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Lecturer :
Dr. Erna Iftanti,S.S., M.Pd.

Written by:

Yunita Ursula

Sausan Nafis Amin



Yunita Ursula Putri
Sausan Nafis Amin

A. Definition of Research and Development (R&D)

Research and Development define as a research method that aims to find, improve,
develop, produce products, test product, until the production of a standardized product in
accordance with the specified indicators. Or in other words as a research method that aims to
"produce a superior product" that is preceded by "preliminary research" before the product is
developed. This is done to ensure that the product to be developed is really the product
needed. Sugiyono (2011: 297) define research and development methods as a research
method used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products
(Sugiyono, 2011: 297).
Borg and Gall (2003) in their book “Educational Research”, stated that Educational
R&D is an industry-based development model in which the findings of reserach are used to
design new products and procedures, which then systematically field-tested, evaluated, and
refined until they meet specified criteria of effectiveness, quality, or similiar standards.
Effective, is a measure of product excellence in achieving learning objectives / competencies
in accordance with the criteria / indicators or standard of mastery learning that have been set
previously by the school, institution, or government. Therefore, in determining the criteria /
indicator or standard completeness needs to be done carefully and measurably. For this
reason, preliminary research is needed so that what has been determined is a realistic target
according to need. Efficient, meaning that the product being developed is capable provide
guarantees that in terms of time, cost, and energy needed to achieve certain learning goals /
competencies shorter, cheaper and lighter when compared by using previous learning
products. Quality, which means that the product developed must meet industry standards
from various aspects. In addition, one thing that must be considered from the aspect of
quality besides meeting industry standards is safety in using the product and is not harmful to

B. Main Characteristics of Research and Development (R&D)
Furthermore, Borg and Gall (1989) describe four main characteristics in research and
development, namely:
1. Studying research findings pertinent to the product to be develop
That is, conducting a study or initial research to look for findings research related to the
product to be developed.
2. Developing the product base on this findings
That is, developing products based on the research findings.
3. Field testing it in the settings where it will be used eventually
That is, carrying out field tests in settings or in actual situations where the product will be
4. Revising it to correct the deficiencies found in the field-testing stage.
That is, making revisions to correct the weaknesses found in the stages of the field test.

Based on the four main characteristics of R&D, it can be concluded that the main
characteristic of R&D is the existence of initial research steps related to the product to be
developed. Based on the results of these studies then educational products are designed and
developed and then tested and improved / revised.

C. Process in Conducting Research and Development (R&D)

1. Model Borg and Gall
According to Borg and Gall (1989: 782), what is meant by research and
development models is "a process used develop and validate educational products".
Sometimes this research is also called 'research based development', which appears as a
strategy and aims to improve the quality of education. In addition to developing and
validating educational outcomes, research and development also aims to discover new
knowledge through 'basic research', or to answer specific questions about practical issues
through 'applied research', which is used to improve educational practices.
Borg and Gall (1989: 783-795), the research and development (R&D) approach to
education includes ten steps. The chart of research steps is shown in the following figure.

Research and Preliminary
Information field testing

Operational Operational Main field Main product

field testing product testing revision

Final product Dissemination

revision and

Figure 4. Steps for using the Research and Development Method (R&D) according to Borg
and Gall.

Furthermore, to be able to understand each of these steps can be explained as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting
This first step includes a needs analysis, literature study, small-scale research and
required reporting standards.
a. Needs analysis: To Planning
conduct a needs analysis Develop
there are several criteria, namely 1) Is
the product to be developed important for education? 2) Does the product have the
form of product
possibility to be developed? 3) Are there people who have the skills, knowledge
and experience that will develop the product? 4) Is the time to develop the product
b. Literature study: Literature study is carried out for a temporary introduction to the
product to be developed. This literature study was undertaken to gather research
findings and other information related to planned product development.
c. Small-scale research: Developers often have questions that cannot be answered by
reference to learning reseach or professional texts. Therefore the developer needs to
do a small-scale research to find out a few things about the product to be developed.

