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Assignment Mark Sheet

Student ID Number: Cohort: September 2009

Assignment: Marketing Management

Date Received: Marker:

Comments and suggestions for improvement:

Very good paper. Very good explanation on matrixes- it shows clear understanding of the subject. Footnotes
should also be in Harvard Style. Good table on Comp. Analysis (App 2). Comp. analysis shows a clear
understanding of the market and techniques. Well explained SWOT. Excellent marketing mix. When you
choose 7P just mention why (industry factor). Excellent!

Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Question 4
Mark obtained MARK 75%

Marker's signature:

Please note: The above marks are provisional and subject to ratification by the MBA External Board.

Assignment: Marketing Management

I certify that all the material in this paper which is not my own work has been identified and acknowledged
and that no material is included for which a degree has been previously conferred upon me.

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Student ID Number:
Kingston University Business School

Marketing Management

Assignment: Marketing Plan for:

“Moscow Business Incubator”, JSC

Prepared by:

Word count: 3035

Moscow 2010


1. Executive summary.........................................................................................................................3
1.1. Current Position...........................................................................................................................3
2. Corporate Strategy...........................................................................................................................4
2.1 Company overview......................................................................................................................4
2.2. Corporate mission and strategy.........................................................................................................5
3. External and internal analysis..................................................................................................................6
3.1. Market overview and future trends...................................................................................................6
3.2. Competitor analysis..........................................................................................................................8
3.3. SWOT analysis of the Project.........................................................................................................11
4. Marketing and financial objectives........................................................................................................12
4.1. Marketing objectives......................................................................................................................12
4.2. Financial objectives........................................................................................................................13
5. Marketing strategy................................................................................................................................14
5.1. Market segmentation......................................................................................................................14
5.2. Positioning and competitive advantages........................................................................................15
5.3. Marketing strategy..........................................................................................................................17
6. Implementation plan......................................................................................................................21
6.1. Schedule of Key Tasks................................................................................................................21
6.2. Resource allocation................................................................................................................21
6.3. Budgets......................................................................................................................................21
6.4. Risks...........................................................................................................................................22
7. Control and Forecasting.................................................................................................................22
7.1. Assumption made......................................................................................................................22
7.2. Critical success factors..............................................................................................................22
7.3. Financial forecast.......................................................................................................................23
Appendix 1. Development plans................................................................................................................25
Appendix 2. Competitive analysis commercial real estate market in the Southern part of the Moscow. .26
Appendix 3. The segmentation of Moscow commercial real estate market.............................................28
Appendix 4. Perceptual map of customer needs and requirements............................................................31
Appendix. 5. Schedule of Key Tasks for three years.................................................................................32

Appendix 6. Drafting an Outline Marketing Plan......................................................................................35

1. Executive summary

1.1. Current Position

The company “Moscow Business Incubator”, JSC (MBI) is a developer of new business park
“Nagatino i- land” which should became the largest business centre of B + class in Moscow.
The objectives of MBI in long –term perspectives are:
 Consistent growth of business value by constructing new office space
 To provide investors with attractive return on investment
The Short –term objectives of MBI are:
 To sell remained office space
 To attract new investors.
The survey of Moscow commercial real estate shows the stabilization after the significant drop
in last year.

The benchmarks of competitive advantages in commercial real estate market are:

 Price

 Comfortable facilities

 Good location

 Parking

 Good infrastructure

 Convenient vehicle and public transport access

Marketing objectives of MBI are:

 To increase brand awareness of the Project in a target segment

 To attract new customers

 To increase customer loyalty and satisfaction

 To enhance competitive advantages

Financial objectives of MBI are:

 To increase the return on investment by 26% by 2015 year

 To obtain EBITDA of $370 mln. by the end of 2015

Target segment: price-sensitive, small and medium business, high-tech companies, research
organizations, service companies.

Marketing tactics of MBI - development of competitive advantages: maintaining moderate price

level, infrastructure development, and service quality enhancement.

Main marketing programs

 Use innovative technologies in construction , design and property management

 Diversify and enhance level of proposed service

 Provide effective promotional campaign

The implementation plan of marketing programs was developed; forecast of financial

results was done

2. Corporate Strategy

2.1 Company overview

The company “Moscow Business Incubator”, JSC (MBI) was formed in 2003 as a developer and
investor of modern business park “Nagatino i- land” (hereafter the Project), which is located in
Moscow, Southern administrative district and occupies territory of 31 hectares.

