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FM05 will start shortly

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Today’s office hours 1-2pm

Welcome back to FM05: Statistics in Finance!
• Last week we looked at AR, MA and ARMA models, and ACF to
distinguish between them (especially MA)
• This week we give an example of linear regression, order statistics for
QQ plot (residual analysis), and psi and pi-weights.
• Thank you for filling up the interim feedback form for the lectures.
• It ended yesterday, so I will present a summary next time.
• This week there is an interim survey about tutorials and practicals.
• Discussion forum online is for students, for other issues please email
me directly.
• Estimation and errors are orthogonal.
• Exercise sheet 1 was a bit challenging. Let’s simplify it.

Go to and enter code xx

The quiz was based on wrong pi-weights, sorry. Corrected values on next page.

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