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Haypath CR Walkthroughs & Bedroom Checks


 Walkthroughs (including Bedroom Checks) are to be done at the beginning

of every staff person’s shift.
 Concerns include safety hazards and sanitary issues.
 Prompt residents to remedy or clean up hazards or issues. If they do not do
so after multiple prompts, clean up or remedy the issue yourself.

Common Areas & Bathrooms

 Assist residents in clearing away their personal belongings from common
areas, especially bathrooms.
 Rectify potential hazards or sanitary issues, e.g., clearing away sharp knives
from the kitchen, removing trip hazards, cleaning up liquid spills, removing
paper towel rolls from the shower chair if they are there, etc.
 Ensure every bathroom is supplied with toilet paper on the dispenser,
soap/detergent atop the sink and paper towels in the automatic machines or
conspicuously near the sink.
 Ensure every bathroom is clean, i.e., clear of urine or fecal matter.
 Ensure the first aid kits have supplies in them. If they do not, fill them with
supplies from other kits in back-up supplies or replace the whole kit.

 Assist residents in clearing paths of egress within their bedrooms, toward the
bedroom door and toward the windows (or clear the paths yourself if the
resident neglects to participate), and ensure the maintenance of the cleared
path, e.g., by removing trip hazards, etc.
 Assist residents in rectifying potential hazards within their bedrooms, e.g.,
clearing away flammable substances, items from atop bare radiators,
cleaning up liquid spills, etc. (or rectify the potential hazards yourself if the
resident neglects to participate).
 Candles and electrical extension cords are prohibited.
 Ensure the residents’ lock boxes are locked if there is medication within it
and ensure that the respective resident has a key to it.
 Ensure every resident has bedding and a bed bug cover on their mattresses, a
chair in every bedroom, that their rooms are clean, etc.
 Ensure there isn’t any open food in each bedroom.

p. 1 of 1, 2/20, MHANC Common Drive

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