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DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The

Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes

Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.

The Positive Impact of External Motivation on

Student Achievement in English Professional
Purposes Subject
Knowing The Influence of External Motivation on Student Achievement in
English for Professional Purposes Subject

Prepared for

Drs. Ignatius Septo Pramesworo, M.Ed. TESOL, MM.

Lecturer of English for Professional Purposes
Perbanas Institute
Setiabudi, South Jakarta 12940

Prepared by

Verin Lourentcia (1901000008)

Even Semester 2019/2020

DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.


1.1 Background
In improving student learning outcomes are influenced by many factors, one of
which is motivation to learn. In an effort to improve the quality of learning, various efforts
have been made, namely by increasing learning motivation. In terms of learning students
will succeed if in themselves there is a willingness to learn and a desire or drive to learn.
Orhan Özen (2018), motivation is an inner state uncovering individuals’ behavior and
directing them to these behaviors . Motivation is a state in which individuals display various
attitudes voluntarily to achieve certain goals. High learning motivation is reflected in the
perseverance that is not easily broken to achieve success despite being confronted by
various difficulties. With increased motivation to learn, students will be moved, directed
towards students' attitudes and behavior in learning. However, it is not only encouragement
from within that makes us successful. Encouragement from the environment around us is
also very influential for our success.

There are 2 factors that affect learning achievement, namely; (1) Internal factors, are
factors that originate from the individual child itself including physical (physiological) and
psychological factors. If the factors that direct the individual to a certain behavior comes from
his own inner world, in a manner that is independent of the drives outside of the individual, this
is intrinsic motivation (Orhan Özen 2018). Which includes physical factors (physiological),
among others: vision, hearing, body structure and so on, while those included psychological
factors include intellectual (level of intelligence, learning ability, and ways of learning), non-
intellectual (learning motivations, attitudes, feelings, interests, conditions psychological, and
conditions due to sociocultural conditions), and physical condition factors. (2) External factors,
namely factors originating from outside the individual which include physical factors and social
environmental factors. Behavior that originates from external sources, such as reward,
punishment, and social support, is behavior that is related to the results of individual actions.
Some actions that are considered important for students by lecturer and parents are triggered by
extrinsic motivation, and, therefore, they do not attract individual intrinsic attention.
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
Adnan Haider (2015), stated that you can take motivation as an ability to learn from
environment and most of the time people get motivation through direct instructions, socialization
by others, modeling or communications of expectations. So, lecturer and parents can lay a vital
role in development of students’ motivation. Learning motivation of students in each learning
activity is very important to improve student learning outcomes in certain subjects. These
students will be able to understand what is learned and mastered and stored for a long period of
time. Students appreciate what has been learned to feel its usefulness in daily life in the midst of
the community. Students who are highly motivated in learning enable to get high learning
outcomes, meaning that the higher the motivation, the greater the intensity of effort and effort,
the higher learning outcomes obtained. Students make various efforts or efforts to increase
success in learning so as to achieve success that is quite satisfying as expected. In addition,
motivation also sustains efforts and keeps student learning processes going. This makes students
persistent in learning.

In activities motivating parents will provide attention, rules, discipline, gifts and
punishment, as well as responses to the wishes of their children. Some actions which are
considered to be important for the students by lecturer and parents are triggered by extrinsic
motivation, and, therefore, they do not draw the intrinsic attention of individuals (Orhan

Özen 2018). Attitudes, behaviors, and habits of parents are always seen, valued, and imitated
by their children, who then consciously or unconsciously absorb it and then become a habit for
their children. The family plays an important role for the child's personal development, both
social, emotional and intellectual. In this case the family is the main external factor in the
establishment of motivation. In children the motivation will grow, self-awareness, and identity
skills as well as their strengths / abilities so as to provide opportunities for successful learning,
healthy gender identity, moral development with values and more primary success in family and
work / career later. Against all that the most powerful influence of family roles is on children's
learning achievement and harmonious social relationships. The role of parents one of which is
the obligation to carry out education to their children at home, then these children need to be
motivated to learn to be more excited and excited so that they have achievements in learning.

Adnan Haider (2015) "Extrinsic motivation is defined as our tendency to perform

activities for known external rewards, whether they be tangible (e.g., money) or psychological
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
(e.g., praise) in nature.". Extrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by external
rewards such as money, fame, value, and praise. This type of motivation arises from outside the
individual, as opposed to intrinsic motivation. In teaching and learning activities remain
important, because most likely the situation of students is dynamically changing and also maybe
other components in the teaching and learning process there are less attractive to students so
students are not enthusiastic in doing the teaching and learning process both at school and at
home. That every student does not have the same level of learning motivation, extrinsic
motivation is very necessary and can be given precisely. In teaching and learning activities the
role of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is very necessary. With motivation, students can
develop activities and initiatives so that they can direct and maintain harmony in conducting
learning activities.



1.2 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of writing this final project is to identify the positif impact of external
motivation on student achievement in English Professional Purposes Subject. External
motivation is an encouragement that we get from those around us that can make us more
confident to do the best thing that has a good impact on our learning outcomes. Many driving
factors can affect our learning process, for example a case of family, lecturers, friends and much
more. They are all people who are arguably very influential on our survival, if they encourage us
to be better than we will be moved to become better.

In this paper, there are two topics that will be focused. First, how much influence the
positive impact of external motivation on student learning outcomes for English courses. This
paper will discuss the positive impacts arising from the encouragement of people around us.
Because according to some people learning English is a difficult thing, therefore it requires
encouragement from several parties to make us moved to be able to learn well. The second is the
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
factor that most influences the results of student learning activities for English courses. In
external motivation there are three factors, namely the family environment, learning
environment, and friendship environment. This research will discuss which environment has the
most influence on student achievement.

