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Why marketing decisions are so important After RedEnvelope re-adjusted its marketing strategy, its

operating performance has been improved, which shows The importance of good marketing decisions
in today's business organizations. Many managers and professional observers around the world have
It is believed that with the increasingly fierce market competition on a global scale, in the pursuit of
Strategies that are mindful, well-designed and implemented correctly are becoming increasingly
important. 2 When you see the activities involved in marketing, you will be able to better understand
the importance of marketing in maintaining the company. The importance of work. In marketing
activities, the company needs to analyze and forecast the needs of the customer base, and propose
Provide a series of products and services that can meet customer needs. To achieve this, the company
must • Target customer groups whose company's resources and capabilities can meet their needs. •
Develop products or services that better meet the needs of target customers than competitors. •
Enable potential customers to easily purchase the company's products and services at any time. • Let
customers understand and recognize the value provided by the company's products. • Collect
feedback information from the market and continuously improve products and services. • Build long-
term relationships with satisfied and loyal customers.

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