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PHRASE/ COMPOUND NOUN/ NOUN CLAUSE is either a subject, an object in a transitive
verb, an object after preposition, or a subject complement in a sentence.

In these instances, the underlined nominal forms [bentuk-bentuk nomina/ kata benda] are:

I/ You/ We/ Caught Me/ You/ Us/ In the act
They/ He/ She/ It Them/ Him/ Her/ It
Pronoun as Action Pronoun as Object Noun Phrase/ Object after Preposition
Subject Verb as part of the verb predicate
The verb predicate is “caught in the act”.
Saya/Kamu/Kita/Mereka/Dia menangkap basah saya/kamu/kita/mereka/dia ketika sedang saat
Saya menangkap basah kamu ketika sedang saat beraksi.
Caught in the act sebenarnya satu verb, tapi bisa setelah kata caught kalau ada object nya.
Pronouns = menggantikan kata benda
Act = noun phrase
Prepositions = in, on, to, at, into, near, towards, under, upon, before, …

Translate these sentences into English!

(1) Mereka (pronoun as subject) senantiasa mengarahkan kami (pronoun as object) ke jalan yang
benar (object/ noun phrase after preposition).  kebiasaan
They always direct us to the right path.

(2) Apakah kalian menghentikan mereka di pertigaan kemarin dulu?

Did you stop them at the T-Junction yesterday?

On Sundays, The boy scout leaders gather Some gravels and a few sticks
Object after Preposition Noun Phrase as Action Compound Nouns as Object
as adverb of time Subject Verb
Pada setiap hari Minggu, pemimpin2 pramuka laki-laki tersebut mengumpulkan beberapa kerikil
dan beberapa batang kayu.
Noun phrase biasanya dikasih keterangan2


Kalo ada kata ‘the’ menunjukkan bukan umum
Compound noun (kata benda majemuk) => dihubungkan dengan kata conjunction ‘and’, but, or, ;

(3) Sebagai kesimpulan (object after preposition), pelayanan masyarakat yang sejati (noun phrase as
subject) membutuhkan kerendahan hati dan kasih tanpa syarat (compound noun as object).  fakta
As conclusion, true community service needs humility and unconditional love.

(4) Anak perempuan termuda Pak Surya menggalang dana dan kesadaran di atas segalanya
(pronoun/ object after preposition).
Surya’s youngest daughter raises fund and awareness above all else.

To believe in the Is/ is supposed to be/ means/ To trust God unconditionally
importance of prayer implies/ shows/ indicates
Infinitive Phrase as Linking Verb Infinitive Phrase as Subject
Subject Complement

Memercayai pada pentingnya doa

adalah/seharusnya/artinya/mengartikan/menunjukkan/mengindikasikan percaya Tuhan tanpa syarat.

(5) Memanfaatkan waktu dengan bijaksana (Infinitive Phrase as Subject) sejalan dengan melangkah
menuju kesuksesan (Infinitive Phrase as Subject Complement).
To use time wisely is in line to step towards success.

(6) Menolong orang lain untuk menguasai suatu bidang keahlian umumnya dipahami sebagai
meningkatkan keahlian kita sendiri
To help others to master an area of expertise is generally understood as to enhance our own

Action verb diikuti direct object.

Linking verb diikuti subject compliment & bisa diganti to be.
Viona is throwing a ball. (is throwing = action verb)
Willson has become a good student. (Willson = good a student, a good student = Willson, artinya
ada link)
A good student=>menerangkan apa atau siapa subject tersebut (bukan direct object).

Teaching teenagers and children face to face Used to create
Our cheering for life
Gerund Phrase as Subject Action Verb
Gerund Phrase as
Mengajar remaja-remaja dan anak-anak tatap muka biasanya memberikan kebahagiaan untuk hidup


(7) Bertemu dengan tokoh yang dia idolakan beberapa minggu yang lalu (gerund phrase as subject)
membuat sepupu saya menceritakan hal itu terus menerus (gerund phrase as object).
Meeting with the character he idolized several weeks ago used to create my cousin talking about it
over and over again.

