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Hi Dear!

How are you feeling today? Don’t forget to thank God for this another day, okay? :) 
I know this battle is not really easy, but I hope you keep on fighting. Consider this as just one of 
the challenges that God is giving you, prove how STRONG you are! Always remember that you have 
a family waiting for you, to be with you and do the things you used to do. Don’t let this thing stop 
you from getting the happiness you really deserve, okay? 
You might be thinking who I am and why you are receiving this letter from me. Well, I’m Jhomz, I 
simply sent this letter to you to remind you of how beautiful life is, and it’s really worth fighting 
Help yourself and don’t lose hope, we're here praying for you. 
Jhomz N. 
Hi my dear friend, 
How are you?  
Wait, can you please smile first before you continue to read my letter.:) 
I wrote this letter for you to let you know that there’s a lot of people waiting for you outside, so if 
you feel hopeless and you’re battling this thing alone, oh my dear friend forget that, okay?  
Your family and your friends are praying for you to be well. Don’t ever lose hope, you deserve to go 
out of here and be with your loving family. Life is worth fighting for, isn’t it? So continue fighting 
and don’t let this thing end you. 
Hi Sweetie, 
How are you today? 
I hope that your aspiration is still as full as your family that you will get through all of this unwell 
feeling. I’m Jhomz by the way, you’re receiving this letter from me, because I want you to feel happy 
and still smiling, even if you have this thing inside of you. Just be strong, okay? You’ll overcome this 
one day. I want you to live for more, because there’s a lot of people waiting and praying for you to 
come out in this facility and I’m pretty sure that you still have a lot to offer in this world.  
Don’t ever give up on beating this thing. 
Jhomz N. 
Hello there! 
How are you doing today?  
I am so happy and thankful to God that you received and now read this letter of mine. Hoping this 
will give you courage and put a smile on your face. :) 
My name is Jhomz, I’m from the Philippines, and I made this letter for you to know that we are 
praying for your full recovery. Bare in mind that this is just a challenge. God just put you in this 
test to see how strong you are and your faith. 
Your family is waiting for you outside, so please have the courage to fight in this sickness. Be 
strong for yourself and for your family. They are loving you so much, always think of that. 
Jhomz N. 
I know that you’re not feeling well and suffering from these difficulties. I hope you're not losing all 
your courage despite this. Talk to God always, I'm pretty sure he will answer your prayers.  
Even if it’s really tiring already, please don’t ever give up, okay? Think about your loved ones who 
are waiting for you to get well. Remember all of your happy memories together, because you know 
what, thinking of those memories will give you an answer on why you should not give up your life. 
Please be well, don’t let this thing stop you! 
Jhomz N. 
Hi Dearest,  
My name is Jhomz from the Philippines. I hope you receive this letter and give you some hope. 
I sent this letter to you just to let you know that there are a lot of people fighting for you and 
begging to God through their prayers just to give you the spirit of power and help you survive this 
virus. I hope you're helping yourself as well. Think of happy thoughts and memories you made 
outside, this will give you reason to fight and help you feel empowered, I'm sure. 
Don’t let this thing stop the happiness you deserve to experience and the things you can bring to 
your loved ones and other people.  
Keep fighting! God is with you! 
Jhomz N. 
Dear Friend, 
I hope you’re getting better today. I know it's no fun being in the hospital and battling against 
this thing. Your family and myself are praying for you and for the other who is still suffering from 
this virus to be healed. I am praying that doctors and nurses be guided to give you the best care 
they can.  
I hope this letter will give you hope and courage to fight for a beautiful tomorrow. God is with you, 
always pray, okay? 
Jhomz N. 
Dear Friend, 
I hope you’re feeling better now. I know the moment that the people who really love you heard the 
news that you have already this virus in your body became so sad, so I wrote this letter for you, to 
remind you of that and to encourage you to keep fighting. We are praying to God to give you 
strength in facing this uncertainty.  
I will be praying also that the doctors and nurses' hands be guided to accomplish the precise 
procedure they need to do. Please don’t be so worried about everything, think of happy thoughts 
only and soon you’ll recover. 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
I hope this letter has reached you well. My name is Jhomz by the way, I wrote this letter for you 
to make you feel happy and let you know that I am praying for you to be healed. This is the only 
thing I can do for now to ease your mind while you are from your family because of this sickness. I 
want you to feel empowered and hopeful that you will survive this uncertainty that you are facing 
right now.  
Just stay STRONG, okay? Your family is yearning to be with you again outside.:) 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
I hope this letter finds your health much improved. I have been praying that the people that are 
studying this virus find the cure the soonest and so that this pandemic will end around the globe. 
I know it’s not easy to be in that situation. That's why I decided to write this letter for you to 
encourage you to keep fighting in this disease. I hope this letter of mine helps you ease your worries 
a bit. Always pray and you will be able to overcome this one day. To your family nothing is more 
important than your complete recovery, so be strong no matter and have faith in God. 
Don't worry about anything. ​Your job now is to get well.:) 
Wish the best! 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
I write this note to wish you well in your health and uplift your spirit. My dear friend I know 
having this disease is not really easy, that’s why I’m writing to give you hope and remind you that 
one of the key things in surviving this disease is the good spirit and the desire to move forward, no 
matter what you need to do to achieve your recovery. 
Sometimes our bodies heal more slowly than we would like, but with your positive attitude and 
mindset, I am sure you will be back with your family in no time. 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
I hope this letter that I wrote for you will bring courage and lift your mood today. I hope your 
improvement does not take longer cause I know there’s a lot of people specially your family, waiting 
to be with you again and create happy memories together.  
Stay strong and prove that this virus messed with the wrong body! :) 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
It causes me a lot of sadness that you are going through this disease. I’m praying to God that 
doctors will find the cure to this disease so that the people whose suffering from this will recover 
soon, especially you.  
It is time to trust more than ever in God, for Him nothing is impossible. I want you to pray and 
give your full trust to Him. I know He will answer our prayers. Just stay strong and stay solid! Your 
family is waiting for you. Don’t let this ugly virus stand a chance with you! :) 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
My name is Jhomz, I am just writing to you to let you know that I am thinking of you and I hope 
that you are recovering from this disease. The thought of the pain and suffering you are 
experiencing upsets me very much. If I could just have the power to remove this virus from you, I 
won’t hesitate, I would do it and replace nothing but peace and joy. But this is what I just can do 
now, to give you hope and encourage you through this simple letter. What I want you to do is to 
continue fighting and keep on praying. 
I send you big hugs!:) 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
I was distressed to learn that you are going through this disease. Someone like you deserves all of 
life's richest blessings and not this, but don’t worry much this is just a test.  
You will overcome this if you just stay strong and trust God, I’m sure of that.  
Never give up, okay ? I and your family are praying and waiting for your full recovery in this 
Keep looking forward to better days! 
Dearest Friend, 
I hope you're getting well and recovering from this disease. My name is Jhomz, just sending this 
letter to you to give you some hope and comfort during this time of uncertainty. I want you to be 
more strong and stay solid. I know you can do it, you will overcome this battle. I’m convinced that 
you’ll come out completely recovered to this place one day. 
Never lose hope my friend in all the good things the future has in store for you. 
Big hugs for you! :) 
Dearest Friend, 
I know you’re going through some tough and unpleasant moments, but I sincerely hope that this 
letter can bring you some comfort and courage during your recovery.  
Keep fighting against this disease my friend, I know your family is waiting to share moments with 
you again. Have faith, and everything will be alright and it’s not even going to take that long! 
Just keep on fighting and praying! 
Hugs and kisses for you:) 
Dearest Friend, 
How are you feeling today?  
Wishing you a speedy recovery dear friend. I pray to God that you feel better through each passing 
day. I know this is tough but don’t lose hope. We are praying for you to get well soon. Don’t let this 
virus win from keeping you away from your loving family and friends.   
Keep fighting! 
Hugs and kisses from, 
Jhomz N. 
Dearest Friend, 
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this horrible time. I’m sending this letter to you 
hoping that you’ll get hope and comfort in this time being.  
Take good care of yourself, you know your loved ones are eagerly waiting for your return outside. 
You are missed by so many. Be strong my friend. We are praying that God will heal you miraculously 
from this virus. 
Have faith and courage to survive this! 
Hugs and kisses, 
Jhomz N. 
Dear friend, 
How are you feeling right now? How are you doing this time? What are you thinking right now? 
I know I have a lot of questions but do not bother yourself to answer those hahaha, just kidding. 
I just want to put a smile on your face.  
I am hoping that you’re okay despite this current situation due to COVID-19. Don’t bother 
yourself thinking any negative thoughts. I know that you’re strong enough to face this and just 
think that this is a challenge in life from our Almighty God. We need to put our full trust in him 
because we don’t have any weapons at this time but only Him. Don't ever think you are alone in 
this fight but this is our battle. I believe recovery is possible and I know you can make it. 
Keep safe and healthy all the time. 
Dear friend, 
How’s the weather there? I’m from the Philippines, by the way, and the weather here is good even 
though it’s a bit hot.  
I know what you have felt right now and I am here to cheer you up. Don't lose hope, everything will 
be fine. Don’t ever think that you are alone at this time, I know that you have your family that 
loved you most and above all God is beside you. Keep in your mind that you are a strong person and 
you will pass this through. We didn’t know what would happen by tomorrow or the next other day 
but one thing for sure is God will not leave you in this battle. Give your full trust in Him. We are all 
here for you and waiting for your recovery, I know that you will make it. 
I hope this letter makes you feel better. All is well! 

Always keep smiling ! 
Dear friend, 
How are you today? I am hoping that you are making yourself comfortable this time. 
Being infected with CoronaVirus is one of the scariest words to hear this time whether it is about 
you or someone you love. We can only depend on God for the strength to face whatever comes next. 
I am praying for you to heal. I wish you peace as you face uncertainty. You are a very special 
person to your family.  
I don’t know what you will need, or when you will need it, but I want you to know that I would feel 
much better if I had some way to help you. I am praying that you recover fully and quickly and 
soon be at home with your family. 
I hope this letter makes you feel better. 
All is well! 
Dear friend, 
How are you feeling so far? I hope you are feeling better now than yesterday. 
I know the difficult situation you are going through and it is for this reason that I write this 
letter. It is not a joke to be infected with the virus but I have trust in God that you will survive.  
This is just a virus and this is not the end of everything. Think of your family, I know you missed 
them a lot. Used your family as an inspiration to fight this virus. I know that you are strong and 
never give up to fight for yourself. Always put your trust in our Almighty God. 
You are not alone to fight in this battle. We are all here for you.  
Be patient and you will see that you will recover and soon be at home with your family. 
May God always protect you! 

