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Class 2 Computer Exam Dec 2019 ​ ​Name ____________________ /75

Tick the correct option /15

1. Useful tool made by man 13. Page up and page down keys are part of the
a) machine b) car c) calculator a) Function keys b) Cursor control
c) Typewriter area
2. Which machine is plain in shape?
a) Manual machine b) Automatic c) Simple 14. What stands for Personal Digital Assistant?
a) PDA b) NA c) PFA
3. Which machine is driven by fuel
a) Motorbike b) Telephone c) Watch 15. Which of these is a large type font

4. Machine helps us to do work at?

a) sana b) ​sana ​ c) s
​ ana

a) slow speed b) faster speed c) tool

speed Fill in the blanks /20

5. PC stands for? 1. _________ is plain in shape and easy to

a) Palmtop computer use.
b) Personal computer c) Power computer
2. There are _____ major types of
6. The background of the home screen is called automatic machine
a) desktop b) pointer c) icon
3. The computer is an _______ machine
7. How many parts of a computer are there?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 4. We sometimes call the computer a
8. Which of these is an input device?
a) Keyboard b) Monitor c) CPU 5. The monitor has two cables, one is called
9. Which of these is an output device?
a) Mouse b) Printer c) None 6. To start a program we can use
10. How many function keys are there?
a) 13 b) 12 c) 14 7. The mouse is an ________ device.

11. The numeric keys are used to type? 8. The pointer is an _______ device
a) Letters b) Numbers c) Symbols
9. The buttons on the keyboard are called
12. Numeric keyboard is used for? ______
a) Special functions b) Quick calculations
c) Symbols 10. Numeric keyboard is the _______ set.
6. What is the start button?
True (tick) or False (cross) /10

1. Simple machine is very easy to use 7. What are icons?

2. Manual machine is driven by electricity

8. What is hardware?
3. Machines help us to work faster

4. A Computer is also called a 9. What is the system unit?

Thinking machine

5. PDA stands for Palmtop Driven 10. How many types of pointer are there?

6. Laptop computers look like a notebook 11. Write down the names of four groups of
keys on a computer?
7. The keyboard is an output device

8. Software means a computer part 12. What is the function of the numeric
keypad on the keyboard
9. Computer has 2 types of memory

10. CPU is also called the microprocessor. 13. What is the cursor control key

14. Write down your name in 5 different

Answer the following questions. /30

1. How many types of computers are

15. Write 3 sentences about yourself, your
house or your school in different styles.
2. What is a desktop computer?

3. What is a PDA computer?

4. Which is the most popular operating


5. What does PC stand for?

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