Midterm Exam: Bicol University Graduate School College of Education Daraga, Albay

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Bicol University Graduate School

College of Education
Daraga, Albay

Midterm Exam
MAEdPhys 214 (Optics)
1st Sem, SY 2020-2021

Test I. Supply the answer to the following test items.

1. Write Maxwell’s Equations. (5 pts).

2. What is Brewster’s Law and its implication on polarization of light? (5 pts).
3. Write briefly the rules in locating images in spherical mirror using geometric
optics. (5 pts)

Test II. Show complete solution to the following problems.

1.Light in a vacuum is incident on the surface of a glass slab. In the vacuum

the beam makes an angle of 32.0o with the normal to the surface, while in
the glass it makes an angle of 16o with the normal. What is the index of
refraction of the glass? ( 5 pts)

2) The index of refraction of benzene is 1.8. What is the critical angle for a
light ray traveling in benzene toward a flat layer of water above the
benzene? (5 pts)

3) A double- convex lens is to be made of glass with an index of refraction

of 1.5. One surface is to have 1.5 times the radius of curvature of the
other and the focal length is to be 60 mm. What is the (a) smaller and (b)
larger radius? (5 pts).

Test III. Explain your answer concisely.

1) A tarantula (spider) of height h sits cautiously before a spherical mirror

whose focal length has absolute value |f| = 40 cm. The image of the tarantula
produced by the mirror has the same orientation as the tarantula and has
height h’ = 0.20h. Is the image real or virtual ? Is the image on the same
side of the mirror as the tarantula or opposite? Why? (5 pts)

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