The MBI shareholders are AMO ZIL (25%) and private investors (75%).

The development project is divided into five phases (which are described in Appendix 1) and by
the construction close-down in 2015 year should consist of almost 881thousand sq. meters of
multi functional buildings and became the largest business centre of B + class in Moscow.
The construction of Phase 1 has already been finished, 102 000 sq meters are put into service and
60% office spaces has already been sold through rental contracts and wholesale.

2.2. Corporate mission and strategy

The mission of MBI is to open age of new generation of commercial real estate, which is able to
create human friendly environment and maintain special business atmosphere.
General strategy of the Company is aimed on satisfaction of customer needs by proposition of
innovative commercial real estate, properly organized in accordance with the latest architectural
and technological solutions.

The objectives of MPI Corp in long –term perspectives are:

 Consistent growth of business value by constructing new office space
 To become one of the biggest and best branded player in a Moscow commercial
real estate sector
 To make the business more predictable and less risky for investors
 To provide investors with attractive return on investment
 To achieve synergy effect by combining tenants from different sectors which
complement each other and increase competitive advantage of the whole Project.
The Short –term objectives of MPI Corp. are:

 To sell out 40% remained office space available from Phase 1
 Increase the brand awareness of the Project
 To attract new investors for the Phases 4 and 5.
In terms of Ansoff (1987) matrix, which helps to determine the degree to which the company
innovate in terms of marketing and technology, the MBI Corp strategy could be classified as
Market Penetration with emphasis on increasing market share. This strategy is least risky for
investors because company deals with existing product in existing market.

3. External and internal analysis

3.1. Market overview and future trends

The Russian commercial real estate sector showed significant growth in pre-crisis period. High
level of demand, supported by availability of credit resources, obtained from western financial
institutions and lack of quality property supply lead up to tremendous price growth for
commercial real estate and overheating of the market. As the result, recession has injured real
estate market very serious. Some developers were forced to freeze their projects due to cut
financing, decreased demand and price drop (prices has felt down by 20-30% comparing to pre
crisis period). The dynamic for rental rates as well as the level of vacant office space are shown
on the Pictures 1, 2.

Picture 1. The dynamic for rental rates ($ / sq. m per year)

A-Class offices

B-Class offices

Source: Knight Frank

The analysis of current situation on the commercial real estate sector shows that rental rates,
achieving unsustainable low are starting to rice and could represent a further increase. However,
according to preliminary projections, only in 2011 the amount of consumption exceeds the
amount of new construction (Pictures 2, 3).

Picture 2. The level of vacant office space

A-Class offices B-Class offices

Source: Knight Frank

Picture 3. The office space consumption and new construction, thousand sq.m.

Level of consumption Level of new construction

Source: Knight Frank

The small offices are in demand in current business conditions. According to Penny Lane Realty,
now more than 60% of requests come for office space under 300 sq m, a 35% for the area from
300 to 1000 sq m, 4% -for area between 1000 to 5000 sq m, and only 1% for space above 5000
sq. m.1. The most popular Moscow geographical areas among corporate clients are: Central
administrative district, South-West and North-West, which could be explained by status value of
these directions and good infrastructure.

3.2. Competitor analysis

The full description of Company competitor is presented in Appendix 2.
The main local competitors could be found through the developing projects, constructed in South
West direction of the Moscow (Picture 4), which propose office space of analogical class (B+) or
higher at the same or lower price levels. The share values of major competitors are shown on the
Picture 4.

Picture 4. Commercial property in Southern Part of the Moscow

The Project target customer gives preference to inexpensive and comfortable office space with
perfect infrastructure and good transport accessibility.

In terms of transport accessibility and proposed infrastructure, the Project has strong competitive
advantage (Picture 5). The direct competitors are: Galiley (B+ Class, 131 thousand sq. meters),
Serp & Molot (B+ class, 70 thousand sq. meters), Siromyatnichesky (B+ Class, 20 thousand

Picture 5. Major competitors in terms of transport accessibility and infrastructure

Transport_ accessibility

The analysis of competitive advantages in terms of adequacy of the price to the level of
infrastructure (Picture 6), also shows that Project has strong positions and main competitors are:
Galiley, Serp&Molot, Aurum, Jauza, Zolotorojsky.