(8) Berjemur terlalu lama di bawah sinar matahari yang terik membuat tetangga saya menderita
stroke karena udara panas.
Sunbathing under the hot sun too long used to create my neighbor suffering stroke due to the hot

Eggs and flour Have been used In abundance For making cakes
Compound Noun Action Verb Object after Object/ Gerund after
as Subject Preposition as adverb Preposition as adverb
of manner/ quantity of purpose
Telur dan tepung sudah digunakan secara berlimpah untuk membuat kue.

(9) Merica bubuk dan ketumbar (compound noun as subject) akan dibeli oleh kakak ipar perempuan
saya (object/ noun phrase after preposition) tanpa berkonsultasi dengan ahli masak tersebut (object/
gerund after preposition).
Ground pepper and coriander will be bought by my sister-in-law without consulting with the chef.

(10) Dengan meminta pendapat dari sang pencipta lagu, penyanyi dan penari tersebut mampu
memesona penonton dengan kemampuan di atas rata-rata.
By asking opinion from the songwriter, the singer and dancer can mesmerize (charm) audience with
above abilities.

That Joyce has quit from her job Shocks Everyone
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Pronoun as Object
Bahwa Joyce sudah berhenti dari pekerjaannya mengejutkan semua orang.

(11) Bahwa kelinci-kelincimu telah melarikan diri dari kandang mereka (noun clause) membuat
saya (pronoun) takjub.
That your rabbits have gone away from their hutch makes me amaze.

(12) Bahwa layang-layang yang baru dibeli itu sudah hilang tidak mengejutkan kami.
That the kite which was just bought has gone doesn’t shock us.

Why my father had passed the money offer Did not surprise anybody
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Pronoun as Object
Mengapa ayah saya telah menolak tawaran uang tidak mengejutkan siapapun.


(13) Mengapa sang penjaga keamanan belum menyalakan lampu (noun clause) membuat sang ketua
RT geram.  lampau
Why the security hadn’t lit light made chairman of the household furious.

(14) Mengapa roti panggangnya belum mengembang mengesalkan para siswanya.  lampau
Why the toast hadn’t risen dejected the students.

Where Jack goes out at weekends Has been told To the detective
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Object after Preposition
Ke mana Jack pergi setiap akhir pecan sudah diberitahukan kepada detektif.

(15) Di mana kuda poni kami makan (noun clause as subject) telah diketahui oleh banyak orang
(object after preposition).
Where our pony eats already has been known to many people.

(16) Ke mana paman mereka sering pergi memancing telah diberitahukan kepada sanak saudaranya.
Where our uncle usually goes fishing has been told to his relatives.

When the hen has to hatch the eggs Is taught In a scientific manner
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Object after Preposition as an adverb
of manner
Kapan induk ayam harus menetaskan telur diajarkan secara ilmiah.

(17) Kapan kapal pesiar tersebut harus diperbaiki (noun clause) termasuk dalam pelajaran utama
(object after preposition as an adverb of place).
When the cruise ship has to repair is included in main lesson.

(18) Kapan kamus tersebut harus dikembalikan diumumkan melalui manajemen sistem informasi.
When the dictionary has to return is announced through information system management.

Who is listening to their conversation Happens to be My maid of honor
Noun Clause as Subject Linking Verb Subject Complement
Siapa/Orang yang sedang mendengarkan pembicaraan mereka kebetulan/ternyata menjadi
pendamping saya.


(19) Siapa yang sedang menyalurkan bakat menjahitnya (noun clause) menjadi berita yang
menyenangkan (subject complement).
Who is channeling her sewing talent happens to be good news.

(20) Siapa yang sedang membawakan kuliah Ketatanegaraan bertanggung jawab atas penilaiannya
(object after preposition) juga.
Who is presenting state administration lecture also responsible for the judgment too.

Whose wallet was in the bush Was bothering The guests’ mind
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Noun Phrase as Object
Dompet siapa yang ada di semak-semak menggangu pikiran para tamu.

(21) Biola siapa yang jatuh dari tempatnya (noun clause) membuat para juri (noun phrase as object)
merasa kasihan.  past
Whose violin fell from the place made the judges feel pity.

(22) Jas siapa yang sedang tergantung di tali jemuran membuat para pengunjung pameran terheran-
heran.  past
Whose suit was hanging on the clothes line made exhibition visitors amaze.

Whom Jill has been talking about Reminds me Of my dearest uncle
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Pronoun as Object after
Object Preposition
Siapa yang dibicarakan Jill mengingatkan saya kepada paman saya tersayang.

