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Jean-Luc Van den Bosch PIN-S-MA-5-1

Review and Discussion for

Chapter 2: Grammar

1. a. There are many different definitions of the word “Grammar”. Give at

least 4 and say how they are different.

- A list of do’s and don’ts. Rules that are to be followed

- Rules that apply mainly to written language.
-The meaning of the structure of a sentence.
-Rules of syntax that specify how words and phrases are to be combined

b. Tell me about at least 3 different kinds of grammar books.

- Prescriptive grammar books
- Descriptive grammar books
- Pedagogical grammar books

2. Some kinds of “grammars” are more interesting or useful to teachers and

students. Some kinds are more important to linguists. Categorize the
“grammars” you mentioned in #1 into one (or both) of these groups.

Useful for teachers

- The term refers to the rules of grammar found mainly in written language, for
example, rules that label sentence fragments as incorrect even though they are
often found in spoken language.

- For still others, it may simply mean an objective description of the structures of
language, with no comment concerning correct versus incorrect forms.
- Other type of grammar designed for the needs of second-language students and
teachers. Although teaching grammar in a second language does involve some of
the prescriptive rules for the standard varieties, a pedagogical grammar
resembles a descriptive grammar much more than a prescriptive one, especially
in terms of the range of structures covered
Important to linguistists
- A list of do’s and don’ts. Rules that are to be followed
- Grammar designed for the needs of second-language students and teachers.
Although teaching grammar in a second language does involve some of the
prescriptive rules for the standard varieties, a pedagogical grammar resembles a
descriptive grammar much more than a prescriptive one, especially in terms of
the range of structures covered

3. Even if you cannot choose your own grammar textbook, how should you use
the one you are given when you go to the classroom?

The areas of vocabulary and grammar provide a good example of this new integrative
approach. Traditionally, vocabulary was viewed as individual words which could be
taught and used in isolation. With grammar being highlighted in most theories and
pedagogical methodologies, vocabulary items were seen merely as ‘slot fillers’
necessary to fill out syntactic structures. This conception saw vocabulary and grammar
as two discrete entities which could be taught and learnt separately.

4. What do we know about the way people learn grammar/syntax?

In previous years it was believed that grammar should be learned by repetition. But this
changed and a process of rule formation was adopted. Today it is thought that the best
way to learn grammar is by engaging students and making them learn subconsciously.

5. What is the notion of “laxicogrammar” Why is it important to for teachers

(and students) to know about it?

It’s where the words and grammatical structures are not seen as independent, but rather
mutually dependent, with one level interfacing with the other.
It’s important because it’s going to help to provide a stronger understanding of
meaning-making in communication.

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