Wonder Reading For Starters 1 PDF

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lio a e r wonder Reading for Starters 1 eae muacsinct a ce a teak oe a ean comontbenton Eis ornate a edmunds out cic resne lH reat inane NTS Nate: eh eeeevie ker canines ene e excane ern one oot nc ond enema Pest duction ‘We have focused all our abilities on creating a different kind of reading comprehension series. Wonder Reading for Starters fs ‘our result, This series Is different {rom others on the ground that it combines a storybook and a comprehension book. In sum, It provides academic exercises as well as exciting stories. ‘There are 4 lessons in each book, There are 4 units in each lesson. Units 1, 2, and 3 of each lesson tell a story of a young wizard named Wonder. These units tell stortes of Wonder’s everyday life in the magic world. Units 1, 2, and 3 are related to unit 4 by either a theme or a topic. Unit 4 {5 a challenge and review of units 1, 2, and 3. Unit 4 of each lesson in the book is connected to tell an adventure. ‘Word count and reading level of Wonder Reading for Starters Each story has been rated by Renaissance Learning ATOS readability, How to Use This Book Spelling Wizard lets students practice spelling of some words used in the story. Word Wizard checks students? understanding of the words by asking them te cheose the correct elue for each word. Sentence Master lets students practice the usage of words In sentences. Comprehension Master checks students’ understanding of the story. Let's Read More: is a short non-fiction story and ‘comprehension questions designed to extend students’ knowleder Let's Practice gives students an opportunity to practice patterns they find in the story. Lot's Check checks students' understanding of the story by asking them to fill (n the missing blanks in the summary, Let's Study 1s where students can practice academic comprehension skills. Audio CD features two speeds. One is normal. The other fs slow. Students can listen to slow speed first and then practice lstening at the normal speed. a. emts ust Both My Brothers 8 une Wonder is in Bed 2 vows Jump, Climb, Fly 1% usne Willy Likes to Play~ 20 ele unit Thank You, Mom 26 unite WizHasa Diaper 30 unta Stories in the Attic 34 unite Willy Misses Wonder 38 unit Can Come in~ bh | vane Fly~ Little Sparrow: 48 unl They Look Happy 52 une Willy Walks to the School 56 unit? Four Seasons in a Field 62 unt Good Bye Little Friends 66 Unita Please Don’ t Eat Me! 70 ‘unite Willy Meets Wonder br | | | | THiS iS @ Story of Wonder and his forily. Wender iS going fo tell uS intereSting ond exciting SteriéS of the Magic Werld. If you are ready, here we go~! Willy hoS o toil. Willy hes Shiny fur- He iS 0 pretty dog. Wiz hos blue eyes. iz hos o nice smile. He is © levely baby. They ore both my brothers. Match the words with the hints. fur hair / animal pretty bright / light shiny boy / family brother beautiful / good looking entence Master“ Complete the sentences with the words from the box. blue nice CD both lovely 4. Vhave two pens. | like pens. 2.1 ike jeans. 3. This is a bicycle. 4. My dog is Comprehension Mast » Choose the correct answer, 1. Wiz has fi Oauil @ blue eyes 2. Willy doesn't have z © shiny fur @ababy 3. What is Willy? a dog @a baby 4. Who are Wiz and Willy? @® Wonder's babies @ Wonder’s brothers Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. small puppy © fi A A is a baby dog. Puppies are They are cute. They have fur. Itis soft. Puppies are pretty baby dogs. Answer the questions below. 41. A puppy is a . @ baby dog @ baby cat 2.4 puppy is j Ofer @cute 3. Is.a puppy small? @ Yes, itis. @No, it isn’t. 4. How is fur? OD soft @ hard Wender is Spe ia Eesrerel elias k ae 1 S we W- ° d a r ard &. Match the words with the hints. sick very, very warm bed get better hot sleep in medicine not feel well Sentence Master Complete the sentences with the words from the box. sad take t) play stay 4.Wheredoyou 2? 2. Tom looks 3. We ___ basketball every Saturday. 4. Let's the bus. Comprehension ‘ina Choose the correct answer. 