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Performance analysis of forward osmosis processes

from the integral equation theory
a b c
Albert S. Kim & Sung Woo Kim
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering , University of Hawaii at Manoa , 2540
Dole Street, Honolulu , HI , 96822 , USA
Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering , Kyung Hee University ,
Gyeonggi-do , 446-701 , Korea
Department of Physics and Astronomy , Dickinson College , Carlisle , PA , 17013 , USA
Published online: 18 Mar 2013.

To cite this article: Albert S. Kim & Sung Woo Kim (2013) Performance analysis of forward osmosis processes from the
integral equation theory, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51:25-27, 5289-5297, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2013.768757

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Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297 July

doi: 10.1080/19443994.2013.768757

Performance analysis of forward osmosis processes from the

integral equation theory

Albert S. Kima,b,*, Sung Woo Kimc

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2540 Dole Street,
Honolulu, HI 96822, USA
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Gyeonggi-do 446-701,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013, USA
Received 15 June 2012; Accepted 24 September 2012


We solved the Ornstein–Zernike integral equation to investigate non-linear behavior of osmo-

tic pressure of solutions containing high concentrations of inorganic salts. Net interactions
between molecules are assumed to be Lennard–Jones (LJ) potential, and various force fields
were used to determine the potential parameters. Relationship between the LJ parameters
and permeate flux are discussed, and relative significance of the osmotic pressure and diffu-
sion coefficient on water flux in forward osmosis was investigated.

Keywords: Forward osmosis; Ornstein–Zernike equation; Virial coefficient; Osmotic pressure;

Concentration dependent diffusivity

1. Introduction issues in FO application include development of FO

membranes of higher permeability [5–7], design of
flat-sheet or hollow fiber modules, and high-perfor-
Seawater desalination provides a promising way
mance draw solutes of high osmotic pressure and
to achieve continuous water supply for agricultural,
economic-regeneration/reconcentration [8–13]. For
potable, or sanitary purposes, and reverse osmosis
long-term operations, mitigation and prevention of FO
(RO) is an economically viable process to provide
membrane fouling must be another essential factor to
water for these purposes. On the other hand, forward
minimize flux decline [14–21]. FO–RO hybrid systems
osmosis (FO) has received recently close attention due
were investigated for optimized operation of energy
to its low-energy consumption and availability of nat-
and cost savings [22–24]. Extensive reviews on FO
ural waters [1,2]. In addition to desalination, FO can
research can be found elsewhere [25–28].
be applied to concentrating sugar solutions [3] and
In contrast to the above-stated development of FO
dewatering of orange peel press liquor [4]. Important
membrane materials and operational optimization, theo-
retical and modeling studies on FO phenomena are still
*Corresponding author. in a burgeoning state after Lee et al. [29] and Loeb et al.

7th Aseanian Membrane Society Conference (AMS7), 4–7 July 2012, Busan, Korea

1944-3994/1944-3986 Ó 2013 Balaban Desalination Publications. All rights reserved.

5290 A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297

[30] studied pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO). Recent

progress includes a modified theory that phenomenolog-
ically investigated impacts of concentration-dependent
diffusivity and osmotic pressure on permeate flux [31],
performance analysis [32–35], module design and mem-
brane orientation [36,37], and concentration polarization
due to physicochemical properties of saline solutions
[38]. In addition, network modeling [39], computational
fluid mechanics [40], and finite element method [41] were
recently applied to model microscopic phenomena and
process operation of FO.
In mass transport, osmotic pressure and diffusion
coefficients are closely related, which are in general
functions of solute concentration. Inter-molecular
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

interactions significantly influence osmotic pressure

by providing higher order virial coefficients. To the
best of our knowledge, effects of inter-molecular inter-
actions in PRO/FO processes on osmotic pressure and
Fig. 1. A schematic representation of concentration
diffusion coefficients are not (fully) investigated. In polarization across a skinned membrane in FO for
this work, we used the random mixture theory as desalination (top part) and PRO for power generation
applied to the Ornstein–Zernike (OZ) equation, which (bottom part) using seawater of concentration C1. In PRO
is coupled with the hyper-netted chain (HNC) closure mode, C5 is fresh water concentration, much lower than
[42]. Effects of the non-linear osmotic pressure on that of seawater, and C2, C3, and C4 are concentrations at
seawater-membrane, membrane-substrate, and substrate–
water flux in FO and PRO processes are fundamen- fresh water interfaces. In FO mode, C05 is concentration of
tally studied using liquid-state statistical mechanics. draw solution, at least a few factor higher than C1. Mean-
ings of C02 ; C03 , and C04 are similar to those in PRO mode.
Directions of solvent and solute fluxes, Jw and Js, are oppo-
2. Background site to each other in both modes.