Dear friend, 
Are you feeling better today than yesterday? I hope you feel better now. 
Being a patient with coronavirus is the hardest thing to hear this time. I know how you feel right 
now and I am praying for you to survive on this. You have your family that is waiting for you, to 
hug and kiss you. Be strong to face this battle and don’t ever think that you are alone, the whole 
world is with you. Think of the people who are praying and asking for your recovery. Give some time 
to praise God and ask for His guidance to heal you and bring your usual life. 
I know this situation is hard for you but I believe you are not the ordinary person who is easily 
giving up. You are a person full of courage. I know you will make it and will survive. 
Be patient, pray harder and you will recover soon!  
Dear friend, 
Are you feeling better now? Did you feel so much pain? 
I know what you are feeling right now but I am hoping that you will heal soon. 
Being infected with coronavirus can feel so hard this time, but I hope you know how many people 
are out there thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way. I hope you've been getting 
plenty of rest and relaxation, and that you'll be back to 100% soon. Until then, know that I'm 
thinking of you and sending positive thoughts! Keep on fighting and I know that you will make it 
and soon be at home with your family. 
Feel better soon, my friend. Don’t lose hope. May the Almighty God heal you. 
Stay strong! 
Dear friend, 
Feeling better now? I hope this letter makes you feel good and relaxed. 
Most of the countries are suffering this pandemic and lots of people are suffering including you. I 
know you will ask the question why is this happening to us? But God has plans for us. This is his 
best way for us to praise Him, bring back our faith and trust with Him wholeheartedly. He is the 
only weapon we have so far right now and this will end soon. 
I know how difficult the situation you are right now is. But I want you to know that my thoughts 
and prayers are with you and the whole world as well. Don’t lose hope and think of your family as 
an inspiration to fight this virus. Think of the people outside who are waiting for your fast 
I believe that in God’s perfect time you will heal and bring back your usual life.  
Please get well soon! 
Dear friend, 
Being infected with coronavirus is no fun, and I know how much you like to have a good time.  
I'm thinking about you during this difficult time and sending positive thoughts your way. I hope the 
medications that doctors are giving you are providing some relief. Please always remember that God 
is beside you in this time of battle and the whole world as well. Praise and trust in Him 
wholeheartedly. I believe any time soon you will receive a miracle. Always keep your mind and soul 
free for any negative thoughts. Imagine your family and loved ones being with you in this battle. Be 
strong and keep praying. 
I’m praying for your miraculous healing, speedy recovery, and continuing sound health.  
Get better soon my friend! 

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
I hope this letter will bring you to feel better. 
Don’t worry too much, everything will be brought back to normal soon. Being infected with 
coronavirus is not really good to hear. But I want you to know that I am trusting God that you 
will survive. Don’t lose hope, you need to be strong during this time. I know your family are eager to 
see and be with you. Think of them while fighting this virus. I am hoping that you will not give up 
and you will think about all the bright side of why is this happening with you.  
I am praying that you recover fully and quickly and soon be at home with your family. 

Remember to just take it one day at a time and in no time, you will be completely recovered ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
How are you now? I am hoping that you are making yourself comfortable this time. 
I know what you are feeling and the world is with you. Don’t pressure yourself to think any 
negative thoughts instead think all the positive ones that will help you to boost your fighting spirit. 
I am praying for you to heal and put trust to God that you will survive.  
I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery! 
Try not to think of it as a hospital stay. Think of it as a spa package that includes meals, regular 
health evaluations, and jello cubes. 
Be strong because things will get better soon. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever. 
God bless you always! 
Dear friend, 
I am hoping that you have your beautiful smile while reading this letter. I know how hard the 
situation you have right now but I want you to know that I am one of the billion people who’s 
praying for your fast recovery. We may not know or see each other but I want you to feel that I 
am a friend with strong positive thoughts that someday you will be back home and live your usual 

Don’t lose hope and put your full trust in God. I know that you’re not giving up. You are not alone 
to fight in this battle. Don’t stop praying, I know soon you will be healed ​ . 
Hoping you find strength with each new day. You are in our thoughts and prayers. 
Have a speedy recovery! 


Dear friend, 
How are you feeling so far? I hope you are feeling better now than yesterday. 
I can’t imagine how you are feeling right now. But I want you to know that I am one of those 
people who are asking and seeking God for your fast recovery. This is a very hard time for you and 
your family but I want you to know that you are not alone in this battle, the world is with you. I 
want you to put trust in God and keep your faith in Him. We know that in this time of crisis only 
God can save us. I know you are strong to deal with this virus and you have a very strong fighting 
Know God promises to give strength when you need it and that we are praying for you to have 
strength as you face health challenges. 
Never give up, friend! I know your family is waiting for you to bring back your usual life. I’m praying 
for your miraculous healing, speedy recovery, and continuing sound health.  

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
I hope this letter will put a smile on your face. 
I am from the Philippines and I decided to send you this letter to let you know that I am one of 
those people who are seeking and praising God for your fast recovery because of the virus. We may 
not know each other but I am praying for you to heal and put trust to God that you will survive.  
Don’t lose hope my friend, everything will be fine. I know you are strong enough to face this 
challenge in life. Recovery is hard work but you’re not alone, always remember that you have your 
family and God.  
Thinking of you during this time of illness, and praying you will find strength in the Lord and his 
never-ending supply of love. 
“Today, I am going to let my burdens go. I am going to face this day and have faith that 
everything will get better.”  

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
How are you feeling so far? I hope you are feeling better now than yesterday. 
I know how hard your situation is right now. But I want you to know that I am sincerely asking 
God for your fast recovery. Being infected with the virus is not really good to hear during this time 
as the world already suffers. I know how you feel right now. Don’t pressure yourself to think any 
negative thoughts instead think all the positive ones that will help you to boost your fighting spirit. 
Think of your family and I know that they are with you in the fight.  
Be strong because things will get better soon. Thinking of you during this time of illness, and 
praying you will find strength in the Lord and his never-ending supply of love. 
God is good all the time. 

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
I hope this letter will make you feel better. 
I know how you are feeling right now. Don’t get more stress yourself. Being infected with the virus 
is not fun. But I want you to know that I am here asking in God for your quick and fast recovery. 
Don’t blame God in this situation because I know He has a purpose why is this happening to us. 
Give your full trust and faith in Him. He is the only one who can save us this time. Please don’t lose 
hope my friend. Think of your family and loved ones. You are not alone in this battle, the world is 
with you. I want you to think more positive thoughts so that you will gain more fighting spirit. 
Thinking of you during this time of illness, and praying you will find strength in the Lord and his 
never-ending supply of love. 
Keep on fighting! I know you will make it! 
Dear friend, 
I can’t imagine how you are feeling right now. But I want you to know that you are present in our 
prayers. The world is praying for you. I hope you can recover soon so you can be with your family 
and have fun and happiness together again. Your continued stay in the hospital has made 
everyone heartsick at home. I want to let you know that you are not alone in this battle. 
Don’t lose hope and you will be okay soon. Just keep trusting God. He will never let you go. 
Know God promises to give strength when you need it and that we are praying for you to have 
strength and peace as you face health challenges. 
I wish you a fast and miraculous healing. Keep on fighting! I know you will make it! 
Dear friend, 
How are you feeling right now? I know you’re in pain because of the virus.  
I am here praising the Lord to heal you. I know sometimes you feel bad because of your situation 
but I trust God that you will win this battle. We may not know each other but I have a feeling 
that you are a fighter! Don’t think any negative thoughts but think all the positive ones that may 
help you boost and gain your fighting spirits.  
Don’t lose hope, God listens to all your prayers and soon he will heal you. If you are thinking that 
you are alone this time you’re wrong we are here for you waiting for your fast recovery. I know you 
have your family who’s always on your side. Make them as an inspiration to fight for your health. 
I truly hope and pray that you get well soon and that you are back to your bright and bubbly self 
in no time. 

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
Hoping to see your beautiful smile while reading this letter of mine. 
I know how hard your situation is right now because of the virus. All we have to do is keep on 
praising God for your fast recovery, the whole world is praying for you as well. This is a real battle 
in life. You need to fight for your health. Don’t think that you are alone in this fight, you have your 
family and also me. I know you will ask who I am? I am the person that sends you positive 
thoughts. Don’t let yourself be discouraged to trust God, keep on praying in Him. I am hoping that 
you will be strong enough and have a good fighting spirit. 
I hope you can recover soon so you can be with your family and have fun and happiness together 
again. Don’t lose hope, make your family as an inspiration to fight for your health. 
My prayer is that God will heal you miraculously from your illness so that you can have good times 
to share. Wishing you a speedy recovery! 

Don’t forget to smile ​ ! 
Dear friend, 
How are you today? 
Being infected with the virus is not fun and good to hear this time. I know what you are feeling 
today and I want you to know that I am praising God for your quick recovery. I am also thinking 
about your difficult time and sending positive thoughts. Don’t think that you are alone in this 
battle, I know that there’s a lot of people who know you well and are praying for your health as 
well. Be strong and have faith to God that sooner you will pass this challenge.  
Don’t lose hope and always think positive thoughts. I know that you’re a strong person and a 
figther. Fight for your health, you need to live and make your family as an inspiration during this 
battle. I know you can make it and survive. 
I wish to have you back to your normal health, my dear friend. I pray for your speedy recovery so 
that you can smile and be happy again. 
Be patient and you will recover soon!  
How are you doing? I know that you’re going through a tough time right now but please remember 
that this is only a temporary situation and one day you will wake up a new day and new life, be 
strong and fight that disease. Your family is waiting to see you strong again. 
I hope that this letter will give hope and motivation to live your life and fight until the day you 
finally recover and be healthy again. Have faith and trust God. You will be healed! I pray for your 
fast recovery. 

Remember God is always with us! ​  
I am your friend from far away, 
What a beautiful day today, and there will be a lot of like this in your life once you recover. I know 
you are in a deep burden at this moment but remember that there is always hope every time we 
open our eyes every day. Be strong and always have the courage to survive this difficult journey, I 
tell you that this is only temporary and after this, a new beginning, new life and a brand new day! 
Your family is waiting for you and they are very excited to see you and to be with you again! 
Help yourself to get well. Always pray to God and he will heal you!  
I cannot give you any material things but all I can give you as of now is my prayer and my heart. 
And I hope that this letter will shine and give you hope.  
Thank you and I will pray for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
How are you doing my friend? 
I know you are in difficult times but do not be afraid because this is only temporary, after this, 
your life will be back to normal, you will see you family, your friends, pets, colleagues maybe if you 
have one lol or you can go to the places you like to visit or hang around again and many many 
happy memories you can do, aren’t you excited to experience that again? Well, in order for you to do 
that you need to be strong and fight that disease you have today.  
You know what my friend, there are a lot of good things waiting for you out there. Have faith in 
God, there is always hope every day.  
Please get well soon my friend! I will also pray for your fast recovery.  
Your friend from far far away, 
Hi Dear, 
How are you? My name is Romer and I hope that when you read my letter this may shine like a 
light on your life whatever situation you are going through right now. Instead of worrying just 
pray and have faith in God. This will end soon and you will be healed. You will go out there with a 
big smile on your face and your family is ready to give you a tight hug and you will see the happiness 
in their eyes. Always think that after heavy rain there will always be a rainbow, and that 
rainbow symbolizes the new beginning of your life!   
This will end soon as I say, be positive (not for COVID-19) but positive that you will get through 
this disease with the help of God. I will pray for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hi There! 
How are you doing? I hope you are doing well. I know that you are in a difficult situation right 
now and everything has changed in your life from the moment you have that disease, but I just 
want to say that don’t lose hope and have faith in god. There are a lot of good things waiting for 
you so be strong and fight until the day you are finally free from this disease.  
Your family is waiting for you and they are very excited to see you healthy and happy again! Good 
luck buddy, I know you can do it. I would be very happy to know when you are healthy again and be 
able to go back to your normal life! 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hello There! 
How are you? Are you feeling well today? I’m writing you a letter reminding you that even though 
you are in a difficult situation it’s not the end of your journey, there are a lot of beautiful things 
waiting for you when you survive this challenge. This may not take time but please stay motivated 
and be strong to fight this disease. Life can be difficult this time but I know that this is 
temporary only. Don’t be afraid, just pray and always remember that God is guiding you always.  
I pray for your health and fast recovery. I hope someday you will be back to your normal and 
happy life.  
Your friend from far far away, 
Hello There! 
How are you feeling today? My name is Romer and I just wrote a letter to you to give you some 
words of encouragement.  
Remember this bible verse from Isaiah 41:10 ‘“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be 
discouraged for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my 
victorious right hand.” 
Don’t be afraid no matter how bad your situation is, it’s only temporary, be strong and have faith 
in God. I know someday this disease will end soon and you will be healed!  
I pray for your fast recovery, good luck and always pray to god! 
Your friend from far far away, 
How are you? I know you are in a challenging situation right now but still there a lot of reasons 
for you to keep fighting and smiling. There are a lot of good things waiting for you when you 
overcome this challenge that you are going through right now. We are all born strong and this is 
the time that it is being tested. You are doing well and I know that you will get through this 
Think of your loved ones that are waiting for you to become healthy again. Having that disease is 
not a curse but it’s a challenge to make you realize how strong you are! Fight and have faith in 
God. He is our most powerful weapon during these difficulties. I know you can do it! The whole 
world and I are praying for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
I know you are having a difficult time right now. But I just want to let you know that whatever 
situation there you will soon pass and all the things around you will go back to normal. Just keep on 
fighting, don't ever give up because there are so many good things waiting for you especially your 
family. Don’t be afraid, soon you will become okay and healthy from this disease just pray to God, 
he is always listening to us and he will answer your prayers!  
I know you are a strong person and you can do it! The whole world and I are praying for your past 
Your friend from far far away, 
How are you? Are you feeling better today? I know you’re in pain right now but I just want to let 
you know that this challenge is temporary only. You need to be strong because your family and 
friends are waiting and praying for your safety. Don’t be discouraged, have faith in God and trust 
Him. Just remember this bible verse from Psalm 55:22 ‘’Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will 
sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.’’ 
Yes, that’s right, be strong always and someday you will wake up in the morning you are already 
healed! I pray for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
How’s your feeling today? It’s a beautiful day amidst the crisis! I know you miss this, but you know 
what there will be more days like this in your life so whatever difficulties you are facing right now 
just think that this is just temporary. After this, you will see the sunshine again and your life will 