Picture 6. Major competitors in terms of price and infrastructure

The Porter’s five forces model was employed in order to analyze the competitive situation in a
Moscow commercial real estate industry and determine the attractiveness of this sector (Picture
Picture 7. Porter’s five force model on the Moscow commercial real estate

Threat of new entrance is moderate despite large initial capital required and long and
complicated legal documentation approval

Power of Byers is high due to demand decrease and huge amount of vacant office space

Power of Suppliers is low because of low market consolidation and large number of contractors
on the market

Power of substitutes is low because such issues as remote offices, telecommute working is not
so popular in Moscow

As the result, intensity of rivalry is very high

3.3. SWOT analysis of the Project


 The Project was supported by Moscow City Government and has reliable and strong
partners: VneshEconomBank, Russian Bank for Development, InvestTorgBank and Ingosstrakh
which insures construction risks.

 Project employs innovative technologies in order to cut exploitation costs and provide

effective control over business process.

 Project has good functional infrastructure which include hotels, conference rooms,
entertainment places, parking place, restaurants, full range of telecommunication services and
wide range of other services.

 Projected development of transport infrastructure which includes new above-ground

station construction «Technopark» (2011-2013) and construction of road along embankment
connecting Third Transport Ring and Andropov Avenue (2013-2015).


 Heavy traffic jams in South Part of the Moscow,

 Negative environmental situation in South Part of the Moscow, many industrial

enterprises are located in close vicinity.

 Business image of South Part of the Moscow is very weak


 Project is focused not only on business tasks tackling, but also aimed at development of
city territories and meeting social challenges. It affords to develop business image of South Part
of the Moscow

 When the projected development of transport infrastructure accomplishes and

«Technopark» station is put into operation, the transport accessibility to the Project will
significantly rise.


 The huge amount of commercial real estate space could enter the market in nearest
futures which significantly increase competition on the market.

 The Project requires significant resource allocation and in case of rental rates fall the
Company could face hurdles in attracting new investors.

4. Marketing and financial objectives

4.1. Marketing objectives

 To increase brand awareness of the Project in a target segment

 To attract new customers

 To increase customer loyalty and satisfaction

 To enhance competitive advantages

4.2. Financial objectives

 To increase the return on investment by 26% by 2015 year

 To generate total revenue of $1 542 mln. by the end of 2015

 To obtain EBITDA of $370 mln. by the end of 2015

5. Marketing strategy

5.1. Market segmentation

The segmentation of Moscow commercial real estate market was provided according to Self
Organizing Map Technique (Kohonen at al, 2001) which is described in Appendix 3.

Three main characteristics of property units were used in segmentation:

 Class of property units ( from B- to A+)

 Annual rental rates

 Offered office space.

As the result, 10 main clusters of commercial real estate were formed according to property
characteristics (Picture 8)

Picture 8 Main Clusters of Moscow commercial real estate

The Project belongs to Cluster 7 (C7) which consists of another two units (Kojuhovsky and
Galiley). Such cluster is one of the smallest in the market and characterizes by moderate declared
class of property units (B+), large office space (at average 108.6 sq.m) and low price (at average
360$ per sq.m/year).

5.2. Positioning and competitive advantages

Initially the Project positions oneself to the segment of high-tech, research organizations.
However now it becomes clear that such a huge amount of office space (more than 880 thousand.
sq. meters) could not be filled by only one sector of economy. That is why the Project requires
repositioning and expansion of a target group.

The perceptual map of customer needs and requirements which is presented on the Picture 9, was
formed on the basis of poll, provided for current tenants. The Results of the poll are presented in
Appendix 4 and shows that competitive advantages of the Projects could be found in such areas:

 Competitive price

 Comfortable facilities

 Good location

 Parking

 Good infrastructure

 Convenient vehicle and public transport access

Picture 9.Tthe importance of certain characteristics: declared and derivative

Unconscious importance Real importance

Low importance Assumed importance

The Project should aim on the sector of a small and medium business and could gain significant
competitive advantage through those companies which are strive to find optimal balance
between rental costs, obtained service and infrastructure. It could be service companies, creative
business like design bureaus, art workshops, motion picture industry, etc.

The Company should further position Nagatino i-land brand as: inexpensive, innovated, with
perfect facilities, infrastructure and human friendly organized space.

5.3. Marketing strategy

The marketing strategy next 5 years should concentrates on aggressive expansion of client base,
enhancing brand awareness and occupancy rate and could be provided through exact tactics and
programs (Picture 10):

Picture 10. Project Strategy Pyramid


The Company should maintain the emphasis towards using latest innovative technologies in
construction, design and propose product with outstanding technical characteristics.

