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United Development Company (Q.P.S.C.

P.O. Box 7256
Doha, Qatar
Fax: +974 40403717


IT.1 General

These instructions to Tenderer issued by UDC outline the procedures to be followed for
completing and submitting Tenders. Tenderer shall comply with the terms and conditions set
forth herein for its Tender Submission. Failure to provide all of the required materials and
information, or failure to comply fully with these instructions in any way may render the Tender
null and void.

IT.2 Validity of Tender

Tenders shall be valid for a period not less than one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days
from the closing date for submission of the Tenders. UDC intends to notify all Tenderers of
the result of their Tender Submission during this period.

IT.3 Familiarization with Laws of Qatar

Before submitting a Tender, the Tenderer shall thoroughly familiarize itself with all the laws,
including but not limited to Qatar Labor laws, applicable to the work or services to be performed,
and the Ministry of Economy and Trade requirement that any company carrying out works or
services in Qatar must be registered in its books prior to carrying out works or services in
Qatar. By submitting a Tender, the Tenderer is deemed to have made the necessary
allowances in the Tender Price for adhering to all laws, rules, regulations and procedures
applicable in the State of Qatar.

IT.4 Tender Documents and Acknowledgement

4.1 The documentation provided for the purpose of tendering (herein referred to as the “Tender
Documents”) consists of:

1. Invitation to Tender
2. Instructions to Tenderers
• Form of Acknowledgement
• Certificate of Compliance to the Tender Document
• Technical & Commercial Deliverables

3. RFP/Scope of Services: The existing design is based on 2014 QCDD regulations and is
for reference only. Tenderers are required to submit new design that is QCDD
compliant, for purpose and is in line with the latest QCDD regulations and other
applicable standards such as but not limited to NFPA, UL, FM, etc
4. UDC Terms & Conditions of contract

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4.2 The Tenderer shall ensure that the Tender Documents they have received are complete and
must return the Form of Acknowledgment as attached within 24 hours of receipt of the tender
documents. The Form of Acknowledgement must be completed, signed by a duly authorized
signatory of the Tenderers and delivered by hand or emailed as a PDF attachment to one of
the following numbers/address.

4.3 The Tenderer should notify UDC immediately if any discrepancy, omission or ambiguities are
discovered in the Tender Documents.

IT.6 Queries

6.1 Any queries relating to the Tender Documents or submitting a Tender must not be raised by
telephone or personal contact, but must be submitted in writing, preferably by mail / fax, to
the following address:

Mr. Rabi Sayed, Procurement Specialist

United Development Company
P.O. Box: 7256
Doha, Qatar
Fax No. +974-40403717

6.2 Any response issued will be distributed to all Tenderers without revealing the identity of the
originator. Queries must be received at the above address only and no later than seven (7)
calendar days prior to the Tender Closing Date; any queries after this time will be ignored.

6.3 Any queries or correspondence during the tendering process, including the Tender evaluation
period, must not be directed to any UDC employee by name nor any other address or fax
number other than that listed above. Any violation of this instruction by the Tenderer may
render the Tenderer’s submission invalid.

IT.7 Fully Informed

The Tenderer should inspect the worksite and surrounding location and must satisfy itself as
to the nature of the work, the correctness and sufficiency of the rates and prices submitted
and general local conditions, especially ground, climatic, sea water and weather conditions
which could affect work.

IT.8 Discrepancy

The Tenderer should notify UDC immediately if any discrepancy, omission or ambiguities are
discovered in the Tender Documents.

IT.9 Tender Bulletins

Any addendums, clarifications or meeting minutes will be issued as Tender Bulletins and sent
to all tenderer during the Tendering period. The Tenderer shall acknowledge receipt of all
Tender Bulletins on the “Form of Tender” and shall allow for any costs in connection therewith
in the Tender Price.

IT.10 Governing Language

The Tender Documents and all Tender submissions are to be in the English Language.

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IT.11 Tender Rates and Prices

The Tenderer shall submit Commercial Proposal which contains rates and prices as required
by the attached Scope of Services. All amounts are to be quoted in Qatar Riyals.

IT.12 Tender Bond

1.3 Million

IT.13 Performance Bond

10% of accepted contract amount.

IT.14 No Alterations to the Tender Documents

Any erasures, alterations, additions or deletion made to the Tender Documents and any
Tender submission shall be deemed unauthorized unless initiated by the person authorized to
sign the Tender. Any Tender that is incomplete or contains unauthorized alterations may be
Any mistakes made in completing the Tender Documents and corrected before the submission
of the Tender shall be initialed by the person authorized to sign the Tender.