be back to normal! So don’t you worry just keep on fighting and always pray to God and surely he 
will hear you and he will definitely heal you! ​   
Good luck and I am praying for your fast recovery! 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hi There! 
How’s your feeling today? I know the pain that you are going through right now and it’s really 
hard seeing people like you suffering from that disease, but I just want to let you know that no 
matter how hard your situation is, do not stop praying and fighting because that challenge you’re 
in right now is just temporary. Be strong always and have faith in God.  
You will become okay soon! I am praying for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hey There! 
How are you today? I understand your pain and this challenge right now, but this is only 
temporary. I know someday you will walk out this room with a big smile on your face because you 
are finally free from this virus and everything will go back to normal as they suppose it to be. Are 
you excited to experience that kind of life again? Well, it’s possible and it will happen soon so stay 
strong, have faith in God always. Once you survive this challenge you will become a better version of 
yourself! Don’t worry God is always guiding us. This too shall pass! 
Get well soon buddy! I know you can do it! 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hi Friend, 
I know you are struggling with your illness now and you are sad. I just want to say that all of this 
is just a trial and I know you will overcome it soon. Always be strong and trust in God. Tomorrow 
you wake up with it is a new hope to fight the illness you are experiencing. 
Don't give up, your family and friends are waiting for you to recover and be with you again. Good 
luck and I am praying for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hello Friend, 
Get well soon buddy because there are so many people who miss you, especially your loved ones who 
are eager to be with you again. I know you will get through this test. Be strong and always trust 
in God. 
This is only a test and I know that you will overcome this. There are a lot of good things that are 
waiting for you so don’t give up and keep on fighting. I know you can do it! I am praying for your 
fast recovery. 
God is always with us. 
Your friend from far far away, 
How are you today? My name is Romer and I hope this letter finds you well. I wrote just to let you 
know that you are not alone in this battle against COVID-19. I may not be one of the 
front-liners that help the community to address this crisis but I’m only a simple person who wants 
to help people like you and to encourage you to fight and never surrender your flag. I know you are 
strong enough to win this battle. Pray to God and have faith in Him. He will give you protection 
and heal you from the virus you are having right now.  
Be strong for your loved ones that are waiting for you. I know you can do it! I pray that you and 
all the persons having this disease will recover soon. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hello Friend, 
I hope you're doing fine. I know the pain that you are going through right now and it’s really hard 
seeing people like you suffering from this virus. I just want to say that in this battle you are not 
alone. God is with us and I know your loved ones are praying for you to recover. Be strong and 
fight. Never lose hope. I know you can do it!  
You will become okay soon! The world and I are praying for your fast recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hello Dear, 
How are you? I hope you are doing well. I just want to say that please be strong to fight this 
battle you are having right now. I know that you will overcome this soon and you will be okay in no 
time. Never lose hope! Your loved ones are waiting for you to be with you again.  
This challenge will end soon and I hope to see you healthy again. Just pray to God and he will 
answer you!  
Good luck and I’m praying for your faster recovery. 
Your friend from far far away, 
Hi There! 
How are you feeling today? I know you’re in pain right now. I just want to let you know that you 
are not alone in this battle, whenever you are worried just remember this bible verse from Isaiah 
41:10 ‘“Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged for I am your God. I will 
strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” 
Don’t be afraid no matter how bad your situation is, it’s only temporary. Be strong and have faith 
in God. He is always listening. 
I know you can do it! 
Your friend from far far away, 
Dearest friend,  
The sun shines brightly today and the sky is clear as I write this letter to you. The sun is telling 
me to go on and have courage in spite of the unprecedented time we are currently facing right now.  
I know your situation is hard and feeling frustrated right now, but you shouldn't lose hope in a 
situation like this. There are still lots of things and still lots of reasons to continue living. You 
should not let this challenge devour you. GOD is within us and He will never let us down, just believe 
in Him.  
Keep fighting and soon enough everything will end. All your sufferings will fade. You are able to see 
what I currently see right now. You can now hug and kiss your family. You can now freely walk 
outside without fearing an unseen enemy.  
Remember everyone is waiting and praying for you to finally recover so never give up! 
I sincerely pray for you,  
Hello my friend,  
It is a great day today! It is a bright and sunny day. The sun shines brightly above in a clear blue 
I hope that you never lose hope and continue fighting in spite of a very challenging time. You have 
a family, friends and you have me that sincerely hope that everything will be fine soon. All of this 
will end. Have courage, you are a brave person and I know you can get through this.  
Greetings my friend! 
Everything is tough right now, but I believe that you can come through this situation. Everyone is 
helping hand in hand. Doctors are giving everything to save thousands of lives like yours and they 
never stop. Politicians, businesses, and common people are united with one purpose - to get through 
My friend, it starts with you! YOU ARE A GREAT PERSON! YOU ARE BRAVE. YOU ARE ONE 
It is just a piece of unknown virus,but YOU - YOU ARE A WARRIOR! YOU ARE BLESSED SO 
Everyone is here for you, silently praying for you to recover soon. Hang on there.  
I wanted to let you know that everyone is waiting for you.  
Your family, your friends and your neighbors are all excited to see you fine and well. So you should 
never give up.  
You are a great person - that’s who you are! You are brave, and I know you will come through this.  
You need to fight no matter what. We are all here praying for you. You may not see us but we are 
on your side continually cheering you on to have courage.  
Keep going!  
I have a faith on you,  
Hello My Friend,  
This day was great! The sun shined brightly and it was warm.  
As always, my mother woke up early and cooked breakfast for me, my sister and my father who 
were going to work. And I did my daily routine without a miss. I went to work and did things that 
I usually do. It’s never extraordinary. But what makes it great was the smiles of everyone around 
me. The jokes that I always found corny and cheesy but I still laugh on it. When I went home, 
everyone was there, watching TV or having a nonsense discussion. We are together and safe. And 
that's what I'm always thankful for.  
I am aware of what is currently going on. It’s been though I know. But you should never give up. 
You should never lose hope. You are brave, I know. So you need to get out there. You need to fight 
this unseen enemy you are facing.  
Someone is waiting for you. It may be your parents, your wife, your husband, your children, your 
friend. You have someone, you have the reason. Keep fighting! 
Have courage, put your faith together and soon you will once again do things that you normally do. 
Live your life and never stop.  
You are a warrior so you have to fight it! 
I’m hoping that you get well soon,  
Hello Warrior,  
Life is great! Even in this challenging time there are lots of things to be thankful for. This 
unprecedented time is just a challenge to let us know that we have someone. The people in the world 
are one - working together and fighting this unseen enemy.  
You should too, need to take part. Tell the world that this is just a piece of virus with unknown 
origin. But you, YOU are a warrior, you can beat and pass through it. Lift yourself and summon 
your courage, determination and faith.  
Don't lose hope and never give up. You are not alone in this fight. EVERYONE IS WITH YOU! 
I know it has been tough but I am still cheering for you. 
Your fellow warrior,  
I hope this letter brings you hope even in this challenging time.  
It’s been tough, I know. Everyone is afraid. Everything is in chaos. Even so, have faith, keep 
fighting. It will soon end.  
You are not alone. Everyone is with you. Your doctors are doing everything to help you, find a cure 
and end this virus. Your family is waiting for you. They are fighting alongside you. So you need to be 
brave. And I am praying for you to get well soon.  
Dear friend,  
I know things are getting tough. With all the things that are happening in the world, you may feel 
worried and frustrated. But never give up. Things may be difficult but you need to go through it. 
Keep fighting! 
“You are stronger than you know. More capable than you ever dreamed. And you are loved more 
than you could possibly imagine.” 
Dear friend,  
During this challenging and difficult time, I hope that you can still see the good side of the world. 
Yes, everything is in chaos but on the other side everyone is working together, crimes are lesser. 
Many have lost employment but have more time to spend with family and loved ones. We have 
learned how to value what we have now, what life is worth.  
It has acclaimed lives but lots have recovered and survived. It’s not the end yet. This is not our end 
yet. So don’t lose hope. You are not alone. You have the chance to beat this virus. You can live, you 
can see the world, you can hug your family and you can still do everything that you want to do.  
Be brave and have courage. You can still help the others, you can inspire them, you can tell them 
that they will not die with it. You need to fight, for yourself, for your family and for everyone.  
Do not stop and do not be discouraged. Everything will end soon. All the suffering will fade.  
Have faith and keep going.  
Hello dear,  
Smile even though it is tough! 
Keep fighting even though you feel like quitting! 
Be brave even if it is difficult! 
Have courage in spite of everything.  
Keep going through the dark paths. 
Have faith and never stop.  
Help yourself, I know you can do it. I know you can surpass everything. You are not alone. Everyone 
is with you. Fighting alongside you. So you should too.  
God is with you. He will never leave you. Trust him and He will save you. He will put an end to all the 
suffering the world is experiencing.  
Dearest Friend,  
I wish you enough hope to fight even in this difficult time. I wish you enough courage to see the 
reason to live. I wish you enough faith to call to Him and ask for His help. I wish you enough sun 
to keep shining in these dark moments. I wish you enough love to see everyone is caring for you. I 
wish you enough positivity to see the good side of the world. I wish you enough compassion to inspire 
Please don’t be discouraged and never lose hope. I wish for your fast recovery and safety.  
You are not alone.  
My friend,  
I have lost words right now. With things that are happening, it will be a lie, if I tell you that I am 
not afraid. I am just like you, full of fears, disrupted and frustrated. I feel like everything is a 
punishment. I am afraid for my family, my friends and for everyone.  
One thing I am sure, this unprecedented will end soon. We will overcome this. I have trust and 
faith in God, that He will end this suffering soon. I know well, how it feels to be in your situation. 
But my friend, you should not lose hope. You should never give up. Think of a reason why you really 
want to live and hold onto it. It will help you fight with this unseen enemy.  
Have faith and never stop believing. Everyone is waiting for you to get well soon. And I sincerely 
pray for your recovery.  
To you my friend,  
I may be a stranger to you but I I want you to know that I sincerely hope for you to get well soon. 
I hope that your loved ones are safe as well.  
I wanted to bring hope to anyone who is reading this letter, to encourage you to continue to fight 
no matter what your situation is. It’s not the end yet. So please hang in there. I may not know 
what are the difficulties you are facing now, but I want you to know that you are not alone in this 
fight. The world is working together, and we are with you to find a cure and save everyone else.  
You need to defeat this virus and inspire others to do the same too.  
Keep fighting and never give up.  
Hello Friend! 
To you,who’s having a rough time. To you that feels like giving up. To you who were enveloped with 
fears. To you who lost hope. To you who are suffering. Yes, YOU! I want you to know that in spite 
of everything that you are feeling right now, GOD IS WITH YOU.  
He Will never leave your side. He Will ease your pain soon. Hang in there. Do not give up. Everything 
will be fine. Trust Him and you will be okay.  
Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever. - 
And I sincerely pray for you,  
We are all experiencing a difficult time. But I hope that this will not discourage you from helping 
and inspiring other people. You need to keep going, you need to survive. That way, you can tell the 
world that this unprecentime will come to an end soon. You will be a precious proof that will help 
everyone’s spirit who are afflicted with the Coronavirus to keep fighting no matter what. Show 
them that this virus can be defeated, that they can go through it.  
You need to be brave and have faith.  
I hope and ,my prayers go out to everyone and hope you are all being safe.  
You are a great person. You are you. You are brave and courageous. You can do things and help 
others. You can inspire others. You are one of a kind, so please don’t lose hope. Don’t be 
discouraged with all the happenings in the world. You can overcome this. Get out of that hospital 
bed. Defeat the Coronavirus and leave.  
Help yourself, everyone is praying for you.  
Get well soon.  
Dear friend,  
Do you know how great today is?  
The weather is good and the sun shines brightly. I hope that you also see the weather outside and 
spend it with your family and loved ones. 
Enjoy things that you want to do. Go places you’ve never been. Pursue your dreams. There are still 
lots of things to try and do. But first, defeat that virus and get out of the hospital bed. You need 
to keep fighting. Never lose hope. Be brave and have courage. You can do anything you want, just 
have faith that it will end soon.  
God is with you.  
You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.  
Dearest Friend,  
Even though we are experiencing a tough time, I hope that you never lose hope. There are still lots 
of things beyond this. This is one just one the challenges God gave to us to make us a better 
person. It will end soon enough, trust Him. Have faith in Him because He will never leave us alone. 
He will walk us out on this.  
And I pray for everyone’s safety and fast recovery.  
Stay strong and everything will be okay.  
You will overcome these difficult times. You have your family and loved loves who are waiting for you 
to come home and recover soon.  
Never give up. You need to stay strong for everyone around you. They are counting on you. The 
doctors are giving their best to help you, your family are praying for you and we are her silently 
cheering on you. So don’t lose hope. You are strong. You can surpass this.  
Dear Friend, 
I am very sorry that you have had to be hospitalized due to a coronavirus. It must be a harrowing 
experience for you and my heart goes out to you and your family in this difficult time.  
I understand that hospitals are not the most fun of places but our doctors and nurses are doing 
their best to help. I am sure you are being well looked after. However, visitors are not allowed as of 
now but I will make sure to send my prayers that you take quick recovery and will be home very 
soon. I admire you as you are so brave during this time.  
I hope you feel the love we all have for you. Get well soon! 
Love and prayers, 
Dear Friend, 
I am saddened to hear about your current state of health. I know it is a hard time for you and 
your family but I’m sure everything will be alright. I hope you are taking proper treatment and 
getting medical attention as may be needed. I am glad that you are sincere in following the advice 
of your doctor. For now, just focus on your health and medicines so that you get fitter faster. 
We all will be waiting for you and wishing you a speedy recovery. I pray you will return to full health 
With love, 
Dear Friend, 
I was so sorry to hear about your illness right now. I don’t know why bad things like coronavirus 
have to happen to good people like you. But I want you to know how much we are thinking about 
you and how much we want to help in whatever way we can. It’s good to know you’re receiving 
wonderful care. I have faith that you’ll be better really soon. I know you’ll beat this. I wish that 
every day your strength grows and you become happier and healthier! Fill yourself with all the 
positive energy and you will recover faster! 
This is the best time when you should know that so many people care about you. And I am one of 
those people! I hope you get well and get back to your amazing self soon.  
Lots of love, 
Dear Friend, 
I write this letter to wish you well in your recovery. I know you have great strength to fight this 
illness. ​You are one of the strongest and bravest people I know! I think God is always testing your 
