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Primary Years

Can also be used for

General Report

Created by Rachel Burns @ A Teacher Abroad

Learner Profile and General Comments for


X= Insert 1 or 2 depending on the semester or insert grade level

XXXX= Insert student’s name

As an interested student, XXXX has placed him/herself at the
forefront of all our learning this year, resulting in significant personal
and academic progress.

XXXX has had an exemplary year in Grade X. He/She has made
consistent progress throughout the semester and is excelling in many
learning areas.

As the year has progressed, XXXX has increasingly placed him/herself
in the midst of all our learning journeys. This has resulted in
significant improvements and his/her achievements in Grade X are

XXXX has exhibited a positive outlook and attitude in the classroom
this year. He/She has continued to make significant personal and
academic gains throughout the semester and is to be commended for
his/her positive attitude and willingness to persevere when faced with
challenging tasks 

XXXX has the ability to provide constructive feedback to his/her
peers in a positive and gentle manner.

XXXX is an efficient communicator. He/She is able to express his/her
ideas and opinions clearly and articulately. XXXX is confident
presenting in front of his/her peers and regularly volunteers to speak
on behalf of his/her group during collaborative projects.

XXXX is acknowledged for having integrity and tolerance. He/She is
consistently honest when resolving social conflict with a peer and
always listens to what they have to say with an open-mind.

  © Rachel Burns @ A Teacher Abroad 2016

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