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Uliu Adelina

Life is about the journey, not the destination

Life is a journey full of crossroads, hardships, lessons and joys that ultimately lead
us to our destination. However, we should be aware that if we don’t focus on the
present day and constantly worry about the future, we will miss out on important
events and eventually regret it once we’re old.

In order to follow the right path for us, we must overcome certain obstacles that
will shape our mindset and our perception of life.

One thing we should also be aware is that time doesn’t stop for anyone, therefore
we mustn’t look back on past mistakes or opportunities we lost, we must simply
move forward and enjoy whatever is thrown at us and learn from past events in
order to become a better person.

Another thing that is essential to live our life to the fullest is not to be influenced
by other people’s goals and needs. You are your own person and you are unique in
your own way. All of us are different and happiness might have other meanings for
other people: if your happiness consists of travelling and exploring multiple
cultures that doesn’t mean that someone else’s happiness has the same definition-
for them it might be having a stable job and getting married.

People also constitute a major part of our journey-some might stay and some might
leave, however the mark that they have left is imperishable: we can always look
back on the lovely moments spent together and realize that we were truly happy.
Those moments give us strength to go on and make us wiser as we approach the
next step of our journey. But you should never let memories keep you stuck in a
place you have overgrown. Sometimes it is better to let go of certain people so you
can reach your so-called “destination”.

So, what is our actual destination? There is one thing about life that everyone
realizes sooner or later. It has no destination whatsoever. It is all about the pursuit.
There is just one thing that differentiates us as a species from any other on this
planet. We have hope. We never get satisfied with what we are or have achieved,
Uliu Adelina

for us the journey never ends. And when it does, that is the day that you actually
die regardless of when they bury you.

In essence - 'The climb is all there is.'

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