The variety of offered services within the business park should be seriously enhanced. Tenants
should be able to get every possible service, associated with their business and personal
requirements within the territory of Business Park. That is why sophisticated policy of tenant
mix should be employed.

The transport access to the Business Park should be seriously developed. Free shuttle from
nearest metro station should be organized.

The Company could start to offer fully equipped and customized offices on a finished condition
which is very untypical product for Moscow commercial real estate market.


Currently the Project location could not be considered as a strong competitive advantage because
of unrepresentative image of Southern part of the Moscow. That is why projected enhancement
of surrounding area which includes: reconstruction of AMO ZIL industrial estate, landscape and
shade gardening of neighbouring Moscow river levee, recreation zones construction should be
don the sooner the better. These efforts could enhance the brand awareness of the Project and
provide customers with convenient and human friendly organized space.


High level of competitive pressure on the Moscow commercial real estate requires serious
promotion of the Project. That is why promotion plan should focus on informing potential
customers about Project’s competitive advantages. It should be provided through “Above the
Line” (ATL) and “Below the Line” (BTL) activities.

ATL activities are carried out through mass media and could include:

 Direct advertisements in magazines, newspapers, radio, television, Internet,

 Advertorial articles, published in Russian and foreign business magazines,
newspapers, Internet.
 Development of internet portal of the Project

BTL activities which are refer to forms of non-media communication or advertising could

 Public and Government relations

 Acquisition of sizable, branded clients into Business park

 Develop partnership programs with commercial banks in order to simplify and
cheapen mortgages procedures for those customers who are ready to buy offices
 Promote projects through branded real estate agencies (like Penny Lane, Black
Wood, Knight Frank, etc.)


The Company should maintain moderate price for office space and bear in mind high price
sensitivity of target group. That is why price policy should be flexible and take into account
major trends on the real estate.

In order to make business more predictable for investors, sizable discounts should be provided
for long term rental contracts (more than 3 years).


The successful Project development on each stage depends of skilled and motivated staff. That is
why human resource management becomes one of the key issues and requires professional
development of hiring policy, motivation system, procedures of professional trainings and
qualification upgrades.


In order to increase competitive advantages and attract new investors, the Project should be
managed under the formal standards like PMI rules. The implementation of Total Quality
Management (TQM) practices which places strong focus on process measurement and controls
as means of continuous improvement2 also could be applicable.

Physical Evidence

The Company should further develop Complex Information System (I-service), where tenants
may get all information on the services and manage their own resources (heating, lighting,
communications, etc.). This allows costs cutting, and provides customers with the perception of
effective property management.

6. Implementation plan

6.1. Schedule of Key Tasks

The specific marketing programs and schedules of key tasks for next three years are illustrated in
a Gant Chart, which could be found in Appendix 5.

6.2. Resource allocation

The Project realization requires significant amount of resources: people, efforts, money, and

Today the Company has about 170 employees in its team.

The projected amount of capital investment by the end of the Project (2015 year) could achieve
the value of $992 mln.

6.3. Budgets
According to the adjusted budget, the main projected costs in 2010 have such value:
Item of expenditure Value, (thousand $)
Design documentation 4 360
Engineering documentation 4 360
Construction costs 109 000
Engineering systems 6 540
Incidental expenses 5 450
Project management costs 4 360
Marketing costs (promotion) 3 052

Promotion costs are calculated according to following parameters:

Promotional costs Value, thousand $
Direct advertisements in magazines 590
Direct advertisements on TV 580
Direct advertisements in newspapers 300
Direct advertisements in billboards 450
Advertorial articles 200
Internet advertisement 500
PR arrangements 400
Develop partnership programs with commercial banks 32

6.4. Risks

Contingency Effect Actions

Economic risks (high Income decrease, Flexible price policy, costs
inflation, demand decrease, Return on investment reduction, promotion activities
price fall) decrease
Growth of construction Costs increase, Rotation of contractors
Operational risk Missed deadlines, Implementation of sophisticated
worsened investor project management techniques
Financial risk Inability to pay debts, Finance planning, cash flow
bankruptcy optimization

7. Control and Forecasting

7.1. Assumption made

 Stabilization of commercial real estate segment during several few years and
constant 12% annual rental rates increase
 Average occupancy rate for the Project does not drop below 70%
 Annual construction cost increase rate does not exceeds 13%
 All the Project deadlines will be met without an extension
 Discount factor in a financial plan - 15%.

