Week 12 16 To Finals

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In the Gospels we do not read of Jesus freeing anyone from

PROBLEM: Read and meditate the following prison. (In Acts we do read of some who were miraculously set free from
12-13 CAPTIVITY verses for two weeks: jail). He did not even give freedom to John the Baptist when he was in
Isaiah 61:1 prison, although he certainly would have had the power to do so.
4:18(b): “He Luke 4:18 So, what prisoners did he free?
has sent me to Jeremiah 30:8
Prisoners of the devil. Jesus liberated many people who were
proclaim Ezekiel34:27
possessed by demons.
freedom for Hosea 11:4
the prisoners” Daniel 3:25  Even today there are many people who are prisoners of the devil
and his demons.
To make used of At the end of the day write your  In our country there are many who have turned to spiritism,
the Church reflections in your journal and witchcraft, and mind-reading and are bound in some way by evil spirits.
program of Basic submit a summary of your week’s Do we teach the students at our Christian institutions how these people
Ecclesial Program reflection to Team Leader to pass it can be set free from their captivity?
to enable the to my Google Drive.
Prisoners of sin and vice
prisoners to hear
“Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to
the Word of God.
sin’ ” (John 8:34).
 It wasn’t just the prostitutes, adulterers, and tax collectors who
were sinners. The Jews thought they were free, but Jesus saw that they
were totally enslaved to sin.
 Today, many think they are free, but we realize that they are
imprisoned by such things as addiction, hate, violence, hypocrisy, envy,
greed, and many other sins.
Prisoners of wealth
 Wealth prevented the rich young ruler from following Jesus, and
money continues to be a great obstacle, hindering many people from
faithfully following the Lord.
 Our mission is not only directed toward the poor, but also toward
the rich. They need to be freed from the love of money.
Prisoners of tradition and legalism
 The religious in Jesus’ day were bound by their traditions and
laws, such that they could not accept the grace of Jesus Christ.
 Today, many believe they can secure their salvation by observing
religious traditions. Believing themselves to be free, they are slaves of

There are many captives, even in our Christian institutions. They

need to be freed. Do we proclaim freedom in Christ to them? Do we
proclaim freedom from the bondage of some traditions?
 “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
 As the hymn says, “Glorious freedom, wonderful freedom, no
more in chains of sin I repine.”

PROBLEM: Read and meditate on the following Jesus took an interest in people’s physical suffering. We are not
PHYSICAL verses for two weeks: the God who heals, but we believe in the God who can heal.
SUFFERING  The first Christian church cried out to God for miracles and
Luke 4:18 Luke 7:22 healing, and God answered. How many of us cry out to God for healing?
(c): “recovery John 9:39
 God is the same God, yesterday, today, and forever.
of sight for the Isaiah 35:5
blind.” Acts 26:18  Sometimes he heals instantly, sometimes it is a process,
Isaiah 42:18 sometimes he uses medicine, sometimes he only removes the pain; but
John 10:21 we can cry out to him and trust in him.
To discover a At the end of the day write your
skill training reflections in your journal and
program that submit a summary of your week’s
assist the Blind reflection to Team Leader to pass it
to develop a to my Google Drive.
skill that can
help them earn
a living.

Set free the Oppressed: Many are oppressed, distressed, weighed down, and grieving.
PROBLEM: Read and meditate the following Socially oppressed
16-17 OPPRESSION verses for two weeks:
Luke 4:18 Isaiah 49:26  Jesus had compassion on the outcasts (lepers, for example).
(d) “to set the Luke 4:18  Do we have a mission to reach the outcasts of society?
oppressed Hosea 5:11
free” Deuteronomy 28:33 Oppressed by sin and a destructive lifestyle
Genesis 15:14  Jesus restored the life of the Samaritan woman.
Acts 7:6
To organize a  The prodigal son returned to his father’s warm, loving home.
group that can give Oppressed by difficult life experiences
At the end of the day write your
assistance to the
reflections in your journal and
poor, deprived and  Many live oppressed by pain and hurts of the past—childhood
submit a summary of your week’s abuse, marital infidelity, and financial injury.
exploited fight for
reflection to Team Leader to pass it
their rights.
to my Google Drive.  Do we give hope and encouragement to their wounded and
broken hearts?
Oppressed by fear and worry
 Jesus said to his disciples, “Do not worry” (Matt. 6:31). Fear and
worry do not allow a person to live a happy, abundant life.
 Even so, many Christians live oppressed by this current evil—fear
of what is to come, fear of what others will say, worry about the current
economic state, worry about their children, etc.
Do we live and preach freedom in Christ?
 Do our neighbors, students, and brothers and sisters in Christ see
us as free people?
Jesus was completely free and only he can give true freedom.

The teaching ministry of Christian educational institutions should

align with the mission of the church. Moreover, it ought to assist the
Good church in accomplishing its ministry, purposes, and mission in society.
News: Now is Year of Favor: Read and meditate Christian institutions should speak the same language as the
the year of the the following verses for two weeks: church. The church’s mission, and consequently our mission, since we
Lord’s favor Isaiah 61:1-11 form part of the church, is to take the good news of the grace of Jesus
(Luke 4:19) Luke 4:19 Christ to this world full of needs, problems, and misfortunes.
Leviticus 25
Like Jesus, we need the anointment with the Holy Spirit;
To identify ways Luke 4:19
otherwise our ministry will be limited to just human power and human
and means that can Genesis 3:15 efforts.
make you become Matt 11:28
bearers of God’s Jesus was sent by his Father “to proclaim good news to the
At the end of the day write your poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to
Good News.
reflections in your journal and set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke
submit a summary of your week’s 4:18–19). And he says, speaking to his Father, “As you sent me into the
world, so I have sent them into the world” (John 17:18).
reflection to Team Leader to pass it
to my Google Drive.

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