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Concurrent VSAM Access for Batch and

CICS: A white paper series

Transparent VSAM File Sharing via CICS and Batch

A white paper from:

Finding a better way to solve batch issues:
concurrent VSAM file sharing
CICS applications and VSAM data still drive a large percentage of the transactional
processing at the core of worldwide commerce and information systems. According to
current estimates, CICS applications handle more than 30 billion transactions per day and
process more than $1 trillion dollars’ worth of business every week. When these systems
are offline or data is inaccessible due to batch processes then productivity stalls, crucial
information is unavailable, and decisions are delayed. As more applications are ported to
the Web via Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), this batch dilemma becomes more
relevant to end users.

This white paper examines these issues and offers a solution: concurrent VSAM file
sharing that creates a virtual processing window in CICS. CICS-VSAM-batch file sharing
is a proven method for leveraging high-performance
mainframe systems without disrupting users or altering Critical applications depend
source code. By sharing VSAM files inside of CICS, you can on the mainframe
avoid many of the pains associated with half-measures while
ensuring high levels of performance, data integrity, Critical applications everywhere depend
on mainframe data availability.
implementation ease, reliability, and recoverability. If done • Insurance applications that allow
correctly, a file sharing solution permits the batch program to users to handle policy, claims, and
dynamically commit each unit of work and gives the annuity payments
implementation team the flexibility to specify the commit • Banking programs that allow users
to manage deposits, withdrawals
frequency. Since the processing style of each batch program
and account details
that uses file sharing can be unique, commit frequency
• Programs that allow users to transfer
becomes important when you consider how long users can 401k funds, process trades, and
wait to access shared records, how deadlocks are access balance information
minimized, and when records are added to the journal. • Call center applications that allow
employees to update customer
This paper covers the following four topics that are critical in records
evaluating a VSAM file-sharing solution:

• Architecture

• Performance, reliability, and scalability

• Recovery

• CICSplex and sysplex scalability

2 Finding a better way to solve batch issues: concurrent VSAM file sharing
The complete H&W white paper series details the challenges facing organizations that
need to deal with VSAM, batch and CICS. Furthermore, these white papers discuss the
various options currently available to address the problem. Other papers in the series

• General overview of VSAM/Batch Conventional and Current Alternatives —

conventional and previous approaches include SHAREOPTIONs, file open-and-close
products, shadow files, memo posting, and EXCI, VSAM RLS, and Transactional

• VSAM RLS (Record-Level Sharing) — a method for accessing VSAM files that gives
multiple CICS address spaces concurrent READ/WRITE access to recoverable VSAM
data sets. Challenges and drawbacks are explained in detail.

• Transactional VSAM (TVS) — a method for sharing recoverable VSAM data between
CICS and batch without compromising data integrity. Challenges and drawbacks are
explained in detail.

Reducing the batch window or sharing VSAM files

inside CICS
You have two general options when dealing with batch window issues. You can either
keep tuning batch processes, attempting to reduce the duration of the batch window, or
you can break out of the conventional paradigm entirely and consider CICS/Batch VSAM
file sharing, thus moving to a virtual batch window.

CICS treats a batch step as one transaction (albeit a transaction where many records can
be processed). Companies are taking advantage of this concept by processing their batch
cycle several times a day; in some cases as often as every two or three minutes. If you
take a close look at how often data (which feeds the batch process) arrives at the IT
operations area, you may find that running batch more often throughout the day is not only
possible but also highly effective.

By sharing VSAM files inside CICS, batch jobs appear to CICS like any other online
transaction. Batch jobs can then process while CICS continues to have full READ/WRITE
access to VSAM files.

Concurrent VSAM Access for Batch and CICS: A white paper series 3
Since CICS has already been entrusted with your data, extending CICS to batch is a
natural move. There are numerous advantages to this approach, including excellent
performance, assurance of data integrity, straightforward implementation, and the inherent
reliability and recovery benefits of CICS itself. If your batch cycle updates between 100
and 1,000,000 or more records per batch step, this concept is an excellent solution.