After Loeb [43] studied energy production from side, which results in interfacial concentrations of
concentrated brines using PRO, Lee et al. [29] devel- C2(<C1) and C4(>C5), that is, ECP. In the porous sub-
oped the PRO theory as an alternative approach of strate, the salt diffusion is hindered by the solid part
solution-diffusion model: active membrane layer faces of the substrate, which plays an impeding role of geo-
seawater and porous substrate faces fresh water. Loeb metrical obstacles to diffusing molecules. Taking
et al. [30] switched the membrane and substrate sides, detoured routes, molecules spend more time in the
facing to low and high concentrations, respectively, porous media (than bulk spaces) so that effective dif-
and called this configuration, “osmosis” mode. In con- fusivity decreases. As a consequence, the concentra-
trast to Lee et al. [29]’s PRO mode, we in this study tion at the membrane–substrate interface, C3, is
called Loeb et al. [30]’s osmosis mode FO mode. Sche- noticeably higher than C4 of substrate–fresh water
matic of concentration profiles of PRO and FO modes interface. The net concentration gradient across the
are shown in Fig. 1. top active layer is then proportional to C2-C3, which is
When concentration polarization occurs across the smaller than the overall concentration difference, C1-
FO membrane as well as the porous substrate, it is C5 (between bulk phases of seawater and fresh water).
often called internal concentration polarization (ICP) Through the membrane active layer, the water and
as opposed to the external concentration polarization solute fluxes were written as [29]
(ECP) which often occurs in conventional pressure-
driven membrane processes such as RO. In PRO of Jw ¼ APeff ¼ AðP2  P3 Þ ð1Þ
the concentrative ICP, the active layer faces the higher
concentration solution; and in FO of the dilutive ICP, and
the active layer faces the lower concentration solution
[44]. Js ¼ BðC2  C3 Þ ð2Þ
In the PRO mode of Fig. 1, the osmosis phenom-
ena drives water to flow from low salt concentration where Peff is the effective osmotic pressure (i.e. net
(fresh water) to high salt concentration (seawater) driving force of solvent flux), Pi is osmotic pressure
A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297 5291

of concentration Ci (i = 15), and A and B are perme- where P2 ¼ PðC02 Þ and P4 ¼ PðC04 Þ in Fig. 1. Mathe-
abilities of water and solute, respectively. In a steady matically, Jw in the numerator of Eq. (4) is switched
state, the solute mass flux in the porous region is to + Jw in the denominator of Eq. (7), that is, from PRO
to FO mode. As stated previously, Loeb et al. [30]
Js ¼ Ds  Jw C ð3Þ recognized that the osmotic pressure varies in a non-
s @x linear manner with respect to salt concentration, but
where Ds is the solute diffusivity, and  and s are Eq. (7) presumes the validity of van’t Hoff’s equation
porosity and (diffusive) tortuosity of the porous sub- in the FO mode processes.
strate [45]. Lee et al. [29] developed an analytic repre- Tan and Ng [31] investigated impacts of concen-
sentation of a steady-state permeate flux: tration polarization on flux behavior by taking into
account the non-linear diffusion coefficient and
B þ AP2  Jw osmotic pressure, which were represented as a power
Jw ¼ K1 ln ð4Þ series and a quadratic function of solute concentra-
B þ AP4
tion, respectively. OLI software (Steam Analyzer, OLI
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

