M X N Means M Is - To Itself N Times or N Is - To Itself M Times

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An algebraical expression is a collection of__________, symbols

consisting of one or more ________. terms

__________are separated from each other by a + or a – sign (not by × or ÷) Terms
Some expressions have special names.
A __________expression consists two terms. binomial
A ___________expression has three terms. trinomial
A _______________expression has three or more terms. multinomial

When two or more quantities are multiplied together the result is called a_________. product

Each of the quantities multiplied together to form the product is called a ________. factor

A ____________is a numerical factor of an expression. coefficient


A __________of a quantity is the product of multiplying it by itself any

number of times. power

An _______is the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself. index


Another name for the above is _________ exponent


Every power of zero is _________. 0


m x n means m is ________to itself n times or n is _________ to itself m times. added


The product of three or more expressions is called a______________. continued product

If y = z ,
x is called ________dividend
y is called ________divisor
z is called ________quotient
If x – y = z,
x is called ________minuend
y is called ________subtrahend
z is called ________difference

In an equation, giving appropriate numerical values to the unknowns (variables)

could make the LHS equal to the RHS. When this happens, those values of the
unknowns are called _________of the equation. roots

The _________of an expression or equation can be found by degree

_________the exponents of the unknowns in each term of the equation and adding
the largest of these _________is the degree. sums

An equation of the first degree of any number of unknowns is called

a _________equation. linear

A graph of a linear equation with any number of unknowns will

be a ________line. If there are n unknowns in a linear equation, the graph of straight
the equation will be a ________ line in n-dimensional space. straight

If the degree of an equation is two or more, the graph of the equation

will be a _________line. The graph of an equation with n unknowns will be curved
a _________ line in n-dimensional space. curved

The degree of the equation a2x5 + bx3y3 - a8xy4 - 2 = 0 is ______. 6


The degree of the equation 6x2 + 5x – 25 = 6x2 + 6x – 14 is _____. 1


The equations ax + by + c = 0 and ax + by = c

are both of the same form ___(T/F) T

A Whole Number and Natural Number are not the same thing ____ (T/F) F

Positive, negative, rational, irrational, whole or fractional numbers are all

Real numbers _____ (T/F) T
A number that cannot be expressed exactly in the form of a ratio m/n where
m and n are integers is called _________. If it can be expressed in the form irrational
m/n exactly it is called _________. rational

An irrational number, though it cannot be expressed exactly as a ratio m/n

can however be expressed to any desired accuracy of decimal places ___ (T/F) T

An equation of the nth degree has ____ roots. n

An equation of the third degree has _____ roots. 3
All quadratic equations have ____ roots 2

The formula for the roots of a quadratic is  b  b 2  4ac

The condition for the roots of a quadratic to be equal is (tick one) D
A) b 2  4ac  0
B) b 2  4ac  0
C) b 2  4ac  0
D) b 2  4ac  0
E) b 2  4ac  0
F) b 2  4ac  0

If the roots of quadratic are the same they are each equal to b
The condition for the roots of a quadratic to be imaginary (tick one) E
A) b 2  4ac  0
B) b 2  4ac  0
C) b 2  4ac  0
D) b 2  4ac  0
E) b 2  4ac  0

For the roots of a quadratic to be real: D

A) b  4ac  0

B) b 2  4ac  0
C) b 2  4ac  0
D) All of the above
E) None of the above
If  and  are the roots of a quadratic:
 =
If b 2  4ac  0 the roots are (tick one) D
A) real
B) unreal
C) imaginary
D) real and unequal
E) real and equal
F) imaginary and equal
G) imaginary and unequal

If the roots of a quadratic are real and rational then B

A) b  4ac is negative and a perfect square

B) b 2  4ac is positive and a perfect square

C) b 2  4ac is negative and NOT a perfect square
D) b 2  4ac is positive and NOT a perfect square
E) b 2  4ac is zero

If the roots of a quadratic are real and irrational then D

A) b  4ac is negative and a perfect square

B) b 2  4ac is positive and a perfect square

C) b 2  4ac is negative and NOT a perfect square
D) b 2  4ac is positive and NOT a perfect square
E) b 2  4ac is zero

One root of a quadratic can be rational and the other real ___ (T/F) T
If a root of a quadratic is irrational, it implies it is also real ____(T/F) T
One root of a quadratic can be rational and the other irrational ___ (T/F) F
If a root of a quadratic is rational, it implies it is also real ____(T/F) T
One root of a quadratic can be irrational and the other real ___ (T/F) T

a xb yc 0
The solution of simultaneous equations a1 x  b1 y  c1  0 is given by formulas
2 2 2
b1c2  b2 c1
a1b2  a 2 b1
y a 2 c1  a1c2
a1b2  a 2 b1

