Sohrab - Time Capsule

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Academic Success For Professor Use Only: The Professor

document demonstrates Signature or

Professor: Jesse Parsons
completion and sufficient Veto
Time Capsule proficiency to award a
completion credit.

NAME: Sohrab Samandari

Rational: Reflection is the basis for knowing about our learning. One of the ways that can help us reflect is to look back to where we
once were and see how far we have come. Over the course of this semester, there will be many important reflective moments. Let’s
begin with the end in mind. Today, as we begin the course, you likely have a vision for what you want to achieve by the end of the
summer. As we near the end of the semester, we will look back on this time capsule and reflect on the experience and the snapshot that
you create will be very helpful.

Please note: the grade for this will not be awarded until we open the capsule near the end of the semester.

PART 1 – Writing Sample

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences and paragraphs. Please provide evidence for your discussion. If you add
additional information, please cite using APA. You may write this using first person as this is a reflective piece. Approx 200 Words.

What is your definition of success? How do you measure it? What are you goals for the semester?
The definition of success to myself outlines the challenges faced in certain aspects in life. This can include in both
education, other aspects of life, and many more. And having that ability to overcome those challenges and hard work for me
lead to great successful achievements and outcomes in the future. The way I define these achievements and successes is when
It is later applied to help set more future goals using the last outcomes. For example, this year in 2020, I had graduated from
high school in late June, and have been welcomed this semester by Durham College. Using the skill sets I have previously
learned; I can use those skill sets here in Durham College. This can include examples such as my writing skills,
communication skills, learning skills, and more.
The way I measure my success is firstly starting from the starting line. For context, now that I am attending Durham College,
I see myself starting from the bottom when starting a new course in education than proceeding to work your way up to the
achievement set by me personally. The goals for this semester for myself are always to have successful outcomes. However,
this can include having to do time management, organization, do assignments, study, and other topics in order to achieve
those goals for this semester.

What is your definition of learning? What will you need to learn if you are to be successful? How do you learn best?
The definition of learning for myself is wanting to be free and open about learning new subjects and new courses material
during classes. The definition of learning for myself also includes obtaining and learning to apply that material in the later
future. For example, the academic success course is a new course that I’m taking. Gaining the skill sets and knowledge from
this course will help myself in the later future on how to do subjects and other items professionally and understand how to be
successful in future courses, and other fields.
Studying and doing course assignments will also help accomplish those learning goals that I have set for myself. Reviewing
course material will be essential to my learning and success in the future. Other factors mentioned in the last topic can include
time management, organization, doing course assignments, studying, and other factors will help contribute to myself wanting
to be successful this semester. The other methods that I learn best when learning is to review course material daily, and to
complete upcoming assignments that will benefit my studying this semester. Other methods that I learn best when learning is
to study than later be asked by a peer to review the content studied.
¨ Correct grammar, spelling, paragraph structure, etc.
¨ Uses concrete examples to prove the appeal of the topic.
¨ Written in such a way that it persuades the audience.
¨ Written reflectively using “I” and not externalizing using “you” or “students”.
¨ If you draw facts or quotes from a source, you must reference them using correct APA style.
¨ Do not create a new document, please use this template
¨ Put your name on it!

PART 2 – Artefacts

Now that you have created some beginning definitions of success and learning that are specific to you… now we can put together some
artefacts that represent you. Remember that time capsules are full of artefacts, objects, images, music, positive messages, funny stories,
etc. As this is a digital time capsule, you have the chance to gather some digital artefacts and deposit them here. You may put images or
links into this document. Some of the questions you may want to answer would be, who are you now, what do you do for fun, who is
important to you in your life, how do you feel? Use the artefacts to tell a story. Below are some ideas.

Artefact Ideas

 Make some lists of your favourite tv shows or movies and add images of favourite characters. Why do you like these shows?
 You could film yourself on campus and discuss your goals for the semester. How do you feel about the summer program?
 Take pictures of people who are supporting you on your journey. How do they support you?
 Add in links to your favourite youtube videos. Why are they your favourite?
 Add links or audio files of your favourite music. What do you love about a particular artist or song?
 Take a picture of your favourite article of clothing. How does this represent you?
 Film yourself with an award or trophy you earned. Can you describe what it means to you?
 Photograph or film your favourite space or location. Can you describe what you like about the environment?
 Dig up those old concert tickets you save, take pictures or video about the experience. Why was the concert special to you?

Part 3 – Submit the Time Capsule

Please insert images or links here. If you use video, please upload to youtube and you can make the video “Unlisted” and it won’t show up
in search feeds – it will only be viewable if you have the link.

Add images and links here.

Favourite sports I watch:

 Basketball,
 Hockey.
Favourite music artist and band:
 Drake
 Queen
Goals for this semester.
Be sure to write about why these are important to you.

 The first list, my favourite sports I watch, include both basketball and hockey. These are important to me, not only are these what
I do for fun, watching sports helps change my mood if I am having a stressful moment or if I need something to change my mind
for a period of time. Watching sports such as basketball and hockey are few key factors that I also do during my spare time.
 The second item, my favourite music artist and band, is both Drake, and the band Queen. Although I’m not necessarily a rock
genre listener, the music that Queen produced in past years spark my interest to listening to their music. Since I’m also a hip-hop
listener, I enjoy Drake’s music and what he brings to the genre. Drake’s music can also be described as a comfort to young adults
like myself who can be stressed at times or need an outside place to calm.
 Finally, the last item, my goals for this semester. Throughout the semester, I hope to learn and achieve my goals of completing
all course assignments in all classes, as well as studying. I also hope to achieve those goals by the end of the semester period.
However, these come with necessary requirements. Some examples can include such as ensuring to hand in assignments before
the due dates, look over course material, and many more factors such as time management and organization will be key factors
this semester for myself.

Submit this document to the Time Capsule Assignments Folder on DC Connect before the due date.
All due dates are posted in DC Connect and the Due Dates List that is within the content area of DC Connect.

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