where K was defined as “a measure of the resistance Systems, Inc. New Jersey, USA) was used to calculate
to salt transport in the porous substrate”: D and P as functions of C, and expansion coeffi-
cients were obtained by fitting simulation data from
ds commercial software. Although Ng [31]’s modified
K¼ ð5Þ theory begins with generalized Fick’s law of concen-
tration-dependent diffusivity, the mass balance equa-
Physically, K1 ¼ Ds =ds s has the same dimension of tion was not rigorously solved to derive an analytic
Jw and therefore can be regarded as a (conventional) solution for the permeate flux. Instead, k ¼ ds s=
mass transfer coefficient. During derivation of Eq. (4), was proposed as analogous to K of Lee et al. [29]’s
C3 and P3 were eliminated using the continuous original theory and arbitrarily expressed to include
boundary condition of the salt concentration at the the non-linear impacts. Any fundamental relationship
membrane–substrate interface (at x = 0). Lee et al. [29] between P, D, and K⁄ was not obtained as they were
specifically assumed quantified using fitting parameters of OLI simulation
P2  P3 C2 C3
¼ ð6Þ
P2  P4 C2 C4
3. Theory
which implies that the osmotic pressure is linearly Fundamental theories for FO/PRO phenomena
proportional to concentration, that is, the van’t Hoff can provide in-depth physical understanding of the
equation: P = CRT where R is the universal gas con- solvent/solute transport and suggest essential oper-
stant and T is the absolute temperature. In recent ating parameters to optimize the processes in terms
papers that adopted Eq. (4) for theoretical improve- of water flux. To the best of our knowledge, the
ment, it is often disregarded that Lee et al. [29]’s PRO state-of-the-art theoretical developments are primar-
theory is fundamentally limited by van’t Hoff’s equa- ily based on Lee et al. [29]’s and Loeb et al. [30]’s
tion for estimating osmotic pressure. Loeb et al. [30] work, which presumed the validity of van’t Hoff’s
indicated that Eq. (6) is “not-always-precise”. If so, linear osmotic pressure generating constant diffusion
accurate prediction of osmotic pressure in very high coefficient. As stated previously, non-linear behav-
concentration is a crucial step to analyze PRO/FO iors of osmotic pressure were investigated using
performance in terms of Jw, as the osmotic pressure commercial software (Steam Analyzer, OLI Systems,
gradient is proportional to diffusion coefficient: Inc. New Jersey, USA) [27,31]. Although the simula-
D / oP/oC. tion results provide a method to analyze how water
Loeb et al. [30] investigated the efficiency of the flux changes with solute species and concentrations,
osmosis-based power generation by positioning the the effects of inter-molecular interactions on osmotic
low concentration solution on the active layer side of pressure have not been scrutinized. In this work, we
the membrane (i.e. switching from PRO mode to FO combined the random mixture theory and OZ inte-
mode) and derived the water flux equation: gral equation to calculate the radial distribution
function (RDF) and the second virial coefficient of
B þ AP2
Jw ¼ K1 ln ð7Þ the osmotic pressure.
B þ AP4 þ Jw
5292 A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297

3.1. Osmotic pressure and diffusion coefficient that inorganic species in high concentrations of PRO
and/or FO processes are inert and have similar physi-
Generalized Fick’s law for diffusive flux Jdiff can
cochemical properties. This leads to a simple approxi-
be represented as
mation: gij(r) ’ g(r), which converts Eq. (13) to the
original form of
D0 @P @C
Jdiff ¼  ¼ DðCÞ ð8Þ Z
RT @x @x P 2PC2 1
dUðrÞ 3
¼C gðrÞ r dr ð14Þ
RT 3RT 0 dr
where D(C) is the generalized (concentration-depen-
dent) diffusion coefficient
where U(r) is the mean potential of the mixture:
@ PðCÞ X
DðCÞ ¼ D0 ð9Þ UðrÞ ¼ xi xj Uij ðrÞ ð15Þ

and D0 is that of dilute solution. In high concentra- The second virial coefficient is
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

tions, osmotic pressure is a non-linear function of C, Z 1

expressed as a power series of concentration C: 2p dUðrÞ 3
b2 ¼  gðrÞ r dr ð16Þ
X 3RT 0 dr
P ¼ RT bk Ck ¼ RT½C þ b2 C2 þ    ð10Þ
k¼1 If solute mass fluxes of molecular species are on
average similar, then the average mass flux is
where bk is called kth virial coefficient. The first term
RTC indicates van’t Hoff’s equation (i.e. b1 = 1), the @Ci
Ji ¼ D0;i  Js ð17Þ
second term with b2 originates from consecutive colli- @x
sions between two solute molecules, which primarily
influences the solute diffusion, and the third-term and using Eq. (12)
expresses effects of three-body collisions. In this work,
the non-linear osmotic pressure is assumed to be a @C
Js ¼ D0 ð18Þ
combination of entropy-increasing (CRT) and two- @x
body collision (b2C2RT) terms. This is because the where
three-body collisions between molecules are rare in
aqueous systems. By definition of Eq. (9), the concen- 1 X 1
¼ ð19Þ
tration-dependent diffusion coefficient is calculated as D0 D0;i

