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Class: 1 Subject: G science

Topic: Fish Duration: 40 mins Term:

1st Day: 1

Learning Objective/s:
Learners will be able to:
• Compare and contrast the characteristics/ features of fish.
• Identify different external bod parts of fish’s body.
 Worksheet
 Ppt
 video


Starter Activity: 5 mins

• Teacher can ask some riddles about fish e.g.
➢ If you go out on a boat and stay there until it’s late what is it that you
might catch with a rod, hook and some bait?
• Teacher can conduct a short questioning session.
➢ Which animals are mostly found in the ocean?
➢ Which type of body does a fish have?
 Lesson objectives will be shared with the students.
 VAK:
Practice (Teaching Strategies): 30 mins
After watching the video, a general introduction to the class of animals (fish) can
be given by the teacher i.e. why fish are placed in a separate class of animals and
which important / basic body features do they have? e.g. gills, scaly body, fins, lays eggs,
cold-blooded etc
Plenary: 5 mins
As a wrap up teacher can ask students to tell 3 facts that they learned today. 2
questions that they still have in mind and 1 opinion that they have formed after from
whole class.
Assessment Opportunities:
 The students will be assessed on their ability to answer the questions.

Class: 1 Subject: G science

Topic: Amphibians Duration: 40 min Term: 1st
Day: 2

Learning Objective/s:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
• Identify the different structures and characteristics of amphibians.
• Discover facts about parts of amphibians
 video
 worksheet

Starter Activity: 5 mins

• Talk To Your Partner: Teacher can ask children to turn towards their
partners and share what they know about an amphibian using talk to your
partner technique.
Teacher gathers the information they share through jotting down the points.
Lesson objectives will be shared.
Practice (Teaching Strategies): 30 mins
A thorough explanation can be given by the teacher to the students about who
amphibians are and which body features do they have i.e. breathing (with lungs on land
and with gills in water), cold- blooded, moist skin, lay eggs.
Plenary: 5 mins
As wrap up teacher can ask some questions about amphibians and their
features and students will answer using thumbs up and down.
Assessment Opportunities:
 The students will be assessed on their ability to respond and write the answers .

Class: 1 Subject: G science

Topic:Reptiles Duration: 40 mins
Term: 1st Day: 3

Learning Objective/s:
By the end of the lesson students will be able to
Describe the basic and prominent features and body structure of reptiles.
 Video
 worksheet

Starter Activity: 5 mins

• Teacher can paste some pictorial flash cards on the screen and ask children to
identify the reptiles given in the picture .
Presentation: 10 minutes
Lesson objectives will be shared.
Objective of the lesson to be discussed.
At the start of video teacher will keep children in surprise about what they are learning
today. Children will observe and listen to the info and will soon reveal that today’s topic
is reptiles.
Practice (Teaching Strategies): 20 mins
after watching the video an introduction to the reptiles will be given in
general i.e. to ask children which body features do they observe in reptiles?
e.g. their feet skin, body parts,movements etc.
Note to the teacher:
Teacher can give additional information to students based on their understanding level.

Plenary: 5 mins
Teacher will ask the names of reptiles and body features.

Assessment Opportunities:
 The students will be assessed on their ability to participate.

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