IT.15 Submission of Tenders

As we are ensuring implementation of precautionary measures to safeguard ourselves from

the COVID-19 situation. The following submission method shall be followed:

➢ All bids to be submitted on or before the closing date & time by email to
➢ Two separate password protected ZIP files (clearly labeled as TECHNICAL and
COMMERCIAL) to be sent to
➢ Email should not to be copied anybody else.
➢ Proposals to be in PDF format as two files i.e. (1) Technical Proposal (2) Commercial
➢ The password for each ZIP file to be emailed separately to
➢ However, where applicable, tender bond shall be submitted in original to our office.

Not later than 1:00 PM on Wednesday 06th May 2020.

The Proposals must be received on the above time and date, at the above address either by
registered mail or by messenger. Messengers should obtain a receipt to confirm delivery time.
The method of delivery is the sole responsibility of the Tenderer.

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A. The Technical Proposal

The Technical proposal shall consist of the following:

a) Detailed Technical proposal as per Technical Deliverables with required supporting
b) Additional Attachments

B. The Commercial proposal

The Commercial proposal shall consist of the following:

a) Detailed commercial proposal as per tenderers understanding and expertise
b) Exceptions to the General Conditions of Contract with Cost Impact
*Form of Tender (If any) and BoQ rates should be typed and printed. Any proposal received with
handwritten prices, notes, remarks etc. shall be disqualified.

IT.16 Alternative Offers

Tenderer may propose the use of alternative procedures and/or material to those stated in the
Tender Documents in a separate envelope.

Tenderer may propose any reservations/exceptions on the contractual/commercial conditions.

However, exceptions on the contractual conditions should be preferably minimum.

IT.17 Corrections To and Clarifications of Tenders after Submission

Tenderers shall not be permitted to make corrections or amendments to their Tender for any
reason whatsoever after the time and date fixed for the submission of the Tender.

UDC shall adjust arithmetical or other errors made by the Tenderer as follows:

(a). Where the total of arithmetical errors is such that the Amount of Tender would have
increased, then the individual rates and prices shall be proportionally reduced such
that the Contract Price of the awarded Contract shall be the same as the Amount of

(b). Where the total of arithmetical errors is such that the Amount of Tender would have
been reduced, then the individual rates and prices shall each be corrected such that
the Contract Price of the awarded Contract shall be for the corrected and reduced

Any adjustment, correction, clarification or amendment made by UDC to a tender shall be

notified to the Tenderer prior to the award of the Contract.

Where the Amount of Tender is computed by a Tenderer by making a lump sum adjustment
to the summed total of the Bills of Quantities or to the summed total of a section of the Bills of
Quantities, then the lump sum adjustment so made will be deemed to apply proportionally to
the individual rates and prices throughout the Bills of Quantities or throughout that section of
the Bills of Quantities.

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IT.18 Acceptance or Rejection of Tenders and Incurred Costs

UDC is under no obligation to award a contract or accept the lowest or any Tender and will
not assign any reason for the rejection of any Tender. UDC may, at its sole discretion, accept
or reject any Tender in whole or part; split the requirement and award more than 2 Tenderers;
reject all Tenders; withdraw this invitation to tender at any time. UDC will not be responsible
for any costs or expenses incurred by the Tenderer in connection with its Tender, any site
visit, attending meetings, obtaining additional insurance, etc., or for the formation of the
contract should the Tenderer be successful.

The Tenderer shall not have any recourse for any redress if UDC, for whatever reason, awards
the Contract to another Tenderer or does not award any contract.

IT.19 Contract

Following acceptance by UDC of the tenderer’s proposals, UDC shall prepare Contract in
accordance with the terms and conditions attached herewith, subject to submission of
Performance Bond and Insurance (if required) from successful tenderer. The Successful
Tenderer shall be deemed to have agreed with the terms and conditions attached herewith
and comprehended the same in preparing and submitting their proposals unless they submit
any exceptions.

If successful tenderer fails to submit the Performance Bond and Insurance (if required) or fails
to sign the Contract without giving acceptable justification, UDC may, at its sole discretion,
without the need for summons or notice or other legal formalities encase the Tender Bond,
exercise any other rights stipulated in the Tender Documents, and notify the successful
tenderer that the Contract is, ipso facto, terminated.

IT.19 Project Duration

To be confirmed.

