fan Trias Creme) Bae Ses er Tesco) Lew owt ‘3 Te it FEN Grenlac)_ 530 a0) 50 (00) 580 G00) ‘ang 6 wi FR Grenta=) S45 20) BeE (BO) 645 (680) ne I) FPR Gomiase) ae) eR 48) eos Srey [Bs | Fem) 54540) ec 545100) ist [Rotead EPH (rmiase) 649 30) 54.9 CaO) S49 a0 aes] a rec Tad) TG Teavlsonod Forward Tioeet PH Ben) Tatey TECH TEC) i Tost Tea98 8 Fane sent am Bera Bs ar Nokes bis See ED 3639 (1580) Sere TIeaeS eas wei Ea 5 “f Geteceiny No bad wee 35 EJ = 2 cma Seat cc 7s ai ais ewet ae sees” fens ee 7 a8) sas) Taba) Tat ar fa er oo a Taree ea are 2 [ese See | Twa Bs eeTET Bien Stine Tae Segoe) FS Nip | Grea as ra5r05 Pana 131 1F2 series ~ enon Ben 008) amino 8) Canty vi Eo es aS Sa ST Toate er 2400 00) 7a et ice TOE Ror Tae Teraeoor Ts oor on Som eee aia wae Fo gw = z % Thane Tice oo @ 2 1 Seal gE a aos Sa aeT wae Signe ner erie weal aa) Sw Doble ee ined eaten) "ea5 (1540) 64:9 (1640) Manoa | Ard maa Bee) Means) cnet ech taaeamd Tween 73H) Tres se) “7 ase Srefead ond | wares wars waaay Wiese waaay eant00) 55 0860) oa Tousen ine Tray Tao) Tae Ravi Beat Tesh Tas ara Tae or Fone eee nee) Has ara Ge Tra Ge) Tate ve) he raga ra ae aati mares et sei6rm ‘ata weer mor naan [Sa aR wearin) weaaos eeacnes) Fog mca ae come) san acto) TErgaroy Tok qrahtaed Fen Taree arson miata Taek | mt aio Bnd wc) rnd cena The per cana) Eni Sie Trees ra erase ea ares 132 wae AFD serine ear he 25 on(s0s0 8) | 125 wn S001) 2 on 000.0) Taoad [pai aaah ae ae, seo, ‘20 ina [road [FP seh aia Ost) 1578700) Terao) Fa [ead LF rec Toate) 105 TOG "2 [Retaes |W eonave 2296207 1g BO), FASO) ing ses Fulead”—[ FP) raes0) Tae), Tra ooh seit Tiled] Fin ise Fas 08), aaa) : Grmny [Pale _| Fevers 1a 50) TROGI) Te 0) Noises | FEM Grae) ao) 38 Goo, Tare GSE) Fates [ FAM rnc (05) waa Goo) TaG00) Button Teas [Fm wea 02) Tabor Exon) Fearn, [Baise | ae 580) EE) Saco Nees [FM Gta 520360) RISC ‘a5 Goo) leverng speed [————TFatind__[_ FPG nee) Sea aes) Bas ao), sas eeo) Seo Teed Powel’ wees) waa) era Ginny [lic [Fem rais) 325 0) 345 460) Sat ine Fi teas Bano Coe 080) exo) Fallesd | MH Te T1809) 1805) TAC feet vewd [Foe [ete | arr Gown Tse Ta ay I) Ww TBD Tee08 20000 Passer Bea Bae aes 888 Baar omewee ® co T5305 780 wees a0 1850) 5 C365) Sessa Faas eae ‘ara a = = Seesity Thies er a as 3 Tastee | Soest Bis Tas aT oe GD, Fas ETA oi Deawa 7 6190 0890) eso ase) ass i a a co ft Ree Tas GOs) aaa Twos 3 [Reedasor Sige eRe, Beane Bena Beant Rid owe Sige [SNe ORC Tsay Tearoay 065 132, 12 series iow WoT a5 wn 00K) 8.0 ton (8000 to) ‘9.010 (5000 18) 4.3 ron (7000 Ie) 2S ton (rOoo Todonay Sod | _ amas aca) See aooor oe Tones coer ‘nd_[ babe) 3:00) 0) HBS) 2 Tan RATE Er EI) 0100) 0 00) ero) “ie aso} Fela eee | ero ees ora aioe ah 7 famed [ane = = = * © Thee Backward ‘eee 1 ae 12 7 2 Seana a aay TS BER pee | emer [sem ron [so rah ane vale [aa 089) core el saa) Soa Ga00) Ser wi Doubie tre aim) (60.5 (688) 258 (4886) esEtees) 67.7 720) a7 720) Ten ened [Rim |e eee ai7e) eae erro) sano Oval mt TAGE Timm | vresieesy | rmeausen | emaetsi) | vastice | aalatn Dane ad _| wea | ea eae, maw Toa meat) — remy [7 ene 25) teaures eee 