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Chronicle of a Death Foretold  

AoE: Time & Space  
The purpose of this assignment is to increase your schema in order to help you understand the nuances 
of the historical and cultural allusions and context within the novel. Your goal is to explore each topic 
through online articles and videos as a form of background research.   

Genres  Genre #1: Magical Realism  
In addition to being considered a part of the postmodern 
genre of literature, ​Chronicle​ also falls within two other 
completely different genres! The first one is called Magical 
Realism. Based on simply the title of the genre, make an 
inference​ as to what this writing style may involve:  
Magical Realism may involve realistic things such as animals, 
people, places, etc but it can have “magical” or supernatural 
features within it.  
Next, check out this short 5 minute ​video​ to learn more about 
the genre:   
1. Briefly explain the difference between magical realism 
and surrealism:  
Magical realism depicts a realistic world but it consists of 
supernatural elements meanwhile surrealism is set in another 
world and contains conscious and unconscious elements.  
2. Bullet-point FOUR characteristics of Magical Realism: 
● Authorial Reticence (author with holds 
● The magical/supernatural elements are normalized 
● Contemporary setting 
● Narrators aren’t surprised with the unrealistic elements 
3. Briefly explain how Magical Realism is NOT fantasy: 
Magical Realism is not fantasy because fantasy takes place in 
a made up setting/world whereas Magical realism has a 
contemporary setting but magical elements.  
Then, review this short ​article​, cut and paste the most 

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significant quote (and yes, there is definitely a key passage in 

the article!) and comment on the author’s main idea:   
“García likes the principles of surrealism but not
the surrealists themselves”. ​I think that Garcia likes to
incorporate surrealism and it is something that he is passionate
about but doesn’t necessarily want people to know him just
under that genre. I think he just doesn’t want to define himself
as an author that just focuses on it.  
Genre #2: Pseudo-Journalistic Reconstruction 
Research the word ​pseudo​ and write the definition below: 
Pseudo is a combining form that means unreal or false which is 
used in a formation of compound words  
Example: pseudoclassic 
Now, seeing that the word journalism is hyphenated with it, 
what is implied about the writing style of ​Chronicle​? 
Journalism implies that ​Chronicle​ will be similar to newspaper 
or magazine and will have a more active relationship to the 
Interviews, flashbacks, questions, etc  
Last, skim through this short ​article​ (though you really only 
need to read paragraphs #1 & #6) and explain what the term 
reconstruction​ means:  
Reconstruction is rebuilding of recreating something without 
prior knowledge  
Now, put it all together! In ​one concise sentence​ explain what 
the genre of pseudo-journalistic reconstruction means:  
Pseudo-journalistic reconstruction is the resembling recreation 
of a story that is told through interviews/flashbacks and put 


Biography  Gabriel Garcia Marquez: 

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#1: Read over ​Marquez’s brief bio​ and choose three interesting 
& relevant facts to discuss:  
● Marquez’s was grandmother would often tell him stories of
ghosts and other superstitious things which greatly impacted
his literary style since it is similar to magical realism

● Marquez became a journalist, reporting for various

newspapers as a foreign correspondent which also influenced
the style he wrote his novels/stories similarly to pseudo
journalistic reconstruction.  

● Marquez’s grandfather also told him stories of when he was in
the War of 1,000 days which included death and also shaped
his political views and literary style.  

#2: Watch this dry, yet slightly humorous ​YouTube video​ and 
choose three interesting & relevant facts to discuss:  

The Bystander Effect:  
First, skim over this article in ​Psychology Today​ and explain in 
your own words the definition of the term ​bystander effect,​ as 
well as how the concepts of ​diffusion of responsibility​ and 
social influence​ relate to it.  
The bystander effect is the tendency for some individuals to be 
#3:  discouraged from helping another person when other 
Key  people/bystanders are around. Diffusion of responsibility and 
Concept  social influence play a huge role in the bystander effect. Some 
will not feel responsible if there are more people and will act 
depending on how others act.  
Next, watch this short ​YouTube video​ that shows the bystander 
effect in action and answer the three questions below-​-you will 
enjoy it if you like British people...  
1. Explain WHY people seem to unconsciously and 
unanimously follow the second rule?  

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People unconsciously and unanimously followed the 

second rule because after they see someone do something they 
begin to believe that it is okay and feel more comfortable 
2. Then, explain WHY peoples’ attitudes seem to change 
and they then follow the first rule? Infer the 
psychological reason behind this shift in attitude:  
Peoples’ attitudes seemed to change because Ruth was 
lying down without moving or begging for help. They began to 
follow the first rule that we have to help because Ruth wasn’t 
3. What main idea does the final example of the video 
The main idea is when people are dressed in formal 
attire, people are more willing to help them but if they are 
dressed in normal or “old” clothes people will be prejudiced 
towards them and won’t care as much to help.  


Background  Latin American Culture: 
Review this informative ​prezi​ and answer the following 
1. Define the term ​machismo​ and then summarize the 
positive and negative aspects of this cultural concept:  
Machismo is the primary role of a man in hispinac 
culture that is the head of the family, protects the family, and 
is the decision maker. Machismo usually has dominance over 
the whole family and shows violence but still provides and 
takes pride in raising his children.  
2. Define the term ​marianismo​ and then summarize the 
positive and negative aspects of this cultural concept:  
Marianismo is the role of a woman in hispinic culture 
that consists of the woman being nurturing, self sacrificing, 
and peaceful. Marianismos pass down traditions and keep the 
family grounded to the culture but they are likely to be victims 

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of abuse/violence and are treated like objects that are just 

able to produce life. 
Next, quickly skim over the section of this ​article​ titled “Men 
are expected to engage in illicit sex” and briefly discuss three 
interesting/relevant/shocking facts:  
● Women are put into two categories; the suffering saint 
and the seductive sinner.  
● Women are able to learn behaviors that signal their 
● The “seductress” manipulates the weakness of men in 
exchange for sexual favors and the man abdicates his 
Watch this short ​video​ and answer the following questions:  
1. Explain the definition of ​Honor Killing:​   
Honor Killing is the murder of a family member by 
another one because they determining that a shameful act has 
been committed but the victim. People/family members with 
“honor” are viewed as good and others are viewed the 
2. Explain the “larger issue” that contributes to honor 
killing, according to the video:  
Women are forced to be a faithful, innocent, and pure 
in their families and little things such as wearing different 
clothes or having sex could result in an “honorable” killing. This 
portrays the dominance that men have over women, they are 
able to control their life in every aspect.  
If you find this topic highly interesting, check out this 
fascinating article​ on Machismo & Honor Killing! 

  Google Forms Feedback​: I​ f you could please take two more 

minutes of your time and provide me some helpful feedback, I 
would appreciate it! Thanks! 

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