(23) Kepada siapa sang klien menuturkan permasalahannya (noun clause) menyadarkan mereka
(pronoun as object) akan kesalahan mereka di masa lampau (object after preposition).
To whom the client has been telling their problems revives them of their mistake in the past.

(24) Siapa yang sedang berselancar bersama putrinya meyakinkan dia akan keselamatan dan
keamanan putrinya.
Whom has been surfing with his daughter makes sure him of safety and security of his daughter.

How the stewardess was calming the passenger seemed Very impressive
Noun Clause as Subject Linking Verb Subject Complement
Bagaimana pramugari sedang menenangkan penumpang terlihat sangat mengesankan.

(25) Berapa lama badak-badak tersebut sudah mandi (noun clause) terdengar sangat menggelikan.
 past
How long have the rhinos had a bath sounded ridiculous.


(26) Berapa jumlah pemirsa yang sedang menonton acara jajak pendapat tersebut terlihat begitu
menakjubkan.  past
How many viewers was watching the opinion poll event seemed very amazing.

Which the watchmaker chose for the next exhibition Would determineHis success
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Noun Phrase as
Yang dipilih pembuat jam untuk pameran selanjutnya akan menentukan kesuksesannya.

(27) Perhiasan mana yang si penjaja tawarkan (noun clause) harus membantu peningkatan
penjualannya.  past modal
Which jewelry that the hawker offered must help increasing sales.

(28) Cenderamata mana yang si pencipta hadiahkan pasti menimbulkan kebahagiaan istrinya. 
past modal
Which souvenir that the creator presented must create his wife happiness.

Whether I should sell or lease the room Should benefit my extended family
Noun Clause as Subject Action Verb Noun Phrase as Object
Apakah saya seharusnya menjual atau menyawakan kamar tersebut seharusnya menguntungkan
keluarga besar saya.

(29) Apakah sipir penjara kami harus menyerah atau berjuang (noun clause) sebaiknya
dipertimbangkan masak-masak oleh kepala penjara kami yang sedang menjabat saat ini (noun
phrase after preposition).  modals
Whether our prison warden (jailer) must surrender or fight should be considered carefully by our
warden who is officiating at this time.

(30) Apakah koki kalian harus merebus atau menggoreng telur tergantung pada selera para petinggi
kerajaan yang diundang  past
Whether their chef must boil or fry egg depended on the tastes of royal dignitaries who invited.

The charmingly groomed Miss Universe Is explainingThat she is concerned with the
polluted planet Earth.
Noun Phrase as Subject Action Verb Noun Clause as Object
Miss Universe yang terawat rapi sedang menjelaskan bahwa dia peduli dengan planet Bumi yang


(31) Sang penyiar radio yang sangat lihai dengan kata-katanya itu (noun phrase) akan memaparkan
bahwa bagian barat daya kota ini terpapar dengan polusi udara yang parah (noun clause).  plan
with no fixed schedule
The astutely (shrewdly) worded radio announcer is explaining that the southwest part of this city is
exposed with severe air pollution.

(32) Para pemasok bahan bakar yang bekerja dengan giatnya tersebut akan menyampaikan bahwa
kendaraan-kendaraan yang lewat disediakan bahan bakar gratis hingga 1 liter selama sebulan (noun
clause).  plan with no fixed schedule
The diligently worked fuel suppliers is conveying that passing vehicles is provided with free fuel up
to 1 litre for a month.

Making good consideration May show us Which direction we have to
Gerund Phrase as Subject Action Verb
Pronoun as Noun Clause as Direct
Indirect Object
Membuat pertimbangan yang baik mungkin menunjukkan kepada arah mana yang kami harus

(33) Meluruskan rambutmu yang keriting (gerund phrase) bisa memperbaiki bagian wajah mana
yang kamu harus tonjolkan (noun clause with ‘which’).
Straightening your curly hair can help which face area you have to show.

(34) Melapisi kayu dengan plitur mampu mempertahankan bagian permukaan yang mereka perlu
Covering wood with varnish can maintain which surface area they have to paint.

