Earth Is Spherical

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Al-Faisal M.

Hadji Omar 12-18-2020

Grade 10- Edison

Earth is Definitely Spherical

Buenos dias todos! The idea of spherical Earth started even before NASA

existed, around the 6th century BC, when it first appeared in ancient Greek philosophy.

Today, I’ve been meaning to show few evidences to prove the world is not flat. These

are so realistic and obvious that it is hilarious and almost unbelievable to think that there

are still some individuals believing in the concept of flat Earth.

According to YouGov, the percent that always believed the Earth is spherical

decreased with younger generations. In total, 84% of Americans responded that they

believe the Earth is spherical. While the large majority believe the world is spherical,

young millennials aged 18 to 24 are more likely to subscribe to the flat Earth belief (4%).

This statistic shows that most of the flat Earthers are teenagers because they are still

young and still doesn’t have enough knowledge about the Earth or maybe they just want

to go with the flow and trend of flat Earth belief.

Now, I’m going to present 3 strong evidences proving that Earth is spherical.

First, the existence of time zone. We have time zones because when Sun is illuminating

one side of the spherical Earth, the other side is dark. We also know for the fact that

Earth rotates on its own axis 24/7. So, at a certain point when the Earth rotates, its
facing direction will change and the side of the spherical Earth that was previously dark

will face the Sun and will eventually get brighten while the other side that was previously

bright will be dark, and the day and night cycle continues. If Earth is flat, then Sun would

brighten its whole surface, making the time zone and darkness non-existent. Second, by

looking at the shape of other planets. There are certain characteristics all planets have

and one of it is being spherical. So, by using our logic, if the other planets that were

created in different locations and under different circumstances are all spherical in

shape, we can therefore conclude that Earth is also spherical simply because it doesn’t

really make sense that all the other planets are spherical while the Earth is flat like

what? And lastly, the images from space. You can simply search for it on Google and

there you will see lots of amazing photos of space including the Earth that came from

launched satellites, probes, and people into space by NASA. Don’t tell me that they are

all fake and photoshopped because NASA doesn’t have any reason and won’t get

anything for lying about the space and Earth at all. All thanks to NASA, the idea of

spherical Earth has been proven to be a fact.

The idea of flat Earth is just a poor and unrealistic theory to be frank simply

because it really lacks strong, realistic, and valid supporting evidences to prove its

reliability. Sometimes, seeing is believing, and one's own research can be the best

evidence, whether that's taking the time to do your own investigating or simply

searching for the results of others including scientists who have run their own

experiments. That’s all. Gracias!

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