2. Planning
After conducting a preliminary study, the developer can continue the second step,
which is planning research. The R & D research plan includes: 1) formulating research
objectives; 2) estimating funds, labor and time; 3) formulating the qualifications of
researchers and forms of participation in research.
3. Develop Preliminary of Product
These steps include: 1) Determine the design of the product to be developed
(hypothetical design); 2) determine the research facilities and infrastructure needed
during the research and development process; 3) determine the stages of carrying out
product design tests in the field; 4) determine the job description of the parties involved
in the research.
4. Preliminary Field Testing
This step is a limited product test. These steps include: 1) conducting an initial
field test of the product design; 2) are limited, both the substance of the design and the
parties involved; 3) the initial field test is carried out repeatedly in order to obtain a
decent design, both substance and methodology.
5. Main Product Revision
This step is an improvement of the model or design based on limited field testing.
Refinement of the initial product will be carried out after a limited field trial. In the initial
product improvement phase, more is done by obtaining qualitative. Evaluations are
carried out on the evaluation of the process, so that improvements are made to internal
6. Main Field Test
The step is a broader product test. This step includes 1) testing the effectiveness
of product design; 2) design effectiveness tests, in general, use a repetition model
experimental technique; 3) The results of the field test are obtained effective design, both
in terms of substance and methodology.
7. Operational Product Revision
This step is the second improvement after conducting a field test that is broader
than the first field test. Completion of the product from the results of this wider field test
will further strengthen the products we have developed, because in the previous field trial

phase carried out with a control group. The designs used are pretest and posttest. In
addition to internal improvements. This product improvement is based on evaluating the
results so the approach used is a quantitative approach.
8. Operational Field Testing
This step should cover a large scale: 1) test the effectiveness and adaptability of
the product design; 2) design effectiveness and adabtability tests involve potential users
of the product; 3) the results of the field test are obtained design models that are ready to
be applied, both in terms of substance and methodology.
9. Final Product Revision
This step will further improve the product being developed. Enhancement of the
final product is deemed necessary for more accurate products being developed. At this
stage, we have found a product whose level of effectiveness can be accounted for. The
improvement of the final product has a reliable "generalization" value.
10. Dissemination and Implementation
Report on the results of R&D through scientific forums, or through mass media.
Product distribution must be done after going through quality control. Data analysis
techniques, the steps in the research and development process known as the circle of
research and development according to Borg and Gall consist of:
a. Examine the results of research relating to the product to be developed,
b. Developing products based on research results,
c. Field test
d. Reduce the division found in the field trial phase.
2. Process of Research and Development (R&D) according to Adnan Latief
According to Latief (2017: 188), the process of Research & Development involves seven
1. Classroom problems related to instructional supporting documents (ike syllabus,
texbook, media) as well as assessment instruments are identified to be solved.
2. Theories, principles, or criteria of effective instructional supporting documents and
assessment instruments are reviewed from related references, from teacher
references, from discussion with colleagues.

3. The selected instructional documents or assessment instruments considered to be
the cause of the problem is developed based on related principles, theories, or
criteria that have been studied.
4. The product is reviewed closely by the researcher to make sure that all the
appropriate principles have been applied inthe development of the product.
5. The product is validated to related experts and revised accordingly to get quality
assurance. A textbook development may need validation from experts in
curriculum, classroom instruction, assessment, picture drawing, etc.
6. The instructional product is tried out in a small scale and revised based on the
results of try-out. Targeted criteria of success are needed to determine the
acceptibility of the product. Try out to a larger group of students may be needed to
get more feedbacks for the product revision.
7. The final product is published. The product must be a set of educational products
that are ready to support classroom instructions. R&D may plan to produce a set of
English instructional materials for grade VII students covering (1) Unit Lesson
Program, (2) Students Work Sheet, (3) Evaluation Sheet, and (4) Teachers book.
D. Research Objective in R&D
According to Latief (2017: 189), R&D only needs one research objective, indicating
the problems to be solved and the specification of the educational products to be developed.
Additional sub objectives may be added to elaborate the main objective. For example in
developing writing instructional materials, the main objective is “to produce instructional
writing materials based on contextual teaching and learning to develop students’ skills
inwriting narrative paragraphs” can be broken down into five sub objectives; (1) developing
instructional writing materials for activating schemata, (2) developing instructional writing
materials for brainstormingg, (3) developing instructional writing materials for drafting, (4)
developing instructional writing materials for editing, and (5) developing instructional
writing materials for publishing. These five objectives make up one instructional writing
E. Data collection and Data Analysis in R&D
Research data are collected and analyzed based on the purpose of the research. Data
are needed and analyzed in the process of expert validation, qualitative data from experts’

judgement are collected and used as the basis of revision of the product being developed. In
the empirical process data are collected from students’ opinion and achievement and are
analyzed to give feedback for revision of the product. In R&D, there is no need to have sub
headings on Data, Data Collection, Instruments, and Data Analysis as those topics are
discussed under the validation process and empirical process (Latief, 2017:190).


Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. Gall. (1989). Educational Research: An Introduction, Fifth Edition.
New York: Longman
Borg, W.R. & Gall, M.D. Gall. (2003). Educational Research: An Introduction, Seventh Edition.
Boston: Pearson Education Inc, 2003.
Latief, M.A. (2017). Research Methods on Language Learning an Introduction. -6th Ed. Malang :
Universitas Negeri Malang.
Sugiyono. (2011). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung. Alfabeta.

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