When considering a VSAM file-sharing solution, architectural considerations are crucial

for maintaining optimal performance as well as ensuring existing and future compatibility
in an evolving mainframe environment. For VSAM file sharing to occur, three fundamental
questions must be answered:

1. How does the solution get control of the existing batch program to initiate the file shar-
ing process?
2. How will batch communicate with the CICS address space(s)?
3. Is a CICS component available to handle the batch request?

In other words, three main areas need to be addressed to determine the optimal

• The subsystem

• Batch-to-CICS communication

• The CICS component

A solution should support an IBM-documented and an IBM-supported subsystem that only

awakens when its services are needed. The solution should not take up any cycles when
batch-CICS file sharing is not taking place. It should also be able to be implemented in
without changes to source code. Of course, there should be no hooks to the operating
system (OS) that could cause future incompatibility issues when the OS changes from
release to release.

4 Reducing the batch window or sharing VSAM files inside CICS

Once a file-sharing batch job starts, the subsystem should gain control. Then initial
communication between the batch job and CICS should be supported through TCP/IP or
VTAM. The solution should then be smart enough to auto-determine if the batch job and
the CICS region or regions are running under the same LPAR. If this is the case, the
solution should be able to automatically utilize cross-memory services. TCP or VTAM are
automatically used if multiple LPARs are involved. This approach ensures that the highest-
performing communication is used.

Additionally, the CICS component should be just another CICS transaction. If the file-
sharing solution conforms to the rules of CICS, it will be forward- and backward-
compatible with CICS releases.

By following this type of architectural approach, you establish a light system footprint,
maintain high performance communication, and ensure forward- and backward-
compatibility when CICS or the OS changes. This type of solution is flexible enough to
transparently adapt from a simple LPAR environment to the most sophisticated parallel
Sysplex/CICSplex with record-level sharing (RLS) and workload management.

Performance, reliability and scalability

Every organization that has embraced file sharing has concerns about system
performance. In order to address this topic thoroughly in this paper, performance will be
analyzed from a CICS perspective and then from a batch perspective.

The most trusted OLTP on the market — CICS is the most widely trusted and utilized
online transaction processor (OLTP) on the market. IBM has invested more than 40 years
into the continued development and improvement of CICS performance, reliability, and
integrity. It follows that utilizing CICS to handle batch I/O would be the most logical
approach when selecting a file-sharing architecture. However, data centers that are tuned
to manage millions of transactions a day in their CICS regions have reason to be wary. No
one wants to break what works. CICS can handle file sharing with batch - it just needs to
be configured correctly with the proper subsystem solution in order to ensure success.

Concurrent VSAM Access for Batch and CICS: A white paper series 5
In order to utilize CICS for batch file sharing and the additional traffic that entails,
implement this simple, fundamental concept: tune according to established practices. Your
batch file-sharing jobs are now an extension of CICS and will run as long as the CICS
address spaces are tuned. For example, if it is appropriate to tune, you might add more
strings to your FCT or increase your LSR buffers.

Setting CICS transaction priorities to ensure SLAs — Since your batch file-sharing job
is now just another CICS transaction, you can set a priority for the file-sharing CICS
transaction like any other CICS transaction. If there is a lot of traffic in CICS, this tells
CICS how best to manage its resources. For example, if a batch file-sharing CICS
transaction has a lower priority than another CICS transaction and there is competition for
resources, CICS will automatically provide the higher-priority transaction(s) with the
resources, and the batch file-sharing job will wait until the resources are available.

CICS ensures data integrity for all transactions — I/O requests are either successful
or backed out. While the system updates a record, other transactions are put on hold. For
a single transaction updating multiple VSAM records, the updates are either all successful
or they are all backed out. When you add batch processing to the CICS environment, the
same data integrity applies.

Sync points and performance — To CICS, a batch file-sharing job is a single transaction
even though it is a long-running transaction. Most of the time batch jobs complete
successfully. In very unusual situations, they do not. If transactions do not complete
successfully, CICS automatically backs out any updates that batch makes. For example,
when a batch step updates 1000 records, CICS will build up deferred work elements until
the sync point is issued at the end of the batch step. If the batch job has an abnormal end-
of-job (ABEND) during this process, before a sync point is issued, CICS Dynamic
Transaction Backout (DTB) restores records to their original image and makes them
available for other transactions.