tolerance because you have lots of patience. Be on good terms with God and get well soon! Do not 
worry, because you are not alone, you can count on us, your family who will always love you, 
accompany you and give you our support and wish you well. Do not forget that we always have you 
in our prayers. 
We are here for you. For whatever. For as long as you need. ​God’s speed in your recovery to full 
Love and prayers, 
Dear Friend, 
It causes me sadness that you are going through this disease, but it is time to trust more than 
ever in God because for Him there is nothing impossible. You are in poor health, but you are not 
alone in this battle; the people that love you are with you. Your body is not working well, but with 
medication, it will return to normal. Friend, I hope your improvement does not take longer! 
I hope each day brings you more strength and smiles. We all miss you and can't wait for you to 
come home. Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery! 
Good health to you, 
Dear Friend, 
I'm hoping you find strength with each new day and begin to feel better soon. It broke my heart 
when I heard you were sick. Your spirit is strong and you have the resilient nature to take on 
anything. I wish I could take away your pain faster than the doctors. As you are healing, may you 
feel warmth and compassion from all who care about you. It may seem tough now but you're going 
to get through this and come out the other side stronger. You can beat this! Stay strong and you'll 
be well again in no time 
Lifting you up in my prayers during your treatments. Take your sweet time getting well! 
Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery. 
Take care, 
Dear Friend, 
It broke my heart when I heard you were sick. I wish I could take away your pain faster than the 
doctors. I hope you find fast healing with each and every day my sweet friend. I know you're 
feeling ill and probably a bit blue, but remember that everyone is wishing you well and sending you 
loving thoughts. Sending good vibes to you, to help fight your sickness. I hope you feel better soon! 
We want to see you healthy and bubbling with life again so you can bring laughter and joy to our 
Get well soon my dearest friend. I hope this well wish brings a smile to your face. We look forward 
to many cups of coffee when you're back. 
Love always, 
Dear Friend, 
My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I want you to know that you are 
present in our prayers. My prayer is that God will heal you miraculously from your illness so that 
we can have good times to share. You're not alone, we will win this battle together. We, your friend 
and family all miss you and wish you a speedy recovery. We especially miss your humor and your 
kindness. Take care and know that we are eagerly awaiting your return.  
I know these words may seem like nothing but I hope they can lift your mood a little and remind 
you how much we care. Hoping you're 100% healthy again soon! 
With love, 
Dear Friend, 
You are a warrior and this is one more battle that you will end up winning, you just have to comply 
with all the recommendations of the doctors. Coronavirus is not going to stop you. I know you only 
need to have a lot of courage and you will see that you will overcome this bad moment. Do not fill 
your soul with fear in front of this disease, but with hope so that you can get ahead. All our 
prayers will be for you to make a quick recovery. Know that there are so many of us that care 
about and will be by your side as you recover. 
Stay strong and I know you'll get through this. ​I’ve seen a million of your smiles, and I’m gonna see 
a million more…Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery! 
Take care, 
Dear Friend, 
I send my best wishes for you to have a speedy recovery. Think positive thoughts and you may heal 
more quickly than you thought possible. The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart. 
The disease is only a challenge we face and it will give us many valuable lessons for life. You will see 
that it will be over soon and you will be home again in no time. Our prayers are with you.  
Remember that you are not facing this disease alone, beside you there are many people who love you 
and send you their best wishes for your speedy recovery. We miss you and want you better soon! 
Love and prayers, 
Dear Friend, 
Get well soon, my friend. I was heartbroken when I heard you were ill. Just never lose hope, always 
remember that you are surrounded by people who love you deeply. We care for you a lot, and we are 
always there to support you. It may not be a cure but hopefully, this letter will bring a smile to 
your face. You are the strongest person I know, and this is why I am absolutely sure that you will 
get well very quickly.  
Rest well so that you may heal and find health again in no time. Thoughtful prayers sent your way 
that you will soon feel better again. 
Good health to you, 
Dear Friend, 
I hope you feel better with each new day. Don’t go thinking too much. Just take your medication. 
You will overcome this sickness in no time. Cheers to getting better! I know that you can do it. Be 
strong for us. I deeply believe that you will get well. If you have never believed in miracles well, now 
is the time because yours will be a great one. I am sure of it. I wish to see you back to your normal 
You’re in all our warmest thoughts and prayers. ​Please get well soon, We can’t bear to see you this 
way much longer. 
Love always, 
Dear Friend, 
There are so many people who want to see you healthy and safe always. I am one of those who is 
raying 24/7 for you to get around soon! Sending all my positive and healing thoughts to you and 
wish you a speedy and full recovery from your illness. As you are healing, may you feel warmth and 
compassion from all who care about you. Recovery is hard work – but you’re not alone. 
I pray for you every day and will keep praying until the sickness leaves the way it came. You are 
always in my prayers, feel better soon. Though it may seem hard but with prayers, love, and 
determination, you will win the battle over sickness. 
Good health to you, 
Dear Friend, 
As you are recovering from your ailment, may the prayers of your loved ones send you warmth and 
cheerfulness as you recover to start doing what you know how to do best! I wish that the angels of 
good health would come to visit you in your sickbed to raise you from your sickness. Feel better soon, 
for there are several reasons why you should not remain in that sickbed. We are here waiting for 
your recovery, your family and friends who love you. I pray that the Almighty provides you enough 
strength for the fastest recovery.  
I know you will come back stronger and healthier, nothing can win over your determination and 
strength. Get well soon. 
Wishing you health, 
Dear Friend, 
Everything happens the way God has planned so don’t feel pressed or upset! God always tests his 
favorites, keep that in mind! Be brave, be strong! We are praying that you will feel good soon and 
experience the happiness of being healthy and lively again. Remember that we love you and miss you 
so dearly. 
We should not give up, and we should not allow the problem to defeat us. Although the world is full 
of suffering, it’s also full of overcoming it. Be strong because things will get better. Yes, it may be 
stormy now, but it will never rain forever. 
Always remember when facing illness is that no matter how bad it gets, you should never lose hope. 
Faith is the first step to recovery. Get well soon my friend! 
God bless you, 
Dear Friend, 
You are one of the strongest people I know. Sending you this letter to remind you that you are not 
alone. All I can say is you are so incredibly loved and we are all here for you. Your family and 
friends miss you a lot and I look forward to your return. We all send our best prayers to you, 
praying that you get well soon and experience the joys of being healthy again. And we want you to 
know that you are greatly missed!  
In your hardest and time, hope and prayer is your best medicine. Have good faith and recover 
quickly friend. Get well soon! Don’t think of it as a hospital stay. Think of it as a spa package that 
includes meals, regular health evaluations, and jello cubes. Wishing you a speedy recovery! 
Be well, 
Dear Friend, 
May God’s healing power radiate through every part of your body, filling you with energy and light. 
Keep your thoughts positive, and your heart filled with faith. I pray to Lord to recover you faster 
so that you can be on track of good health and the path to healing is short and straight. Sending 
you all my positive vibes to get well soon. This illness can do nothing to a tough person like you. 
Common beat the disease and get well soon. Never lose hope and the strongest confidence you have 
in this sick time.  
I know brighter days are ahead for you. Praying for your complete healing and the quick return of 
your strength. I hope this message brings you to cheer and may you feel much better soon! 
Love and prayers, 
Dear Friend, 
I hope you’re feeling better every day and getting well soon. I am inspired by your story, for me, you 
are one of the great warriors of the World. I have never seen a person like you with such willpower. 
I hope you can fight through your extensive sickness. I’m sure you can overcome this struggle and 
come back to your normal health in no time.  
You might feel sad right now but I want you to know that we are here, continuously praying for 
you. Get better soon, for we can’t wait to see you. 
Take extra good care, 
Dear Friend, 
Your strength is an inspiration to us. I hope to be as brave as you when I face life’s challenges. ​I 
wish you find fast healing with each and every day. Just remember we are here for you, your family 
and friends it might take distance but the love and care for you remains in our heart.  
We want to see you healthy and bubbling with life again so you can bring laughter and joy to our 
hearts. ​Lifting you up in my prayers during your treatments. Everyone is missing you around here. 
Hope you get to feeling better soon! 
Lots of love, 
Hello Friend,  
I hope this letter brings you to cheer. I just want you to know that you are not going through this 
alone. Even when you're sick you inspire me with your strength and positive attitude. You’re so 
brave everybody knows that. We are here, your family and friends who truly miss you. We can’t 
wait to see you be back on your feet again. We are here for you no matter what. Just trust and 
believe in God. Keep fighting!   
Breathe in the healing wishes and messages of hope being sent your way, and feel better soon. Let 
faith be your medicine and family and friends be your cure. Let’s pray together 
​ P​ rayer to Believe 
Dear Lord, I come humbly before You asking You to heal me in every area of my life. I give You my 
heart in faith that You can make me whole praise Your name. Jesus, I believe that You are my 
healer and redeemer! I love You, Jesus. Amen 
My best wishes for your quick recovery. 
Take extra good care, 
Hi to you my friend, 
I know today you are not feeling well. I just wanted you to let you know how much we all care about 
you. Never feel that you're alone. We are here for you, your family, friends and the people who 
believe that you can make it. God will never let you walk alone in the darkness. Just have faith in 
Him. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.  
Wishing you all the best with your recovery. May you use this restful time to recharge and energize. 
All the best. Thank you and God bless.! 
Best wishes as you recover, 
Hello my Dear, 
I hope you're feeling better each and every day. Just checking in to let you know we are thinking of 
you and looking forward to you getting back to your old self. You're truly a treasure to everyone 
around you. While you are fighting, I will sit next to you and pray for your speedy recovery. Do not 
worry so much about the situation, God will heal those who kneel. Have faith and trust in Him. 
Remember that you can count on us, your friends and family who are with you and help you in any 
way you need. We hope to see you soon and be back at home. 
Get well soon! 
Good health to you, 
Hi My Friend, 
I’m really sorry to hear about your illness. I know God will heal you quickly with His miraculous 
healing hands. I hope you can feel the warmth and compassion of the many prayers being said for 
your quick recovery. You will see that very soon this time will be part of the memory because you will 
get very good and you will return to your daily activities and go back to doing things that you love. I 
am eagerly waiting for you to get back to your original spark.  
Don’t be so stressed my dear. You will be well very soon. 
Wishing you healing, 
I hope you’re taking your medications well. I know this is a tough part of your life, I feel you. I 
know you have great strength and you don’t give up on the problems and now you are soon 
recovering from the illness you have to be even more strong. Do not forget that a key thing in a 
recovery process is the good spirit and desire to move forward, no matter what you needed to do to 
achieve your recovery. 
Just follow your treatment responsibly shortly you will be better than ever, spreading joy to 
everyone. Have faith, friend! 
Love and prayers, 
Hello my friend, 
Hello, my friend, I hope that everything will be back to your normal life. I know you are in pain 
right now but you are too beautiful to be feeling down. Each day, I ask God to grant you strength 
and I pray you will soon get over this sickness. Just keep in mind that you are not alone, but 
surrounded by people who care about you.  
Let me convey my best wishes and quick recovery from your illness as soon as possible my friend. I’m 
praying for complete healing and the quick return of your strength. 
Lots of love, 
Hello to you I hope you take care of yourself. I want you to know that we, your family and friends 
are waiting for you. I know you may be sad but don’t let it feel you down. Always uplift your fighting 
spirit as in no time you will be healed. Feel blessed not guilt as this is just a test where you will 
survive and make as an inspiration for others. God heals those who believed just have faith in Him. 
I know you can make it! 
Praying for your quick recovery. Get well soon! 
With love, 
Hello my friend, 
I hope you are doing great. Have you already taken your medications? While reading this short 
letter of mine, I hope this brings you a hundred smiles and tons of strength to fight for life. We 
may not know each other but I feel you. I feel what you are right now. I’m here right beside you 
praying that God may lift your illness and bring back your joyful self. Remember that you're not 
alone. We are here right by your side as you get through this 
Sending hugs and love for your quick recovery. Get well soon! 
Good health to you, 
My heart breaks when I hear you're ill. I know it’s tough for you right now but remember we are 
here, your family and friends that will cheer you in overcoming this difficult time of your life. I may 
not know you in person but I’m sure that you have a good heart. You may feel scared of what will 
happen next but never lose your faith as God always guides us. Keep Him in your heart. I am 
sending my deepest prayers for your speedy recovery.  
I can't wait to see that amazing smile of yours again. Feel better real soon! Be safe and take care 
of yourself.  
Love and prayers, 
Hi Friend, 
So sorry to hear you're feeling unwell. I hope this message can help you feel a little better and bring 
a smile to your face. Take care of yourself, fill your life with positivity. I know you can overcome 
this. Sincerely ask guidance to God and sooner he will send the answers. I know this is just a test 
for you in becoming a more strong person than you are. Our Prayer will be for you to feel better 
and make a swift recovery. We all can't wait to have you back, so please get well soon 
With love, 
Can I call you my pal or friend? I hope you're feeling better as the day goes by. I want you to know 
that we admire you, you're a strong person and I know you can make it! Take the recovery slowly - 
we want you to be as good as, if not better than before! I know these words may seem like nothing 
but I hope they can lift your mood a little and remind you how much I care. All our prayers will be 
for you to make a quick recovery. 
Have a restful recovery and come back even stronger! 
Best wishes as you recover, 
Hi Friend,  
Hello to you my friend, may you feel a little better upon reading this letter of mine. It’s not too long 
but I want you to know it’s from the bottom of my heart and I hope that you will recover from 
this pain sooner. It doesn’t mean that you are weak because of your sickness today, always 
remember how strong a person you are even before, you have lived many years and will surely live a 
hundred more. We are here, your family, friends, and people who're right there sending prayers for 
your earnest recovery. You can overcome it, I know just trust and believe in God.  
Love and prayers, 
Hi Friend,  
I hope these words can brighten your day. I hope you feel all the love surrounding you right now. 
You’re in all our warmest thoughts and prayers. I have faith that you’ll be better really soon. I 
know you’ll beat this as you are one of the brave people I know. I hope it won’t be long till you’re out 
of the hospital. Rest and just focus on getting well! Let the prayers of loved ones help ease the 
burden of illness. We'll be there for you as you make your recovery.  
We all miss you so much! Get better soon! 
Take extra good care, 
Hello Friend,  
I hope you’re taking your medication well. As each day passes you're one closer to a complete 
recovery! Take those days one at a time and know we're here for you. Find strength in the friends 
and family around you, take their love and use it to heal. I hope this message lets you know how 
much we care and will be thinking of you. Don't rush yourself, rest as much as you need and we're 
sure you'll be feeling better really soon. 
I wish you comfort, care, and speedy healing. 
