Essay# 1 Name: Mark Allen S. Pascual Date: December 5, 2020: NSTP100 - National Service Training Program

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NSTP100 – National Service Training Program

Name: Mark Allen S. Pascual Date: December 5, 2020

What are Your Expectations to the CWTS Course?

Knowing the meaning of CWTS which is Civic Welfare Training Service, my first impression

to this course was there will be lessons and topics in which we will able to learn how can we

contribute to our community and to our country. My expectations to this course are, there will

be reflections about a certain topic and how can we deal about it. Also, since we are in a middle

of pandemic situation, online learning will be done by means of asynchronous tasks which are

watching video lectures and uploading tasks online.

Together with asynchronous tasks, I expect to have weekly synchronous tasks with our

instructor/facilitator which guide us through the module in this course. Tangent to this, we can

able to consult with our instructor regarding our concerns for this course. I also expect submission

of video presentation in which we can demonstrate a particular task. Also, I expect a discussion

in which I can able to see my classmates’ view and opinion to a certain topic so that we can share

information for us to learn something from each other.

As I finish this course, I am expecting to have learnings from the lessons and create more

realizations and insights about the course. In this way, I can able to contribute to the community

by applying my knowledge especially in science and research. CWTS will be a milestone as a

walkthrough my journey as a college student in Mapua.

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