My nephew’s breaking promises Disappointed Who had trusted him for decades
Gerund Phrase as Subject Action Verb Noun Clause as Object
Pelanggaran janji keponakan saya mengecewakan yang sudah memercayai dia selama beberapa

(35) Bahwa ketua OSIS kalian meluncurkan program yang baru (gerund phrase) menyenangkan hati
mereka yang telah menggantungkan harapannya pada ketua OSIS tersebut (noun clause).  past
Their chairman of student council’s launching new program pleased them who had hung their hope
on the chairman of student council.


(36) Bahwa sang bidan merawat para ibu yang akan melahirkan dengan baik menggambarkan siapa
yang telah berperan penting dalam proses kelahiran tersebut.  past
The midwife taking care well of mothers who would give birth described who had played an
important role during the give birth process.

The meticulous Is watching Whom we have been For hours
supervisor calling
Noun Phrase as Action Verb Noun Clause as Object after Preposition
Subject Object as Adverb of Time
Supervisor yang teliti tersebut sedang memerhatikan siapa yang sedang kami hubungi selama
berjam jam.

(37) Penata busana yang kreatif dan berpikiran maju tersebut (noun phrase) akan menghubungi
orang yang selama ini dia latih (noun clause) setelah pengumuman kemenangannya (object after
preposition).  future pure prediction
The creative and forward thinker designer is calling whom she has been training all this time after
her winner announcement.

(38) Pemilik restauran yang berjiwa bisnis tersebut akan mendekati orang yang selama ini
menawarkan potongan harga menarik atas beberapa bahan makanan sebelum pembukaan cabang
baru.  future pure prediction
The business-minded restaurant owner is approaching whom she has been offering attractive
discount price on some food ingredients all this time before opening new outlet.

Their long-lost nieces Have not recognized Whose face is in the old family photo album
Noun Phrase as Subject Action Verb Noun Clause as Object
Keponankan mereka yang sudah lama hilang belum mengenali wajah siapa di album foto keluarga

(39) Petugas bea cukai bandara yang berwajah tegas tersebut (noun phrase) belum menyebutkan
paspor siapa yang mereka temukan di ban berjalan (noun clause).
The stern-faced airport customs officer has not mentioned whose passport they found on the
conveyor belt.

(40) Petugas imigrasi yang berseragam rapi tersebut belum menemukan data diri siapa yang muncul
dalam daftar orang-orang yang terlibat kriminalitas.
The neatly uniform immigration officer has not found whose personal data appear on list of people
involved in crime.


The fidgeting work applicant Has been trying to Whatever has been intriguing the
figure out interviewer’s mind
Noun Phrase as Subject Action Verb (main verb + Noun Clause as Object
verb complement)
Pelamar kerja yang gelisah sudah mencoba untuk mencari tahu apapun yang telah menarik pikiran

(41) Penjaja es krim yang setia itu (noun phrase) sedang menikmati menghitung (main verb + verb
complement) keuntungan berapapun yang telah dia kumpulkan (noun clause).  present perfect
The loyal ice cream seller has been enjoying to count whatever profit he has been accumulating.

(42) Dosen Ekonomi Pembangunan yang disukai mahasiswa itu sedang melanjutkan diskusi apapun
yang telah timnya telah capai.  present perfect continuous
The Developmental Economics who is liked by students has been continuing to discuss whatever
has been accomplishing by their team.

Her unit’s blocking Had the police officer watch over Wherever motor vehicles came
the main street from
Gerund Phrase as Causative Verb “have” + Object + Verb1 Noun Clause as Object
Bahwa unitnya memblokir jalan utama membuat petugas polisi tersebut mengawasi dari manapun
kendaraan bermotor datang.

(43) Bahwa sang ratu membuat keputusan yang kontroversial (gerund phrase) membuat warga
kerajaannya meragukan (causative verb “get to”) dari manapun bantuan medis memasuki bangsa
mereka (noun clause).  past
The Queen’s controversial decision causing the royal citizens had doubt wherever medical
assistance got to their nation.

(44) Bahwa tukang daging itu menandai beberapa pak daging asapnya memungkinkan/ membiarkan
para pekerjanya menelusuri (causative verb “let”) kemanapun kemasan-kemasan daging asap
mereka diekspor.  past
The butcher marked several packs of bacon letting their workers searching wherever their bacon
packages were exported.