Consider the equations: a1 x 2  b1 x  c1  0 and

a 2 x 2  b2 x  c2  0
The number of roots that each of these equations will have is 2

The condition for these equations to have a common root is (b1c2  b2 c1 )(a1b2  a 2 b1 )  ( c1a 2  c2 a1 ) 2

a1 b1 c1
The condition for both roots to be equal is  
a 2 b2 c2

A complex number has _____ parts, 2

a _____ part, real
a ______ part, and a imaginary
_____ part ☺

4 25 is a complex number ___ (T/F) F

10  81 is a complex number ___ (T/F) F
15   75 is a complex number ___ (T/F) T

The standard way of writing the complex number 5   36 is 5  6i


The sum of a  ib and c  id is ( a  c )  i (b  d )


The difference ( a  ib)  ( c  id ) equals ( a  c )  i (b  d )


The product ( a  ib)( c  id ) equals ( ac  bd )  i (bc  ad )


a  ib ( ac  ad )  i (bc  ad )
The quotient of is
c  id c2  d 2
If z is a complex number and z  x  iy then its conjugate
(also known as "complex conjugate") is x  iy
and is written z

zz  2x
which is
A) Purely imaginary
B) Purely real
C) Complex B

zz  2iy
which is
A) Purely imaginary
B) Purely real
C) Complex A

z. z  x2  y2
which is
A) Purely imaginary
B) Purely real
C) Complex B

z ( x 2  y 2 )  2ixy

z x2  y2
which is
A) Purely imaginary
B) Purely real
C) Complex C

1 i 3
Derive the cube roots of unity ,
1 i 3
and 1

Derive the fourth roots of unity 1,1, i ,i



 =   
  =  
 


 =     
  =      
 


 =      
  =            
          
 

The number of permutations of n things taking all at a time is n!

The number of permutations of n things taking r at a time is
( n  r )!

The number of circular permutations of n things is ( n  1)!


The number of combinations of n things taking all at a time is 1

The number of combinations of n things taking r at a time is
r! ( n  r )!
n n
C r is equivalent to Cn  r
n 1
C r  n C r 1  Cr
n 1 n 1
Cr  C r  2n 1 C r 1  n 1C r 2



a  (write with a root sign)

q p
q a
If x  log10 y then write it as an equation ( something) something  something 10 x  y
log a 1  0
log a a  1
log a 0  
Logarithms to base 10 are called _________ logarithms natural
Logarithms to base e are called _________ logarithms Napierian
 1
Write the expression which gives e as the limit Lt  1  
n 
 n 
Draw the curves log10 x  y and y  log e x


log10 mn  log10 m  log10 n

log10  log10 m  log10 n
log10 m n  n log10 m
log e N
Change the base of the logarithm log a N =
log e a
From the above it follows that log e a 
log a e


Two numbers a and b are relatively prime or co-prime if (a,b) = 1

An integer p > 1 is called a prime number if it is not divisible by
any number other than ____ and ____  a and  1

In finding the GCD of a and b the signs of the numbers (+ or -)

does not affect the absolute value of the GCD ___ (T/F) T

(a,0) = a

If a is any number, the canonical representation of a is

a a a an
a  p1 1  p 2 2  p3 3    pn
The number of positive divisors of a is given by
T(a) = (1  a1 )(1  a 2 )  (1  a n )
and the Sum of all positive divisors of a is
 p1 a1 1  1  p 2 a2 1  1   pn an 1  1 
    
S(a) =  p  1  p  1    p  1 
 1  2   n 

CASE (xn – yn) / (x – y) when n = any whole number

x2  y2
 x y
x y

x3  y3
 x 2  xy  y 2
x y

x4  y4
 x 3  x 2 y  xy 2  y 3
x y

CASE (xn + yn) / (x + y) when n = any odd whole number

x3  y3
 x 2  xy  y 2
x y

x5  y5
 x 4  x 3 y  x 2 y 2  xy 3  y 4
x y

x7  y7
 x 6  x 5 y  x 4 y 2  x 3 y 3  x 2 y 4  xy 5  y 6
x y

CASE (xn – yn) / (x + y) when n = any even whole number

x2  y2
 x y
x y

x4  y4
 x 3  x 2 y  xy 2  y 3
x y

x6  y6
 x 5  x 4 y  x 3 y 2  x 2 y 3  xy 4  y 5
x y

(xn – yn) / (x – y) when n = any odd whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) Y
(xn – yn) / (x – y) when n = any even whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) Y
(xn – yn) / (x + y) when n = any odd whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) N
(xn – yn) / (x + y) when n = any even whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) Y

(xn + yn) / (x – y) when n = any even whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) N
n n
(x + y ) / (x – y) when n = any even whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) ?
(xn + yn) / (x + y) when n = any odd whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) Y
(xn + yn) / (x + y) when n = any even whole number is divisible --(answer Y/N) N

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