7.2. Critical success factors

Critical Success Factors Key Performance Indicators
Loyal customers 50% of contracts are signed on the long term conditions

Brand awareness 95% of Moscow commercial real estate realtors knows Nagatino
i-Land brand, 60% of middle size companies are informed about
Project facilities
Occupancy rate Occupancy rate is higher than 70%
Competitive price Price rate growth slower than the competitor’s
Good infrastructure 80% tenants are satisfied with infrastructure

Parking 70% tenants are satisfied with parking facilities

Convenient vehicle and 85% tenants are satisfied with transport access
public transport access

The permanent comparison of Project key performance indicators with competitors is required in
order to determine strong and weak points and enhance competitive positions on the market.

7.3. Financial forecast

According to the financial plan, the expected financial results by the end of the end of the Project
in 2015 are following:

Financial indicator Value, thousand $

Revenue 1 542 660
Capital expenditures 992 413
Interest costs 90 890
Operational costs 32 780
Administrative costs 28 650
Marketing costs 25 000
EBITDA 372 927
NPV 245 997
IRR 26%


1. Ansoff I. (1985), Corporate strategy: analytical approach to the policy of growth and expansion of
business. M.: Economy,
2. K. Douglas Hoffman (2006), Marketing Principles and Best Practices, Colorado State University, 3rd
3. Lomax W., Rettie R., Stokes D. (2006), Marketing, Kingston University Business School
4. T. Kohonen, (2001), Self organizing maps, Shpringer-Verland, Berlin, 3rd Edition
5. [Accessed: 20 April 2010]
6. [Accessed: 22 April 2010]
7. [Accessed: 19 April 2010]
8. [Accessed: 22 April 2010]
9. [Accessed: 22 April 2010]

Appendix 1. Development plans

Appendix 2. Competitive analysis commercial real estate market in the
Southern part of the Moscow
The lost of competitor analysis and main characteristics are presented in the Table. Assumption: the
assessment of transport availability and level of infrastructure was estimated by author and could be
very subjective.

Level of Year of
Clas Total sq. t
Project Address infrastruct placing into Price
s m availabili
ure (1-5) operation
ty (1-5)