Wishing you health, 
We know you're feeling a bit under the weather but we hope you get back right up! Our prayers are 
with you. Stay strong and I know you'll get through this. Just focus all your efforts on feeling 
better and we’ll see you soon. Take extra good care and you'll be back doing the things you love in no 
time. I hope you’re able to focus on resting, healing and coming back stronger than ever! 
We miss you and want you better soon! 
God bless you, 
Hello Friend,  
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as we wish for a complete and restful recovery. I hope this 
good wish brings a smile to your face. Remember we’re here to stand alongside you as you work to 
recapture your good health. Close your eyes and feel the healing rays that come from God. Have a 
feeling that you have become better with every single moment. 
Get well soon, dear friend. 
Good health to you, 
Hello Friend,  
Hello, my friend, I hope you feel good and better every day. I’m sending good, healthy vibes your 
way for a speedy recovery. Just trust and have faith in God. We will get through this together. I 
wish that every day your strength grows and you become happier and healthier! Fill yourself with 
all the positive energy and you will recover faster! 
You need to know that everyone is eagerly waiting for your return. Get well soon! 
Take extra good care, 
Hello Friend,  
Hello friend, I wish you were doing great and taking your medications well. Just keep strong faith 
and a healthy mind full of positivity. You can do it! I may not even see you but in my heart, I can 
say that you're one of the best people I want to meet. I know you are having a hard time just 
being strong. Don’t be discouraged by this illness. It’s just a test of becoming a better person than 
you are. Never forget God as he always guides and protects us. Keep pondering as you heal quickly! 
Now it’s time to heal and get better soon!  
God bless you, 
Hello Friend,  
I am sorry you are not feeling well. I am praying for you to have a complete and quick recovery. Our 
thoughts and prayers are with you as we wish for a complete and restful recovery. Also I have 
here loving relief for your aches and pains as we’re all thinking of you during this time.You need to 
know that everyone is eagerly waiting for your return. And I am one of those people!  
Hugs and Kisses and get well wishes. God bless you.  
Wishing you health, 
Hi Dear Friend,  
How’s your day so far? Oh wait! Can you please smile first before reading my letter? :) 
Okay, so I'm Vannesa, a 23 years old girl, you know what at that young age, I had faced a lot of 
problems and challenges in life, but those challenges helped me become an independent and strong 
one. I overcome those challenges with God’s guidance and trust in myself. 
I just never stopped praying, and asking Him to guide and help me to overcome those problems, and 
HE REALLY DID!! He never left me, he was always by my side. I want you to do the same, because 
I know your faith is just being tested by Him in this time as well. So just be brave, always pray and 
keep fighting, never let this illness take your happiness from you. Take care of yourself, okay? 
Always remember that you’re not alone in this battle. You’ll overcome this too one day, I’m sure of 
that. :) 
When things are difficult, smile by faith. Don’t wait until you feel better. 
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Dear Friend,  
I hope you still feel blessed today. Can you put a smile on your face for me? 
I know you’re wondering who I am. Well yes, but even though we don’t know each other that much, 
I still made a letter for you. I wrote this while I was eating and listening to a hillsong. I just 
want to give you courage and let you know through this letter that you have a friend here that's 
praying for your fast recovery. 
I know you feel worried, but please don't overthink, take time to relax and rest your mind and body. 
Always be brave, I know that is also what your family wants you to do. They're waiting outside and 
want to see you smiling again. This is just a test for you to see how strong you are and your faith. 
Trust the people who are with you, and of course God. Nothing is impossible to Him, just keep 
praying and He will heal you. 
Surround yourself with positivity. Fight, fight, fight my friend and keep smiling! 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Dear friend., 
Can you smile before you read my message? Oh that’s great thank you! 
I know as of today you are not with your loved ones but with the doctors and nurses. I am not 
with my parents as well. We are staying at the office because of the lockdown so I know exactly 
how hard it is when you want to go home and be with the people you want to be with, but you 
can’t. I became independent since I was in High School so this kind of challenge is not really new 
to me. No matter how hard it was, I still managed to overcome it again and again.  
Why am I telling this to you? Well, I'm telling this to simply remind you that we are born to be 
brave. Don't ever give up, it won’t help you. Bear in mind, that God gives us nothing we can’t 
handle. Stay brave and keep praying! Remember that you have family and a lot of friends (count 
me as one) who believe in your strength and that are waiting for you to come home fully recovered. 
Keep fighting and fighting and fighting! 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hello Friend! 
Whether it’s a sunny or rainy day there, I hope you still feel blessed. I made this for you to give 
you comfort and of course, to let you know that you have a friend thinking about you and praying 
for you. I came up to this idea of writing this letter for you while sitting in front of my computer. I 
hope this simple letter will give you courage and hope in facing this uncertainty. I’m sure your 
family and friends are praying for you too, so you need to be brave and believe you can overcome 
Consider this as one of your challenges in life that will give opportunity for growth and the most 
empowering lessons. There was a point in my life where I was sitting in a corner crying because of 
my problems. I started to blame God for all of those hardships but nothing changed. It became 
worse. So what I did was repent, and call Him again and ask for His forgiveness and guidance. I 
trusted Him in every single way and then, I easily overcame it. Friend, this is just a test for you 
too, prove how strong you are and your faith in Him. Keep believing in Him and soon you’ll get 
In our country we say it like this Kaya Natin To! (We can do this!) 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
Sending you hugs and kisses to reduce that hard feeling you are experiencing right now. 
I wrote this letter for you to know that you’re in my thoughts and I am praying for your fast 
recovery. I know you are brave enough and have the strength to face this illness. I don’t know 
exactly what you are feeling today but I’m here to give you hope and courage. Our life is not only 
about happiness, we have to face different problems as well for us to learn. Consider this as one 
opportunity to learn.  
At my young age, I did experience different struggles in life but I managed to overcome those 
struggles. I just stayed strong and called the presence of God. I advise you to do the same, 
especially at this time. There’s a lot of the people around the globe who are helping us already to 
find the cure to get over and survive this pandemic. God is truly with us no matter what happens. 
Help yourself, eat healthy, drink water and pray. I’m hoping for your full recovery.:) 
Keep going! 
Your smile is the best response to my letter, even though I can’t see it. I hope you do.  
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
I hope you’re feeling better today. Just wanted to give something you might need this time being, 
the courage and hope. I know it’s not that easy, but I want you to know that we are praying for 
Please stay strong Dear, you’re family and friends are waiting to be with you again. Think about 
your happy family and let them be your strength. Always pray to God cause for Him nothing is 
Take care of yourself, eat plenty of healthy foods. Don’t worry much, everything will be back to 
normal. Just pray , pray and pray! 
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Friend, 
I don’t know exactly what it feels like having that thing in your body. No matter how hard it is, I 
hope you’re still smiling and not losing hope. I’m writing to you in hopes that I can give comfort 
and make you feel a bit better through this letter. Don’t worry everything is going to be fine. Just 
be brave my dear friend, okay? There are a lot of people who are waiting for you outside. Let them 
be your strength to overcome this problem. You’re not alone in this struggle, remember that. God is 
always there for you. Pray for His Mercy and He will help you to overcome this, my dear friend.  
Have a positive mindset and always look forward to a better tomorrow! I’m praying for your fast 
More smiling, less worrying, you can do it! 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you are doing better today. I will be so thankful if God lets you read this letter of mine. 
I don’t exactly know what it feels like having that disease, but Friend no matter how hard or 
painful it is can you promise me to keep fighting? Don’t stress yourself, meditate instead, okay?  
By the way, this is Vanessa, a friend of yours from the Philippines that wants you to feel better 
and surpass this disease. I want to let you know that the doctors, nurses and the government are 
now doing the best they can to stop the spread and get rid of this virus. So, don’t worry too much 
about it and don’t lose hope you’ll survive this and everything will be back to normal. Take care of 
yourself and keep praying, my dear Friend. The pain you are feeling right now will end soon. If it’s 
not today, maybe tomorrow, just don’t stop fighting and praying wait for God’s perfect timing. 
Think about of this; 
“When pain brings you down, don't be silly, don't close your eyes and cry, you just might be in the 
best position to see the sunshine.” 
― Alanis Morissette- 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Dear Friend, 
Take my cordial love. I feel so sorry about what you are suffering right now. I keep on praying to 
God to heal the people who are suffering from this disease, especially you. Don’t worry too much my 
Friend I'm pretty sure this too shall pass. Be bold and think you are quite well.  
Doctors, nurses and the Government are helping together in fighting this disease. One day, 
everything will be back to what it used to be. Take care of yourself, Okay? I know your family 
believes that you're brave enough to face this. They really want you to go home, for sure. 
I wish you peace of mind as you face this uncertainty, my dear. Pray to God and you will get the 
healing that He promised. 
Sincerely yours, 
-Vanie Ph- 
My Dear Friend, 
How are you? I hope I put a smile on your face upon receiving this letter.  
My friend, this is just a test for you, show your bravery! You know what I went through hard 
times also and about to quit in this world. I felt alone and depressed. Nothing’s left with me except 
God. So, I decided to trust him and ask His help and guidance to overcome all of my problems. I 
prayed every single day and I felt enlightened. He gave me a lot of signs during that time so 
Everything became so easy for me. I hope you get what I mean :)  
I want you to trust Him as well. He will hear your prayers. With Him everything is possible. You will 
recover very soon with His mercy. 
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as 
though everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein-  
Please take care of yourself and have the peace of mind in dealing with this, my dear! 
Sincerely yours, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Dear, 
I hope you are doing better today. I know how hard it is to be away from your family. Don’t worry 
this will come to an end. You’ll be with them soon once you recover from this, so keep fighting! 
Think that you just needed to be away for their safety. I want you to be strong so you can beat 
this disease quickly, my Friend.  
Prayers are our greatest weapon at this time. Let's just count on trusting God.  
You're in my thoughts and prayers my dear friend. I hope God answers my prayer rapidly, so you 
will be able to go home and be with the people who are waiting for you.  
For the meantime, take good care of yourself and smile. :) 
Your's truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Dearest Friend, 
I know what you are suffering right now is not easy but please take time to read my letter. 
I wrote this for you and I hope this letter will give you hope and courage. This simple letter is the 
only thing I can give you at this moment. Friend, this is just one of the struggles in life. 
God just put us in these kinds of challenges because this is where we are able to show how strong 
we are and how long we can hold on. So, don’t ever give up! 
I'm praying for your fast recovery my dear Friend. This too shall pass! 
Please help yourself . There’s a lot of people waiting to see you outside with your big smile. :) 
“Might not be tonight, tomorrow or the next day but everything is gonna be OK.” Be patient. 
God bless you! 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
I know being in that place and situation is no fun, but I hope you are still full of hope and courage. 
I just want to let you know that you’re not alone in this battle so don’t ever get nervous and 
afraid, Okay? You have family and friends that are praying for you and believing in your fighting 
spirit. Do what you need to do! 
I’m a friend of yours from a far away country that is also praying for your fast recovery.  
I hope you stay strong each and every passing day, my dear friend. 
Remember this.. 
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. 
Take care of yourself and God bless you! 
Your loving Friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
How are you today? I don’t have much idea of what you are feeling today but whatever it is I hope 
you are still able to smile. Knowing that someone so special is feeling unwell because of this virus is 
so frustrating.  
I am writing this letter to you to let you know that I'm praying for your rapid recovery. I know 
your family is doing it as well, so you need to be strong my dear Friend.  
Remember that we have God that is willing to help us. Just pray and He will give you the healing 
that you need. That’s all for now I hope I made you smile after reading this letter of mine.  
Everything is going to be alright maybe not today but eventually. 
Take care of yourself my dear friend and keep praying! 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Friend,  
I am writing this letter to show you my support. I hope it reaches you well. I’m Vanessa by the 
way, and this is the only way I think that might help someone like you who is suffering from this 
disease. I’m hoping to give you comfort and courage to keep fighting through this letter of mine. 
I am praying for your speedy recovery and being discharged my dear friend. Keep fighting, don't 
ever let this thing ruin your life.  
Everything will go back to normal and we will live freely again. Just keep praying and take good care 
of yourself. 
Your’s truly, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you’re getting better each passing day. We don’t know each other yet but I am writing to 
you to show my support and let you know how much I care about you. I thank all the people who 
are around you and giving you the proper medication. I know it’s hard to be in there not being able 
to go to your family. You know what, even though they’re not there beside you physically, you are in 
their hearts and prayers.  
Struggles are part of life in this world, it's just up to you on how you will deal with it. Don’t let this 
thing beat you down and hinder your way to happiness.   
God is in control. Pray to him, my dear.  
I hope your improvement does not take longer!  
Sincerely yours, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
I hope you’re having a blessed day. No wonder that your family and friends are feeling blue because 
of this virus that invades your body. I hope you keep on fighting and not losing hope.  
Stay strong and always pray my dear Friend. You’ll overcome this one day and you will be able to be 
with your loved ones again. 
Believe in yourself and have a firm faith in Him! 
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi My Friend, 
How’s your day so far? Are you eating properly?  
I hope you are getting the proper medication and nutrients you needed to get rid of this virus.  
I know you’re struggling with it, but don’t worry you will overcome this one day. Just to continue 
praying and being strong. Your family and I are praying for you as well. Bear in mind that you’re 
not alone in the fight so keep going. 
All I’m asking for you is to believe in yourself and trust God. Soon, you’ll be able to see sunlight and 
breath of fresh air again outdoors.  
God bless you dear! 
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 
Hi Friend, 
I hope you’re having a blessed day so far. Can I have a big smile? Like this :) 
I’m Vanessa, your friend from a far away country, I know you're in pain right now. That’s why I 
made this letter specially for you. Of Course as your friend I feel very sorry for your suffering. I 
want you to feel that I’m here and you’re not alone in this fight. Everything will be fine my dear 
friend, I'm sure of that. This is just a test to you, go ahead and show your boldness, prove how 
strong you are! Don’t stop believing in yourself that you can overcome this. Have a firm faith in 
God as well. He will heal you with his miraculous hand so just keep praying and wait for His 
One of these days, your family will feel so much joy because you have completely recovered. So keep 
going and look forward to that day.  
Fight, Fight, Fight my friend!!  
Your loving friend, 
-Vanie Ph- 

