Gender Socio-Economic Class Ethnicity Religion

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Socio-Economic Class- I think we are

in the middle class I can’t say that we

are in the upper class because we are
Gender- I am a
Ethnicity- I am a
Male. I only know
pure yTanudan
two genders and
because both of
that is male and Edwin S. my parents are a
female and Wayagwag Jr. pure-blooded
nothing more
yTanudan although
because God had
my father didn’t
created only male
grew up there.
and female only.

Religion- I am a Christian. I believe to

a God who can do miracles and not
made of man or we may know as
Figure 1
Act. 2

Gender Socio-Economic Ethnicity Religion


I am a Male. I only I think we are in the I am a pure yTanudan I am a Christian. I

know two genders and middle class I can’t say because both of my believe to a God who
that is male and female that we are in the parents are a pure- can do miracles and
and nothing more upper class because we blooded yTanudan not made of man or we
because God had are not. although my father may know as idols.
created only male and didn’t grew up there.
female only.

Act. 3

1. What are the similarities and differences of every individual? Explain

- The similarities I know of every individual is they have one Creator- God Almighty. Every Individual is
also alike because they are made in one image and that is the image of God as stated in the bible.
Although not every people see this but God knows we are all similar in this terms. While the differences I
have observed is the attitudes of every individual, their opinions, how they live their life and mentality.

2. Do these similarities and differences affect the life of the whole community? Why?

- Each people group is influenced by a distinction and likeness. This is a direct result of the inescapable
collaboration between the occupants of the network. Less rubbing can be normal when there is just one
race and there is just one culture. However, we as a whole realize this won't last since individuals will in
general move around additional. This propensity for moving makes the distinctions that influence the
life inside the entire network. Contingent upon the individual, how one response towards someone who
appears to be unique will decide if the network effectively moved towards a more open-minded society
or not.

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