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1/8/2018 MTN Tactical Fitness

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Training Plan Overview

This 7 week, 6 day/week sport focused training plan will develop the fitness demands of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, especially for those new to the sport. 

We’ve had many athletes request a training plan for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. With the growing popularity of the sport, especially amongst tactical athletes, we felt it was time to
develop a plan that train sport specific fitness for BJJ while maintaining fitness requirements military, LE, and fire/rescue athletes. 

This training plan has four primary objectives

Strength: For the new BJJ athlete, a strength advantage is a huge benefit. It won’t make up for a large gap in technique and skill, but it will narrow it. The lifts focus on
total body movements, as well as upper body pushing and pulling. 
Grip Strength: Studies of BJJ athletes in competition showed a 20% loss of grip strength following a single match. The grip demand is a huge part of the sport, and
stronger grip over the duration of a match will enable the athlete to put themselves in better positions for points. You will use your Gi top as a tool for developing grip
Work Capacity based on Level Change: BJJ can transition from standing to the knees to on the ground in a single match or sparring session. The work capacity will
focus on movements which replicate a fast paced match by constantly changing levels at bodyweight or under load. The time duration will vary in length from a full
match (5-7 minutes) to repeated short, intense bursts.
Chassis Integrity: The chassis strength demand is high in BJJ, from a variety of positions. You will train rotation, anti-rotation, and extension movements from the
back, standing, and hanging.

Here is the Weekly Schedule:

Monday: Strength, Gi Grip Strength, Shuttle Sprints

Tuesday: Work Capacity with Squat Thrusts and Sand Bag Get Ups, Gi Grip Strength, Chassis Integrity
Wednesday: Strength
Thursday: Work Capacity with Squat Thrusts and Sand Bag Get Ups, Gi Grip Strength, Chassis Integrity
Friday: Strength, Gi Grip Strength
Saturday: Aerobic Endurance… 5-7 Mile easy run

This plan can be conducted in the same day as BJJ practice, or between practice. Listen your body and if training twice a day is too much, use this plan on days you do not
have practice… just follow the session order of the plan For Example:

Mon: BJJ Practice

Tuesday: Training Plan Session #1

Wednesday: Training Plan Session #2

Thursday: BJJ Practice

Friday: Training Plan Session #3

Saturday: Open Mat Roll

Sunday: Total Rest


Who is this plan appropriate for?

BJJ competitors or recreational practitioners. This plan is designed for the sport of BJJ, while keeping in mind the job specific demands of military, LE, fire/ems, and mountain

How Long should the sessions take?

Aim to finish right around 60 minutes.

What does “1RM” Stand For?

1RM = 1 Repetition Maximum … the most you can lift for 1 rep of that exercise

What does “4/8x” mean? How about “15/25#”?

First number is for women, second is for men, both for reps, and loading. Examples:

4/8x Chin Ups = Women do 4x, Men do 8x

15/25# = Women us 15#, Men us 25#.

What Equipment is Required?

Fully-equipped functional fitness gym including racks, barbells, bumper plate, dummbells/kettlebells, sandbags. Your Gi top will be used on M, T, Th, and F. No Gi top? Use a old
towel instead.

What if I miss a training day?

Do not skip ahead. Start again where you left off and complete the sessions in order throughout the plan.

Where do I find unfamiliar exercises? 1/2
1/8/2018 MTN Tactical Fitness
On our “Exercises” page HERE

Can I see sample training?

Click the “Sample Training” tab to see the entire first week of programming.

What about nutrition?

See our Nutritional Guidelines HERE.

What if I have more questions?

Contact: 2/2

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