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Blogging Directions & Schedule for 2010-11

Please write 200 to 250 words for each assignment, and then post it on your blog by Sunday evening of the following weekend. By the second
tutorial of the following week, you should have made relevant comments in a paragraph on at least three classmates’ posts. If you like, you can
read and comment on the posts of other classmates as well. Try to utilize the 7Cs as you write your post and as you make comments on others’

Week 2 (our start week) Blog set up/ Effective Communication Skills (Post #1)

Create your blog and forward your blog address to your tutor’s e-mail and/or upload to the class wiki. You can also send it to the members of
your blog group. Put the links for your classmates’ blog addresses on your blog.

For your first post, survey the various topics and skills that we will cover in this course. Next, explain clearly and concisely in 200-250 words
why effective communication skills are important for you.

After you have posted, read at least two of your blogging group members’ posts and at least one post by a member of your class group at large.
There is no limit, of course, on the number of posts you can read. However, what is most important is the quality of your response. You should
reflect on each one of the posts in light of your own understanding of effective communication skills, and you should offer appropriate insights in
the comments section of each post that you read.

Week 3 Resolving Interpersonal Conflict (Post #2)

For this post, describe in detail an interpersonal conflict situation, real or hypothetical. Describe the context of the conflict, the people involved,
the main problem, and the possible causes. Try to identify the feelings and/or motivations of the people involved. Finally, while considering the
main problem and your search for a solution, ask for feedback from your readers in the form of ONE question. Again, clarity and conciseness are
important, as is completeness in your telling.

As you read your classmates' posts on the same topic, analyze each in light of your understanding of the EQ principles, and then provide feedback
with appropriate insights and a possible solution. Again, the key here is for you to provide commentary that is based on what you have learned
about effective interpersonal communication.

Week 4 Application Letter Critique (Post #3)

Post your own position search application letter (the 2nd draft of the one you presented to peers in class).

Next, analyze the letters of at least three classmates, referencing the 7Cs in writing and principles of such correspondence. While critiquing,
discuss the positive and negative points, and suggest how the letter/email could be written more effectively.

Week 7 Evaluating Intercultural Behavior (Post #4)

For this post, consider the section entitled Fostering Intercultural Communication. Describe in writing the intercultural scenario that you observed
for Task 2.3 and present an interpretation in light of your understanding of culture and the fundamentals of effective communication.

As you read your blogging group classmates’ posts, comment on each scenario in light of your own understanding of effective intercultural

Week 12 Reflection on Oral Presentation (Post #5)

For this post, reflect on your own oral presentation. Evaluate it in terms of preparation, delivery and the use of slideware or other audiovisuals.
Try to mention both strengths and weaknesses.

Read and comment on the presentation reflections written by the specific members of the teams that you have been asked to evaluate.

Week 13 Final Reflection (Post #6)

For this final post, reflect on the communication/life skills that you have developed in this module, on your interactions in class and via the
blogging and on your overall learning. Again, this should be done analytically, with consideration of the 7Cs.

As you read your classmates’ posts, give them appropriate feedback on their reflection. And thank you for all your effort!

ES2007S/2010-11/Professional Communication: Principles and Practice/bb & gohkp

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