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Investment 100% $ 725,000

Book Value $ -600,000

Excess Fair value over book value 2014 $ 125,000

Excess Allocated :
Undervalued inventory items $ 62,500
Patent $ 62,500
Excess fair value over book value $ 125,000

Excess 2016
Excess Fair value over book value 2014 $ 125,000
Less: inventory sold $ -62,500
$ 62,500

income from s
Net income S 2016 $ 100,000
Realized 1/5 gain on sold equipment upstream $ 6,000
depresiasi patent $ -6,250
Unrealized profit of sold land upstream $ -20,000
Total 100% $ 79,750
Total 80% $ 63,800

Nci (79750-63800) $ 15,950

Net Incom (80%) $ 80,000

less: amortisasi patent $ -5,000
(peacemeal) Realized 1/5 gain on sold equipment ups $ 4,800
Unrealized profit of sold land upstream $ -16,000
$ 63,800
Pop Corp
December 31, 2016
Account Title P Corp (Induk) S Corp (Anak)
Dr Cr
I/S dan RE Statement
Sales Revenue Rp 420,000 Rp 260,000
Income from S Rp 63,800 Rp - c $ 63,800
Gain on sale of land Rp - Rp 20,000 e $ 20,000
Depreciation expense -Rp 80,000 -Rp 60,000
Other expense -Rp 220,000 -Rp 120,000 j. $ 6,250 h $ 6,000
Net Income Rp 183,800 Rp 100,000
NCI Exp d $ 15,950
Consolidated Income
Add : Beginning RE Rp 280,800 Rp 100,000 a $ 100,000
Less : Dividend -Rp 60,000 Rp -
Ending RE Rp 404,600 Rp 200,000 $ 206,000 $ 6,000

Balance Sheet
Current assets Rp 400,000 Rp 340,000
Plant Asset Rp 1,100,000 Rp 700,000 e $ 20,000
f $ 30,000
Accumulation depreciation -Rp 240,000 -Rp 140,000 g $ 6,000
h $ 6,000
Investment in S Rp 644,600 f $ 24,000 a $ 610,000
c $ 63,800
g $ 4,800
Patent b $ 62,500 j $ 6,250
Excess value a $ 62,500 b $ 62,500
Total Asset Rp 1,904,600 Rp 900,000
Current liabilities Rp 300,000 Rp 100,000
Share Capital Rp 1,200,000 Rp 600,000 a $ 600,000
RE Rp 404,600 Rp 200,000 $ 206,000 $ 6,000
NCI f $ 6,000 a $ 152,500
d $ 15,950
g $ 1,200
Total L+E Rp 1,904,600 Rp 900,000 $ 973,000 $ 973,000
Consolidated Jurnal Eliminasi (Equity Method)
Statements a Unamortized Excess $ 62,500
Common Stock $ 600,000
$ 680,000 Retained Earnings $ 100,000
$ - Investment in S
$ - NCI
$ (140,000)
$ (340,250) b Patent $ 62,500
Unamortized Excess
$ (15,950)
$ 183,800 c Income from S $ 63,800
$ 280,800 Investment in S
$ (60,000)
$ 404,600 d NCI Expense $ 15,950

$ 740,000 e Gain on sale of land $ 20,000

Plant Asset
$ 1,750,000
f Investment in S $ 24,000
$ (368,000) NCI $ 6,000
Plant Asset

$ (10,000) g Accumulation depreciation $ 6,000

$ 56,250 Investment in S
$ - NCI
$ 2,168,250
$ 400,000 h Accumulation depreciation $ 6,000
$ 1,200,000 Other expense
$ 404,600
j Other expense $ 6,250
$ 163,650
$ 2,168,250
$ 610,000
$ 152,500

$ 62,500

$ 79,750
$ 63,800

$ 15,950

$ 20,000

$ 30,000

$ 4,800
$ 1,200

$ 6,000

$ 6,250
Investment 100% $ 362,500
Book Value $ -300,000
Excess Fair value over book value 2014 $ 62,500

Excess Allocated :
Undervalued inventory items $ 31,250
Goodwill $ 31,250
Excess fair value over book value $ 62,500

Excess 2016
Excess Fair value over book value 2014 $ 62,500
Less: inventory sold $ -31,250
$ 31,250

Perhitungan income from s

Net income S 2016 $ 50,000
Realized 1/5 gain on sold equipment upstream $ 3,000
Unrealized profit of sold land upstream $ -10,000
Total 100% $ 43,000
Total 80% $ 34,400

Nci (43000-34400) $ 8,600

pam Corp
December 31, 2016
Account Title P Corp (Induk) S Corp (Anak)
Dr Cr
I/S dan RE Statement
Sales Revenue $ 210,000 $ 130,000
Income from S $ 34,400 $ - c $ 34,400
Gain on sale of land $ - $ 10,000 e $ 10,000
Depreciation expense $ (40,000) $ (30,000)
Other expense $ (110,000) $ (60,000) h $ 3,000
Net Income $ 94,400 $ 50,000
NCI Exp d $ 8,600
Consolidated Income
Add : Beginning RE $ 145,400 $ 50,000 a $ 50,000
Less : Dividend $ (30,000) $ -
Ending RE $ 209,800 $ 100,000 $ 103,000 $ 3,000

Balance Sheet
Current assets $ 200,000 $ 170,000
Plant Asset $ 550,000 $ 350,000 e $ 10,000
f $ 15,000
Accumulation depreciation $ (120,000) $ (70,000) g $ 3,000
h $ 3,000
Investment in S $ 329,800 f $ 12,000 a $ 305,000
c $ 34,400
g $ 2,400
Goodwill b $ 31,250
Excess value a $ 31,250 b $ 31,250
Total Asset $ 959,800 $ 450,000
Current liabilities $ 150,000 $ 50,000
Share Capital $ 600,000 $ 300,000 a $ 300,000
RE $ 209,800 $ 100,000 $ 103,000 $ 3,000
NCI f $ 3,000 a $ 76,250
d $ 8,600
g $ 600
Total L+E $ 959,800 $ 450,000 $ 486,500 $ 486,500
Consolidated Jurnal Eliminasi (Equity Method)
Statements a Unamortized Excess $ 31,250
Common Stock $ 300,000
$ 340,000 Retained Earnings $ 50,000
$ - Investment in S
$ - NCI
$ (70,000)
$ (167,000) b Goodwill $ 31,250
Unamortized Excess
$ (8,600)
$ 94,400 c Income from S $ 34,400
$ 145,400 Investment in S
$ (30,000)
$ 209,800 d NCI Expense $ 8,600

$ 370,000 e Gain on sale of land $ 10,000

Plant Asset
$ 875,000
f Investment in S $ 12,000
$ (184,000) NCI $ 3,000
Plant Asset

$ - g Accumulation depreciation $ 3,000

$ 31,250 Investment in S
$ - NCI
$ 1,092,250
$ 200,000 h Accumulation depreciation $ 3,000
$ 600,000 Other expense
$ 209,800

$ 82,450
$ 1,092,250
Perhitungan Income from S dan NCI Exp
Instrumen Total
Net Income PT S $ 50,000
$ 305,000 Realized Profit - Equipment Upstream $ 3,000
$ 76,250 Unrealized Profit - Land Upstream $ (10,000)
Saldo Akhir $ 43,000

$ 31,250

$ 34,400

$ 8,600

$ 10,000

$ 15,000

$ 2,400
$ 600

$ 3,000
Income from S NCI Expense
$ 40,000 $ 10,000
$ 2,400 $ 600
$ (8,000) $ (2,000)
$ 34,400 $ 8,600

$ 43,000

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