Hi My Friend, 
How are you? I know it’s very hard to accept that you have a virus, but don’t lose hope my friend. I 
know you have faith in God and it will end soon. Hold tight because medical experts already have an 
antidote for coronavirus. Remember those people waiting in your house praying for your recovery, 
your family is always there for you and also me as your friend in times of crisis. I create this letter 
to motivate you to fight that virus, life does not end here. Snoop dog said “We gotta keep it going 
strong, going strong, gotta keep it going on yeah.” 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Sincerely yours, 
Hi My Friend, 
Can you smile first, yeah that’s good! I have logic for you my friend just to make you happy. 
(There’s a two army that is lost in the forest and finding its way back from home, there’s a little 
boy that has a nest on her hand. The other army asks the little boy “what’s your name?” The boy 
replied, “What you hear, what I hold and how many of you are that’s my name.”) So my friend this 
is my question, what is the name of the little boy? I will pray for your fast recovery, I know you 
already want to hug your family. But remember your family will be totally happy if you’re 100% 
okay. Make them as your inspiration to survive from this illness, life doesn’t end here. Keep fighting, 
You can make it! 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Wishing you good health, 
Hi My Friend, 
This little note is filled with many good wishes for you. A wish for peace to calm your heart, love to 
see you through, and strength for your fight and your healing. When you feel down, just remember 
God, your family, and friends who are waiting for your recovery. Pray and have faith in God, and 
he will ease your pain soon.  
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Best wishes as you recover, 
Hi My Friend, 
Hello, my friend, I hope you’re feeling better every day. Looking for someone to talk with? I’m here, 
always willing to listen. I feel you, I can’t blame you if your mindset and vision are in negative 
thoughts, but please my friend let's help together to make it into a positive one. Just think of your 
family wishing for your speedy recovery, I’m sure they can’t wait to hug you and be with you again. 
Make them your inspiration to boost your strength this time. I know you have a very strong faith 
in God, this is the perfect time to embrace with the lord. Just believe it will end soon, life does not 
end here. Keep going! 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Lots of love, 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you have a nice day my friend. Don’t forget to take your medications. Just believe that you 
can recover as soon as possible and never lose hope. Our God is always there to guide and protect 
us, I know you have a strong faith in Him. Always remember those positive and happy memories 
that may help you lessen the pain you're having right now. Surely, it will motivate you to fight this 
illness, we, your family, are praying for your fast recovery, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Love and prayers, 
Hi My Friend, 
Wherever you may be warded, don’t stay bedbound if you can. Get up and look away from the four 
walls. Look out through the window and get a good view, nature definitely helps. Self-meditate, 
connect to your faith and reach out to the inner peace that is often forgotten as we rush about 
our daily chores when we are well. I took this time to clear the clutter in my brain and stand near 
my window around 5 pm every day to enjoy the warmth of the sunset. I look out to the greenery, 
enjoy the sun rays through the clear window glass, take in deep breaths and thank God I am alive 
and present. Think of those happy memories and make it a motivation, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Chris 
God bless you, 
Hi My Friend, 
I know you’re not feeling well but I wish you’d get better as the day goes by. Don’t stress yourself, 
my friend, you need to take a rest to be able to recover as soon as possible. In this time of crisis, 
God is always there to give hope and strength to continue our journey. Coronavirus is not the 
ending of our lives, you can get motivation to the happy memories you had with your family and 
loved ones. I know you want to see, hug, kiss and bond again with your family but help yourself to 
recover first 100%. Don’t lose hope and faith in God, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Take extra good care, 
Hi My Friend, 
Can you please give me your sweet smile first. I know it’s hard and very risky, but my friend may 
you take this time to pray and embrace the Lord. If you have faith in Him that is the best weapon 
against coronavirus, don’t be negative while you’re in quarantine right now. Remember those happy 
memories to boost your strength, your family, friends, colleagues, all the people that are waiting for 
your recovery are excited to see you. Make them inspiration to survive on that virus, life does not 
end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Sincerely yours, 
Hi My Friend, 
May I see your lovely smile, Yeah that’s good my friend, don’t worry everything is fine the 
government has the action for the crisis that we encounter. The only thing you can do is to take a 
rest and don’t bother yourself, take a time to talk to God because this is the perfect timing to do 
it. I know you have a strong faith in Him, don’t lose hope and help yourself to recover as soon as 
possible. Think of your family that waiting on your 100% recovery, it makes sense to motivate 
yourself. It’s only a virus, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Happy healing, 
Hi My Friend, 
Can I interrupt you for at least 2 minutes? How's your feeling my friend? I hope it feels better 
than yesterday. I know it’s hard to accept what we are right now but please be a good patient 
and take extra good care of yourself. Work with the medical team closely. Communicate symptoms 
and tell them how your body’s feeling. This is a strange virus and the temperature goes up and 
down. It feels like the flu and you don’t feel ill at first, but the symptoms will become more apparent 
and full-blown over time. Please promise to recover as fast as you can. Don’t worry about what's 
happening outside, help yourself we are always here your family is waiting for your 100% recovery. 
And always motivate yourself to survive that virus, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Be well, 
Hi My Friend, 
At this time we don’t need social media to post your condition and have caption 1 like 1 amen. You 
know other people make it funny, we don't need others to pray for ourselves. We can do it in 
ourselves, talk to Him, and take a deep prayer. I know you have faith in God so use this time to 
embrace with the lord. Lord is our savior not only this time but all the time. It’s just only a virus, 
but if you help yourself and talk to God sincerely it’s just a challenge. It’s only a test as God knows 
that you are one of his brave men, life doesn’t end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Love always, 
Hi My Friend, 
What is the first thing you do when you wake up and before going to sleep? I'm sure you also thank 
God. This is just a challenge for us. Have faith and trust in God, are you totally believers of God? 
Give Him 5 to 10 minutes every day while you are in the hospital right now. Nothing is impossible 
when you talk to Him, don’t bedbound if you can. Entertain yourself, try to look at the sunrise, 
sunset, birds, trees embrace your environment. Everything will end soon. It's only a test if we have 
faith in God, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Love and prayers, 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you're getting well now. As soon as possible you will recover 100% just swear in God. Stay 
strong my friend and don’t bother yourself about your negative thoughts. It's best to think about 
things that can motivate you and give you fun. Always remember to pray while you are in the 
hospital, God is always with you and don’t lose hope. He is our savior not only this time but all the 
time, Life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Lots of love, 
Hi My Friend, 
Can I get at least 2 minutes of your attention? But before you continue reading this letter may I 
see your lovely smile with beautiful eyes. Yeah, that's good! Of course, you didn’t know me, but I'm a 
good friend. I just want to boost your strength in time of crisis, it’s not the end of your journey, 
too many people are waiting for you to come home. Make them as your inspiration to survive this 
virus, I know you have faith in God our savior. Just don’t lose hope, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Sincerely yours, 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you're feeling okay just obey your doctor and take your medications. I know how difficult you 
are right now, but don’t be discouraged. Keep fighting. In times of difficulties, someone is ready to 
help us. Did you know him? It’s God, the savior of all. Our faith and trust in Him is the most 
powerful weapon we can ever use. Keep praying. Don't worry you will pass this struggle and recover 
soon. Just don’t lose hope, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Best wishes as you recover, 
Hi My Friend, 
I’m Gabriell, I write this letter to bring you to cheer. I know you're suffering right now, but don't 
let it feel you down. I have faith that you can overcome this because God always protects and 
guides us. I'm sure your family keeps on praying for your quick recovery. Make use of happy 
memories as healing medicine. Trust in Him, God our savior. Don’t lose hope, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Take extra good care, 
Hi My Friend, 
I hope you're feeling better. I’m sure your family, and friends miss you and they can’t wait to bond 
with you again. We're praying for your quick healing. Take your time to relax and energize. You can 
talk to the master who is always ready to listen and help you, our Savior God. Just don’t lose hope, 
life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Best wishes as you recover, 
Hi My Friend, 
Did you listen to your doctor? Did you say how you feel? Communicate well with them. I'm sure you'll 
be healed soon. You can make it. Make your family and friends as your strength. God has a lot of 
plans for you and it will not end there. Trust in Him as he will guide us along the way. just don’t 
lose hope, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Sincerely yours, 
Hi My Friend, 
Did you believe in God? Did you call him? It hurts the fact that we are able to forget God, but he 
never neglects us. Maybe you are discouraged by the fact that you are struggling right now. God 
knows you are one of the brave creations he did. Keep fighting! Wishing you quick healing. We're all 
excited to see you! Just don’t lose hope, life does not end here. 
“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.” - Jesus Christ 
Good health to you, 
Before you read this message, can I get a smile from you? :-) 
I  know  this  time  you  are  worried,  not  to  yourself  but  for  all  people  around  you.  It’s  natural  to  be 
worried  sometimes,  but  this  time  feels  relaxed  and  reminisces  about  all  the  good  things  that 
happened to you. Don’t let your disease ruin your life. Always see the bright side of life. 
Regardless  of  what  this  virus  brings  to  all  of  us,  always  think  positively  that  God  has  the  right 
power  to  do  everything  for  the  betterment  of  all.  He  has  a  way  of  doing  everything  well.  We  must 
think that this was happening to us for a purpose. 
Take care and be safe always! We can survive in this virus! 
“There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling.” -Maxime Lagacé 
From a friend, 
Hi Friend, 
I  hope  you're feeling well upon reading this letter. I am saddened by this illness that strikes around 
the globe. Let us fight together for the challenges that we are facing right now.  
I  know  this  time  you  are  worried  not  only  for  yourself  but  also for your family and friends. Maybe 
it is the time for us to reconcile especially to God. Let's hold together and pray to Him.  
Always  think  positively  that  all  this  virus  will  fade  soon..  Smile  and  take  care  always,  from  my 
family to yours! 
“More  smiling,  less  worrying.  More  compassion,  less  judgment.  More  blessed,  less  stress. More love, 
less hate.” ― Roy T. Bennett 
Kind regards, 
Mhar :-) 
Hello Friend, 
Before  you  read  this  letter,  SMILE:)  In  spite  of  what’s  happening  to  our  world  right  now,  all  we 
have to do is to PRAY. Let God enter our hearts and love reigns in it. It’s our great contribution to 
each  one  of  us,  to  become  loved  and  to  be  loved  in  times  of  crisis.  Let  us  all help each other in our 
own little way that we can. 
I  hope  you  had  a better feeling right now. Try to read this letter to at least inspire you, regardless 
of  what  we  are fighting right now. God will provide. We must always pray that all this will go in his 
will as soon as possible. 
Stay safe & take care where you are right now, from my family to yours! 
“Believe in Your Heart 
Believe in your heart that you're meant to live a life full of passion, purpose, magic, and miracles.” 
Thoughts and prayers, 
Mhar :-) 
Hey, how are you today! 
I  hope  this  letter  brings  happiness  to  you, even if it's as simple as I am.:) SMILE, simple word but 
full  of  meaning.  It’s  one  way  on  how  we  express  our  feelings  in  spite  of  what  we  are  experiencing 
right now. 
I’m  sure  that  all  our  suffering  will  fade  soon.  I  know  God  is  always  on  our  side  no  matter  what 
happens.  Think  of  positivities,  let's  help  each  other.  Let’s  pray  for  everyone  who's  striving  hard  to 
find the cure. Stay safe and take care, from our family to yours! FIGHTING!!! 
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. -Lyndon B. Johnson 
Sincerely yours, 
Mhar :-) 
How are you? I hope this letter finds you feel better for a while. 
The  virus  has  come  all  over  the  world,  and  it’s  very  alarming  for  all  of  our  health,  for  our  family 
and  all  the  people  around  us.  May  this letter give you inspiration. PRAY, simple word but I think a 
big  help  for  those  who  are fighting against the virus. God is always there for us. Let’s pray for the 
betterness  of  all  people  around  the  world.  Keep  fighting,  I  know  this  will  end  so  soon  with  God's 
grace and guidance. Keep fighting! Don’t lose hope! 
“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.” -Zig Ziglar 
Warmest greetings, 
Mhar :-) 
Hello My Friend, 
Before you read this, can you please give me your sweet SMILE? :) 
In  these  trying  times,  let  God  be  the  center  of  our  self.  Let  him  be  the  one  who  heals  us  on  this 
virus.  Just  keep  faith  in  him,  I  know  everything  will  be  back  to  normal  soon.  Just  keep smiling and 
think  positively,  in  spite  of  these  struggles.  Let  our  hearts  speak rather than words. Let every one 
of  us  feel  love  for  each  other  in  times  of  crisis  and  also  help  each  other  even  in  small  things.  I’m 
doing  this  to  motivate  you  not  to  easily  become  weak  but  to inspire you to fight. Keep in mind that 
something  good  will  happen  after  this,  so  relax  and recharge. Get well soon! Stay safe & take care 
always, from our family to yours! 
“I've  always  believed  that  you  can  think  positive  just  as  well  as  you  can  think  negative.”  -James 
Warm regards, 
Mhar :-) 
Hello my friend! 
I hope everything in your place is good in spite of what is really happening in our world right now. 
Keep  love  reigns  in  our  hearts,  for  this  is  one  of  our  ways  to  do  good regardless of the crisis right 
now.  Even  in  a  simple  way,  we  can  help  each  other.  Just like what I’m doing right now. This is the 
time  that  we  should  always  pray  because  of  our  God,  everything  is  possible.  He  will  surely  make  a 
better  way  of  how  his  people  heal  with  the  virus.  Let’s  all  think  that  God  didn’t  give  us  a  problem 
that  we  can’t  solve  hence,  he  has  given  us  a  problem  that  we  surely  solve  and  survive.  This  virus 
has  come  to  us  not  as  a  disease,  but  for  a  purpose.  He  wanted  us  to  become  united  in  times  of 
tragedy  like  this.  He  wanted  to  make  sure  that  our  whole  family  is  present  in  times  of  crisis  & at 
the  same  time,  he  wanted  to  look  forward  to  us  to  what  extent  our  faith  in  him.  Faith  in  God  is 
one of the cures to this pandemic. Keep PRAYING!!! 
Stay safe & take care, from our family to yours! 
Mhar :-) 
Hello there! 
How  are  you  today?  I’m  so  blessed  today  that  someone  reads  this  letter  of  intent  to  provide  a 
simple  message  to  a  patient  who  has  trouble  fighting  for  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  I just want to 
give you a simple message in times of this crisis to give you the motivation to fight for this virus. 
Keep  faith  in  God,  always  pray  that  this  is  not  the  end  of  everything.  So  many  people  await  you 
outside  of  the  room.  Don’t  lose  hope.  Everything  that  happens  now  has  a better purpose for all of 
us. This is not the end of the world. Keep fighting! We will survive! 
Stay safe & take care always, from our family to yours! 
Almighty  God,  Your  rule  is  unquestionable  and  your  kingdom  is  forever,  amen.  In  this  time,  we ask 
that your healing would manifest in our lives. 
Mhar :-) 
Dear my friend, 