4. Wonder takes ; @ medicine Q sleep 2. Wonder is o D sick @ happy 3. Where is Wonder? © outside @ in bed Who is with Wonder? Wit 2 Willy Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. stay sick (p ats OS™ fo IN people take medicine. ® ee It helps them. Sick people ___ in bed. They can't have fun. Answer the questions below. 4. Sick people can't —— : @ have fun Q stay in bed 2. Medicine . @ hurts people @ helps people 3. Who takes medicine? Dall people O sick people 4. Who stays in bed? @ sick people @ healthy people Jump, Climb, Fly => Spelling wisaealiger A frog jumps. Wonder jumps. fy Willy jumpS. Wiz watches. af j t } CS a : & eee te sae - A Snake climbs. Wonder climbs. | n Willy Wotches. Wiz drinks milk. oo 5 a => Word Wizard A” ; Match the words with the hints. frog animal / long body jump baby / cow / drink A bird flies. snake jump well / swim i Sve milk move / high / air barks. | wiz sleeps. Sentence Master. ® Complete the sentences with the words from the box. catch drink © sleep climb 4.Wondercan alo. 2. Cats can atree. 3.Canyou the ball? 4. My parents late. Comprehension —" Choose the correct answer. 4.Wizean't @ sleep Ofy XN - Willy cant @ bark @fy » . What does the frog do? ® elim jump 4. Who climbs? @ Wiz @ Wonder Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. land high A frog lives on A frog lives in water, too. A frog jumps A frog has a long tongue. tp ‘Answer the questions below. 4. A frog can live @in water 2. A frog can't O fly high 3. What does a frog have? © shiny fur 4. Can a frog live on land? @ Yes, it can. Qin the sun ~ @ jump bigh @a long tongue @No, it can't. Willy Likes to piay~ Willy likes to play. Willy goes to a pond. Willy sees Mr. Ribbit, the frog. “ : Mr. Ribbit, you don’t have ears! of : No, Willy. But Thave a long tongue. : I can catch a fly with it. : Can you catch a fly with your tongue? Willy goes to a river. Willy sees Miss Splash, ~: Miss Splash, you don’t have legs! : No, Willy. But I have gills. : I can breathe under water. : Can you breathe under water? Willy goes to the forest. Willy sees Mrs. Spitty, the snake ": Mrs, Spitty, you don’t have a nose! : No, Willy. But I have a long bad : can climb a tree well. : Can you climb a tree? ‘Willy comes home. Willy sees his family. Willy can’t catch a fly with his tongue. Willy can’t breathe under water. Willy can’t climb a tree. But they love Willy. And Willy loves them, too. < 9 Lets Practice! Put words ~ correct blanks. ‘Wonder 6 goes to the pond. Willy Wonder _ Willy oO Wonder Na Willy Wer, ms Q seesafrog. goes to the forest. sees asnake. goes to the mountain. sees afish. e Lets Check! 4. This is Willy Z 2. Willy sees Mr. Ribbit, the Let s Study! Choose the correct answer. 4. Where does Willy go to? @apond @amountain @ the sea 2. What is Mr. Ribbit? 3. Willy goes toa @afish Qaspider @afrog 4. Willy sees , the fish. 3. What does Mr. Ribbit have? Oears @along tongue Ba wing 5. Willy comes 4. What does Miss Splash have? Ol Ml hands 6. Willy ihient legs ails @ hands 5. Where does Miss Splash live! @a pond Qariver @a forest 6. Who lives in the forest? Lwnily) Mes oy: @ Mr Ribbit @Miss Splash — @ Mrs. Spitty 2.spider frog alnicen forest 7. What does Mrs. Spitty have? o @alongbody & gill 4. father Miss Splash = meget 5. home tree 6.likes loves @ ® Something smells. | Fe } It Smell good. ¢ Willy Sniffs. | m t Wonder sniffs. c i ay (ta Té t n It is the kitchen. or Mom's there. & She gives us cookies. Match the words with the hints. “Thank you, mom place / cook sniff woman / wife / baby cookie sweet / food / bake kitchen nose / smell a Sentence Master Complete the sentences with the words from the box. smell follow there something © 4.Dogs cats, 2. Who is Poe? 3. lean hear _ 4. Flowers nice. Comprehension sina ‘Choose the correct answer. 4 smell good. @ Kitchen @ Cookies z isn’t in the kitchen, OWn @Mom 3. What does Willy follow? ® Wonder @smell 4. Whe does Wonder follow? © Mom @ Willy Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. sweet smell O People like cookies. They are They good. Some are round. Some are not round. Answer the questions below. 