For longer running jobs, the above scenario may not make sense. Some data centers
have file-sharing batch jobs that update millions of records during a given batch step. If
these batch steps do not issue sync points, CICS will lock all records that were updated
during the batch step, and CICS will build up deferred work elements to the point that they
may consume all available CICS memory. As a result, CICS response time slows, and the
CICS address space may crash due to a lack of storage.

6 Reducing the batch window or sharing VSAM files inside CICS

The solution you implement must give you the ability to prevent this from happening. You
want the capability to specify the number of units of work that will be processed before a
sync point is issued. Equally important is the ability to adjust the sync point frequency
without changing the application itself. Ideally, you want to implement a solution that
allows you to associate the sync point frequency with a specific file in the batch job that
when you read or write to that file, defines the completion of the unit of work. You could
trigger the sync point frequency by simply adding a key word to the DD statement for the
file in the batch JCL. Alternatively, you could add an entry in a control file that would
accomplish the same task, if changing JCL is not an option.

Minimizing the affect of batch I/O on CICS performance — Let's take a closer look at
how a good file-sharing solution will minimize CICS overhead associated with typical I/O
activities you may encounter in common file-sharing scenarios. Many batch jobs are
designed to read a record on a transaction file and then read the master file in a sequential
order until a match on the record key is found. When this occurs, the business logic in the
batch program executes then writes the updated master record.

This process repeats until all records on the transaction file have been processed. When
this batch program uses file sharing, the read issued to the master file defined to CICS is
translated into a CICS I/O instruction known as “get-for-update.” In terms of CICS
overhead, this kind of read is expensive because the record is locked and then unlocked,
increasing CPU cycles. If the master file that was just read does not match the key on the
transaction file, CICS issues another get-for-update read. This process repeats until the
match is found.

A quality file-sharing solution will recognize this situation and avoid this extra overhead by
converting the initial read in CICS to a “start browse/read next.” This specific CICS I/O
instruction uses far fewer cycles in CICS. This is a simple example of how a quality file-
sharing solution can minimize overhead in CICS and keep batch run times close to native
processing times. Valuable file-sharing solutions recognize this technique and many other
types of batch I/O processing techniques and use the one with the best-performing CICS

Sync points, recovery, and restartability

When optimizing batch jobs, you must consider the issues of using sync points, recovery,
and restartability.

Concurrent VSAM Access for Batch and CICS: A white paper series 7
Sync points — It is best to use sync points on long-running batch jobs to optimize CICS
performance and ensure that service-level agreements are met. However, using them
creates a recovery situation that you must examine carefully. When sync points are
issued, CICS is no longer responsible for the committed unit of work. This means you
must create another process that either restores the data to its original condition and
reruns the batch job, or one that restarts the batch job and picks up the process at the
prior point of failure.

If you can simply rerun the job from the beginning without adverse affects on the data, this
is not an issue. However, this is typically not the case. If you cannot rerun the job from the
beginning, you have two options: You can allow for restartability where the job picks up
processing again from the most recent, successful syncpoint, or you can look for a file-
sharing solution that performs recovery for you. Let's take a closer look at each

Recovery — It is possible to have a file-sharing solution perform recovery for you. Any
recovery process must preserve data integrity. Remember, if an ABEND occurs, CICS
DTB will back out any in-flight unit of work. An in-flight unit of work is the records that
batch is processing and that are not available for other transactions to use. When the
program issues sync points, the updates that batch made to any records must be reversed
or backed out. The next batch job to start after the initial ABEND occurs should back out
these updates.

In order to implement recovery, you should adjust production JCL by adding a recovery
step after each update step. While the recovery step is running, these files are still fully
available to CICS. Running a batch recovery process while the file is available to CICS
means that other transactions could be updating the same data fields that the recovery
process is backing out. You want to select a file-sharing solution with a recovery process
that recognizes these different situations and handles them appropriately. From a wall
clock point of view, recovery will take longer than restartability.

