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and Good Luck
6RAC£ PA L. E"'


J was popular in certain circles, says Aunl Rose. I wasn't

no thinner then, only more stationary in the flesh. In time to
come, Lillie, don't be surprised-change is a fact of God. From
this no one is excused. Only a person like your mama stands on
one foot, she don't notice how big her behind is getting and sings
in the canary's ear for thirty years. Who's listening? Papa's in
the shop. You and Seymour, thinking about yourself. So she waits
in a spotless kitchen for a kind word and thinks-poor Rosie ...
Poor Rosie! If there was more life in my little sister, she
would know my heart is a regular college of feelings and there
is such information between my corset and nw that her whole
married life is a kindergarten.
Nowadays you could find me any time iu a hotd, uptown
or downtown. Who needs an apartment to live like a maid with
a dustrag i-n the hand, sneezing? I'm in very good with the bus-
boys, it's more interesting than horne, all kinds of people, every-
body with a reason ...
And my reason, Lillie, is a long time ago I said to the fun·-
lady, "Missus, if I c:an't sit b.v the window, I t·an't sit." .. If _yuu
can't sil, girlie," she sa.vs pulitd_y, ··go stand 1111 iht• strct!ll"orncr."
And that's how I gut anu•Jnpluyl'<l in uovdty wt•ar .

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GRAC•: PALt:Y Goodbye and Good Luck

For my next job I answered an ad whid1 said: "Refined "That is where the ti(:ket sdlt~r sells."
young lady, medium salary, cultural organization." I went by "So, David, go in there and sell til·kets for a half hour. I
trolley to the address, the Russian Art Theater of Second Avenue, have something in mind in regards to_the future! of this girl and
where they played only the best Yiddish plays. They needed a this company. Go, David, be a good boy. And you, Miss Lieber,
ticket seller, someone .like me, who likes the public but is very please, I suggest Feinberg's for a glass of tea. The rehearsals arc
sharp on crooks: The man who interviewed me was the manager, long. I enjoy a quiet interlude with a friendly person."
a certain type. So he took me there, Feinberg's, then around the wrner, a
Immediately he said: "Rosie Lieber, you surely got a build place so full of Hungarians, it was deafening. In the back room .
on you!" was a table of honor for him. On the tablt!doth t~mbroidered by
"It takes all kinds, Mr. Krimberg." the lady of the house was Here Vlashkin Eats. We linished one
"Don't misunderstand me, little girl," he said. "I appreciate, glass of tea in quietness, out of thirst, wlll'n I linally made up
I appreciate. A young lady lacking fore and aft, her blood is so my mind what to say.
busy wanning the toes and the fingertips, it don't have timt <u "Mr. Vlashkin, I saw you a couple weeks ago, even before
circulate where it's most required." I started working here, in The Sea Gull. Believe me, if I was that
Everybody likes kindness. I said to him: "Only don't be fres~, girl, I wouldn't look even for a minute on the young bourgeois
Mr. Krimberg, and we'll make a good bargain." feiJow. He could fall out of the play altogether. llow Chekhov
We did: Nine dollars a week, a glass of tea every night, a could put him in the same play as you, 1 can't understand."
free ticket once a week for Mama, and I coul~ go watch rehearsals "You liked me?" he asked, taking my hand and kindly pill·
any time I want. ting it. "Well, well, young people still like me ... so, and you
My first nine dollars was in the grocer';S hands ready to move like the theater too? Good. And you, Rose, you know you have
on already, when Krimberg said to me, "Rosie, here's a great S!JCh a nice hand," so warm to the touch, such a fine skin, tdl
gentleman, a member of this remarkable theater, wants to meet me, why do you wear a scarf around your neck? You only hide
you, impressed no doubt by your big brown eyes." your young, young throat. These are not olden times, my child,
And who was it, Lillie? Listen to me, before my very eyes to live in shame."
was Volodya Vlashkin, called by the people of those days the "Who's ashamed?" I said, taking off the kerchief, but my
Valentino of Second Avenue. I took on~ look, and I said to myself: hand right away went to the kerchief's place, because the truth
Where did a Jewish boy grow up so big? "Just outside Kiev," he is, it really was olden times, and I was still of a nature to melt
told me. with shame.
How? "My mama nursed me till I was six. I was the only "Have some more tea, my dear."
boy in the village to have such health." "No, thank you, I am a samovar already."
"My goodness, Vlashkin, six years old! She must have had "Dorfmannt" he hollered like a kin~. ··Bring this child a
shredded wheat there, not breasts, poor woman." seltzer with fresh ice!"
"My mother ~as beautiful," he said. "She had eyes like In weeks to follow 1 had tlw privilege tu know him better
stars." and better as a person-also the OJlJlnrtunity to see him in his
He had such a way of expressing himself, it brought tears. profession. The time was autumn; tlw tlwater full of ruming aml
To Krimberg, Vlashkin said after this introduction: "Who is going. Rehearsing withuutt•ncl. After Tht~ Setl Gull flopped, The
responsible for hiding this wonderful young person in a cage?" Salesman from Istanbul played, a great stu·l·ess.