4. Cookies smell whe: @ good @bad 2. People like ? @ cookies @ cooks 3. How is a cookie? © sweet @ sweat 4. Are all cookies round? © Yes, they are, @ No, they aren't. aire toile b r ° a Match the words with the hints. bathroom hit knock place / toilet diaper man / husband / baby dad baby / toilet Sentence Master -® Lets Read More Complete the sentences with the words Put the words into the correct places. from the box. scratch please Ci) diapers useful @ wait shout 4. Could you _ __ here? People can use the toilet. 2. because But babies can't use it. “ | So they need : 3. Don't in the class. ——— Se Adiaper is ___. Babies don’t wait. 4. Cats can hard. | Comprehension Mast ok | Answer the questions below. Choose the correct answer. | 1. Babies need aN A.Dadig a puppy @ diapers O reading @ bathing | z can’t use the toilet. Babi Dad 2 is in the bathroom, _ one @ Dad Willy | 3. What do babies need? 3. Who doesn't wait? O dapers @ the toilet @ Wonder Wiz 4. How is a diaper for a baby? O useful 2 useless 4. What does Willy do? @ knocks scratches | | \ ! ; fee \ acti | \ Be ; Wonder likes the | —_ \_ Willy likes the attic, too. | aes Mrs. lives in the ottic. | She knowS many Stories. ! | \ She telis | \ One Story o Wonder likes the Stories. \ oe likes the Stories, too. Pd A Match the words with the hints. attic insect / web spider house / under roof story dark / no sun night book / tell / read Sentence Master ®t Complete the sentences with the words from the box. many know tell live 2) 44 in New York. 2. Please mea story. 3. Do you Alex? 4. How ___ books do you have? Comprehension Mastes® Choose the correct answer. 1. tells stories. OWilly QMrs. Spider 2. Wonder likes . @ the attic @ the basement 3. Who likes stories? @ Mom @ Willy 4. Mrs. Spider tells story a night. D many @one Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. legs ants Spiders have six They make webs. Spiders eat They catch flies. They eat Spiders like insects. Answer the questions below. 4. Spiders don't eat © mosquitoes 2. Spiders have O six legs 3. What do they catch? @ dogs 4. What do spiders make? @ webs @ insects. @ birds @ four legs @ants @ flies re Will Wi cces Wonder Willy wakes up late. He eats breakfast. Willy goes to Wonder’s room. He can’t find Wonder. Willy wants to play. He wants to have fun. Willy misses Wonder. He is lonely. Willy decides, “I will find Wonder.” Willy thinks, “Where is Wonder?’ ered ’ Willy goes to the ee _ jf: Are you there, Wonder? He hears nothing. Willy goes to the basement. _ 2: Come out, Wonder! He sees nothing. Willy goes to the attic. _@: Where are you, Wonder? bs Ao eo Bmore Cur as Willy goes everywhere. Lets Prac+ice ' Willy smells everything. = Willy goes back to Wonder’s room. Put words into correct blanks. Willy jumps on the bed. Wonder @ — Mom He is sad. He is lonely. Then he finds something. It is a calendar. He looks at something. Itisa circle, It is on the calendar. Wonder goes to school today. It is his first day. \. © Cmisses Mom > | Ged smells cookies ey pet 8 misses Wonder j smelis fish misses Willy at smelis food Pri Lets Study! Cosore the correck AONET, Lets Check! 4. Willy goes to Wonder’s room . 4. Where doesn't Willy go to? 2. Willy misses @the bathroom —@ the attic @ the kitchen. 2. How does Willy feel? 3. Willy goes to the @ lonely @ happy @exching 4. Willy goes to the S. Who does Willy miss? @ Wonder @ Dad @ Sister 5. Willy jumps on the 4. What does Willy hear in the bathroom? 6. Wonder goes to today. iv A I a} ‘S. What does Willy find in Wonder’s room? @acirde @acalendar Wonder G. What is on the calendar? I. kitchen Wonder’s room , otha ne Qadirde @apicwure @abed . Wonder m 3, kitchen halhicoor | 7. Where does Wonder go to today? peau ena | @the museum — @) the playground (3) the schoo! 5. sofa bed 6. home school Match the words with the hints. river exit / go out come out animal / water fish enter / go in come in water / moving Sentence Master ® Complete the sentences with the words from the box. let leave want find 4eleant my book. 2. We _ a8. 