When you compare which of these approaches is best for your organization, consider how
often batch jobs ABEND, whether you have source code available for the batch programs,
and whether you have programmers that understand the architecture of each batch
program that needs to be changed. Also evaluate how long it will take your programmers
to change the source code and then test those changes.

8 Reducing the batch window or sharing VSAM files inside CICS

Restartability — Allowing the batch job to restart at the point of failure is a good solution.
In order to implement this, however, you have to make the source code available for each
batch program using the file-sharing approach and also have programmers available to
change the code. Programmers need to understand
the architecture of the programs and be able to add
the restartability code to the program. When coding is Production considerations
complete, each scenario needs to be tested to ensure When choosing a file-sharing solution,
that the job was done correctly. consider if it:
• Leaves a light footprint on your
People who are familiar with restartability and the
• Recognizes read/update processing
architecture of the batch program are the best
• Integrates update logs for
resources for adding restartability to batch programs. If
you include restartability in a batch program in a
• Includes a restartability option
production environment, the recovered batch job will
• Nonintrusively processes specific
finish processing sooner because it restarts at the
VSAM files step-by-step
point of failure. With a virtual batch window, however,
• Controls batch prioritization
this may no longer be an issue.
• Scales and performs appropriately in
CICSplex and sysplex environments
CICSplex and sysplex scalability When implementing a file-sharing
solution, you will be prepared for
When you choose a solution, keep in mind that the production in 1 to 30 days if it:
best file-sharing solution will support past, current, and • Works without changes to source
future IBM environments. This means it should work code in batch or CICS programs
correctly in the CICSplex and sysplex. It will also • Has architecture and implementation
support IBM guidelines for LPAR pricing and usage processes that follow well-known
monitoring, TCP/IP and/or VTAM networking techniques understood by
professional IT people familiar with
communication, and function correctly with the
the z/OS platform
workload manager (WLM). Day-one support for new
• Is offered by a vendor that comes to
OS and CICS releases should also be on the list of your facility to ensure that your pilot
requirements. application is implemented correctly
and your employees can comfortably
use the solution in both test and
production environments.

Concurrent VSAM Access for Batch and CICS: A white paper series 9
Conclusions: a better way
CICS and batch are two extremely reliable and stable processes. Performance is
managed easily, the systems are understood, and expectations are already in place. All
the practices you have developed over the years remain when you implement a VSAM
file-sharing solution, and there is no need to drastically modify what you have already
invested in, namely the mainframe itself, CICS, existing CICS and batch applications, and
the people and skills who support everyday functions.

Using a solution that tightly integrates into CICS, you can take advantage of existing CICS
services. Source code remains intact, SLAs are protected, there is minimal impact on
existing processes, data integrity persists even after ABENDs, and the solution is scalable
across CICSplex and Sysplex environments. The solution does not need to be redesigned
or re-architected when IBM changes or improves CICS.

The advantages of this solution are clear. Rip-and-replace is a risky, time-consuming, and
costly undertaking. These ROI considerations alone are significant. The time and effort
required to re-code applications or replace systems can be avoided. The user community
requires no re-training, and existing IT processes and procedures can remain as well.

The world now expects data availability and application access on a 24/7 schedule. By
sharing VSAM files inside of CICS, you can avoid the pain associated with alternative
approaches while ensuring high-performance levels, data integrity, implementation ease,
reliability, and recoverability.

To learn more about existing batch-management issues and transparent VSAM file
sharing, please review the other white papers in this series: VSAM Record-Level Sharing
(RLS), Transactional VSAM, and Overview of Conventional and Current Alternatives.

About H&W
Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, H&W has been a leading provider of quality software
solutions since 1979. H&W creates reliable, technically sound solutions like SYSB-II® that
provide long-term value. Today corporations worldwide, including many Global 500
companies, trust H&W for their IT software and services needs. Call 1-800-338-6692 or

10 Conclusions: a better way

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