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GRACI-; PALEY (10odbye aud Good Luck
Here the ladies went crazy. On the opening night, in the :;omething. Ruthie was saving up tugt~llwr with ynur papa fur
middle of the first scene, one missus-a widow or her husband linens, a couple knives and forks. In lht• morniug I had to do
worked too long hours-began to clap and sing out, "Oi, oi, piet~t·work if I wanted to kc!t•p b.v myself..So I made flowt-rs. Before
Vlashkin." Soon there was such a tumult, the actors had to stop lunch time every day a whole garden grew llll Ill)' tablt!.
acting. Vlashkin stepped forward. Only not Vlashkin to the eyes This was my independence, Lillie clt~ar, blomning, but it
... a younger man with pitch-black hair, lively on restless feet, didn't have no roots und its face was paper.
his mouth clever. A half a century later at the end of the play he Meanwhile Krimberg went after me too. No dnubt observing
came out again, a gray philosopher, a student of life from only the success ofVlashkin, he thought, Aha, open sesame ... Others
reading books, his hands as smooth as silk . . . I cried to think in the company similar. After me in those yc•itrs were the follow-
who I was-nothing-and such ~ man could look at me with ing: Krimberg I mentioned. Carl Zimmer, played innoc:ent young
interest. fellows with a wig. Charlie Peel, a Christian who fcJI in the soup
Then I got a small raise, due to he kindly put in a good word by accident, a creator of beautiful sets. "Color is his middle
for me, and also for fifty cents a night I was gi~en the pleasure name," says Vlashkin, always to the point.
together with cousins, in-laws, and plain stage-struck kids to be I put this in to show you your fat- old aunt was not crazy out
part of a crowd scene and to see like he saw every single night of loneliness. In those noisy years I had friends among interesting
the hundreds of pale faces waiting for his feelings to make them people who admired me for reasons of youth and that I was a
laugh or bend down their heads in sorrow. first-class listener.
The sad day came, I kissed my mama goodbye. Vlashkin The actresses-Raisele, Marya, Esther Leopold-were ·only
helped me to get a reasonable room near the theater to be more interested in tomorrow. After them was the rid1 men, producers,
free. Also my outstanding friend would have a place to recline the whole garment center; their past is a pinc:ushion, future the
away from the noise of the dressing rooms. She cried and she eye of a needle.
cried. "This is a ~fferent way of living, Mama," I said. "Besides, Finally the day came, I no longer could keep my tact in my
I am driven by love." mouth. I said: "VIashkin, I hear by carrier pigeon you have a
"You! You, a nothing, a rotten hole in a piece of cheese, are wife, children, the whole combination."
you telling me what is life?" she screamed. "True, I don't tell stories. I make no pretense."
Very insulted, I went away from her. But I am good- "That isn'tthe question. What is this lady like? It hurts me
natured-you know fat people are like that-kind, and I thought to ask, but tell me, Vlashkin ... a man's life is something I don't
to myself, poor Mama ... it is true she got more of an idea of clearly see."
life than me. She married who she didn't like, a sick man, his "Little girl, I have told you a hundred limes, this small room
spirit already swallowed up by God. He never washed. He had is the convent of my troubled spirit. llere I come to your innocent
an unhappy smell. His teeth fell out, his hair disappeared, he shelter to refresh myself in the midst of an agonized life."
got smaller, shriveled up little by little, till goodbye and good "Ach, Vlashkin, serious, serious, who is this lady?"
luck he was gone and only came to Mama's mind when she went "Rosie, she is a line woman of the middle classes, a good
to the mailbox: under the stairs to get the electric bill. In memory mother to my children, three in number, girls all, a good cook,
of him and out of respect for mankind, I decided to live for love. in her youth handsome, now no longer young. You see, could I
Don't laugh, you ignorant girl. be more frank? I entrust .vou. dear, with my soul."
Do you think it was easy for me? I had to give Mama a little It was snnu~ few munths later at the New Year"s ball of the

