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PLCY388D: Do Good Now—Personal Development Plan

Name: Ke’Asia Edwards

During this semester you will have the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge that will be
transferrable beyond this course. Soon, you have an opportunity to develop a Personal Portfolio, and this
Personal Development Plan is a tool that will assist you in identifying skills and developing short- and
long-term goals. This Personal Development Plan will be used by your team to keep you accountable for
growth this semester. You have the opportunity to develop skills related to the course and expected
outcomes. Fill out the items below, while keeping in mind the goals need to be observable, as your
team will provide feedback that is part of your team evaluation score and your process coaching.

Section 1: Below, please list 2-3 skills you would like to obtain/improve through this course (e.g. active
listening, time management, etc.).
1. Time Management
2. Better Communication Skills
3. Active Listening

Section 2: Below, develop a “sketch” of actionable steps toward your skill development, listed above.
1. Turning work in on time and creating a more organized list of assignment due dates.
2. Communicating in group work and making sure that my teammates understand whatever I may be
going through.
3. Engaging in conversation and repeating what I heard back to the person I am talking to. Making sure
that the person is being heard as well as feels like they are being heard.

Section 3: Below, please list the individual contributions you would like to make on Do Good Now course
project. Make sure you’re goals are “SMART” Goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time
1. I would like to create an easy way for my teammates and I to communicate and submit work through
weekly check-ins and communicating through our group chat.
2. I would like to provide my teammates with at least 5 sources relating to our topic that we can use to
complete our project with accurate information.
3. I would like to create a project that is visually appealing and eye catching so that I will always have the
audience’s attention.

Section 4: Resources: Below, make a list of the resources that you can utilize in order to meet the goals
you have listed above (Who or what may help you achieve your goals?)
1. Teachers and mentors can help me achieve my goals because they can give me advice and point me in
the right direction of my goals.

2. Obtaining extra education and certifications can help me achieve my goals. If that is hard for me to do,
then reading books and going to the library can definitely help me achieve my goals.
3. Another resource that I can utilize is the internet. I can find all the information I want on the internet
and make sure that I utilize the information I receive for my goals.

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