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Framing the Learning

Framing the Learning is a term used to describe best practice in opening a lesson or
unit. Typically done at the beginning of a lesson, Framing the Learning usually
includes communicating the mastery objective or learning goals to the students,
engaging the students in the essential question, connecting the learning to the big
ideas of the unit, going over the agenda and activating students’ prior knowledge.

Membingkai Pembelajaran adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan amalan terbaik

dalam membuka pelajaran atau unit. Biasanya dilakukan pada awal pelajaran, Membingkaikan

Pembelajaran biasanya merangkumi menyampaikan objektif penguasaan atau tujuan pembelajaran

kepada pelajar, melibatkan pelajar dalam soalan penting, menghubungkan pembelajaran dengan idea

besar unit, membahas agenda dan mengaktifkan pengetahuan terdahulu pelajar.

Tips & Tricks

 Mastery Objectives & Essential Questions: Post or write the mastery

objectives, essential questions  and the lesson agenda in the same place
everyday. If students come in late, they can quickly check the MO, EQ and
agenda and be brought up to speed on today’s lesson without disrupting the
learning process of other students. This also eliminates the  need for the “what
are we doing today?” question.
 Difficult Essential Question: If the unit EQ is complex or contains difficult
language, create your own essential questions that provide scaffolding towards
the actual essential question. Remember the EQs typically begin How, Why or
To what extent, are open-ended and should reflect the big ideas of the unit.
Refer to the question often and provide multiple examples.
 Planning: When planning this portion of your lesson or unit, think deeply
about the background knowledge and language the students will need in order
to begin the learning process. It may be necessary to front-load content or
vocabulary to all or some of your students prior to beginning the lesson.
 Discourse:  Always provide your students with opportunities to talk during
Framing the Learning. Students may discuss their answers to the essential
questions or chat with their neighbors to surface prior knowledge about the
subject or big idea.
 ACPS Curriculum: The ACPS Curriculum contains a wealth of information
that will help you Frame the Learning in your classroom.  To learn more about
the reformatted curriculum, watch our Curriculum Video

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