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GRACE PALEY Goutlb:ye wul Good l.ucJ..-
Russian Artists Club, I met Mrs. Vlashkin, a woman with black tie Creek, Midaigan. To him it WitS " milllt•r of st'nlllds. \Vht•rt•
hair in a low bun, straight and too proud. She sal at a small table did he practit't!, a Jewish bu_v~ NuwaqiiJS I suppost~ it is t~asit•r,
speaking in a deep voice to whoever stopped a moment to con- Lilli tO:' My goodnt-ss. I ain't askiug _vuu uutlaiug-tuuda_y,
verse. Her Yiddish was perfect, each word cut like a special jewel. touchy ...
I looked at her. She noticed me like she noticed everybody, cold Well, by now you must know _yoursdf, hum!.V, whatcvt!r you
like Christmas morning. Then she got tired. Vlashkin called a do, life don't stop. It only sits a minult• and dn•ums a dn·am.
taxi and I never saw her again. Poor woman, she did not know While I was saying to all these silly youugslt~rs "'no, uo. rw."
I was on the same stage with her. The poison I was to her role, Vlashkin went to Europt! andtoured a few st•asuus ... Mosww,
she did not know. Prague, London, even Berlin-already a pt>ssimistk plan~. Wlwn
Later on that night in front of my door I said to Vlashkin, he t•ame back he wrote a book you wuld gc•t from the library
"No more. This isn't for me. I am sick from it all. I am no home even today, The Jewish Actor Abroad. If somc~day yuu 're inlt!resled
breaker." enough in my lonesome years, you could rt•ad it. You c:ould
"Girlie," he said, "don't be foolish." absorb a flavor of the man from the book. No, uo, I am not
"No, no, goodbye, good luck," I said. "I am sincere." mentioned. After all, who am 1?
So I went and stayed with Mama for a week's vacation and When the book came out 1 slopped him in tlw stwet lo say
cleaned up all the closets and scrubbed the walls till the paint congratulations. But I am not a liar, so 1 pointed out, too, the
came off. She was very grateful, all the same her hard life made esotism of many part~-even the crilics said something along
her say, "Now we see the end. If you live like a bum, you are such lines.
fmally a lunatic." "Talk is cheap," Vlashkin answered me. "But who are the
After this few days I came back to my life. When we met, critics? Tell me, do they create? Not to mention," he c·ontinues,
me and Vlashkin, we said only hello and goodbye, and then for "there is a line in Shakespeare in one of the plays from the great
a few sad years, with the head we nodded as if to say, "Yes, yes, history of England. It says, 'Self-loving is nul so vile a sin, my
I know who you are." liege, as selC-neglecting.' This idea also appears in modern timt•s
Meanwhile in the field was a whole new strategy. Your mama in the moralistic followers of Freud ... Rosie. arc you listening:'
and your grandmama brought around-boys. Your own father You asked a question. By the way, you look very well. I low come
had a brother, you never even seen him. Ruben. A serious fellow, no wedding ring?"
his idealism was his hat and his coat. "Rosie, I offer you a big I walked away l'rom this wnversatiou in lt'ars. Uut this talk-
new free happy unusual life." How? "With me, we will raise up ing in the street opened Lht~ happ_y road up for mow diseussions.
the sands of Palestine to make a nation. That is the land of ln regard lo many things ... For instance. the management-
tomorrow for us Jews." "Ha-ha, Ruben, I'll go tomorrow then." very narrow-minded-wouldu't give him any mure c·t·rtain young
"Rosie!" says Ruben. "We need strong women like you, mothers men's parts. Fools. \Vhat youngest man krww t•nuugh about life•
and farmers." "You don't fool me, Ruben, what you need is dray to be as young as him:'
hones. But for that you need more money." "I don't like your "Rosie, 1\osie," ht• said to nae one day. "'I see b.v the dm:k
attitude, Rose." "In that case, go and multiply. Goodbye." on your rosy, rosy fact! you mnst ht• thirt.v. ··
Another fellow: Yonke) Gurstein, a regular sport, dressed to "Tht! hands ure slow. Vlashkin. On il Wt't'k heforc Thursday
kill, with such an excitable nature. In those days-it looks to me I was thirty-four.··
like yesterday-the youngest girls wore undergarments like Bat- "Is thut su:' Hosit', I worry aiHIIII _vuu. It has lll'en on my
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GRACE PALEY Goodbye ami Good Luck