Their junior surgeon’s training makes him master When the sharp-pointed scalpel is
diligently and professionally needed.
Gerund Phrase as Subject Causative Verb “make” + Noun Clause as Object
Object + Verb1


Bahwa adik kelas (junior) mereka mengikuti pelatihan secara giat dan profesional membuat dia
menguasai ketika pisau bedah runcing dibutuhkan.

(45) Bahwa tukang cukur tersebut mencukur rambut dengan hati-hati (gerund phrase) akan
menolongnya memahami (causative verb with “help”) kapan pengering rambut dibutuhkan (noun
The barber’s shaving hair carefully is helping him when hair dryers is needed.

(46) Bahwa para pandai besi di Ballarat menanamkan biji kristal di kepala pedang membuat mereka
menetapkan (passive causative verb with “cause”) kapan harga penjualan bisa dinaikkan beberapa
waktu yang lalu.
The blacksmiths in Ballarat implanted crystal seed in the head of sword caused them set when
selling price can be raised several times ago.

The successful vehicle Got his mechanics (to be) taught Why the engine had to work
company manager perfectly
Noun Phrase as Subject Causative Verb “get” + Object + passive (to Noun Clause as Object
be) Verb3
Manajer perusahaan kendaraan yang sukses tersebut membuat mekaniknya untuk diajari mengapa
mesin tersebut harus bekerja dengan sempurna.

(47) Gembala domba yang penuh perhatian itu (noun phrase) membuat kawanan dombanya
merasakan (active causative verb with “have”) bagaimana harus menaati arahan sang gembala.
The attentive shepherd had his flock of sheep feel how the sheep had to obey the shepherd’s

(48) Supir bus yang menyetir dengan terburu-buru itu mengakibatkan para penumpang percaya
(active causative verb with “cause”) mengapa mereka harus mengenakan sabuk pengaman.
The hurried driving bus driver caused passengers believe why they had to wear a seat belt.

The highly skilled foreman Were going to get the How strong walls survive from storms
and his superintendent bricklayers to learn
Compound Noun as Causative Verb “get” + Noun Clause as Object
Subject Object + to Verb1
Mandor yang sangat terampil dan pengawasnya tersebut akan membuat para tukang batu belajar
seberapa kuat dinding-dinding bertahan dari badai.

(49) Prosa kepahlawanan sang penyair dan lagu ciptaan penulis lagu tersebut (compound noun)
sedang menolong asisten mereka menangkap (causative verb “help”) seberapa dalamnya makna
prosa yang dia sedang tulis ulang (noun clause).
The heroic prose of the poet and song created by the songwriter were going to help their assistant to
capture how deep is meaning of the prose that he is rewriting.
(50) Pemilik toko bunga yang kreatif dan petani bunga yang peduli lingkungan tersebut sedang
membuat para pengunjung agro wisata meyakini (causative verb “make”) betapa pentingnya
penghijauan yang revolusioner.
The creative florist and flower farmer who cares about environment were going to make the agro-
tourism visitors to believe how important revolutionary greening is.

It Is true that the nurse works beyond her tasks
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Noun Clause as “It” Substitute
Benar bahwa perawat tersebut bekerja melebihi tugas-tugasnya.

(51) Benar [introductory “it” with the synonym of “true”] bahwa baju terusan itu cocok dengan
tema hari besar nasional bulan ini [noun clause].
It is true that the long dress suits with the theme of this month’s national holiday.
(52) Benar [introductory “it” with the synonym of “true”] bahwa gawai tambahan dimanfaatkan
sebagai sarana promosi yang sangat efektif dan efisien.
It is true that additional device is used as very effective and efficient promotion tool.

It Has been Awesome Which career the fresh graduate has been
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Noun Clause as “It” Substitute
Sungguh menakjubkan (Betapa hebatnya) karir yang dikejar lulusan baru.

(53) Sungguh menakjubkan [introductory “it” with the synonym of “awesome”] perempatan yang
mana yang para panitia pertandingan sepeda hias tersebut gunakan untuk membagikan minuman
[noun clause].
It has been awesome which crossroad the decorative competition bicycle committee has been using
for sharing drink.

(54) Sungguh menakjubkan [introductory “it” with the synonym of “awesome”] perayaan yang
mana yang tim kesiswaan sekolah itu sedang persiapkan.
It has been awesome which celebration the school student team has been preparing.

