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Forming: First, search for group patners. Build a group for discussion.

For example, we build a

WhatsApp group and introduce ourselves.

storming: We discuss about the topic. There is no actual conflict and we discuss about which
company to choose.

Norming: We began to accept the views of the team members to improve the effectiveness of the
team and know our responsibilities. For example, after discussion, we have a conclusion and we
started to assign our tasks.

Performing: we started our job and try to be the best. For example, we search the information of the
assignment and complete it.

Fun-at-work team: It’s a team that not work related such as birthdays, national donut day and
professional teams that are competing on locally, softball league and all those those things that they
are giving to make employees happy as opposed to things that have impact on the work.

Live positively team: A team which related with health and wellness and not just about physical
health and eating the right things but also educating on the ingredients in the products that were
selling .

Stewardship team: As well is called Coke Cares and anyone knows anything about Coke Consolidated
knows they like to give back.

Safety team: The safety team is also somewhat around educating employees on being safe at home
as well as being safe here and also reacting when there are emergencies. so, it will make sure that
they’re doing those things they’re supposed to do.

Learn and lead team: The learn and lead team is specifically around that extra professional
development that employees need outside of learning the task that they do on a regular basis.

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