mind to talk to you ..You are losing your time. Do you understand Roslyn and was a big t'CUIIit·al Ia it in the muvit•s. Vlashkiu himself,
· it? A woman should not lose her time." no place to go, retired. It said in the .papt•r, "An actor without
"Oi, Vlashkin, if you are my friend, what is time?" peer, he will write his memoirs ami spend his h1st years in the
For this he had no answer, only looked at me surprised. We bosom of his family among his thriving granckhildren, the apple
went instead, full of interest but not with our former speed, up of his wife's doting eyt~."
to my new place on Ninety-fourth Street. The same pictures on This is journalism.
the wall, all of Vlashkin, only now everything painted red and We made for him a great dinner of lwnor. At this dinner I
black, which was stylish, and new upholstery. said to him, for the last time, I thought, "Goodbye, dear friend,
A few years ago there was a- book by another member of topic of my life, now we part." And to m_yself I said further:
that fme company, an actress, the one that learned English very Finished. This is your lonesome bed. A lady what they call fat
good and went uptown-Marya Kavkaz, in which she says certain and lifty. You made it personally. From this lonesome bed you
things regarding Vlashkin. Such as, he was her lover for eleven will finally fall to a bed not so lonesome, only crowded with a
years, she's not ashamed to write this down. Without respect for million bones.
him, his wife and children, or even· others who also may hllve And now comes? Lillie, guess.
feelings in the matter. Last week, washing my underwear in the basin, I get a buzz
Now, Lillie, don't be surprised. This is called a fact of life. on the phone. "Excuse me, is this the Rose Lieber formerly
An actor's soul must be like a diamond. The more faces it got connected with the Russian Art Theater?"
the more shining is his name. Honey, yo~ will no doubt love and "It is."
marry one man and have a couple kids and be happy forever till "Well, well, how do you do, Rose? This is Vlashkin."
you die tired. More than that, a person like us don't have to "Vlashkin! Volodya Vlashkin?"
know. But a great artist like Volodya Vlashkin . . . in order to "In fact. How are you, Rose?"
make a job on the stage, he's got to practice. I understand it now, "Living, Vlashkin, thank you."
to him life is like a rehearsal. "You are all right? Really, Rose? Your health is good? You
Myself, when I saw him in The Father-in-Law-an older are working?"
man in love with a darling young girl, his son's wife, played by "My health, considering the weight it must carry, is first-
Raisele Maisel-! cried. What be said to this girl, how he whis- class. I am back for some years now where I started, in novelty
pered such sweetness, how all his hot feelings were on his face wear."
... Lillie, all this experience he had with me. The very words "Very interesting."
were the same. You can imagine how proud I was. "Listen, Vlashkin, tell rne the truth, what's on your mind?"
So the story creeps to an end. "My mind? Rosie, I am looking up an old friend, an old
I noticed it first on my mother's face, the rotten handwriting warmhearted companion of more joyful clays. My circumstances,
of time, scribbled up and down her cheeks, across her forehead by the way, are changed. I am retired, as you know. Also I am
back and forth-a child could read-it said old, old, old. But it a free man."
troubled my heart most to see these realities scratched on Vlash- "What? What clu you mean?"
kin's wonderful expression. "Mrs. Vlashk in is divorcing me."
First the company fell apart. The theater ended. Esther Leo- "What C'OIIII' uv1•r lacr:1 Did you start 1lrinking or something

