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Deccan Education Society’s

Brihan Maharashtra College of Commerce

TYBBA (Marketing) SEM 6
Subject: International Marketing
Internal Exam 40 Marks


• Last Date of Submission 22st September 2020

• Write out the answers along with the questions and mail a scanned copy to
• Name your scanned copy file in the format (year, course, subject, roll number)
for example, TYBBA(IM)18
• This assignment is for 20 Marks
• You will also be evaluated on the previous assignment submitted through google
forms for 20 marks, hence the total marks for Internal Evaluation will be 40 marks.
Students who did not submit the previous assignment can still submit it by 22nd
September 2020.

Q1) What is EPRG Concept in International Marketing? Explain its role and relevance in all
4P’s of Marketing?
Q1) Explain Foreign Market Entry Modes with examples in each category?

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