It Was lovely why your aunt had been helping generously
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject ComplementNoun Clause as “It” Substitute
Betapa indahnya alasan/mengapa bibi kamu telah membantu dengan murah hati.


(55) Betapa indahnya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “lovely”] alasan/ mengapa keluarga
Anda telah menopang perekonomian kenalan kalian dengan senang hati selama setahun terakhir
[noun clause].  past
It was lovely why your family had been supporting economy of your relative with pleasurably over
the past year.

(56) Betapa indahnya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “lovely”] mengapa/ alasan penata
rambut tersebut telah memotong rambut anak-anak jalanan seara gratis selama berbulan-bulan. 
It was lovely why the hairdresser had been cutting street children’s hair freely for months.

It Had been great Where the director had been sitting for
hours for good story inspiration
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Noun Clause as “It” Substitute
Sangat menyenangkan tempat/di mana sang sutradara duduk selama berjam-jam untuk inspirasi
cerita yang bagus (untuk sebuah kisah berinspirasi).

(57) Betapa hebatnya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “great”] tempat/ di mana peta menuju
harta karun zaman Perang Saudara di Amerika Serikat dikuburkan [noun clause].  past perfect
It had been great where the map towards treasure during Civil War in the United Stated was buried.

(58) Betapa hebatnya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “great”] tempat/ di mana tangga
menuju taman gantung buatan tersebut dirancang.  past perfect
It had been great where the stairs towards artificial hanging garden were planned.

It Will be fun To participate in the fund raising bazar
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Infinitives as “It” Substitute
Akan menyenangkan untuk berpartisipasi dalam bazar penggalangan dana ini.

(59) Akan betapa menyenangkannya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “fun”] berkompetisi
secara sehat dalam pertandingan melukis pemandangan ini [Infinitives as “It” Substitute].
It will be fun to compete fairly in the scenery painting competition.

(60) Akan betapa menyenangkannya [introductory “it” with the synonym of “fun”] menyelam di
taman laut yang jernih ini.
It will be fun to dive in the clear sea park.

It Has to be Understandable When the security officer has to search
through our belongings
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Noun Clause as “It” Substitute


Harus bisa dipahami kapan petugas keamanan harus menggeledah barang-barang kita.

(61) Harus bisa dipahami [introductory “it” with the synonym of “understandable”] kapan kolam
ombak buatan itu harus dijaga dengan ketat oleh para penjaga kolam [noun clause].
It has to be understandable when the artificial wave pool has to keep strictly by the pool guard.

(62) Harus bisa dipahami [introductory “it” with the synonym of “understandable”] kapan alat-alat
musik elektronik ini harus diperiksa dan diperbaiki oleh para teknisi.
It has to be understandable when the electronic music tools has to checked and repaired by the

It Has become Clear Who have been influencing your mother to
learn knitting
Introductory “It” Linking Verb Subject Complement Noun Clause as “It” Substitute
Telah menjadi jelas siapa yang telah memengaruhi ibu kamu untuk belajar merajut.

(63) Telah menjadi jelas [introductory “it” with the synonym of “clear”] siapa yang telah menuduh
sang pengacara akan pembelaan palsu sejak sepuluh tahun yang lalu [noun clause].
It has become clear who have been accusing the lawyer against false defense since ten years ago.

(64) [introductory “it” with the synonym of “clear”] siapa yang telah menyadap pembicaraan telpon
sang penyelia keuangan pabrik baja tersebut selama kurang lebih seminggu.
It has become clear who have been tapping telephone conversation of the steel factory’s finance
supervisor for about a week.

It Breaks My heart How your classic stamps were stolen
Introductory “It” Verb Predicate Object Noun Clause as “It” Substitute
Ini menghancurkan hati saya bagaimana perangko-perangko klasik kamu telah dicuri.

(65) Bagaimana museum sejarah yang berdiri kokoh tersebut telah direnovasi menjadi berlantai
enam melegakan banyak ahli Sejarah [with introductory “it”].
It relieves some historians how history museum that stands firmly has been renovated to be six

(66) Bagaimana lambang negara kita digambarkan sebagai burung Garuda yang gagah perkasa
menginspirasi rasa nasionalisme para pemuda [with introductory “it”].
It inspires a sense of nationalism of the young people how our country symbol was illustrated as
gallant Garuda bird.



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