DðCÞ ¼ D0 ð1 þ 2b2 CÞ ð11Þ In this random mixture theory, similar species are
transformed into a single ideal species interacting
At low concentrations (b2C << 1), the osmotic pressure with the mean potential U(r) and drifting with effec-
and diffusion coefficient converge to the van’t Hoff tive diffusivity D0 of Eq. (19).
equation (CRT) and constant Do, respectively. When
multiple solute species are present in solution, the
total molar concentration is 3.2. Pair potentials
X Specific form of the pair potential between mole-
C¼ Ci ¼ C1 þ C2 þ    ð12Þ cule i and j consists of Coulombic (C) and Lennard–
Jones (LJ) potentials:
and Ci = xiC where xi is a mole fraction of species i. In
liquid-state statistical physics, the osmotic pressure is Ui;j ðrÞ ¼ UijC þ UijLJ ð20Þ
represented as
Z z i z j e2
P 2P X 1
dUij ðrÞ 3 UijC ðrÞ ¼ ð21Þ
¼C Ci Cj gij ðrÞ r dr ð13Þ r
RT 3RT i;j 0 dr
rij 12 rij 6
where Uij and gij (r) are the potential energy and RDF UijLJ ¼ 4ij  ð22Þ
r r
of molecular species i and j, respectively. We assume
A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297 5293

where e is the elementary electric charge, zi is the 3.3. Integral equation theory
valence of species i, and ij and rij are LJ parameters
With necessary LJ parameters known, the second
having dimensions of energy and distance, respec-
virial coefficient b2 needs to be calculated using princi-
tively. For interaction between two molecules of dif-
ples of statistical mechanics. Molecular dynamics and
ferent species (i.e. i – j), LJ parameters, ij and rij, are
Monte Carlo simulations are standard techniques to
calculated as geometric and arithmetic means, respec-
investigate physical and chemical properties of spe-
tively, of those of species i and j:
cific materials in various phases including liquids.
Integral equation theory for the random mixture, on
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1
ij ¼ ii jj and rij ¼ ðrii þ rjj Þ ð23Þ the other hand, provides a convenient and fast
2 method to calculate b2 and investigate properties of
Ensuring the global charge neutrality, represented as the high concentration solution.
 Ck zk ¼ 0, one can nullify the average influence of If the fluid is uniform and isotropic, the OZ–rela-
k tion is
Coulombic potential:
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

X hðrÞ ¼ cðrÞ þ q cðjr  r0 jÞhðr0 Þdr 0 ð28Þ

xi xj UijC ¼0 ð24Þ

which is a convolution integral of the direct correla-

and express the mean potential for the random mix- tion function c(r), where h(r) = g(r)  1 is the total cor-
ture as a sum of molar-fraction-weighted LJ potentials relation function, and q is the number density of
"    # solute molecules. On taking the Fourier transforma-

tion of both sides of Eq. (28), one obtains
UðrÞ ¼ xi xj UijLJ ðrÞ ¼ 4  ð25Þ
r r
HðkÞ ¼ ð29Þ
b CðkÞ
1  q HðkÞ
P 6 2
i;j xi xj ij rij  Z
 ¼ P ð26Þ
i;j xi xj ij rij
12 b
HðkÞ ¼ ~ ~
hðrÞexpðik rÞdr ð30Þ

and and
"P #16 Z
xi xj ij r12
¼ P
i;j ij
CðkÞ ¼ cðrÞexpði~
k ~
rÞdr ð31Þ
i;j xi xj ij rij

Eq. (29) requires a relationship between c(r) and h(r),

Negative differential of Eq. (25) with respect to r
called a closure. We selected the HNC closure,
provides the mean force between two molecules: F
expressed as
(r) = dU(r)/d(r). The mean force is positive (repul-
sive) and negative (attractive) for pffiffiffi r < rmin and cðrÞ ¼ hðrÞ  bUðrÞ  lnðhðrÞ þ 1Þ ð32Þ
r > rmin, respectively, where rmin ¼ 6 2r  ¼ 1:122
r. A