7I0 wea) Co Fertoencg [a waa) Ta H5) wie 198 G90) 320 Fag to |S 12 638) aco) Bao Ea 65) come Seaeie new)[ sash ae) ween Ti aoe) 96s Tabene [aoe erent) aU ewawy aia aaa) a ired_[ taro, BReGe) ooo “mane Tas es) Vines a [oe ‘lend | aero) aa saa aap) er ato) Tak ig eos ina) | eat) Tai Gor) 21037) Bina aor) Taki eon nt | Gasnocias vic) | Gavaociansso) | wevaecanssy | aara0Gaonm | apra0 0a Tan [em |e Ge saa. Tato Saco) ran daar Trae poorer tad" | e068) EU aoe ea, er Datars [way | 88) aay Facey 75000) FG 134 Tor i | | | | ‘2751 (Ss0089 | aownien0aW) | aoimdacan | asuntooney | ssuntroon) “Fong PERSE FPR | oe RE TaD eases wee wae ed Tat GEO) THE OF ao 345 00) ‘aia | Pe Taeec) “| faa aT a3 620), 1043 90 war G20) 27 0) srieee pind | FPA) raaI7o EXOD) n2z070) 30.5 a) 350 800) aPiriny [lend PH ens) [v0 1004 (50) ‘wea ior a7 Gio? 7 aD me PM oriae) TE 60) Tis wear 1707 0) 36s Gea Bae ay Patines) | __vooetes) Tease a3 cco) BG Patios) | 4162600) $703 (50a) Tra 650) 35s G40) ‘ase G50) Gea) BATTEN “SEA Gy Baa G08) Sr 7 Ge) Ferrans) | S600 Tas Goo) Bea eo0) Tis ee, Tos G80) FPR Gaisn)_| 928700, BEST, S25 7) 735.050), a5 80) Fulvemven) | e020) CI) Bo 0 BO SOG) ‘Feat tonve) | 05370 3250070) wae) 735;00) 755630) FPitervene)_| 7a eo) 793350) 78 360) 390 800) 9960) Firtarien) | e2st0) Sa Bear "asst 78a) Fateevaee) | 7080) 728020) 7880) 220 oor Pac) Pay TaCR 7 TEER Tae, Tas PR a nace TS vie tiesy Testes) Tistiss) rep Tasca AEST, BRS, ETT, BEOTRA, tt cm “aso a Tres eae Notont Big ‘7 ewe) a sss abs TED ass aD) Besa Falko Tah 37 3 = 25 = Road Tote) 2 ae = zr ze Sgie Tig) was TT Tas eR waa Oia abe) sa OT [Bonet Rea Beas ti0) 3500 816) 3585 4028) 6u65 a TOSS CASS) co aes ca ‘Soa a a aa Gees) aa rsa) 1a Ga, ae 109) Reg [ion | Bara. estany700 ECE BITS eo Began | Pantin Ta Sayeed aS SaN oe] Tea ronan [Tea leapaees | aa aay 136 CIF sores wes 15100 (90001) 175100950018 ‘20:0 40001) oo Tee) ORT es Tae EY oo inet eee) 30085 7a eran oa Ec) EE 86 Gao) ae asco) Fee a sii0e 08 ela Fea ee = 5 = Taare iat tag i oa “ a oi othe ASI int waree ta ‘Graal trove oa 32 (7) mai 20TH Tattooed | wi was ies we ioe) ween ‘vai aight Maat ere | Gen) 1739,4888) 1798 268) 178.9 (4556) ‘Taneargas_[ GAD Toma CRG) aioe ene Tata wa) FETT, wea) Feri Tata Tea aA 650 TeaGso, Tes oetare intr Tar Tins eso) aes) Feat Ea, ee was) 323 to) Beste) heme en 3530) 323120) SE 620) ‘amare oie [Oana erat ea (785) eS Gast ea eam Fagan oa a2 0070, eraord) arte, Tras [om S665) 308) aay Gru as Takreoweene [neem 26.065 Ec 2562) Gare | Bee axe) EE arr 126 ow C1Fi eeioe we Mes 9 tan (9009 BY 1-79 ton 48000 fy) -a0t0n (2020) my [Bains [Fen TEaaaH DER eae 20 8 ad FPR imi) 127.3 650) 137.9 to) 1273 50) amy [Bal | Fete eas 555) Tor ba 0 Nowwed FRA irene) Taz S70 17671 SO) 16.7 (500) poseeet To thifeal [renee ina Gs0 T0250) Toes) tee Tiziood, FRR Greve) 137-7 (850) 1277 (eso) Tear ee . mg fate | Fae Tiana Te ge ese WS [Ne toad FER rnvaeed F781 50), Ties wea) HerHor rg [tnt] towers sea 5) SOE) wae fee Voreed FPwinmioed) 96.4 (500) 964 BON) Baa OT) Son Riss Cem BEF en) Sasa) EAB) Loring aes ina Re teod Feiemec) | Siete), BAST) Bia