Staff Meeting Agenda 7-21-20

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Cushman House Staff Meeting: July 21, 2020 4:30 PM p.

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Staff Meeting Agenda

 Task Checklist: recently updated. To be reviewed daily on your shift or when you need to remind yourself about
what tasks to do.
 If you recognize that a medication supply is running low, check overflow. If there are none, prompt/help the
resident call his/her pharmacy or prescriber’s office (if the pharmacy has no more refills). Leaving voicemails
are fine but have the resident follow-up soon after.
 For counselors with a caseload: Make sure your clients have a decent supply of their medications at all times.
Make sure they schedule medical appointments as needed, as well as transportation for those appointments. Take
the lead on all matters regarding your client and stay in touch with their treatment teams about major changes or
hospitalizations. Please start Goal Sessions within the first week of the month and then have them weekly
thereafter. It is better to have Goal Sessions earlier in the month rather than later. All four Goal Sessions are due
by the 21st of the month.
 All Staff, remember to put new providers or support contacts in the resident’s Foothold Face Sheet as soon as
you learn of, or help them with a referral to, a new provider of theirs.
 Remember to submit at least one Collateral Contact note into Foothold for each resident per month. Examples of
collateral contacts include conversations (not voicemails or unanswered emails) with medical or psychiatric
providers or their staff, psychiatric treatment team members, pharmacy staff, care coordinators, entitlement
workers, etc. For counselors who have a caseload, it is your responsibility to do this for each of your cases. Other
counselors, you may submit them as well for any resident.
 When conducting a Goal Session, read the whole service. Staff and I put a lot of work into them and we often
include suggestions, examples or answers in them for the counselor conducting the session.
 Regarding Fire Drills, make sure every resident is out of the house by two minutes and twenty-nine seconds
(2:29). Otherwise Self-Preservation Tests must be immediately conducted with residents who did not make it out
in time. Any such Self-Preservation Test forms are to be stapled behind the respective Fire Drill form. Reminder:
Self-Preservation Test forms are behind the Fire Drill forms in the inside-front folder flap of the Fire Drill
 Reminder: Upon arrival to work, get an Update from staff, do a Controlled Substance Count, do a Walkthrough,
read the Staff Log, read Emails and review the Task Checklist.
 Reminder: File outdated Chore Lists, Dinner Menus and Fax Medication Refill requests in the bottom drawer of
the rear desk in the appropriate, labeled folder. The most recent ones are to be filed in the front of the folder.
 Reminder: When monitoring or assisting in Medication Packing and notating the Medication Monitoring forms,
if the packing goes into the next month, print next month’s Medication Monitoring forms and finish the notation
on those forms.
 COVID-19:
o Masks are to be used by staff at all times while at work.
o Masks are to be worn by residents when they come into the office, such as for goal sessions or to take
o Residents are to wash their hands before coming to the office to take medications (ask if they did,
remind/prompt/encourage them as needed).
o Facilities Dept. may be installing clear partitions on the staff desks.
o We will be receiving face shields for staff to use as desired.
o Leadership Committee is finalizing new guidelines.
o More disposable gloves (sizes large and small) and masks are being delivered by Facilities Dept. soon.
 Resident Issues:
o TT and SS have been smoking cigarettes in their bedrooms, record instances of them smoking in their
bedrooms, or any other major infractions, on their respective Infraction Logs (located in the black caddy
on the rear desk).

 Cushman House Staff Meetings will occur monthly via Zoom for the near future.
 Next Staff Meeting: August 25, 2020 at 4:30PM.

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