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Procurement Manager
United Development Company
P.O. Box: 7256
Doha, Qatar
Fax No.: (+974) 40403717

Dear Sir:


Tender No.: 1716

We hereby acknowledge having received the Tender Documents for the above Scope and advise the

a) That the Tender Documents have been received in good order and that we intend to complete
and submit the Tender in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers.

b) That the Tender Documents are incomplete and request the following:-

c) That we are unable to complete the Tender and therefore wish in this instance to decline the

Further, we hereby agree to keep permanently confidential all information contained herein or
subsequently made available to us in connection with any participation in the selection process. We
agree that any information provided will be used solely for the purpose of our participation in the
process. Such information may not be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to persons outside our
company at any time without the prior written consent of UDC. All written information, documents, etc.
provided to prospective Contractor must be returned to UDC or destroyed, in the event that we are
not the successful applicant. Information will be made known to personnel within our company only
on a “need to know” basis, and we are responsible for insuring that the foregoing obligations are
observed by the firm’s personnel.

Our representative for further contact with respect to this Tender is:

Name: _________________________________________
Position: _________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________
Tel & Fax: _________________________________________

Yours faithfully,

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CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE TO THE ‫شهادة إلتزام بمستندات المناقصة‬

Tender No.: XX ------:‫مناقصة رقم‬

Tender Title: XX
--------:‫عنوان المناقصة‬

Dear Sirs, ،‫تحية طيبة وبعد‬

In accordance with the details requested in xxxxx
(tender No), we hereby confirm compliance to
-------------- ‫باإلشارة إلى التفاصيل المطلوبة فى‬
the Instructions to Tenderer (ITT), Form of ‫ ) وباستثناء ما ورد من مالحظات‬--- ‫(المناقصة رقم‬
Agreement, General Conditions of Contract ‫ نؤكد‬، ------ ‫محددة والواردة في عرضنا وفقا ً للمرفق‬
(GCOC), Particular Conditions of Contract
(PCOC), Appendix ……, ……, …….., except for the
،‫بموجبه االلتزام بكتاب التعليمات المو َجه للعارض‬
issues specifically listed in our proposal as per the ‫ بالشروط الخاصة‬،‫ بالشروط العامة للعقد‬،‫بنموذج االتفاق‬
Annexure…….. . ------ ‫و‬-------‫ و‬------‫ بالملحق رقم‬،‫للعقد‬
We also understand, accept and unequivocally ‫ أنه في حالة‬،‫هذا وإننا نفهم ونقبل ونوافق بما ال لبس فيه‬
agree that in case, Tenderer’s proposal is
acceptable to UDC and the Contract is awarded
‫قبول عرض العارض من قبل الشركة المتحدة للتنمية ومنح‬
to the Tenderer, the Contract shall consist of the ،‫ أن يكون العقد متضمنا لنموذج االتفاق‬،‫العقد للعارض‬
Form of Agreement, GCOC, PCOC and duly ‫ للشروط الخاصة للعقد و المالحق‬،‫للشروط العامة للعقد‬
completed Appendices of UDC Tender Document
subject only to any deviations / exceptions that
‫المكتملة لمستندات مناقصة الشركة المتحدة للتنمية مع‬
are addressed and accepted by UDC through ‫االستثناءات المطروحة من قبلنا‬/‫مراعاة التعديالت‬
Tender Bulletins and Tender Clarifications. ‫والموافق عليها من قبل الشركة المتحدة للتنمية بموجب‬
.‫نشرات المناقصة وااليضاحات‬
Signature & date: :‫التوقيع والتاريخ‬
)‫(المفوض بالتوقيع‬

Full Name: :‫اإلسم الكامل‬


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Technical & Commercial Deliverables

1 Project Understanding & Methodology:

Bidder shall submit a statement in their own words which clearly demonstrates their understanding of the project scope
1-1 and a clear understanding of all deliverables as well as any assumptions, qualifications, or exclusions.

1-1- Does the methodology confirm that the bidder has included for the entire scope of services in the RFP
1 and TBs?

1-1- Does the methodology narrative demonstrate the bidder's understanding of complex nature of the project
2 (Design & Construction Build)?

1-1- Has the bidder included a list of proposed deliverables per stage including drawings, reports,
3 specifications, models, animation, material submittals, mock-ups et cetera?

Has the bidder demonstrated detailed itemized Cost Breakdown for construction (Material/Manpower)?
Bidder shall submit details outlining the specific steps to be taken in order for them to achieve the expected
1-2 deliverables.

1-2- Has the bidder articulated a robust approach to quality assurance and explained their outline check and
1 review process at each stage?