3. My parents me play. 4. What do you 2 Comprehension meee Choose the correct answer. 4. Willy finds z @ariver @amounain 2. The fish can’t : @ play Q leave the water 3. What does Willy want to do? @ eat the fish @ play with the fish 4, What can Willy do? ® swim Qty Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. leave water O “qo Fish can't _ Fish have gills. So fish can breathe in _ i ee They can't live without water. Answer the questions below. 4. Fish have Doge 2. Fish can © breathe in water 3. Where can't they leave? @ water 4. What can't fish do? @ leave water gills @ breathe on land land @ see things in water as Fly” Little Sparrow | Selig Wizaraid— A little Sparrow is flying. Bee It is her first flight. She con't fly high. She con't fly for. | She lands on Willy. s ° | | Ht iS Soft. It is comfortable. Werder helps the Sparrow. “g She con fly high and for. ra “Tweer~ Tweet” 4 A “You're welcome!” fs ae » Word Wizard A— Match the words with the hints. sparrow small / few / not much flight bird / small little ground / not flying land fly through the air Sentence Master“ Complete the sentences with the words from the box. soft far OD comfortable _ help 4. The school is not from here, 2. This bread is very 3. Can you ime please? 4. My bed is very Comprehension maga Choose the correct answer. 4. The little sparrow can't ; @ fly high @ land on trees z helps the little sparrow. @ Willy @ Wonder 3. How is Willy! @ comfortable (@ hard 4. Who does the sparrow land on? © Willy @ Wonder Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. these insects O Sparrowseat______. They eat fruit, too. But they can't eat in winter. So they eat grains. They have babies in spring. Answer the questions below. 1. Sparrows have babies in winter 2 spring 2. Sparrows eat in winter, @ seeds @ grains 3. What can’t they eat in winter? @ fruit @ grains 4. What can't sparrows eat? O rice Qahawk Vwender walks with Willy. Ai He sees many things. He sees people jogging- He sees people tfolking- sgl.» He sees dogs playing. They look happy- | ene Wonder walkS home with Willy. They (ook hoppy. too. 5 XN SS I | aT & Match the words with the hints. look see / eye jog place / living talk speak home run 53 Sentence Master Complete the sentences with the words from the box. walk with see happy 4. Willy looks : 2M live _ my parents. 3. Can you that? 4. | often in the park. Comprehension ‘dima Choose the correct answer, 1. Wonder walks with Mi ig @ Willy @ people 2.Wondersees ® people @ birds 3. How do they look? ® happy @sad 4. What are dogs doing? D jogging @ playing Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. evening jogging OQ Many people like Some jog in the morning. Some jog in the Jogging is healthy. Answer the questions below. 4. People like : © jogging @® morning 2. Jogging is good for ; aD) evening @ health 3. When do people jog? @ in the morning @ at midnight 4. Do all people jog? © Yes, they do. @ No, they don't. Willy Walks to ae the School Willy thinks. “What can I do?” Willy thinks, “Twill get help!” ~ Willy thinks. Willy sees the forest. He walks in, He rolls down the hill. Rae ee earcnnd: Willy crosses a river. ‘ eet eee ae ies eal, A : Willy keeps walking. Willy likes the walk. = re eee ee Willy likes the hill, Willy looks for help. Byles thea: “Where is the school?” enercemn lye 9 Lets Practice! Put words into correct blanks. Wonder 4 ___walks to school. Willy 2 ae Wonder 3 % Willy os ; Wonder S Willy Pian OQ) eiziosaaar> likes flowers walks to a hill likes birds walks to a forest likes rivers Lets Check! 4. Willy walks to __ the school _. 2. Willy walks up a 3. Willy crosses a 4. Willy sees a 5. Willy is 6. Sparrow tells Willy l.ariver 2. hill 3. house 4. forest 5.afraid 6.astory forest river school flying the way Lets Study! Choose the correct answer. 4. Where does Willy walk to? the school —_@ the city 2. What does Willy shake? @ the body @ the tail 3. What does Willy do well? @ dance Ofy 4. Where does Willy walk into? @ariver @aforest 5. What does Willy see? @ trees @ rocks G. What does Willy look for? © food @ trees 7. Who isn’t at the school? @ Wonder @ Dad e @ the lake @ the ears @ swim @a school @ rabbits @help @ Mom Pros ma re i Four Seaso Spelling Wizard — in a Field wy Word Wizard A— Match the words with the hints. field season / fruit / cool house grass / land / plants spring season / flowers / warm autumn place / living e Sentence Master. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. beautiful changes color place O 1. Redisa of the rainbow. 2. Pamis 3. Weather _ every day. 4.1 have no to sit. Comprehension maste’® Choose the correct answer. 41. The field is in winter. @ green Qwhite 2.ltispinkin © spring @ summer 3. Where is Wonder's house? © in the field @ next to the field 4. Who loves this field? ® Wonder @ everyone Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. sleep after O Ss autumn. Plants can't grow. Itis cold. It snows. It is winter. Winter comes Bears . It is difficult for many animals and people, Answer the questions below. 4.Bears in winter. @ hunt @ sleep 2. Plants can't in winter. @ grow Qdie 3. How is winter for animals? © difficult @ the same 4. What comes after autumn? @ winter @ spring Es = ius, Little F A butterfly sits on Willy’S nose. Good Bye ends Match the words with the hints. nose body / arm tail face / smell / breathe butterfly insect / big wings shoulder long / thin / wag Sentence Master ® Complete the sentences with the words from the box. sit friends oO body sneezed 41. How many do you have? 2. Can | here? 3. Paul again and again 4. Willy shakes his Comprehension master Choose the correct answer. 41. sits on Willly’s nose. MA fy A butterfly 2. sit on his tail © Five @ Three 3. Where do five sit on? @ the shoulder @ the back 4. What does Willy do? @ flies away @ sneezes Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. grow flowers O Butterflies are colorful. They like flowers. They sit on flowers. They drink honey from They help fruit Answer the questions below. 41. Butterflies are =e © colorful @ flowers 2. They help __ grow. O fruit 2 animals 3. Where do they drink honey from? © fruie 2 flowers 4. What do they drink? Dhoney @ flowers Ey | Please Don't Eat Me! Other hove other One bey hos a ul nw poaer ors 2c, Al “Please don’t eot me!” Everyone thinks the Same thing. ‘< > Spelling Wizardmj— Word Wizard A Match the words with the hints. kid . © animal / water / dangerous pet © young / child parrot > bird / speak aNigator + aA) Whi PTE e Sentence Master Complete the sentences with the words from the box. have think same eat cD 4.What do you for lunch? 2.1 acat 3. Twins look the 4. What do you ? Comprehension Mastec® Choose the correct answer. 4. Everyone is afraid of the y © parrot Q alligator 2. Wonder has a OD dog Q car 3. What is not a good pet? @a hamster @alion 4. What can fly? Oapg Qa parrot Lets Read More Put the words into the correct places. teeth animal (p An alligator is a big Itis dangerous. It has strong It bites hard. One may like it. Others may not. Answer the questions below. 4. An alligator bites _s; © softly @ hard 2. Analligator is a ane @ big animal @ small animal 3. What does it have! © strong teeth @ weak teeth 4. Do all people like it? © Yes, they do. @ No, they don't. Poo og Willy arrives at the school. ! +> Pra -+ice! He looks around. eTS rractic /)__. Many kids are coming out. Put words into correct blanks. ! Wonder looks happy can) jump high looks sad can sing asong looks cold can fly Lets Check! 4. Willy walks into a field 2. Willy plays with . 3. Willy sees many j 4, Willy sees a & 5. Wonder hugs 6. Finally they are 1 field) river 2. snakes frogs 3.animals trees 4. forest school 5. Willy Mom 6. coming out home @ 9 Lets Study! Choose the correct answer, 4. Who can Willy see soon? @ Mom @ Wonder xX . What does Willy see in the field? @ Wonder @afrog 3. Where does Willy see frogs? Dina field ina pond 4. How are some animals? @ small angry a . What does Willy walk over? @ahill @ the school 6. Who are coming out? @ teachers @ kids 7. Who can't Willy find? @ Dad @ Wonder @ Wiz @ butterflies @ina river @ dangerous @arock @ animals @ Sister

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