Smile  before  you  read.    So  many  struggles  have  come to us, no matter what happened to us, all 
of  us  still  faced it with a positive outlook in life that all of this will be gone soon through Christ our 
lord’s  help.  I  know  you're  struggling  in  your  situation  right  now  but  think  of  it  that  God  has  a 
better  intention  on  us  why  this  is  all  happening.  Let's  put  God  as  the  center  of  ourselves.  We  all 
know that there’s no impossible in God’s will. 
Let  our  families,  relatives,  loved-ones  serve  as  our  inspiration  in  fighting  in this virus. Let them be 
the  one  who  motivates  you  to  feel  better  in  times  of  this  crisis.  Let  them  know  that  you  are 
fighting because of them and above all, you are fighting for God and all people that surround you. 
We can do it in God’s will. Keep fighting!!! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! 
Though  the  doctors  have  spoken,  we  depend  on  your  word  almighty  King.  Our  faith  is  not  in  the 
utterances of men but in your eternal grace. We ask for your healing in the life of all people. 
Take care, 
Mhar :-) 
Hi there! 
I  know  that  you’re  now  struggling  to  fight  the  COVID-19  pandemic.  We  can  win  this  together. 
Let’s  keep  God  in  the  center  of  everything.  We  all  know  that  he  has  the  most  powerful  weapons 
against  all odds. He has control of everything around us. This time, let’s all deeply pray for all of us, 
a  single  prayer  can  change  everything.  Keep  the  faith  and  make  everything  around  you  as  your 
motivation  in  fighting  this  illness.  God  will  lift  us  by  his  miraculous  hands.  Stay  relaxed  and  have 
faith. We can survive!!! 
God  of  heaven  and  heart,  we  bless  you  for  your  power  and  might.  We  pray that you do more than 
what the doctors can do. Heal all our bodies today. 
With love, 
Mhar :-) 
To my friend, 
How  are  you  today?  I  hope  this  letter  helps  you  ease  the  pain.  A  smile  can  make  things  lighter in 
spite  of  all  happenings  around  us.  God  has  a reason why this is happening to us right now. Maybe 
he  has  a  good plan for why the virus has come. Through prayer and faith in him, I know that we’ll 
surely surpass this in Jesus name. 
Don’t  lose  hope,  everything  will  be  fine  sooner.  All  your  families  and  friends  are  there  for  you  no 
matter  what  happened.  Just  trust  God  in  everything.  Prayer  is  our weapon against all odds. It’s a 
very simple way yet, very effective to talk to him. Wishing you good health! 
Father  in  heaven,  the  ruler  that  wins  every  war,  the  supreme  God  over  all  the earth, All our hope 
is in you. We ask for your comfort in these dark hours and that by your will, healing is ours, Amen. 
Mhar :-) 
Dear friend, 
I hope you are in good hands right now.  I’m sure this crisis that we’ve been experiencing right now 
will  fade  away  through  our  faith  in  God.  All  things  are  possible  through  him.  Prayer,  one  of  our 
weapons  for  every  struggle  that  we’ve  been  faced  with.  It  is  the  greatest  practice  that  we  must 
exercise  every  day,  we  must  do  it  regularly  to  give  thanks  to  all  that  we’ve  been  through  on  our 
journey in life.   
Families,  friends,  relatives,  we  are  praying  for  your  fast  recovery.  May  God  shower  you  with  a 
healthy  mind  &  body  to  fight  the  virus  and  at  the  same  time,  full  trust to God, that this is just a 
way  of  testing  God  on  how  much  faith  you  have  in  him, but I know that you have full trust in him 
to fight this virus. 
This is not the end of the world for you, stay healthy and always PRAY!!! Fighting!!! 
Oh  lord,  you  have  been  kind  and  gracious  to  lead  us  through  journeys.  Thank  you  for  being  a 
shepherd, light for our feet, our healer and our strength. 
Yours lovingly, 
Mhar :-) 
I  hope  this  letter  finds  you  well.  I  know  you  are  saddened  about  why this happened, I feel you.  I 
know  God  is  still  there  for  you  no  matter  what.  He  will  truly get you to normal as long as you have 
faith  in  him.  All  of  us  here  outside  the  world  are  all  praying  for  your  fast  recovery.  Your  family, 
friends  we  will  surely  pray  also  for  your  fast  recovery.  All  you  have  to  do  is  to  trust  God  and 
everything will be okay in God’s perfect timing. 
Keep praying and have faith. You will survive this crisis! 
Thank  you, Father, for guiding our steps and making a way where there’s no way. we ask that your 
healing Sun continue to shine upon us and restore our health by your mighty power. 
Thank you, 
Mhar :-) 
Hello my friend, 
Can I get a couple of minutes to take to read my letter? Can you smile first before you read? :-) 
When  the  virus  hits  the  Philippines,  all  of us are alarmed for it was a very dangerous disease that 
may  put  all  of  us  into  danger.  I’m  very  sad  to  hear  that  you’ve  also  been  infected,  too. But this is 
not  the  end  of  everything, I know that there’s a reason why this has happened. Pray and faith to 
God.  I  think  two  of  the  most  powerful  weapons  that  we  have  right  now,  as  per  the  authority, 
there’s  no  cure  or  medicine  that  has  been  developed  to  stop  COVID-19  pandemic.  I’m  not  saying 
this  to  put  you  to  become  worried,  but  this  is  to  avoid/prevent  this  virus  from  contacting  other 
people, so we can stop this from spreading. 
I,  as  well  as  your  family,  relatives,  loved-ones  are  all  praying  for  your  fast  recovery  soonest.  Keep 
the faith and be strong enough to face this crisis. 
“Anyone  can  fail  at  something  they  really  don’t  want.  What  really  takes  courage  is  going  after 
something  you  want  and  then  failing.  There  is  more  fulfillment  in  life  knowing  that  you  tried, 
rather than settled without a fight.”― Shannon L. Alder 
Mhar :-) 
Hi friend, 
I  hope  you  feel  better  every  day.  Keep  smiling:-)  In  this  time  of  crisis,  no  one  can  help  yourself 
except  you.  The  virus  has  come  to  us  and  thousands  of  lives  have  been  infected  by  it.  I  know  it's 
hard  for  you  to  be  away  from  your  family  and  loved  ones.  They  truly  miss  you  and  praying  as  you 
recover  soon.  God  has  a  better  plan for us. He will surely save us from that virus. Think everything 
positively that all of us will save from this crisis. 
Wishing you a speedy recovery! Keep faith in God and everything will go back to normal soon. 
“Never  give  up  hope.  All  things  are  working  for  your  good.  One  day,  you'll  look  back  on  everything 
you've been through and thank God for it.” ― Germany Kent 
Very truly yours, 
Mhar :-) 
I  hope  this  letter  finds  you well. In spite of all happenings around the world today, I just want you 
to  know  that  all  of  us  here  are  praying  for  your  fast  recovery.  Although  this  is  not  the  typical 
disease, we must think that this will not be permanent and it will be erased soon in Jesus name.  
I  know  it's  hard  to cope with what you are right now, please take good care of yourself. I know you 
will  be  healed  soon.  and  I’m  praying  that  you  will  surely  surpass  the  struggles.  I  feel  that  you’re 
strong enough to face challenges like this. It’ll be gone soon. Have faith and pray to God. We’re just 
here for you always. 
Be proud of your struggles. Adversity brings out the best in us. 
Truly yours, 
Mhar :-) 
First  and  foremost,  I  would  like  you  to  have  a  great  happy  day  for  you!!!  I  know  that  this  is  not 
what  you  feel  right  now,  but  I  wanted  to  change  it  to  a happy one because it’s not the end of the 
world.  Prayer  and  faith  to  God  are  one  of  our  weapons  to  save  not  just  our lives but the other as 
well.  We  need  to  fight  from  this  virus  because  many  people  depend  on  us,  especially  our  families, 
relatives,  loved  ones,  etc.  This  is  the  time  where  we  can  think  of  the  right  way  on  how  to  help 
ourselves in times of crisis like this. Keep the faith and God will provide. 
This  is  the  only  possible  way  I  can  help  you  with, right now. It’s just a simple message but I think 
it  can  also  help  you  in  facing  tragedy  like this. We pray for your recovery as soon as possible. Your 
family  and  relatives,  as  well  as  your  loved  ones, are always there in times of crisis, hoping that you 
can fight for the sake of them. Keep fighting, everything will be okay, soon. God bless us all!!! 
“As  you  fight  any  war,  sometimes  the  result  may  be  defeat.  Learn  to  be  heroic  even  in  your 
defeats.” ― Bangambiki Habyarimana 
Lovingly yours, 
Mhar :-) 