There are two ideas that will not be discussed. In this paper, we will not discuss the
number of friends, the number of lecturers or the number of families that can motivate us.
Second, this paper will not discuss the effect of motivation on learning achievement in other
subjects. This paper will only focus on English Professional Purposes Subject.

1.3 Assumption
My recommendation is based on the assumption that external motivation is very
influential on the continuity of teaching and learning activities. Most students think that learning
English is a difficult thing to do, we need strong encouragement to be able to learn English well.
because external motivation has a stronger drive than internal motivation, so external motivation
has many positive effects on student learning outcomes for English Professional Subject
Subjects. Most students think that learning English is a difficult thing to do, it takes extra
encouragement to be able to learn English better.

Adnan Haider (2015) states that you can take motivation as the ability to learn from
the environment and most of the time people get motivated through direct instruction,
socialization by others, modeling or communication of expectations. So, lecturers and parents
can put an important role in the development of student motivation. Students who feel that
having a school will feel comfortable with friends, teachers, and classrooms where teaching and
learning are held. Place the process of sharing, giving and receiving knowledge as well as the
media when teachers and students can work together. parents are equally important in the growth
of our learning. parents are a fundamental school for a child to get an education. Meanwhile,
teachers and schools are secondary schools for us. Providing support to children in the learning
process is one example of motivation that parents can do for their children.
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
1.4 Methods
My information for this paper comes from online libraries and sources, and the research
that has been done by my author has also conducted online interviews with some of my students
and friends who have received English for Professional Purposes. This final paper also
distributes questionnaires to Perbanas Institute students D3 Accounting Taxation Department
English Professional Purposes Subject class. The survey was held on (April, 01,2020). The
respondents are Perbanas Institute Jakarta students, D3 Accounting Taxation, class of English
Professional Purposes Subject. This survey requires 20 respondents to fulfill the requirements.
Respondents consisted of English Professional Purposes Subject Class Students.

The students who fill out the survey are all students who get English Professional
Purposes Subject. The survey results will later be presented in the form of a presentation. The
questionnaire I made was only filled out by a few people. Because the respondents I got did not
reach the target, I still distributed questionnaires with several respondents who had not filled out
the questionnaire I made. So there is currently no summary of respondent characteristics.

1.5 Limitations
This final paper has two limitations. Firstly, most of the respondents do not understand
the contents of the questionnaire because the questionnaire has been given in English. Many
Perbanas Institute students are not accustomed to using English in their daily life. It is one of the
reason why they have difficulties for filling the questionnaire. Secondly, the results of the
questionnaire are not very convincing. It is because the respondents were not serious in filling
out the questionnaire. In addition, some of the respondents were refused to filling out the
questionnaire because they lazy to read and fill it.
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.

Sevil Orhan Özen (2018). The effect of Motivation on Student Achievement. American
Educational Research Journal, Chapter 3.

Syed Adnan Haider (2015). A Study of Student’s Motivation and It’s Relationship with their
Academic Performance. The Journal of Resources Development and Management, Vol 8.
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
Dear Our Respondent,

I am Verin Lourentcia (1901000008) would like to ask your help to fill some questionnaires that
I made for research. I am student from Faculty of Economics and Business in Perbanas Institute
Jakarta. Now I am studying English for Professional Purposes from class Diploma 3 Accounting
and Taxation. I have to conducting a data research about The Influence of External Motivation
on Student Achievement in English for Professional Purposes Subject . The title of this paper is
“The Positive Impact Of External Motivation On Student Achievement In English For
Professional Purposes Subject”. This survey only takes 2 – 5 minutes to complete and your
information will be kept confidentially. Please kindly answer each of these questions to help me
understand about the facilities and service qualities at the library of Perbanas Institute Jakarta.
You can answer the questions below by crossing (X) one of the choices in the questions. Thank
you for taking your time to participate in this survey.

Best Regards,

Verin Lourentcia

I. Demographic Questions

1. Your Name


2. Your Major


3. What is your gender?

A. Male

B. Female
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.
4. What is your GPA?

A. < 2.00

B. 2.00 – 2.49

C. 2.50 – 2.99

D. 3.00 - 3.25

E. 3.26 – 3.50

F. > 3.50

5. How old are you?

A. 17 years old

B. 18 years old

C. 19 years old

D. 20 years old

E. > 20 years old

6. People who always encouragement doing positive things

A. Parents

B. Lecturers

C. Sibling

D. Friends

II. Likert Questions

NO Indicators Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree

7. External motivation has a big influence on my

learning achievement
8. I study hard because of The encouragement from
people around me
DAP – A – 1901000008 - Verin Lourentcia – Verin - CHAPTER I & QUESTIONNAIRE – The
Positif Impact of External Motivation on Student Achievement in English Professional Purposes
Subject – EPP –TUESDAY - 13.30-16.00 – MR. SEPTO.

9. I will succeed if I get the encouragement from

people around me
10. I often discuss English for Professional Purposes
lessons with friends

11. If there are problems in the lesson, usually I solve

the problem with I trust
12. By getting encouragement from people around me, I
am even more confident in my learning

13. For me, parents have an important role in my

learning achievement
14. For me, Lecturer have an important role in my
learning achievement

15. For me, Friends have an important role in my

learning achievement
16. Advice from people around me makes me more
confident with my learning achievements

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