larger r implies that effective length of intermolecu-
where b ¼ 1=kB T and kB is the Boltzmann constant.
lar forces are longer, producing stronger interactions
With the molecular interaction U(r), c(r) and h(r) can
at given r. At r = rmin, the mean potential is mini-
be interactively solved using Eqs. (29)–(32). For dilute
mum and the mean force is zero. In summary, Eq.
systems, the correlations in the positions of the mole-
(25) implies that inorganic solute species of high
cules are only due to the potential engendered by the
concentration in PRO and FO processes are modeled
reference particle. In this case, the Boltzmann distribu-
as an ideal single component, which is electronically
tion law gives an approximate expression: h(r)  exp
neutral and physicochemically characterized by the
[bU(r)]  1, which is frequently used as an initial
average LJ parameters of  and r . These LJ parame-
guessed function of h(r) of a higher concentration.
ters determine the virial coefficients and hence
Detailed algorithm to numerically solve the OZ
osmotic pressure.
5294 A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297

equation using a closure relationship can be found

elsewhere [42].

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Radial distribution function
We selected NaCl to model saline solutions of
various concentrations, which included the standard
seawater concentration of 0.59 M (as NaCl) and draw
solution concentrations of FO as high as 5.0 M.
Specific pair potentials are for sodium–sodium
(Na+–Na+or 1:1), sodium-chlorine (Na+–Cl or 1:2),
and chlorine–chlorine (Cl–Cl or 2:2), where ion
numbers are, for simplicity, denoted as 1 for Na+ and
Downloaded by [University of Haifa Library] at 06:21 21 September 2013

2 for Cl. Molar fractions are x1 = x2 = 0.5 because

NaCl completely dissolves in water with equal molar-
ity of Na+ and Cl. Table 1 summarizes LJ parameters Fig. 2. RDFs with CNaCl = 5.0 M. On-set positions of g(r) are
CHARMM (3.7358Å), X-PLOR (3.9276Å), Smith-94
of NaCl from six force fields for molecular dynamics (4.0263Å), AMBER (4.0558Å), OPLS (4.0744Å), and
simulations: GROMACS [46], CHARMM [47], OPLS GROMACS (4.0760Å), which are all smaller than their r 
[48], X-PLOR [49], AMBER [50], and Smith-94 [51]. values listed in Table 1.
Coupled parameters of 12 and r12 are calculated
using Eqs. (26) and (27), that is, 12 ð¼ 11 22 Þ and
(4.222 Å) is reflected the sequence of their on-set posi-
r12 ð¼ 12 ðr11 þ r22 ÞÞ. tions, below which the probability that molecules are
The mean pair potential for NaCl solution without found at distance r from a reference molecule is zero
the Coulombic potential (dropped because of the glo- and hence g(r) is. OPAL, GROMACS, and AMBER
bal charge neutrality) is UðrÞ ¼ 0:25½U11 þ 2U12 þ U22 ] have similar values of 36.2 >  > 31.3 cal/mol and 4.4
where U12 ¼ U21 . Since the molar concentration of > r > 4.3 Å, and so they show similar g(r) curves in
pure water is 55.0 M, the mole fraction of 5 M as NaCl Fig. 2.
draw solution is below 0.1. This implies that the RDF Table 2 summarizes the second virial coefficient b2
is not sensitive to the number concentration q (=NAC) and b2RT calculated using Eq. (14) for NaCl solution
in OZ equation (28), where NA is Avogadro’s number. of 5 M. As described earlier, we calculated b2 for C = 1,
We calculated RDFs with concentrations from 1.0 to 2, 3, 4, and 5 M and found that all b2 values are within
5.0 M and found that results are almost indistinguish- 1.0% difference from that of C = 5 M (data not shown).
able in terms of RDF shapes and (more importantly) X-PLOR provides the highest  (=77.1 cal/mol) as well
values of b2. Fig. 2 shows RDFs of the six force fields as b2 (=0.03426 lit/mol) and its r (=4.075Å) is the sec-
calculated for 5.0 M NaCl concentration. RDFs of ond to the least value 3.916Å (CHARMM). A higher 
X-PLOR, CHARMM, and Smith-94 show three highest of the mean molecular interaction increases the second
peaks, which are the same order of their  values: virial coefficient b2 and hence the osmotic pressure;
X-PLOR (77.05 cal/mol), CHARMM (59.58 cal/mol), and the effect of r  seems to be smaller than that of .
and Smith-94 (57.24 cal/mol). The order of r values of Smith-94 has lower  (=57.2 cal/mol) and higher r 
CHARMM (3.916 Å), X-PLOR (4.075 Å), and Smith-94 (=42.22Å) than those of CHARMM ( = 59.6 cal/mol

