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Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class (Peer #4)

Teacher Name________________________________Target Grade Level________________

Standards Being Addressed:

MU:Pr4.3.3a Demonstrate and describe how intent is conveyed through expressive qualities
(such as dynamics and tempo).
MU:Re7.1.3a Demonstrate and describe how selected music connects to and is influenced by
specific interests, experiences, or purposes.

For parents and administration at home, welcome to our class! Today’s class is going to be
focusing on getting the kids up and moving. They are going to be given specific musical prompts
but will still have full creative liberty with their movement and expression. Your students will
demonstrate expressive qualities of music through movement and understand how music
connects with the world around them each day. Do it along with us if you want to get up and get
moving too!

Materials of Instruction:
 Back tracks for green light, yellow light, and red light
 Open space for movement
 #3, Mead Chapter 4 on page 37

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition: Hello class! I hope you are doing amazing today. Today, we’re going
to be playing some games and getting our bodies moving to the music! Are you ready to move?

Activity #1 Objective: Students will be able to be specifically prompted but also be able to
explore movement with complete creativity.

1. So first, we need to decide where our home is going to be! Because we are going on a
walk. We want to make sure we know where our home is before we leave! (Students
choose where “home” is)
2. Okay! This is our home! Everyone start at home for me. (students go to “home”)
3. So when the music starts and you hear this (plays melody part of song) you will be
taking your walk because the light is green and you are free to cross the streets! So
maybe you stop to smell the flowers or wave hi to a friend while you’re on your
4. Now, when you hear this (plays long tone part) that is when the light is yellow! What
do you think we should do when the light is yellow? (Students answer “slow down”,
“look both ways”, etc.)
5. So what happens after the light turns yellow? What color comes next? (Students
answer red)
6. And what does red usually mean? (Students answer stop) Right! You’re supposed to
stop. This is to make sure you don’t get hurt by crossing the streets too soon.
7. Are you ready to play the game? Okay! (Teacher plays the back track with mixes of
green, yellow, and red light sounds)
8. (Last green light sound) Okay, it’s time to go home! Can you show me where home is
by walking or skipping there? (Students go to “home”)
9. Awesome job! What were some things you did on your walk?

Did the students understand the difference between red, yellow, and green lights and
what to do with their bodies? If not, go back and review as necessary.

Amazing job today! Wasn’t it fun to get up and move around a little bit? I really hope that during
this stay at home period, you will still make an effort to maybe get outside and move around a bit
each day. If you want to do it with music like we did today, that’d be great too! Have a great
week. Try and do something that gives you joy today. Goodbye!

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