I want you to smile before reading this message to ease what you are feeling right now.  
I  know  you’re  not  feeling  good  right  now.  The  virus  affects  all  of  us.  It destroys a lot of lives, even 
worse,  the  world  will  be  gone.  But  that’s  what  we  must  not  to  think  of,  we  must think of ways on 
how to survive from this pandemic. 
You  are  still  blessed  despite having this virus because outside of your comfort zone, many people are 
thinking  of  you  for  sure.  You  have your family, relatives, loved ones and even God is always there to 
us  whatever  happens.  Don’t  lose  hope,  there are many things waiting for you outside. Keep faith in 
him and always pray. 
Even  in  this  simple  message  that I’ve created, you’ve got some motivation and inspiration that this 
is not the end of your life. Stay strong and keep fighting!!! Everyone is waiting for you. 
Christ is the center that holds all things together. 
Love and hugs, 
Mhar :-) 

Hello, my dear, 
Good  day!  I  was  so  sorry  to  hear  about  your  situation  right  now.  It’s  not  yet  the  end  of  your 
journey  in  this  beautiful  world.  There’s  a  lot  of  medical  experts  who  are trying their best to find a 
cure  to  this  pandemic.  They  are  really  living  heroes  as  they  all  sacrifice  their  lives  just  to  save 
other  people’s  lives,  and  we  are  truly  thankful  to  have  them  in  our  lives.  Above  all,  God  is  always 
there  for  us no matter what. All we have to do is to have faith in him and always pray because it’s 
the greatest weapon against all our enemies.  
There  are  a  lot  of  people  beside  you,  don’t  lose  hope  and  everything  will  go  back  to  normal  soon  in 
God’s perfect time. 

You just can’t beat the person who won’t give up. 

Mhar :-) 


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