Table 1
LJ parameters for Na+ and Cl (denoted as 1 and 2, respectively) obtained from molecular dynamics force fields and
mean values calculated using Eqs. (26) and (27). Units of e’s and r’s are cal/mol and Å, respectively
ij rij ij rij ij rij ij rij ij rij ij rij

11 100.0 2.730 46.9 2.430 100.1 2.350 2.8 3.330 14.8 2.575 2.8 3.328
22 150.0 4.276 150.0 4.045 129.9 4.400 117.8 4.417 106.4 4.448 100.0 4.401
12 122.5 3.503 83.9 3.237 114.0 3.375 18.2 3.874 39.6 3.384 16.6 3.865
mean 77.1 4.075 59.6 3.916 57.2 4.222 36.2 4.364 34.2 4.366 31.3 4.344
A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297 5295
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Fig. 3. Comparison of (a) osmotic pressure and (b) osmotic pressure ratio with respect to van’t Hoff’s equation as
functions of NaCl concentration.

and r = 3.916Å), and gives the second highest b2 higher osmotic pressures than one predicted using
(=0.02671 lit/mol) followed by that of CHARMM van’t Hoff’s equation. X-PLOR predicted higher osmo-
(b2 = 0.02230 lit/mol). g(r) shapes of CHARMM and tic pressure than that of OLI, which is similar to those
Smith-94 can be compared in terms of their peak posi- of Smith and CHARMM. As expected, OPLS, GRO-
tions and heights. Because  values of Smith and MACS, and AMBER provide lower osmotic pressure
CHARMM are similar, larger r  (=4.222 Å) of Smith-94 than those of other force fields. Fig. 3(b) shows ratios
than that of CHARMM ( r=3.916Å) seems to contribute of osmotic pressures to that of van’t Hoff’s equation.
to higher second virial coefficient than that of Slopes of straight lines in Fig. 3(b) represent b2 values
CHARMM. Comparing , r , and b2 values of X-PLOR, of the force fields. Interestingly, osmotic pressure ratio
Smith-94 and CHAMRR, one can conclude that b2 pri- predicted using Stream Analyser (SA) software from
marily increases with , followed by r . Conversely OLI is smaller than 1.0, in other words, pOLI(C) 6 RTC
saying, when draw solutes for the FO processes are for C . 1.6. For higher concentrations (3 M < C < 5 M),
sought, ones with higher  and then larger r  will SA, Smith-94, and CHARMM give similar values, spe-
surely increase the osmotic pressure and its gradient cifically indicating that the osmotic pressure increases
(i.e. P and oP/oC) and therefore enhance water flux. about 20% from van’t Hoff’s equation near C = 4 M.

4.2. Osmotic pressure 4.3. Diffusion coefficient and permeate flux: implications
Fig. 3 shows osmotic pressure curves predicted In this section, we qualitatively discuss effects of
using the six force fields, OLI software, and van’t p(C) and D(C) on water flux in FO. Comparing Eqs.
Hoff’s equation. In Fig. 3(a), calculation results show (10) and (11), one can notice that the slopes of

Table 2
The second virial coefficient b2 and b2RT at T = 298.5 K

b2 [1/M] 0.03426 0.02671 0.02230 0.01719 0.01609 0.01440

b2RT [atm/M2] 0.8250 0.6433 0.5370 0.4140 0.3875 0.3468
5296 A.S. Kim and S.W. Kim / Desalination and Water Treatment 51 (2013) 5289–5297

Six standard force fields were used to calculate b2 and

compared with OLI software and van’t Hoff’s
equation. The osmotic pressure was calculated as a
quadratic function of the solute concentration. Influ-
ence of b2 to the permeate flux are through the osmo-
tic pressure and diffusion coefficient: the former is
less important as it logarithmically increases with
respect to concentration, but the latter increases
linearly. Simulation results imply that desired draw
solutes should have higher  and larger r  with the
global charge neutrality presumed.

This research was supported by Kyung Hee Uni-
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versity International Scholar Program and Undergrad-

uate Intern Program of Dickson College. We
Fig. 4. Diffusion coefficient of NaCl random mixture vs. appreciate Prof. Tzahi Cath at the Colorado School of
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1.372  10-9m2/s, which is D 1 þ þ DCl1  where DNaþ ¼ pressure using OLI software; and Prof. Yong Taek Lee
and Ms. Min Jung Kim at Kyung Hee University for
3:334  104 m2 =s and DCl ¼ 2:032  109 m2 =s.
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