Break-Out Plan September 15

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Break-out Plan #

Date: September 15, 2020

Break-out Title/Topic: Ice Breaker Activity Resources Time
Check-in: (A quick, community building activity)

Had mentees use the “raise your hand” function on teams to guage how they were
Learning Objective: (what will my mentees get out of this break-out?)

The mentees will be able to break the proverbial ice and become a little more open
and comfortable with the group
Introduction: (what information do mentees need from me before activity?)

Because it was our first session together, I introduced myself and gave a quick
summary of my experience in Labour & Social Movements as well as why I chose to
become a mentor.
Activity: (How will I get my mentees involved in this break-out?)

The activity I selected was 2 truths and 1 lie. Everyone had the opportunity to
participate (except for one student who was non-responsive) and guess which
statement given was the lie.

Debrief: (What did the mentees learn from what I just did?)

Mentees learned that everyone has unique things specific to just themselves as well
as other things in common. Hopefully it encourages them to be willing to collaborate
with one another.
Summary: (Repeat the learning objective and the work that was done to get there)

Mentees will break the proverbial ice by participating in the activity ‘2 Truths and 1


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