Nagatino i-land Prospek Andropova, 9 B+ 102000 4,5 4,9 2009-2015 390

Galiley B+ 131000 4,5 4,8 2010 400
, 13-15

Kojuhovsky Kojuhovskaua, 3a B+ 93000 2,2 3,5 2010 290

Serp&Molot Zolotorojsky Val B+ 70000 4,6 4,7 2010 450

Media-Center Shosseunaua, 4 B+ 70000 3,4 3,7 2010 390

Ryazansky, 20 Ryazansky prospect, 20 B+ 69800 4,1 3,8 2011 250

Ryazansky, 2 Ryazansky prosp., 2 B+ 60000 3,5 3,9 2010 300

Yuzny port Yuznoportovaya, 12 B+ 55220 2,9 2,7 2009 250

Ofice-Park Nizny Sysalny, 5 B+ 55000 3,1 4,1 2012 300

Kosinskaya plaza Kosinskaya str, 21 B 52700 1,8 3,2 2007 280

Pochtovaua, 30 Bolshaua Pochtovaua, 31 B+ 46800 4,6 4,1 2010 360

Pochtovaua, 43 Bolshaua Pochtovaua, 43 B+ 45600 3,5 4,1 2011 280

Rogojsky Rogojsky val, 11 B 42000 4,5 3,8 2009 380

Jauza Borovaya, 3 B+ 40595 4,2 4,7 2010 380

Moskvithch Volgogradsky prospekt, 28 B+ 40000 3,5 2,9 2010 250

Nijegorodsky Nijegorodskaya, 29 B+ 38510 3,9 3,9 2009 300

Shosse Entuziastov B+ 28000 3,1 3,9 2010 320

Cube Volgogradsky prospect, 47 B 25000 3 4,2 2007 390

Dubrovsky Dubrovskaya str B+ 25000 3,8 4,4 2010 380

Avilon Volgogradsky prospect, 43 B+ 20811 3,8 4,9 2007 390

Siromyatnichesk Verhnaya
B+ 20092 3,2 3,8 2009 400
y Siromyatnichesky, 7

Bakuninskaya, 14 Bakuninskaya, 14 B+ 20000 4,2 4,3 2011 300

Vorontsovsky Vorontsovskaua, 2 B+ 18500 4,5 3,4 2010 380

Shariko- Sharikopodshipnikovaua,
B+ 18000 3,1 2,9 2010 200
Podshipnik, 5 5

Au-Room Zolotorojsky val, 32 B 16200 3,4 4,5 2007 390

Zolotorojsky Zolotorojsky val, 34 B+ 15500 3,9 4,5 2009 400

Bratislavsky Bratislavskaya, 2-4 B+ 15000 2,5 3,7 2009 320

Sharik- SharikoPodshipnikovskaya
B+ 12500 2,9 3,1 2008 200
Podshipnik , 13

Andropov Andropova prospect, 4-10 B- 11600 3,8 3,5 2008 350

Kazakov Kazakova, 7 B+ 10800 3,7 4,1 2010 340

Starokirochny Starokirochny, 6 B- 10000 3,1 3,5 2008 270

Appendix 3. The segmentation of Moscow commercial real estate market
The segmentation base for segmentation was formed from the data available in Appendix 2 and
adjusted database of “Top most expensive business centers of the Moscow”, obtained from site

The segmentation of Moscow commercial real estate market was provided according to Self
Organizing Map Technique (SOM) (Kohonen at al, 2001) and using Viscovery SOMine

The SOM is a type of artificial neural network that is trained using unsupervised learning to
produce a low-dimensional (typically two-dimensional), discretized representation of the input
space of the training samples, called a map (Wikipedia).

Three main characteristics of property units were used in segmentation:

 Class of property units ( from B- to A+)

 Annual rental rates

 Offered office space.

Picture 1. Main Clusters of the Moscow commercial real estate

Picture 2. The visualization of a “Class” variable (1-“B-“, 6-“A+”

Picture 3. The visualization of a “Current office space” variable (thousand sq.m)

Picture 4. The visualization of a “Price” variable ($ per sq.m)

Appendix 4. Perceptual map of customer needs and requirements

Assumption. The data were obtained from the fictional poll.

Variable Secondary Declared

importance importance
Comfortable facilities 9,2 9,8
Professional property management company 8,6 7,2
Good location 9,2 9,7
Good infrastructure 8,1 9,2
Tenant mix 9,5 7,3
Price 9,8 9,9
Parking 8,2 9,6
Additional service availability 4,3 8,1
Brand of the developer 3,9 6,3
Design of buildings 4,2 8,2
Elevators quality 8,1 9,7
Convenient vehicle and public transport access 7,7 9,8
Efficiently organized reception area 6,2 8,3
Professionally organized staff cafeteria 6,1 9,1
Transparent ownership structure 3,1 5,4
Open floor plates and efficient layout 5,4 6,2
High quality materials used in fit-out of common areas and facade 6,4 8,3
Modern high quality windows 3,3 2,1

Appendix. 5. Schedule of Key Tasks for three years

Specific 2010 2011 2012

marketing Task name
(month) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Product Put into service

offices available
from Phase 1
(Stage 2)

Put into service

offices available 3
from Phase 2

Put into service

offices available 2
from Phase 3

Develop strategy
and policy of tenant 6

Revise the strategy 4

and policy of tenant

Organize the
shuttle from
Nagatino metro

To prepare fully
equipped and 9
customized offices

Landscape and
shade gardening

Construction of
recreation zones

Promotion Direct
advertisements in 14

advertisements on 9

advertisements in 8

Direct 21

advertisements in

Advertorial articles 7


PR arrangements 13

programs with
commercial banks

Revise partnership

Rental rates
Provide selling

Develop program
of staff motivation
Develop program
of staff training

TQM technique
Process 16

Physical i-service
evidence development

Appendix 6. Drafting an Outline Marketing Plan
Section Corp' Guidance Notes Own Narrative Title Doc's Marks
(Explain) (Critique)

Background Information was obtained   * +
from Company web site
Macro Analysis   *   +
Micro Analysis   *   +
Market Research   *   +
SWOT   *   +
Mkt. Aims & Objectives   *   +

Financial A&O The data was estimated by *   0,1

author, the real financial
information is not available
Segmentation Review   *   5%
Target Segment/s   *   5%
Positioning Statement Information was obtained   * 30%
from Company web site
Implications for:        
Product   *   +
Price   *   +
Place   *   +
Promotion   *   +
Physical Evidence   *   +
People   *   +
Processes   *   0,2
Marcomms Strategy   *   5%
Sales Strategy   *   5%
P&L Forecast The data was estimated by *   5%
author, the real financial
information is not available

Implementation Plan   *   +
Timing?   *   +
Measurement?   *   +
Contingency?   *   0,15



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