pold died from being very aged. Krimbcrg had a heart attack. frum mclandwl_v:'"
M'IJ went to Broadway. Also Raisele changed her name to ''Siae is divorring 1111' fur uduh1~ry." •

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GRACI:: PAl.I::Y and Good LucJ.·

"But, Vlashkin, you should excuse me, don't be insulted, you on trains to stay in strange hotels, at111111g Anlt'rirans, nut
but you got maybe seventeen, eighteen years on me, and even your wife? B~ ashamed." .
me, aU this nonsense-this daydreams and nightmares-is . So now, darling Lillie, tell thili story to ~·our mama from your
mostly for the pleasure of conversation alone." young mouth. She don't lislt!u to a word from me. She only
"I pointed all this out to her. My dear, I said, my time is screams, "I'll faint, I'll faint." Tell her after all I'll have a hus-
past, my blood is as dry as my bones. The truth is, Rose, she isn't band, which, as everybody knows, a woman should have at least
accustomed to have a man around all day, reading out loud from one before the end of tht! story.
the papers the interesting events of our time, waiting for break- My goodness, I am already late. Giw me a kiss. After all, I
fast, waiting for lunch. So all day she gets madder and madder. watched you grow from a plain seed. So give me a couple wishes
By nighttime a furious old lady "Rives me my supper. She has on my wedding day. A long and happy life. Many years of love.
information from the last fifty years to pepper my soup. Surely Hug Mama, tell her from Aunt Rose, goodi.Jye and good luck.
there was a Judas in that theater, saying every day, 'Vlashkin,
Vlashkin, Vlashkin ...'and while my heart was circulating with
his smiles he was on the wire passing the dope to my wife."
"Such a foolish end, Volodya, to such a lively story. What
is your plans?"
"First, could I ask you for dinner and the theater-uptown,
of course? After this . . . we are old friends. I have money to
bum. What your heart desires. Others ~re like grass, the north
wind of time has cut out their heart. Of you, Rosie, I re-create
only kindness. What a woman should be to a man, you were to
me. Do you think, Rosie, a couple of old pals like us could have
a few good times among the material things of this world?"
My answer, Lillie, in a minute was altogether. "Yes, yes,
come up," I said. "Ask the room by the switchboard, let us talk."
So he came that night and every night in the week, we talked
of his long life. Even at the end Df time, a fascinating man. And
like men are, too, till time's end, trying to get away in one piece.
"Listen, Rosie," he explains the other day. "I was married
to my wife, do you realize, nearly half a century. What good was
it? Look at the bitterness. The more I think of it, the more I think
we would be fools to marry."
"Volodya Vlashkin," I told him straight, "when I was young
I warmed your cold back many a night, no questions asked. You
admit it, I didn't make no demands. I was softhearted. I didn't
want to be called Rosie Lieber, a breaker up of homes. But now,
Vlashkin, you are a free man. How could you ask me to go with

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