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SSE Autolayout for Autocad SSE-EXCEL-SECTION

The author will not be responsible for any uses of this software!
Unit: 2 1)cm 2)mm
Scale: 20 General scale Scale: 1/ 20 25 30 33.3 50 75 100 125 150
A3: 420 length Lx= 8400 10500 12600 13986 21000 31500 42000 52500 63000
297 width Ly= 5940 7425 8910 9890.1 14850 22275 29700 37125 44550
x0= 0 origin x of first page
y0= 0 origin y of first page
Xd= 15000 *

np= 10 =Total numbers of pages Author note: Date: ###

* Xd is distance from Left-bottom edge of each page in Model (1500 for cm, 15000 for mm)
** Scale is scale of each page. Example, 20 means scale 1/20
25 means scale 1/25 and 33.33 mean scale 1/33.33
*** page maximum=100

Step1: Create Model Views: Press Click 1 and go to autocad paste (Ctrl+V) in autocad command line
Then Esc

Step2: Copy layouts: Here in autocad, a sigble blank layout with scale 1:1 is ready created.
Press Click 2 and go to autocad paste (Ctrl+V) in command line
Then Esc

Step3: Create viewports: Press Click 3 and go to autocad select layout Defpoints
and paste (Ctrl+V) in autocad command line. Esc to Finish. Done!

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