The Grammar Translation Method by Marvin Daveri

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The Grammar Translation Method by Marvin Daveri

Grammar Translation Method that students learn grammatical rules and then apply those rules by
translating sentences between the target language and the native language and Grammar Translation
Method is very good for teaching, even for this era it still effective, but Grammar Translation Method
also can be evolved by person, not only one person and maybe somebody already made this methode to
become more perfect.

The Grammar Translation Method also has Pros and Cons

The Pros is that the students is easy to learn by this method because there is no pressure on this
method. But not all student can deal with this method, some of them is hard to learn by this method, to
be honest this is a very effective method, but its not the best, of course by practice more, students will
be more understand.

For me, i would choose GTM(Grammar Translation Method) and improve it features, by also telling the
students the meaning of every word that i just said and ask them to repeat, and hoping by doing this,
their understanding will be faster.

Again, this method is effective, but not the best, especially students with special student (a.k.a disabled)

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