Science - Grade 4: Maplewood Powerschool Eteacher

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Life Systems (1) ​Life Systems (2) Structures and Mechanisms

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Maplewood PowerSchool eTeacher

Understanding Life Systems (1) - Science

V While investigating habitats and communities, Name recognized many of the

positive and negative impacts humans have on the natural environment. He
analyzed many factors that have caused species depletion and extinction. His
We offer different
suggestions to protect animals and minimize negative human impact were logical
and clearly explained. He is encouraged to continue formulating questions that will
versions that have “Name
deepen his understanding of scientific concepts as he begins the Pulleys and
Tokens”. This makes
Gears unit. it easy to
cut and paste directly into
W (3) While investigating habitats and communities, Name recognized that humans have
your report cards!
both positive and negative impacts on the natural environment. He analyzed
factors that cause species depletion and extinction. His suggestions to protect
animals and minimize negative human impact were reasonable and clearly
explained. He is encouraged to formulate questions that will deepen his
understanding of scientific concepts as he begins the Pulleys and Gears unit.

While learning about habitats and communities, Name recognized that humans
W (2) have both positive and negative impacts on the natural environment. He was able
to identify some of the factors that cause species depletion and extinction. His
suggestions to protect animals and minimize negative human impact lacked some
important details. As we start the Pulleys and Gears unit, he is encouraged to
continue seeking answers to the question, “Why do we study science and how is
this knowledge valuable in real-life?”
We have comment
D banks
While learning about habitats and communities, Name learned someforof individual
positive and negative impacts humans have on thesubjects like Science.
natural environment. His We also
suggestions to protect animals from extinction and minimize negative human
impact lacked important details. He is encouraged to refer to success criteria in
upcoming assignments and continue seeking connections packages
to help himat a discount
how science can be valuable in the real-world. price

Check out our ​Report Card packages​. We have ALL SUBJECTS

bundles and individual subjects available for grades 1-8.
Life Systems (1) ​Life Systems (2) Structures and Mechanisms

Matter and Energy ​Earth and Space Personalized Comments

Science -PowerSchool
Grade 4 Version
Understanding Life Systems (1) - Science

V While investigating habitats and communities, <first name> recognized many of the
positive and negative impacts humans have on the natural We offer different
environment. <He/She>
analyzed many factors that have caused species depletionversions to save
and extinction. you
suggestions to protect animals and minimize negative human impact were logical and
clearly explained. <He/She> is encouraged to continue formulating questions that will
deepen <his/her> understanding of scientific concepts as <he/she> begins the Pulleys
and Gears unit.

W While investigating habitats and communities, <first name> recognized that humans
(3) have both positive and negative impacts on the natural environment. <He/She>
analyzed factors that cause species depletion and extinction. <His/Her> suggestions to
If you want
protect to and
animals editminimize
the negative human impact were reasonable and clearly
comments, you
explained. can work
<He/She> in
is encouraged to formulate questions that will deepen <his/her>
understanding of scientific concepts as <he/she> begins the Pulleys and Gears unit.
Google Docs or you can
download to your
While learning preferred
about habitats and communities, <first name> recognized that humans
W format!
have both positive and negative impacts on the natural environment. <He/She> was
(2) able to identify some of the factors that cause species depletion and extinction.
<His/Her> suggestions to protect animals and minimize negative human impact lacked
some important details. As we start the Pulleys and Gears unit, <he/she> is
encouraged to continue seeking answers to the question, “Why do we study science
and how is this knowledge valuable in real-life?”
and communities, <first name> learned some of the
D While learning about habitats and communities, <first name> learned some of the
humans positive
haveandon theimpacts
negative natural environment.
humans have <His/Her>
on the natural environment. <His/Her>
suggestions to protect animals from extinction and minimize negative human impact
s from extinction and
lacked important details.minimize negative
<He/She> is encouraged human
to refer to success criteriaimpact
upcoming assignments and continue seeking connections to help <him/her>
She> is encouraged
understand how scienceto canrefer toin the
be valuable success
real-world. criteria in

Check out our ​

Report Card packages​ . We have ALL SUBJECTS
bundles and individual subjects available for grades 1-8.
Life Systems (1) ​Life Systems (2) Structures and Mechanisms

Matter and Energy ​Earth and Space Personalized Comments

Personalized Comments

Science Fair Name should be very proud of his success this year in the
Science Fair. His project about “Climate Change” was
commended by his classmates, teachers, and judges.

Science labs Name has been very helpful during lab work this term! His
assistance in setting up and putting away materials is greatly

Curiosity Name is very enthusiastic about science class. He regularly

arrives to class with questions prepared which enrich the quality
of our group discussions.

Knowledge and Name has a very good understanding of scientific vocabulary

Understanding as well as the instruments used during laboratory experiments.

Thinking Name is developing strong scientific inquiry skills which help

him organize important information, choose effective strategies,
and solve complex problems.

Application While learning new science concepts, Name regularly makes

connections related to his personal experience as well as
issues that impact his community.

Communication When presenting his findings, Name provides clear

explanations that are easy for his classmates and teacher to
understand. When he is asked follow-up questions, he regularly
provides insightful answers.

All of our
comment banks are
We regularly add comments based
on new ideas, suggestions from
buyers, curriculum
changes, etc.
Life Systems (1) ​Life Systems (2) Structures and Mechanisms

Matter and Energy ​Earth and Space Personalized Comments

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