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Pasahol, Angelica G.

BSA – 1A

1. What is the video all about?

It simply says that when you feel like quit, always think why you started. It is a wakeup call
for those who are tired for pursuing because of the hindrance they are facing right now. It
encourage to people to keep going despite of the entire things happening to them.

2. What are the moral lessons you can get on the video?

Trust the process. This is the first that I notice in the video. Small progress is still a progress.
Never think that it is not always your day or time. Just like the sun, it is always here but not
always showing. You have your own path walking. Success is not always in the first row but it is
in the last row and it will serve as your reward to the thing you’ve done and been. But along the
way going to, you will face a lot of obstacle that you need to encounter. Because no pain, no
gain. If you are aiming for something good and it is hard to get, all the hardship are worth it.

3. What is your realization concerning the video?

We have our own timeline. Never compare your chapter on to others chapter ten. This
happens to me a lot of time. I keep on comparing myself to those people who is in stable life
now. But I realized that they work hard for it that’s they get it. So I tell myself that keep looking
forward on my own path and never look of the others side. Because I did, the insecurities will
popped up and it will destruct my journey. I know that it is never easy, but I know that there is
something waiting for me in the end. And when having a hard time on it, never quit. Because
quitting simply mean that you are giving up those hardship that you suffered. It is a slow process,
quitting won’t make it faster. So don’t quit. Never give up trying to build the world you can see
albeit others can’t see it. It is better to believe on something that you can’t see anything else than
believing because it is happening on them. Listen to your drum, it makes the sweetest sound.
Because one of the cause of failure in when somebody makes quitting a habit. So I tell myself
that I will never quit. I’m not that weak as what they think.

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