1-2- Has the bidder confirmed the software packages it is proposing to use? Are these reflective of leading
2 practice?

1-2- Has the bidder confirmed the codes and standards they will use in the delivery of the proposed scope of
3 services?

2 Strength of Specific Team Proposed:

2-1 Project Specific Organization Chart

Bidder to provide an org. chart to show the following:

- Project Management
- Design Coordination-
- Stakeholder Management and Permitting (AoR/EoR)
- Master planning
- Buildings Design Leads- Arch, ID, Struct, MEP
- Buildings design specialties - Façade, Acoustics, F&B, Life Safety, Security, Lighting, Signage &
Wayfinding, Branding, Models, CGI & Animations, Waste Management, Water features
- Civil Infra - Wet & Dry Utilities
1 - Roads & Bridges
- Traffic
- Environment
- Sustainability
- Marine
- Landscaping
- Budget Control
- Surveys (Bathymetric, Geotechnical and Topographical)
- Any other roles they consider to be key to the success of the project.

Does the org. chart show the base-office locations for key staff nominated to be in the project team?
2-1- Has the bidder provided a communication plan to explain the interrelationships and reporting lines within
3 its team, means of collaboration and control among offices bases?

2-2 Detailed Manpower & Resource Plan

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2-2- Bidder to provide a resource plan showing man-weeks/ man-months per disciple per stage over the
1 proposed programme.

Has the bidder included for adequate senior leadership input commensurate with design and build project
Nominated staff CVs and personnel credentials (proof of qualifications and past experience, professional
2-3 certificates, designations, etc.)

2-3- Have curriculum vitae been submitted for all key personnel and all disciplines leads required by the scope
1 of services?

2-3- Do the curriculum vitae submitted show an acceptable level of educational background and professional
2 experience?

2-3- Do the curriculum vitae submitted identify recent experience (within the past 5 years) in Design/Build
3 projects

Do the curriculum vitae submitted indicate experience in the proposed project role?

3 Proven Ability to Deliver Similar Schemes :

3-1 Company Introduction, outlining expertise and profile of services

Has the bidder provided evidence of experience in Design/Build projects?
Has the bidder provided evidence of experience in master planning of similar projects?
Has the bidder provided evidence of experience in Architectural , Structural and MEP engineering?
Has the bidder provided evidence of experience in infrastructure?
Has the bidder provided evidence of experience with the same design team and sub-contractors?
Bidder shall submit certificates of completed projects evidencing successful undertakings specifically
3-2 applicable to the requested Scope of Work (similar in nature and size/value of the project and with local

3-2- Does the submitted background and experience data for both the bidder and his sub-contractors show
1 acceptable depth and breadth of experience?

Has the bidder received professional recognition and awards for their work?
Does the bidder have comparable project experience in Qatar?
Bidder shall submit detailed client references pertaining to the above including:
3-3 - Name of the Client with Contact details
- Value of Services rendered with Start Date & Completion Date

3-3- Bidder to provide a table showing project name, scope of service provided, commission value,
1 engagement dates, client name and contact details as a minimum?

4 Programme for Services Design / Construction Build:

Bidder shall provide a clear timeline of the showing milestones and indicating their plan for commencing
4-1 and concluding the works within the stipulated timeframe.

Has the bidder identified design packages that suit the necessary construction sequencing required for
the project and provide coordinated detailed program including infrastructure, detailed design &
1 construction and mockup execution.

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4-1- Has the bidder demonstrated that it has allowed adequate durations for sufficient quality control and
2 adequate client engagement / review during all project stages?

Has the bidder demonstrated a thorough understanding of necessary permitting timelines?
Bidder shall provide an explanation of any risks or challenges of the project which may affect the
4-2 timeframe and mitigation plan.

Has the bidder identified pertinent project specific risks, impact and response plans?

5 Local Knowledge & Location:

5-1 Years of Experience in Qatar

Does the bidder have experience of obtaining master plan consents in Qatar?
Does the bidder have experience of obtaining DC1 and DC2 consents in Qatar?
Does the bidder have experience of obtaining building permit consents in Qatar?

6 USPs / Project-focused Solutions:

6-1 Demonstration of USPs

6-1- Examples would be adopting digital solutions for project delivery, innovations, proposed value additions to
1 the Vision Master Plan

a) Commercial Proposal deliverables. (Package-2)

S No. Commercial Proposal Deliverables

1 Covering letter.
2 Total Proposal amount.
3 Breakdown with Unit rates and BOQ.
4 Acceptance of Company (UDC) terms& conditions.
5 Additional Information, if any

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