tSIO) se Fale FP moe) Bas (480), ‘MF GE Ha Ge setnea Noland FP imac) S71 (30) Gace GAC Smee [Baad PA avs 25006) 345 9) sues) '9_FRowes —] FPA avowed Frog) Biwi sia G10) esl | wom aT ATT Toa Tens sped Fowed Tasinat PH rv) Oey waa) Toss FefeaT wad Tea He BaF BaF SOT ea ‘iota bog 5a PO) 1528 (700), 3582 (700) Fan See) % 3 a eit Nokeed =O) we ci ie Taye won HST RRR TET at = 0 = |S [Betocomet enn 126 (2088) 526 (2088) 128 (058) 3 estar pa CAG SeazIO0 wana wai aoe Spe ena TREE TEETTST TRS 1a? CIF? serias en Moe 20 1an (4000 (6) ca aD, as aE ada int za) EG at EO oa Ta esoo) Ten Fea intant “ao a0 Fad [oar = a Tange Seal aah Ghar no wa R280) a) Oni Sabie ato ai Garo) Ei HGR) awe | md BaTiO ar) ovenet Meee (wna asteees) 173 4385) Dread pnd | Eo ware) Wea od ES) Sai aa Torro Ton Teo) Tio Fas ony id 77 a0) 77a) a ati EG) aii) 3506) ‘Reset | etand woine) a0 Taree Tend Soma oo Tamanmigaae [Oats ae co) Fao 60) Tamgn tated er BiH ra) Tawa aoe Ze) 716 ron ace thes pone | weer tos i tost Tariene eG CoO Bane) 138 y aa CAF? sorias a Bown acon m) ten falas [Ratio Tea ea TT, Bete -Rstaad | PRR) aa TTT, Facade Tae an 620 Fea Fyoicad | Padma] Tier eso, arse Lewrgseesd [ral [Patan 80) ol SF We aed [Pad co} 1s . 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Pathng brake lee ea Stepping and paring on Peradie maintenance echeckie Precastons fr cold ard hot washer Precautions for using ie LPG model Staring and eporatng ‘seeenrg ‘toaring whel “Stopping and paring ‘Setoh ‘Switches end conte Revised: July 2010 158, ee wae 157 Rovied: July 2010 Nissan Forklift Corporation, North America ‘CALIFORNIA AND US, FEDERAL EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENT "oon sare ened we roid hy eget ote Calla Ai Resorts Bond an US Cavan Ptcon Age. Sgwarnaranineir SES Sr me pn eo St ‘rc stm oh tn one aac Nin ewe a ‘mest Sls lac es Sse ey poegaugearzamums eames Seatieetememenaransta eager SaRLeyagiomatinteine 2 ‘BuMER waRsAaTeRESPONSLBTTES one) Pyaar fy darn cee ar ey {get thas Casal oem ES nc ictieaneitnsioner eae eT pee a See SE emer meee nr Nissan Farkit Corptation, North America 240.N, Prospect Stext, Harengo, IL 60152 Revised: January 2011 158 sn secnajamom sinare he) eat NISSAN DIESEL ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS WARRANTY STATEMENT Dose: Tas ‘Ersion Waranty Statement seen to the “Lmtee Wararky" salerert eves wil ae sleet ei Wek mpi) san Foe Copan, er Areca CRU) Yar as coveneD Micha te be Ure ruched ea scenes nace Oak he ‘isa cnn eek gor Man er Ferra eae ae “ionen© o:o every se tne ose ah Ce rasan eb SO USepropiadeene trea mec {ie wera ces eon evar reed prs od conyers 1 Rettapaen seen 2 reeks Fe antl nie 1 terete tne, dane. oman a ig eke ed ‘the abowe syste, “ octars the ware td bw under We atin WHAT 18 NOT Tre crore coer by tm varsey fe fom cae we maa wd oct wc usc enoo aie par fal ere ‘Spaakle emis guitrg 0° he US BMA Re a eee of 0 Pet ot ‘Berson fe yor ure chet aca. 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Prospect Stree, Marengo, IL 60152 6 ESE WAST STTEHENT (12203 160

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